118 Software teSting interview QueStionS
(i) can you explain hoW the numBer of defects are
The number of defects is one of the measures used to measure test
effectiveness. One of the side effects of the number of defects is that all
bugs are not equal. So it becomes necessary to weight bugs according to
there criticality level. If we are using the number of defects as the metric
measurement the following are the issues:
The number of bugs that originally existed significantly
impacts the number of bugs discovered, which in turns gives a
wrong measure of the software quality.
All defects are not equal so defects should be numbered with
a criticality level to get the right software quality measure.
The following are three simple tables which show the number of defects
SDLC phase-wise, module-wise and developer-wise.
Figure 112 Number of defects phase-wise
Figure 113 Number of defects module-wise
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