CMMi 69
(i) What are different Models in CMMi?
(i) Can yoU explain staged and ContinUoUs Models
in CMMi?
There are two models in CMMI. The first is “staged” in which the maturity
level organizes the process areas. The second is “continuous” in which the
capability level organizes the process area.
Figure: 74 Implementation and institutionalization 
Figure 75 CMMI models
70 Software teSting interview QueStionS
The following figure shows how process areas are grouped in both
Lets try to understand both the models in more detail. Before we move
ahead let’s discuss the basic structure of the CMMI process, goal, and practices.
A process area, as said previously, is a group of practices or activities performed
to achieve a specific objective. Every process area has specific as well as generic
goals that should be satisfied to achieve that objective. To achieve those goals we
need to follow certain practices. So again to achieve those specific goals we have
specific practices and to achieve generic goals we have generic practices.
In one of our previous questions we talked about implementation and
institutionalization. Implementation can be related to a specific practice while
institutionalization can be related to generics practices. This is the common
basic structure in both models: Process area Specific/Generic goals
Specific/Generic practice.
Now lets try to understand model structures with both types of
representations. In a staged representation, we revolve around the maturity
level as shown in the following figure. All processes have to be at one maturity
level, while in a continuous representation we try to achieve capability levels in
those practices. The following diagram shows how continuous representation
revolves around capability. Continuous representation is used when the
Figure 76 Staged and continuous models 
CMMi 71
organization wants to mature and perform in one specific process area only. Let’s
say for instance in a non-IT organization we want to only improve the supplier
agreement process. So that particular organization will only concentrate on the
SAM and try to achieve a good capability level in that process area.
Figure 77 Staged representation
Figure 78 Continuous representation 
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