How to do it...

Let us now perform validation on method arguments by doing the following steps:

  1. This recipe will start with the creation of a class-level annotation which is not a transactional type, just like in the previous recipe. Using again the Reflection API, implement an annotation that will be used by an @Aspect to intercept parameter passing.
public @interface NegativeArgs { } 
  1. Since a valid employee ID is a positive number, create an aspect that will validate if the empId argument passed onto readEmployee() of EmployeeServiceImpl is a non-negative number, using the custom annotation @NegativeArgs:
public class NegativeArgsAspect { 
   private Logger logger =  
   (*), ..))") 
   protected void myPointcut() { 
   @AfterThrowing(pointcut = "myPointcut() && args(empId)",  
       throwing = "e") 
   public void afterThrowingException(JoinPoint joinPoint,  
         Exception e, Integer empId) { 
       if(empId < 0){ "cannot be negative number"); 
   @AfterReturning(pointcut = "myPointcut() &&  
   public void afterSuccessfulReturn(JoinPoint joinPoint,  
       Integer empId) { 
       if(empId < 0){ 
"cannot be negative number"); 
  1. Apply the annotation to the readEmployee() of EmployeeServiceImpl:
   public Employee readEmployee(@NegativeArgs Integer  
      empId) { 
         return employeeDaoImpl.getEmployee(empId); 
  1. Inside the test class TestEmployeeService, create a test method that will trigger the validation:
public void testReadEmpMonitor(){ 
  Employee emp = employeeServiceImpl.readEmployee(-11); 
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