80 Software teSting interview QueStionS
improve process. Below are the two process areas in Level 5 as shown in figure
below. In order to get level 5 all level 4 PAs should be satisfied. So the basic
difference between level 4 and level 5 is in Level 4 we have already achieved
a good level of quality, and in level 5 we are trying to improve the quality.
(i) What different soUrCes are needed to verify
aUthentiCity for CMMi iMpleMentation?
There are three different sources from which an appraiser can verify that an
organization followed the process or not.
Instruments: An instrument is a survey or questionnaire provided to the
organization, project, or individuals before starting the assessment so that
beforehand the appraiser knows some basic details of the project.
Interview: An interview is a formal meeting between one or more members
of the organization in which they are asked some questions and the appraiser
makes some judgments based on those interviews. During the interview the
member represents some process area or role which he performs. For instance,
the appraiser may interview a tester or programmer asking him indirectly what
metrics he has submitted to his project manager. By this the appraiser gets a
fair idea of CMMI implementation in that organization.
Documents: A document is a written work or product which serves as evidence
that a process is followed. It can be hard copy, Word document, email, or any
type of written official proof.
The following figure is the pictorial view of the sources used to verify how
compliant the organization is with CMMI.
Figure 87 Different data sources used for verification
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