How to do it...

Let's implement a non-blocking batch process by following these steps:

  1. Create a Spring Boot 2.0 project, ch11-batch-async, that has the same starter POM dependencies with the same MySQL connection pool support and Spring OXM module.
  2. Create a bootstrap class that enables batch processing and task scheduling:
public class AsyncBatchBootApplication { 
 public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {, 
  1. In its srcmain/ esources directory, create that contain the same configuration as the one in ch11-batch-sync. Just modify some server-related configurations.
  2. Copy logback.xml from the previous project and drop it inside srcmain esources to enable logging.
  3. Then, copy all the packages from the ch11-batch-sync project without any changes.
  4. Next, start the asynchronous batch processing configuration and inject the TaskExecutor that will generate the thread pool into BatchConfig:
     public TaskExecutor getAsyncExecutor() { 
         ConcurrentTaskExecutor executor =  
new ConcurrentTaskExecutor( 
         executor.setTaskDecorator(new TaskDecorator() { 
            public Runnable decorate (Runnable runnable) { 
                return () -> { 
                    long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); 
                    System.out.printf("Thread %s has a  
processing time:  %s%n",  
                        (System.currentTimeMillis() - t)); 
       return executor; 
  1. Assign threads to taskletStep() and chunkStep() by passing the TaskExecutor bean to the taskExecutor() method of their respective StepBuildFactory instances.
  2. Save all files. Deploy the application with clean spring-boot:run Maven command. Expect random and messy writes to the output.txt output file.
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