Software teSting BaSicS 37
test cases are written. Black box test cases do not require system understanding
but white box testing needs more structural understanding. And structural
understanding is clearer in the later part of project, i.e., while executing or
designing. For black box testing you need to only analyze from the functional
perspective which is easily available from a simple requirement document.
(I) can you explaIn cohaBItIng software?
When we install the application at the end client it is very possible that on
the same PC other applications also exist. It is also very possible that those
applications share common DLLs, resources etc., with your application. There
is a huge chance in such situations that your changes can affect the cohabiting
software. So the best practice is after you install your application or after any
changes, tell other application owners to run a test cycle on their application.
FIGURE 42 White box and black box test cases
FIGURE 43 Cohabiting software
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