How to do it...

  1. Before we start the main recipe, let us add the following tables in our hrs schema:
  1. The userdetails class will contain the usual general user information, while logindetails contains the username, password, and encrypted password of each user. On the other hand, role_permission contains all the roles and access permissions of each user in logindetails. A Permission is defined as the allowable CRUD transaction to be performed by a user, such as READ, WRITE, VIEW, DELETE, and REPORT, which is different from the usual Role. A role ADMIN, for instance, can have ADMIN_UPDATE and ADMIN_DELETE permissions.
  1. With the newly added tables, generate the model for each table and create a typical DAO interface that will add, retrieve, update, and delete the records:
public interface LoginDao { 
  public List<Role> getUserRoles(); 
  public Role getUserRole(int id); 
  public List<Permission> getPermissions(); 
  public Permission getPermission(int id); 
  public List<RolePermission>  
    getUserGrantedAuthority(int userId); 
  public List<AccountLogin> getUsers(); 
  public AccountLogin getUser(String username); 
  1. Implement a @Repository implementation of this interface using SimpleJdbcInsert and JdbcTemplate.
  2. Inside the package org.packt.secured.mvc.core.user, create custom UserDetails that will store all logindetails with some additional transactions, such as sorting the GrantedAuthority and username/password validation:
public class AppUserDetails implements UserDetails { 
    private String password; 
    private final String username; 
    private final Set<GrantedAuthority> authorities; 
    private final boolean accountNonExpired; 
    private final boolean accountNonLocked; 
    private final boolean credentialsNonExpired; 
    private final boolean enabled; 
    public Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority>  
getAuthorities() { 
        return authorities; 
    // refer to sources 
    public AppUserDetails (String username, String  
      password, boolean enabled, boolean accountNonExpired, 
          boolean credentialsNonExpired,  
          boolean accountNonLocked, 
          Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority>  
              authorities) { 
      if (((username == null) || "".equals(username)) ||  
        (password == null)) { 
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( 
                    "Empty values are not allowed"); 
        this.username = username; 
        this.password = password; 
        // refer to sources 
    private static SortedSet<GrantedAuthority>  
       sortAuthorities(Collection<? extends  
          GrantedAuthority> authorities) { 
       SortedSet<GrantedAuthority> sortedAuthorities = 
         new TreeSet<GrantedAuthority>( 
                new AuthorityComparator()); 
       for (GrantedAuthority grantedAuthority :  
          authorities) { 
       return sortedAuthorities; 
    private static class AuthorityComparator implements 
            Comparator<GrantedAuthority>, Serializable { 
        public int compare(GrantedAuthority g1,  
GrantedAuthority g2) { 
             // refer to sources 
            return g1.getAuthority() 
  1. Afterwards, create another UserDetailsService inject and use LoginDao to retrieve the user details for the custom AppUserDetails:
public class AuthJdbcUserService implements  
  private LoginDao loginDaoImpl; 
  public UserDetails loadUserByUsername(String username)  
throws UsernameNotFoundException { 
   AccountLogin login = loginDaoImpl.getUser(username); 
    // refer to sources 
   UserDetails user = new  
         login.getEncPassword(),true, true, true, true,  
         getAuthorities(username, login)); 
   return user; 
  private Set<GrantedAuthority> getAuthorities(String  
     username, AccountLogin login){ 
    List<RolePermission> roleperms =  
    // refer to sources  
    return authorities; 
  1. Populate logindetails with the encoded password using the same injected PasswordEncoder:
  2. Create AppSecurityModelE2, having authJdbcUserService injected as the new UserDetailsService:
public class AppSecurityModelE2 extends  
  // refer to sources 
  private UserDetailsService userDetailsService; 
  protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception { 
// refer to sources 
public DaoAuthenticationProvider authProvider() { 
     DaoAuthenticationProvider daoProvider = 
        new DaoAuthenticationProvider(); 
     ReflectionSaltSource saltHash =  
        new ReflectionSaltSource(); 
     return daoProvider; 
  1. Update SpringContextConfig to consider the new security model.
  2. Save all files. clean, build, and deploy the project.
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