Software teSting BaSicS 29
confirmation testing to test if the defect is removed. It’s very possible because
of this defect or changes to the application that other sections of the application
are affected. So to ensure that no other section is affected we can use regression
testing to confirm this.
(I) what Is coverage and what are the dIfferent
types of coverage technIques?
Coverage is a measurement used in software testing to describe the degree
to which the source code is tested. There are three basic types of coverage
techniques as shown in the following figure:
Statement coverage: This coverage ensures that each line of
source code has been executed and tested.
Decision coverage: This coverage ensures that every decision
(true/false) in the source code has been executed and tested.
Path coverage: In this coverage we ensure that every possible
route through a given part of code is executed and tested.
(a) how does a coverage tool work?
Note: We will be covering coverage tools in more detail in later chapters, but
for now let’s discuss the fundamentals of how a code coverage tool works.
FIGURE 34 Coverage techniques
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