13.6. The File System Flush Daemon

The fsflush process writes modified pages to disk at regular intervals. The fsflush process scans through physical memory looking for dirty pages. When it finds one, it initiates a write (or putpage) operation on that page.

The fsflush process is launched by default every 5 seconds and looks for pages that have been modified (the modified bit is set in the page structure) more than 30 seconds ago. If a page has been modified, then a page-out is scheduled for that page, but without the free flag so the page remains in memory. The fsflush daemon flushes both data pages and inodes by default. Table 13-15 describes the parameters that affect the behavior of fsflush.

Table 13-15. Parameters That Affect fsflush
Parameter Description Min Solaris 2.7 Default
tune_t_fsflushr The number of seconds between fsflush scans. 1 5
autoup Pages older than autoup in seconds are written to disk. 1 30
doiflush By default, fsflush flushes both inode and data pages. Set to 0 to suppress inode updates. 0 1
dopageflush Set to 0 to suppress page flushes. 0 1

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