How to do it...

To implement REST services in Spring 5, follow these steps:

  1. To enable Spring REST support, add the following starter POM dependency:
  1. All the annotations of SpringDataConfig needed to implement Spring Data JPA are also needed here for Spring REST configuration.
  2. Inside org.packt.spring.boot.dao, create a DepartmentRepository that extends JpaRespository, which is the same API class used in the previous recipe:
public interface DepartmentRepository  
extends JpaRepository<Department, Integer>{ 
   public List<Department> findByName(@Param("name") String name); 
   public List<Department> findByDeptid( 
@Param("deptid")  Integer deptId); 
The optional annotation @RepositoryRestResource is present because the requirement wants the REST endpoint name to be shorter as /depts than the default, which is /departments. Moreover, the @Param is required to map the local parameter of the operations to the request parameter value sent by the client.
  1. To parse all the JSON request and response, inject the beans concerning JSON converters to SpringDataConfig from RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration by using @Import. Thus, there is no need to add the com.fasterxml.jackson.core dependency.
  2. However, even without Spring REST, Spring 5's reactive application can expose any data using @RestController of Spring MVC components. The usual @RequestMapping can still be used to map the handler to the URL with the indicated HTTP method. But the modern way of mapping requests to a URL is through the use of @GetMapping and @PostMapping annotations:
public class RestServiceController { 
   private EmployeeService employeeServiceImpl; 
   public String exposeString() { 
      return "Hello World"; 
   public Mono<String> exposeMono() { 
      return Mono.just("Hello World"); 
   public Flux<String> exposeFlux() { 
      List<String> names = Arrays.asList("Anna", "John", "Lucy"); 
      return Flux.fromIterable(names) 
.map((str) -> str.toUpperCase() + "---"); 
   public Flux<Employee> exposeJpaEmps() { 
      return Flux.fromIterable( 
   @PostMapping(path = "/fluxAddEmp",  
consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)  
   public void addMonoEmp(@RequestBody Mono<Employee> employee){ 
   @PostMapping(path = "/fluxAddListEmps",  
consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)  
   public void addFluxEmp(@RequestBody Flux<Employee> employee){ 
  1. Save all files. Then clean and deploy the standalone Spring Boot application. Open a browser and run http://localhost:8093/ch09-flux/fluxJpaEmps.
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