Additional Resources

Because XSL-FO is a relatively new technology, the support for XSL-FO is not as robust as the support for HTML or CSS. However, there are a number of resources that can help with your XSL-FO development:

  • XSL-FO (— The XSL-FO discussion group/mailing list is a good resource for discussing XSL-FO solutions with other developers, and can be a source for news and information regarding the latest in XSL-FO.

  • XSL Formatter (— XML Formatter is an application that can be used with both XSL-T and XSL-FO stylesheets. More information on XML Formatter can be found at the manufacturer's site at the previous link.

  • X-Smiles (— X-Smiles is an XML-compliant browser that supports the rendering of XSL-FO stylesheets. Currently, X-Smile is the only browser that supports XML natively, and allows the display of XML in conjunction with XSL stylesheets.

  • FOP (— FOP is an open-source XSL-FO formatter from the Apache Project. FOP is the rendering engine used in X-Smiles, and also was used to generate all the examples in this chapter.

With time, XSL, XSLT, and XSL-FO support will likely find its way into all the major browser vendors, as well as other types of layout applications. Until then, you might have to use some creative solutions; however, tools like FOP are progressing at a rapid pace.

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