How to do it...

Scheduled services are usually used to implement batch processing that can run simultaneously with the request handlers. To create these types of services, follow these steps:

  1. To enable schedule-based transactions, create a context definition SpringScheduledConfig which implements org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.SchedulingConfigurer. Apply the class-level annotation @EnableScheduling and override the method configureTasks() with the preferred configurations of org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskScheduler injected in it:
public class SpringScheduledConfig  
implements SchedulingConfigurer { 
    public ThreadPoolTaskScheduler taskScheduler() { 
      ThreadPoolTaskScheduler scheduler =  
new ThreadPoolTaskScheduler(); 
      return scheduler; 
   public void configureTasks(ScheduledTaskRegistrar  
         taskRegistrar) { 
  1. Now, create a service class TimeService which contains the following template methods:
public interface TimedService { 
   public void batchFixedPeriod(); 
   public void batchCronPeriod(); 
   public void batchFixedDelay(); 
   public void batchInitialDelay(); 
  1. Then, create an implementation class that will implement a time-triggered process that runs every 2000 milliseconds everyday on a separate thread generated by ThreadPoolTaskScheduler from its pool of threads:
public class TimedServiceImpl implements TimedService{ 
   public void batchFixedPeriod() { 
      System.out.println("scheduled#batchFixedPeriod: " +  
  1. Add another scheduled process that uses a cron expression which defines its execution every five seconds daily:
@Scheduled(cron="*/5 * * * * ?") 
public void batchCronPeriod() { 
      System.out.println("scheduled#batchCronPeriod: " +  
  1. Create a @Scheduled process that runs for a fixed period of 5000 milliseconds, given that at the start of the execution, it incurs an initial delay of 2000 milliseconds:
@Scheduled(fixedRate=5000, initialDelay=2000) 
public void batchInitialDelay() { 
      System.out.println("scheduled#batchFixedDelay: " +  
  1. Lastly, implement a batch process that executes every 5000 milliseconds with a delay of 1000 millisecond every after completion per execution:
public void batchFixedDelay() { 
      System.out.println("scheduled#batchFixedDelay: " +  
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