How to do it...

Let us not use the dedicated Spring Data MongoDB to implement Reactive repository transactions:

  1. Add the following Reactive Spring Data MongoDB dependency in the pom.xml file:
  1. Open the file and add the following MongoDB server configuration details: 
  1. Before we proceed, create another Collections in the hrs database, but this time composed of the Department records. Insert a few documents using the Mongo commands mentioned in the previous recipe.
  2. Go back again to the Spring Eclipse STS. Create a Department model, which will be used by the application to transact with the Mongo database. Drop this file inside the package:
public class Department { 
   private BigInteger _id; 
   private Long id; 
   private Long deptid; 
   private String name; 
   public Department(BigInteger _id, Long id, Long deptid,  
String name) { 
      this._id = _id; = id; 
      this.deptid = deptid; = name; 
// setters and getters 
  1. Create a configuration class inside org.packt.nosql.mongo.core.config, which will enable MongoDB transaction management. This class must inherit to inject some beans needed to establish Reactive MongoDB CRUD transactions, such as ReactiveMongoTemplate:
public class MongoConfig  
extends AbstractReactiveMongoConfiguration { 
   public MongoClient mongoClient() { 
      return MongoClients.create(); 
   protected String getDatabaseName() { 
      return "hrs"; 
   public ReactiveMongoTemplate reactiveMongoTemplate() {           
      return new ReactiveMongoTemplate( 
mongoClient(), getDatabaseName());       
  1. Now, let's create a MongoDB Reactive repository class inside org.packt.nosql.mongo.core.dao using its own Spring Data MongoDB module:
public interface DepartmentRepository  
extends ReactiveMongoRepository<Department, Long>{ 
   public Flux<Department> findAllById(Flux<Long> ids); 
   public Flux<Department> findAllByName(String name); 
  1. Create a Department service class that consists of all Reactive services:
public interface DepartmentService { 
   public Flux<Department> getAllDepts(); 
   public Flux<Department> getAllDepts(Flux<Long> ids); 
   public Mono<Department> getDeptByid(Long id); 
   public void saveDept(Department dept); 
   public void saveDepts(Flux<Department> depts); 
  1. Implement all the services in DepartmentService using DepartmentRepository:
public class DepartmentServiceImpl implements  
   DepartmentService { 
   private DepartmentRepository departmentRepository; 
   public Flux<Department> getAllDepts() { 
      return departmentRepository.findAll(); 
   public Flux<Department> getAllDepts(Flux<Long> ids) { 
      return departmentRepository.findAllById(ids); 
   public Mono<Department> getDeptByid(Long id) { 
      return departmentRepository.findById(id); 
   // refer to sources 
  1. Create REST services to use the following Reactive services. Save all files. Then clean, build, and deploy the application.
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