Microservices challenges

In the previous section, you learned about the right design decisions to be taken, and the trade-offs to be applied. In this section, we will review some of the challenges with microservices, and how to address them for a successful microservice development.

Data islands

Microservices abstract their own local transactional store, which is used for their own transactional purposes. The type of store and the data structure will be optimized for the services offered by the microservice.

For example, if we want to develop a customer relationship graph, we may use a graph database like Neo4j, OrientDB, and the like. A predictive text search to find out a customer based on any related information such as passport number, address, e-mail, phone, and so on could be best realized using an indexed search database like Elasticsearch or Solr.

This will place us into a unique situation of fragmenting data into heterogeneous data islands. For example, Customer, Loyalty Points, Reservations, and others are different microservices, and hence, use different databases. What if we want to do a near real-time analysis of all high value customers by combining data from all three data stores? This was easy with a monolithic application, because all the data was present in a single database:

Data islands

In order to satisfy this requirement, a data warehouse or a data lake is required. Traditional data warehouses like Oracle, Teradata, and others are used primarily for batch reporting. But with NoSQL databases (like Hadoop) and microbatching techniques, near real-time analytics is possible with the concept of data lakes. Unlike the traditional warehouses that are purpose-built for batch reporting, data lakes store raw data without assuming how the data is going to be used. Now the question really is how to port the data from microservices into data lakes.

Data porting from microservices to a data lake or a data warehouse can be done in many ways. Traditional ETL could be one of the options. Since we allow backdoor entry with ETL, and break the abstraction, this is not considered an effective way for data movement. A better approach is to send events from microservices as and when they occur, for example, customer registration, customer update events, and so on. Data ingestion tools consume these events, and propagate the state change to the data lake appropriately. The data ingestion tools are highly scalable platforms such as Spring Cloud Data Flow, Kafka, Flume, and so on.

Logging and monitoring

Log files are a good piece of information for analysis and debugging. Since each microservice is deployed independently, they emit separate logs, maybe to a local disk. This results in fragmented logs. When we scale services across multiple machines, each service instance could produce separate log files. This makes it extremely difficult to debug and understand the behavior of the services through log mining.

Examining Order, Delivery, and Notification as three different microservices, we find no way to correlate a customer transaction that runs across all three of them:

Logging and monitoring

When implementing microservices, we need a capability to ship logs from each service to a centrally managed log repository. With this approach, services do not have to rely on the local disk or local I/Os. A second advantage is that the log files are centrally managed, and are available for all sorts of analysis such as historical, real time, and trending. By introducing a correlation ID, end-to-end transactions can be easily tracked.

With a large number of microservices, and with multiple versions and service instances, it would be difficult to find out which service is running on which server, what's the health of these services, the service dependencies, and so on. This was much easier with monolithic applications that are tagged against a specific or a fixed set of servers.

Apart from understanding the deployment topology and health, it also poses a challenge in identifying service behaviors, debugging, and identifying hotspots. Strong monitoring capabilities are required to manage such an infrastructure.

We will cover the logging and monitoring aspects in Chapter 7, Logging and Monitoring Microservices.

Dependency management

Dependency management is one of the key issues in large microservice deployments. How do we identify and reduce the impact of a change? How do we know whether all the dependent services are up and running? How will the service behave if one of the dependent services is not available?

Too many dependencies could raise challenges in microservices. Four important design aspects are stated as follows:

  • Reducing dependencies by properly designing service boundaries.
  • Reducing impacts by designing dependencies as loosely coupled as possible. Also, designing service interactions through asynchronous communication styles.
  • Tackling dependency issues using patterns such as circuit breakers.
  • Monitoring dependencies using visual dependency graphs.

Organization culture

One of the biggest challenges in microservices implementation is the organization culture. To harness the speed of delivery of microservices, the organization should adopt Agile development processes, continuous integration, automated QA checks, automated delivery pipelines, automated deployments, and automatic infrastructure provisioning.

Organizations following a waterfall development or heavyweight release management processes with infrequent release cycles are a challenge for microservices development. Insufficient automation is also a challenge for microservices deployment.

In short, Cloud and DevOps are supporting facets of microservice development. These are essential for successful microservices implementation.

Governance challenges

Microservices impose decentralized governance, and this is quite in contrast with the traditional SOA governance. Organizations may find it hard to come up with this change, and that could negatively impact the microservices development.

There are number of challenges that comes with a decentralized governance model. How do we understand who is consuming a service? How do we ensure service reuse? How do we define which services are available in the organization? How do we ensure enforcement of enterprise polices?

The first thing is to have a set of standards, best practices, and guidelines on how to implement better services. These should be available to the organization in the form of standard libraries, tools, and techniques. This ensures that the services developed are top quality, and that they are developed in a consistent manner.

The second important consideration is to have a place where all stakeholders can not only see all the services, but also their documentations, contracts, and service-level agreements. Swagger and API Blueprint are commonly used for handling these requirements.

Operation overheads

Microservices deployment generally increases the number of deployable units and virtual machines (or containers). This adds significant management overheads and increases the cost of operations.

With a single application, a dedicated number of containers or virtual machines in an on-premise data center may not make much sense unless the business benefit is very high. The cost generally goes down with economies of scale. A large number of microservices that are deployed in a shared infrastructure which is fully automated makes more sense, since these microservices are not tagged against any specific VMs or containers. Capabilities around infrastructure automation, provisioning, containerized deployment, and so on are essential for large scale microservices deployments. Without this automation, it would result in a significant operation overhead and increased cost.

With many microservices, the number of configurable items (CIs) becomes too high, and the number of servers in which these CIs are deployed might also be unpredictable. This makes it extremely difficult to manage data in a traditional Configuration Management Database (CMDB). In many cases, it is more useful to dynamically discover the current running topology than a statically configured CMDB-style deployment topology.

Testing microservices

Microservices also pose a challenge for the testability of services. In order to achieve a full-service functionality, one service may rely on another service, and that, in turn, on another service—either synchronously or asynchronously. The issue is how do we test an end-to-end service to evaluate its behavior? The dependent services may or may not be available at the time of testing.

Service virtualization or service mocking is one of the techniques used for testing services without actual dependencies. In testing environments, when the services are not available, mock services can simulate the behavior of the actual service. The microservices ecosystem needs service virtualization capabilities. However, this may not give full confidence, as there may by many corner cases that mock services do not simulate, especially when there are deep dependencies.

Another approach, as discussed earlier, is to use a consumer driven contract. The translated integration test cases can cover more or less all corner cases of the service invocation.

Test automation, appropriate performance testing, and continuous delivery approaches such as A/B testing, future flags, canary testing, blue-green deployments, and red-black deployments, all reduce the risks of production releases.

Infrastructure provisioning

As briefly touched on under operation overheads, manual deployment could severely challenge the microservices rollouts. If a deployment has manual elements, the deployer or operational administrators should know the running topology, manually reroute traffic, and then deploy the application one by one till all services are upgraded. With many server instances running, this could lead to significant operational overheads. Moreover, the chances of errors are high in this manual approach.

Microservices require a supporting elastic cloud-like infrastructure which can automatically provision VMs or containers, automatically deploy applications, adjust traffic flows, replicate new version to all instances, and gracefully phase out older versions. The automation also takes care of scaling up elastically by adding containers or VMs on demand, and scaling down when the load falls below threshold.

In a large deployment environment with many microservices, we may also need additional tools to manage VMs or containers that can further initiate or destroy services automatically.

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