30 Software teSting interview QueStionS
While doing testing on the actual product, the code coverage testing tool
is run simultaneously. While the testing is going on, the code coverage tool
monitors the executed statements of the source code. When the final testing
is completed we get a complete report of the pending statements and also
get the coverage percentage.
FIGURE 35 Coverage tool in action
(B) what Is confIguratIon management?
Configuration management is the detailed recording and updating of
information for hardware and software components. When we say components
we not only mean source code. It can be tracking of changes for software
documents such as requirement, design, test cases, etc.
When changes are done in adhoc and in an uncontrolled manner chaotic
situations can arise and more defects injected. So whenever changes are
done it should be done in a controlled fashion and with proper versioning.
At any moment of time we should be able to revert back to the old version.
The main intention of configuration management is to track our changes if
we have issues with the current system. Configuration management is done
using baselines.
Note: Please refer the baseline concept in the next question.
(B) can you explaIn the BaselIne concept In
software development?
Baselines are logical ends in a software development lifecycle. For
instance, let’s say you have software whose releases will be done in phases,
Software teSting BaSicS 31
i.e., Phase 1, Phase 2, etc. You can baseline your software product after every
phase. In this way you will now be able to track the difference between
Phase 1 and Phase 2. Changes can be in various sections. For instance, the
requirement document (because some requirements changed), technical
(due to changes in the architecture), source code (source code changes),
test plan changes, and so on.
For example, consider the following figure which shows how an accounting
application had undergone changes and was then baselined with each
version. When the accounting application was released it was released with
ver 1.0 and baselined. After some time some new features where added and
version 2.0 was generated. This was again a logical end so we again baselined
the application. So now in case we want to trace back and see the changes
from ver 2.0 to ver 1.0 we can do so easily. After some time the accounting
application went through some defect removal, ver 3.0 was generated, and
again baselined and so on.
The following figure depicts the various scenarios.
Baselines are very important from a testing perspective. Testing on a
software product that is constantly changing will not get you anywhere. So
when you actually start testing you need to first baseline the application so
that what you test is for that baseline. If the developer fixes something then
create a new baseline and perform testing on it. In this way any kind of conflict
will be avoided.
FIGURE 36 Baseline
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