How to do it...

Spring 5's reactive module supports FreeMarker components to provide templates to reactive contents. Let us implement FreeMarker templating using the Spring Reactive module:

  1. Add the newest Maven dependencies of FreeMarker in pom.xml:
  1. To add the reactive components to the application, include the following Maven dependency that implements the Reactor Core implementation of the Reactive Streams specification:
  1. To avoid conflicts with other non-reactive web configurations, create a root context definition SpringWebReactiveConfig that implements org.springframework.web.reactive.config.WebReactiveConfigurer. This definition will inject all reactive view engines and resolvers needed to render Publisher<T> streams:
public class SpringWebReactiveConfig  
implements WebReactiveConfigurer { } 
  1. Inject the following FreeMarker bean configuration in the SpringWebReactiveConfig context definition. Set the FreeMarker template location in WEB-INF emplates:
@Bean(name = "viewResolverFTL") 
    public FreeMarkerViewResolver getViewResolverFtl() { 
        FreeMarkerViewResolver viewResolver =  
new FreeMarkerViewResolver(); 
        return viewResolver; 
    @Bean(name = "freemarkerConfig") 
    public FreeMarkerConfigurer getFreemarkerConfig() { 
       FreeMarkerConfigurer config =  
new FreeMarkerConfigurer(); 
       return config; 
  1. Create a RenderController that will publish a list of employees in an FTL template.
public class RenderController { 
   private EmployeeService employeeServiceImpl; 
   public String usersFtl(Model model){ 
         return "ftl_list_emps"; 
  1. Inside the path WEB-INF emplates, create an FTL template ftl_list_emps.ftl that will serve as the physical view:
<!DOCTYPE html> 
     <title>Ch08 FreeMarker Reactive View</title> 
          <th>Employee ID</th> 
          <th>First Name</th> 
          <th>Last Name</th> 
        <#list employees as e> 
  1. Save all files. Then, clean, build, and deploy. Run the URL on the browser and expect the following result:
..................Content has been hidden....................

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