teSting eStimation 157
Distributed Data Processing
How are distributed data and processing functions handled?
Rating  Description
0 Application does not aid the transfer of data or processing functions
between components of the system.
1 Application prepares data for end-user processing on another
component of the system such as PC spreadsheets or PC DBMS.
2 Data is prepared for transfer, then is transferred and processed on
another component of the system (not for end-user processing).
3 Distributed processing and data transfer are online and in one direction
4 Distributed processing and data transfer are online and in both
5 Processing functions are dynamically performed on the most appropriate
component of the system.
Table 6  Distributed data processing 
Rating  Description
0 Application uses pure batch processing or a stand-alone PC.
1 Application uses batch processing but has remote data
entry or remote printing.
2 Application uses batch processing but has remote data
entry and remote printing.
3 Application includes online data collection or TP
(Teleprocessing) front-end to a batch process or query
4 Application is more than a front-end, but supports only one
type of TP communications protocol.
5 Application is more than a front-end, and supports more
than one type of TP communications protocol.
Table 5  Data communication
158 Software teSting interview QueStionS
Did the user require response time or throughput?
Rating  Description
0 No special performance requirements were stated by the user.
1 Performance and design requirements were stated and reviewed but no
special actions were required.
2 Response time or throughput is critical during peak hours.No special design
for CPU utilization was required. Processing deadline is for the next business
3 Response time or throughput is critical during all business hours. No special
design for CPU utilization was required. Processing deadline requirements
with interfacing systems are constraining.
4 In addition, stated user performance requirements are stringent enough to
require performance analysis tasks in the design phase.
5 In addition, performance analysis tools were used in the design,
development, and/or implementation phases to meet the stated user
performance requirements.
Table 7  Performance
Heavily Used Configuration
How heavily used is the current hardware platform where the application 
will be executed?
Rating  Description
0 No explicit or implicit operational restrictions are included.
1 Operational restrictions do exist, but are less restrictive than a typical
application. No special effort is needed to meet the restrictions.
2 Some security or timing considerations are included.
3 Specific processor requirement for a specific piece of the application is
4 Stated operation restrictions require special constraints on the application
in the central processor or a dedicated processor.
5 In addition, there are special constraints on the application in the
distributed components of the system.
Table 8  Heavily used configuration
teSting eStimation 159
Transaction Rate
How frequently are transactions executed; daily, weekly, monthly, etc.?
Rating  Description
0 No peak transaction period is anticipated.
1 Peak transaction period (e.g., monthly, quarterly, seasonally, annually) is
2 Weekly peak transaction period is anticipated.
3 Daily peak transaction period is anticipated.
4 High transaction rate(s) stated by the user in the application requirements
or service-level agreements are high enough to require performance analysis
tasks in the design phase.
5 High transaction rate(s) stated by the user in the application requirements
or service-level agreements are high enough to require performance analysis
tasks and, in addition, require the use of performance analysis tools in the
design, development, and/or installation phases.
Table 9  Transaction rate
Online Data Entry
What percentage of the information is entered online?
Rating  Description
0 All transactions are processed in batch mode.
1 1% to 7% of transactions are interactive data entry.
2 8% to 15% of transactions are interactive data entry.
3 16% to 23% of transactions are interactive data entry.
4 24% to 30% of transactions are interactive data entry.
5 More than 30% of transactions are interactive data entry.
Table 10  Online data entry
End-user Efficiency
Was the application designed for end-user efficiency? There are seven end-
user efficiency factors which govern how this point is rated.
160 Software teSting interview QueStionS
YES OR NO  End-user Efficiency Factor.
1 Navigational aids (e.g., function keys, jumps, dynamically
generated menus).
2 Menus.
3 Online help and documents.
4 Automated cursor movement.
5 Scrolling.
6 Remote printing (via online transactions).
7 Preassigned function keys.
8 Batch jobs submitted from online transactions.
9 Cursor selection of screen data.
10 Heavy use of reverse video, highlighting, colors underlining, and
other indicators.
11 Hard copy user documentation of online transactions.
12 Mouse interface.
13 Pop-up windows.
14 As few screens as possible to accomplish a business function.
15 Bilingual support (supports two languages; count as four items).
16 Multilingual support (supports more than two languages; count
as six items).
Table 11  End-user efficiency factor
Rating  Description
0 None of the above.
1 One to three of the above.
2 Four to five of the above.
3 Six or more of the above, but there are no specific user requirements related
to efficiency.
4 Six or more of the above and stated requirements for end-user efficiency are
strong enough to require design tasks for human factors to be included (for
example, minimize keystrokes, maximize defaults, use of templates).
5 Six or more of the above and stated requirements for end-user efficiency are
strong enough to require use of special tools and processes to demonstrate
that the objectives have been achieved.
Table 12  End-user efficiency
teSting eStimation 161
Online Update
How many ILFs are updated by online transactions?
Rating  Description
0 None of the above.
1 Online update of one to three control files is included. Volume of updating
is slow and recovery is easy.
2 Online update of four or more control files is included. Volume of updating
is low and recovery is easy.
3 Online update of major internal logical files is included.
4 In addition, protection against data lost is essential and has been specially
designed and programmed in the system.
5 In addition, high volumes bring cost considerations into the recovery
process. Highly automated recovery procedures with minimum operator
intervention are included.
Table 13  Online update
Complex Processing
Does the application have extensive logical or mathematical processing?
YES OR NO  Complex Processing Factor
1 Sensitive control (for e.g., special audit processing) and/or
application specific security processing.
2 Extensive logical processing.
3 Extensive mathematical processing.
4 Much exception processing results in incomplete transactions
that must be processed again, for example, incomplete ATM
transactions caused by TP interruption, missing data values, or
failed edits.
5 Complex processing to handle multiple input/output
possibilities, for example, multimedia, or device independence.
Table 14  Complex processing factor
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