Software teSting BaSicS 47
(I) what group of teams can do software testIng?
When it comes to testing everyone in the world can be involved right from
the developer to the project manager to the customer. But below are different
types of team groups which can be present in a project.
Isolated test team: This is a special team of testers which do only testing.
The testing team is not related to any project. It’s like having a pool of testers
in an organization, which are picked up on demand by the project and after
completion again get pushed back to the pool. This approach is costly but the
most helpful because we have a different angle of thinking from a different
group, which is isolated from development.
Outsource: In outsourcing, we contact an external supplier, hire testing
resources, and do testing for our project. Again, there are it has two sides of
the coin. The good part is resource handling is done by the external supplier.
So you are freed from the worry of resources leaving the company, people
management, etc. But the bad side of the coin is outsourced vendors do not
have domain knowledge of your business. Second, at the initial stage you need
to train them on domain knowledge, which is again, an added cost.
Inside test team: In this approach we have a separate team, which belongs to
the project. The project allocates a separate budget for testing and this testing
team works on this project only. The good side is you have a dedicated team
and because they are involved in the project they have strong knowledge of
it. The bad part is you need to budget for them which increases the project
Developers as testers: In this approach the developers of the project perform
the testing. The good part of this approach is developers have a very good
idea of the inner details so they can perform good level of testing. The bad
part of this approach is the developer and tester are the same person, so it’s
very likely that many defects can be missed.
QA/QC team: In this approach the quality team is involved in testing. The
good part is the QA team is involved and a good quality of testing can be
expected. The bad part is that the QA and QC team of any organization is
also involved with many other activities which can hamper the testing quality
of the project.
48 Software teSting interview QueStionS
The following diagram shows the different team approaches.
FIGURE 50 Types of teams
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