D.1. Abbreviated Binomial Table

Values within the table are the probability P getting exactly x successes on n trials.

n # of trialsx successes on n trialsp (each trial) =0.125 (1/8)0.167 (1/6)0.250 (1/4)0.500 (1/2)
20 0.76560.69440.56250.2500
21 0.21880.27780.37500.5000
22 0.01560.02780.06250.2500
  Sum of P:1.00001.00001.00001.0000
30 0.66990.57870.42190.1250
31 0.28710.34720.42190.3750
32 0.04100.06940.14060.3750
33 0.00200.00460.01560.1250
  Sum of P:1.00001.00001.00001.0000
40 0.58620.48230.31640.0625
41 0.33500.38580.42190.2500
42 0.07180.11570.21090.3750
43 0.00680.01540.04690.2500
44 0.00020.00080.00390.0625
  Sum of P:1.00001.00001.00001.0000
50 0.51290.40190.23730.0313
51 0.36640.40190.39550.1563
52 0.10470.16080.26370.3125
53 0.01500.03220.08790.3125
54 0.00110.00320.01460.1563
55 0.00000.00010.00100.0313
  Sum of P:1.00001.00001.00001.0000
100 0.26310.16150.05630.0010
101 0.37580.32300.18770.0098
102 0.24160.29070.28160.0439
103 0.09200.15500.25030.1172
104 0.02300.05430.14600.2051
105 0.00390.01300.05840.2461
106 0.00050.00220.01620.2051
107 0.00000.00020.00310.1172
108 0.00000.00000.00040.0439
109 0.00000.00000.00000.0098
1010 0.00000.00000.00000.0010
  Sum of P:1.00001.00001.00001.0000

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