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#Lart and #Nanae, A Date with a Spam Queen
9/11, 9/11


Acme 5X24 series time transducing capacitor, The Time-Travel Spammer
Afterburner, Spamford Meets Hacker-X
on, Spamford Meets Hacker-X
Agreement Concerning the Operation of Bulk Hosted Web Sites, Shiksaa and the Pink Contracts
Al-Zalzalah, Saied, Nanae Battles over Block Lists
violent threats against Steve Linford, The Shiksaa Shakedown
alt.2600, Spamford Meets Hacker-X
Amazing Internet (Pinacle herbal product), The Pinacle Partnership Program
AMD Dimensional Warp Generator, The Time-Travel Spammer
American Knife Depot, Ho, Ho, Ho, the Nazis Didn’t Show
American Nationalist Party (ANP), Ho, Ho, Ho, the Nazis Didn’t Show
American Red Cross, 9/11
amount consumers spend on spam, Introduction
Androstenone spam, Hawke Rips Off Dr. Fatburn
reasons to target with spam, Mad Pierre’s Homage to Shiksaa
v. Davis Hawke et al., AOL v. Davis Hawke et al.
Apex Global Information Systems (AGIS), Spamford Meets Hacker-X
Archie, Jennifer, Introduction, AOL v. Davis Hawke et al., AOL v. Davis Hawke et al.
Asensio, Cheryl, Fighting Dr. Fatburn
AT&T pink contract, Shiksaa and the Pink Contracts
Atkins, Steve, Terri TickleDescends on Nanae
Aureate Media, Hawke Tutors Bournival
Australia, Epilogue
Avalanche spam software, Shiksaa Plays Peacemaker, David D’Amato, the Titanic Spammer


Banks, Tony, Rokso listing, The Pinacle Partnership Program
Banned CD, Hawke Concedes to an Anti, Mad Pierre’s Homage to Shiksaa
BCI (Bureau of Criminal Investigations), Hoffman Catches Tom Cowles
Behind Enemy Lines web site, A Date with a Spam Queen
Biedron, Jon, Fighting Dr. Fatburn
binary bombs, Terri TickleDescends on Nanae
Blacklist of Internet Advertisers, Spamhaus Takes on Sue You Net
blacklisting ISPs, Spamhaus Takes on Sue You Net
Bo Decker, Birth of a Spam King, Ho, Ho, Ho, the Nazis Didn’t Show
Boe, Randall (AOL general counsel), AOL v. Davis Hawke et al.
Boes, Paul (Rokso listing), Karen Hoffmann, Sock Puppet
Boldt, Alex, Spamhaus Takes on Sue You Net
Bournival, Brad, Hawke Takes on an Apprentice, Hawke Tutors Bournival, Amazing Internet Products, Patricia’s Graveyard Gambit, Epilogue
attempts to comply with CAN-SPAM, The Phoenix Company
cooperation in AOL lawsuit, AOL v. Davis Hawke et al.
introduction to spam by Davis Hawke, Hawke Takes on an Apprentice
SMS spamming, The Phoenix Company
tournament chess and, Hawke Goes Home to Rhode Island
Bowling Green Municipal Courthouse, Hoffman Catches Tom Cowles
Brightmail, Epilogue
Brower, Adam (Spamhaus team member), The Shiksaa Shakedown, The Shiksaa Shakedown, The Shiksaa Shakedown, Karen Hoffmann, Sock Puppet
Brunner, Andrew, Shiksaa Plays Peacemaker, Hawke Rips Off Dr. Fatburn, Epilogue
Bubba Catts, Bubba Catts and the Crank Callers
Bulk Barn, Fighting Dr. Fatburn
Bulk ISP Corporation, Nanae Battles over Block Lists
Bulkbook, The, Amazing Internet Products
Burns, Conrad (Senator), CAN-SPAM
Bush, George W., CAN-SPAM


CAN-SPAM (Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act of 2003), 9/11, CAN-SPAM, Epilogue
first lawsuits, AOL v. Davis Hawke et al.
FTC bounty system, Shiksaa Hangs Up Her LART
Castaneda, Paola, Hawke Goes Home to Rhode Island
CAUCE (Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email), 9/11, CAN-SPAM
Certified Natural, Amazing Internet Products, The Pinacle Partnership Program, The Phoenix Company
chickenboner, Spamford Meets Hacker-X, Bubba Catts and the Crank Callers, David D’Amato, the Titanic Spammer, The Shiksaa Shakedown, The Shiksaa Shakedown, Shiksaa Hangs Up Her LART
childhood asthma, highest rates of, Hawke Goes Home to Rhode Island
Christian Brothers, Shiksaa Meets the Cyanide Idiot
Cinco de Mayo Cyberpromo Mailbomb Day, Spamford Meets Hacker-X
Clark, Mike, Hawke Goes Home to Rhode Island, Amazing Internet Products, Amazing Internet Products, The Pinacle Partnership Program, The Pinacle Partnership Program, The Phoenix Company, The Phoenix Company
Club Plum Crazy, Epilogue
co-reg mailing lists, Shiksaa Meets Scott Richter
coffee and cats, The Education of an Anti-Spammer, Hawke Rips Off Dr. Fatburn
Conley, Glenn, Shiksaa, the Spammer Tracker
Connolly, Bruce (Rosko listing), The Pinacle Partnership Program
cost of spam, Introduction
Cotreau, Kevin, Amazing Internet Products
Cowles, Dasha, Hoffman Catches Tom Cowles
photographing Karen Hoffmann, Hoffman Catches Tom Cowles
Cowles, Tom, Tracking Empire Towers, Hoffman Catches Tom Cowles, Creampie Productions, Creampie Productions, Epilogue
arrest, Hoffman Catches Tom Cowles
falling out with Eddy Marin, Tracking Empire Towers
MassiveMail spamware, Tracking Empire Towers
Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigations and, Hoffman Catches Tom Cowles
post-9/11 spam, 9/11
release from jail, Hoffman Catches Tom Cowles
wife Dasha, Hoffman Catches Tom Cowles
Cross, Winston, Mad Pierre’s Homage to Shiksaa
Cyanide Idiot, Shiksaa Meets the Cyanide Idiot
Cyber Angels, Terri TickleDescends on Nanae
Cyber Promotions, Spamford Meets Hacker-X
CyberCreek, Shiksaa Plays Peacemaker
Avalanche bulk-email software, Mad Pierre’s Homage to Shiksaa
Cyto International, Jason Vale Held in Contempt


Dark Mailer, The Phoenix Company, The Gingerbread Man
DDOS (distributed denial-of-service), Rise of the Spam Zombies
death threat to anti-spammer, Shiksaa, the Spammer Tracker
Deja News, The Education of an Anti-Spammer
Details magazine, Karen Hoffmann, Sock Puppet
dictionary attack, The Education of an Anti-Spammer, Tracking Empire Towers
Dimensional Displacement Diversion Act, The Time-Travel Spammer
Direct Marketing Association (DMA), Introduction, 9/11
dirty mailing lists, Shiksaa Meets Scott Richter
distributed denial-of-service attack on, Rise of the Spam Zombies
DMA, 9/11
Dorenkov, Natasha (pseudonym of Karen Hoffmann), Karen Hoffmann, Sock Puppet
Dr. Fatburn, Introduction, Amazing Internet Products, The Time-Travel Spammer, The Phoenix Company, Epilogue
counterfeit software and, Fighting Dr. Fatburn
first spam, David D’Amato, the Titanic Spammer
ripped off by Davis Hawke, Hawke Rips Off Dr. Fatburn
Dreighton, Mad Pierre’s Homage to Shiksaa, Hawke Takes on an Apprentice, Patricia’s Graveyard Gambit, The Gingerbread Man
Dunaway, Sean, The Gingerbread Man
Dutch International Products, Hawke Rips Off Dr. Fatburn


Farber, David, Karen Hoffmann, Sock Puppet
Felstein, Mark, The Shiksaa Shakedown, Karen Hoffmann, Sock Puppet
Ferris Research, Introduction
first legal action against a spammer in Massachusetts, The Time-Travel Spammer
Fizzer virus, Rise of the Spam Zombies
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Shiksaa Meets the Cyanide Idiot
Fordham Law School, David D’Amato, the Titanic Spammer
Forum for Responsible and Ethical Email (FREE), Nanae Battles over Block Lists
Francoeur, Erik, AOL v. Davis Hawke et al.
FTC (Federal Trade Commission)
sting, Operation Waistline, Hawke Rips Off Dr. Fatburn
furtive shoppers, Epilogue


Gang That Couldn’t Shoot Straight, The (Florida spam group), The Shiksaa Shakedown, Karen Hoffmann, Sock Puppet
Garrett, Taylor Joynson (UUNET counsel), Spamhaus Takes on Sue You Net
Garst, Rodona, A Date with a Spam Queen
Garst, Rodona, viii, A Date with a Spam Queen, Epilogue
Gates, Bill, Shiksaa Plays Peacemaker
Gleeson, John (District Judge), Hawke Concedes to an Anti
Glen Burnie, Fighting Dr. Fatburn
Golden Mallet
Award, The Education of an Anti-Spammer
Google Groups, The Education of an Anti-Spammer
Gray, Karl, Shiksaa Plays Peacemaker
Green, Gene (Unsolicited Electronic Mail Act), 9/11
Greenbaum, Hyman Andrew, Birth of a Spam King, Mad Pierre’s Homage to Shiksaa, Hawke Takes on an Apprentice
Greenbaum, Peggy Ambler Davis, Birth of a Spam King, Hawke Mails the Web Manual, Mad Pierre’s Homage to Shiksaa, Hawke Takes on an Apprentice, The Phoenix Company
Group Mail, Hawke Tutors Bournival


H.R. 718, 9/11
Hacker-X, Spamford Meets Hacker-X
hackers versus anti-spammers, Rise of the Spam Zombies
Hanks, Michael A., Spamford Meets Hacker-X
Hardigree, Steve, The Shiksaa Shakedown
Harnisch, Allison (U.S. Attorney), Shiksaa Meets the Cyanide Idiot
Hawke, Davis, Birth of a Spam King, Hawke Takes on an Apprentice, Hawke Goes Home to Rhode Island, Amazing Internet Products, Patricia’s Graveyard Gambit, Patricia’s Graveyard Gambit, Epilogue
America Knife Depot and, Ho, Ho, Ho, the Nazis Didn’t Show
and Reid Walker, Hawke Concedes to an Anti
and, Hawke Mails the Web Manual
androstenone spam, Hawke Rips Off Dr. Fatburn
Aryan rally in Washington, D.C., Ho, Ho, Ho, the Nazis Didn’t Show
Banned CD, Hawke Concedes to an Anti
Bo Decker, Birth of a Spam King, Ho, Ho, Ho, the Nazis Didn’t Show
Brad Bournival and, Hawke Takes on an Apprentice, Hawke Tutors Bournival
change from neo-Nazi to libertarian, Mad Pierre’s Homage to Shiksaa
chess pseudonym Walter Smith, Mad Pierre’s Homage to Shiksaa
Columbine High School shootings and, Birth of a Spam King
connection to time-travel spammer, The Time-Travel Spammer
Creampie Productions, Creampie Productions
Dreighton, Mad Pierre’s Homage to Shiksaa, Hawke Takes on an Apprentice
EBay Home Study Course, Hawke Concedes to an Anti
FTP log lapse, Hawke Rips Off Dr. Fatburn
Knights of Freedom (KOF) and, Birth of a Spam King, Ho, Ho, Ho, the Nazis Didn’t Show
Mauricio Ruiz and, Hawke Takes on an Apprentice
Million Dollar Publishing Company in a Box, Hawke’s Publishing Company in a Box
outed as Andrew Britt Greenbaum, Birth of a Spam King
Paola Castaneda and, Hawke Goes Home to Rhode Island
Patricia Lingenfelter and, Birth of a Spam King
Pinacle and, The Pinacle Partnership Program, Mad Pierre’s Homage to Shiksaa
QuikSilver Enterprises, Hawke Concedes to an Anti, Mad Pierre’s Homage to Shiksaa
RaveX spam, The Phoenix Company
resuming tournament chess, Mad Pierre’s Homage to Shiksaa
ripping off Dr. Fatburn, Hawke Rips Off Dr. Fatburn
Ross Perot and, Mad Pierre’s Homage to Shiksaa
Send-Safe and, Mad Pierre’s Homage to Shiksaa
Seven Days to Spam Success, Mad Pierre’s Homage to Shiksaa
SMS spamming, The Phoenix Company
spamming from grandparents’ home, Hawke Goes Home to Rhode Island
Stephen Hawking and, Hawke Takes on an Apprentice
strict vegan regimen, Hawke Goes Home to Rhode Island
The Spambook, Mad Pierre’s Homage to Shiksaa
tournament chess and, Hawke Goes Home to Rhode Island
using legalese, 9/11
Hill, Dave, The Time-Travel Spammer
Hit Delete campaign, Epilogue
Hoffmann, Karen, Hawke Tutors Bournival, Epilogue
on Scott Richter’s payroll, Karen Hoffmann, Sock Puppet
pseudonym Natasha Dorenkov, Karen Hoffmann, Sock Puppet
Toledo CyberCafe, Tracking Empire Towers
Tom Cowles and, Tracking Empire Towers
honey pot
spam traps, Rise of the Spam Zombies


Industry Standard, Shiksaa Meets the Cyanide Idiot
Institute for Global Prosperity (IGP), Tracking Empire Towers
International Telecommunications Union (ITU), Epilogue
Internet Industry Association (IIA), Epilogue
Internet Products Distributors, pheromone spam, Hawke Rips Off Dr. Fatburn
ISP culpability in spam, Spamhaus Takes on Sue You Net


Mad Pierre, A Date with a Spam Queen
spammer exposé homage to Shiksaa, Mad Pierre’s Homage to Shiksaa
Major O’Dell, Ho, Ho, Ho, the Nazis Didn’t Show
Manchester West High, Hawke Tutors Bournival
MAPS (Mail Abuse Prevention System)
frustration with Nanae, Nanae Battles over Block Lists
lawsuits against, Nanae Battles over Block Lists
Real Network blacklist, Nanae Battles over Block Lists
Marin, Eddy, Hoffman Catches Tom Cowles, The Shiksaa Shakedown, The Shiksaa Shakedown, The Gingerbread Man
falling out with Tom Cowles, Tracking Empire Towers
Rosko listing, Tracking Empire Towers
wife Kim Eddy, Tracking Empire Towers
Marin, Kim, Hoffman Catches Tom Cowles
Marshall, John (U.S. Chief Justice), Hawke’s Publishing Company in a Box
MassiveMail spamware, Tracking Empire Towers
Mattocks, Bill, Spamford Meets Hacker-X
Maxaman, Amazing Internet Products
MCI Wholesale Network Services pink contracts, Mad Pierre’s Homage to Shiksaa
Miller, Gary (Unsolicited Electronic Mail Act), 9/11
Million Dollar Publishing Company in a Box, Hawke’s Publishing Company in a Box
Mimail viruses, Rise of the Spam Zombies
Mindshare, Nanae Battles over Block Lists
Miner, Tracy A. (lawyer for Terri Tickle), David D’Amato, the Titanic Spammer
Mitchell, Rob, Terri TickleDescends on Nanae, Terri TickleDescends on Nanae, David D’Amato, the Titanic Spammer blacklist site, Rise of the Spam Zombies
Morely Dotes (anti-spammer), The Education of an Anti-Spammer, Shiksaa Plays Peacemaker, Shiksaa Meets Scott Richter
Usenet Death Penalty against Terri Tickle, Terri TickleDescends on Nanae
Murphy, Alan, Shiksaa Plays Peacemaker, A Date with a Spam Queen


Operation Waistline (FTC sting), Hawke Rips Off Dr. Fatburn
opt-in spam
law in the United Kingdom, CAN-SPAM
opt-in versus dirty mailing lists, Shiksaa Meets Scott Richter
OptinRealBig, Shiksaa Meets Scott Richter
OptInRealBig, The Shiksaa Shakedown, Karen Hoffmann, Sock Puppet, Richter Unravels
Ore, Rebecca, David D’Amato, the Titanic Spammer blacklist site, Rise of the Spam Zombies
ozone levels in Rhode Island, Hawke Goes Home to Rhode Island


Pantheon, the, The Education of an Anti-Spammer
Parker, Dustin, The Shiksaa Shakedown, Shiksaa Hangs Up Her LART
betraying Karen Hoffmann, Karen Hoffmann, Sock Puppet
betraying Scott Richter, Richter Unravels
Payne, John, A Date with a Spam Queen
Peak Nutrition, Hawke Rips Off Dr. Fatburn
percent of email traffic spammed, Introduction
Perreault, Jeff, Richter Unravels
Phoenix Company, The Phoenix Company
Pinacle herbal product, The Pinacle Partnership Program
pink contract, Shiksaa and the Pink Contracts
PK Marketing, The Time-Travel Spammer
PopLaunch pornography spams, Tracking Empire Towers
Popovich, Pete (on Scott Richter’s payroll), Karen Hoffmann, Sock Puppet
pornography, spamming for, Creampie Productions
PostMaster General, Nanae Battles over Block Lists
Power Diet Plus, Hawke Rips Off Dr. Fatburn, Hawke Takes on an Apprentice, Patricia’s Graveyard Gambit
Praed, Jon, Fighting Dr. Fatburn, AOL v. Davis Hawke et al.
Premier Services spam operation, A Date with a Spam Queen web site, Mad Pierre’s Homage to Shiksaa
Prohibition, Epilogue
Project Iceberg web site, David D’Amato, the Titanic Spammer
PSINet pink contract, Shiksaa and the Pink Contracts
Publishing Company in a Box, Hawke’s Publishing Company in a Box


S.R. 877, CAN-SPAM
Samhoun, Loay, Hawke Goes Home to Rhode Island, The Pinacle Partnership Program, Shiksaa, the Spammer Tracker, Terri TickleDescends on Nanae
Sapient Fridge (anti-spammer), The Education of an Anti-Spammer, Shiksaa Plays Peacemaker, The Education of an Anti-Spammer, 9/11, 9/11
SBL (Spamhaus Block List), CAN-SPAM
Scelson, Ronnie, The Pinacle Partnership Program, Epilogue
listed on Rosko, Spamhaus Takes on Sue You Net
pink contracts and, Shiksaa and the Pink Contracts
Scott, Jon, Bubba Catts and the Crank Callers
SCRAM, Relocating Under a New Identity, Mad Pierre’s Homage to Shiksaa
Send-Safe mailer program, Mad Pierre’s Homage to Shiksaa, Hawke Rips Off Dr. Fatburn, Hawke Goes Home to Rhode Island
Sender Policy Framework (SPF), Epilogue
Seven Days to Spam Success, Mad Pierre’s Homage to Shiksaa
Sharp, Clifton, The Shiksaa Shakedown
Shiksaa, Introduction, The Education of an Anti-Spammer, Spamford Meets Hacker-X, Epilogue
break with MAPS, Nanae Battles over Block Lists and, Bubba Catts and the Crank Callers
confrontation with Karen Hoffmann, Karen Hoffmann, Sock Puppet
Davis Hawke and, Hawke Rips Off Dr. Fatburn
delight over CAN-SPAM, CAN-SPAM
dismisses career as spam bounty hunter, Shiksaa Hangs Up Her LART
Dr. Fatburn and, Fighting Dr. Fatburn
first death threat, Shiksaa, the Spammer Tracker
identity revealed, The Shiksaa Shakedown
joins Spamhaus, Shiksaa and the Pink Contracts
Jon Scott and, Bubba Catts and the Crank Callers
Karen Hoffmann and, Tracking Empire Towers
Mad Pierre’s homage to, Mad Pierre’s Homage to Shiksaa
peacemaker, Shiksaa Plays Peacemaker
Scott Richter and, Shiksaa Meets Scott Richter, Karen Hoffmann, Sock Puppet
seeing pink contracts, Shiksaa and the Pink Contracts
Spam Goddess, A Date with a Spam Queen
spammer tracker, Shiksaa, the Spammer Tracker
Terri Tickle and, David D’Amato, the Titanic Spammer
time-travelling spammer and, The Time-Travel Spammer
Tom Cowles and, Tracking Empire Towers
veteran spam fighter, A Date with a Spam Queen
Sledd, Andrew, civil-rights advocate, Hawke Goes Home to Rhode Island
Smith, Brad (Microsoft General Counsel), Richter Unravels
Smith, Chris, Shiksaa Meets Scott Richter
SMS (short message service)
spamming, The Phoenix Company
SoBig virus, Rise of the Spam Zombies
Sobol, Steven, The Shiksaa Shakedown
Sorkin, David E., 9/11
Southern Poverty Law Center, Hawke Tutors Bournival
Spam Act of 2003 (Australia), Epilogue
Spam Combat, Spamhaus Takes on Sue You Net
spam FAQ, The Education of an Anti-Spammer
spam zombies, Rise of the Spam Zombies, Shiksaa Meets Scott Richter
Spambook, The, Mad Pierre’s Homage to Shiksaa
SpamCop, SoBig virus and, Rise of the Spam Zombies
Spamhaus, Shiksaa Plays Peacemaker, Spamhaus Takes on Sue You Net
DDOS attack on, Rise of the Spam Zombies
Empire Towers listing, Tracking Empire Towers
Project, Spamhaus Takes on Sue You Net
Spammer Hammer, The (Pete Wellborn), Patricia’s Graveyard Gambit
spammers capitalizing on 9/11 attacks, 9/11
Spamming 101, Hawke Tutors Bournival
spammus interruptus, Shiksaa Meets Scott Richter
Spamware (product), Shiksaa Plays Peacemaker
Spews (Spam Prevention Early Warning System), Nanae Battles over Block Lists, CAN-SPAM
SoBig virus and, Rise of the Spam Zombies
Spitzer, Eliot (New York Attorney General), Richter Unravels
Sprint PCS, The Phoenix Company
Stealth Mail Bomber, Hawke Mails the Web Manual
Stealth Mail Master, Tracking Empire Towers
Styro and Foam (hackers), Rise of the Spam Zombies
SubSeven remote control booby trap, Rise of the Spam Zombies
Sue You Net, Spamhaus Takes on Sue You Net
Suffolk University, David D’Amato, the Titanic Spammer
Super Mailer, Patricia’s Graveyard Gambit
Super Zonda, Rokso listing, Amazing Internet Products
Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape (SERE), Hawke Goes Home to Rhode Island
Symantec, Fighting Dr. Fatburn


Terri Tickle, Terri TickleDescends on Nanae, David D’Amato, the Titanic Spammer, Epilogue
trial, sentencing, and incarceration, David D’Amato, the Titanic Spammer
The Brunners of Chickenbone Creek, Shiksaa Plays Peacemaker
The Man in the Wilderness, A Date with a Spam Queen
Thompson, Kelly Molloy, Nanae Battles over Block Lists
death threats against, Nanae Battles over Block Lists
offended by Spews, Nanae Battles over Block Lists
on Scott Richter’s payroll, Karen Hoffmann, Sock Puppet
Standards and Practices Manager for Mindshare Design, Nanae Battles over Block Lists
versus Scott Richter, Shiksaa Meets Scott Richter
Three Rules of Spam, The, Hawke Rips Off Dr. Fatburn
Tietjens, Richard (Morely Dotes), Shiksaa Plays Peacemaker
time-travel spammer, The Time-Travel Spammer
TINLC, Shiksaa, the Spammer Tracker
Todino, James R. (time-travelling spammer), The Time-Travel Spammer
Todino, Rosko listing, The Time-Travel Spammer
Toledo CyberCafe, Tracking Empire Towers
Torres, Mike, Hawke Goes Home to Rhode Island, The Pinacle Partnership Program
traceroute utility, Rise of the Spam Zombies
trolls, Shiksaa, the Spammer Tracker
Trusted Email Open Standard (TEOS), Epilogue
Tsu Do Nimh (anti-spammer), The Education of an Anti-Spammer


U.S. v. Jason Vale, Jason Vale Held in Contempt web site, Hawke Rips Off Dr. Fatburn
UltraFind, Spamhaus Takes on Sue You Net
United Nations, Epilogue
unsolicited commercial email (UCE), The Education of an Anti-Spammer
Unsolicited Electronic Mail Act of 1999, Hawke’s Publishing Company in a Box, 9/11
UUNET, Tracking Empire Towers
spam and, Spamhaus Takes on Sue You Net
Uy, Francis, Fighting Dr. Fatburn


Vale, Jason, Epilogue
(U.S. v. Jason Vale), Jason Vale Held in Contempt
listed on Rokso, Spamhaus Takes on Sue You Net
Venture Alpha Corporation, Hawke’s Publishing Company in a Box
email addresses, The Education of an Anti-Spammer
vitamin B17, Shiksaa Meets the Cyanide Idiot
Vixie, Paul, Shiksaa Plays Peacemaker
frustration with Nanae, Nanae Battles over Block Lists


XBL (Exploits Block List), Jason Vale Held in Contempt


participants in DDOS attacks, Rise of the Spam Zombies
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