CMMi 85
(a) Can yoU explain iMpleMentation of CMMi in one of
the Key proCess areas?
Note: This question will be asked to judge whether you have actually
implemented CMMI in a proper fashion in your oganization. To answer this
question, we will be using SAM as the process area. But you can answer with
whatever process area you have implemented in your organization.
For the following SAM process there are the two SG1 and SG2 practices which
need to be implemented to satisfy the process area. SAM helps us to define
our agreement with the supplier while procuring products in the company.
Let’s see, in the next step, how we have mapped our existing process with the
SAM practices defined in CMMI.
Figure 94 SAM process area
86 Software teSting interview QueStionS
SAM is a process adopted by the company. If anyone wants to demand
any product he has to first raise demand for the item by using the demand
form which is defined by the company. Depending on demand the supervisor
defines which acquisition type the demand is. For instance, is it a production
acquisition type, office material acquisition type, or another type. Once the
acquisition type is decided the organization places an advertisement in the
newspaper to ask suppliers for quotes. Once all quotations are received
depending on cost, quality, and other factors the final supplier is decided. The
supplier is then called to the office and he has to sign an agreement with the
organization for the delivery of the product. Once the agreement is signed
the supplier sends a sample product which is analyzed by the organization
practically. Finally, the product is accepted and the supplier is then asked to
Figure 95 SAM process area mapped
CMMi 87
send the complete delivery of all products. The product is accepted in the
organization by issuing the supplier a proper invoice. The invoice document
says that the product is accepted by the organization officially. When the
product is installed in the organization then either someone from the supplier
side comes for the demo or a help brochure is shipped with the product.
The above explanation is from the perspective of the how the organization
manages its transactions with the supplier. Now let’s try to map how the above
process fits in the CMMI model. In the above diagram the circled descriptions
are process areas of CMMI.
CMMI process Organization process
Determine acquisition type In the above process the demand form
decides what the acquisition type of the
product is.
Select suppliers Looking at the quotation the supplier is
reviewed and the selection is done.
Establish supplier agreements In the above process we have a step when
we sign an agreement with the supplier
which establishes all the terms and
conditions for the supplier agreement.
Review product One of the steps of the process is that the
supplier has to send a sample which is
reviewed by the organization.
Execute supplier agreements The supplier agreement is executed by
accepting the invoice.
Accept acquired product The invoice is the proof of acceptance of
the product.
Transition products In the above process the transition of the
product either happens through help
brochures or when the demo person
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