How to do it...

To implement concurrent and parallel Stream emissions, perform the following steps:

  1. Add the following service class in our org.packt.reactive.code.service package. This class contains method templates that will detail parallelism and concurrency based on Reactive Streams specification:
public interface EmployeeParallelStreamservice { 
   public Flux<String> parallelEmployeeNames(); 
   public Flux<GroupedFlux<Integer, Integer>>  
   public Flux<String> repeatExecs(); 
  1. Create an implementation class EmployeeParallelStreamserviceImpl that will contain a method parallelEmployeeNames() designed to utilize a pool of eight threads in order to get the full names of all employees. All these threads must work on each task in parallel mode. In short, this method implements a parallel Flux:
public class EmployeeParallelStreamserviceImpl  
implements EmployeeParallelStreamservice{ 
   private EmployeeDao employeeDaoImpl; 
   public Flux<String> parallelEmployeeNames() { 
      Function<Employee, String> names = (emp) -> { 
         System.out.println("flatMap thread: "  
+ Thread.currentThread().getName()); 
         return emp.getFirstName().charAt(0) +  
      Flux<String> parallelEmpFlux =  
        .runOn (Schedulers.parallel()) 
      return parallelEmpFlux; 
  1. Another method repeatExecs() implements another design for parallelism wherein the Stream will be repeatedly run m times after each onComplete():
public Flux<String> repeatExecs() { 
      Function<Employee, String> names =  
(emp) ->{ 
         System.out.println("flatMap thread: "  
+ Thread.currentThread().getName()); 
         return emp.getFirstName().charAt(0) +  
      Flux<String> parallelEmpFlux =  
             .runOn (Schedulers.parallel()) 
             .doOnSubscribe(subscription -> { 
      return parallelEmpFlux; 
  1. The last method in this recipe will show us a solution on how to implement grouped parallel Flux. This implementation is so rare that it is only opted for when there is a need to parallelize the subscriber's callback too:
public Flux<GroupedFlux<Integer, Integer>> parallelGrpAvg() { 
      Function<Employee, Integer> ages = (emp) -> { 
         System.out.println("flatMap thread: "  
+ Thread.currentThread().getName()); 
         return emp.getAge(); 
      Flux<GroupedFlux<Integer, Integer>> parallelEmpFlux =  
Duration.of(500L, ChronoUnit.MILLIS)) 
           .runOn (Schedulers.parallel()) 
        return parallelEmpFlux; 
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