
ABC Home, 19, 80, 145

Acorn Energy Coop, 110

Aeronautica Windpower, 107

African Greenbelt Movement, 145

aggregation purchasing, 152153

air conditioning/refrigeration,


air quality issues, 92, 157, 168, 179

Akbari, Hashem, 135

American Clean Energy and Security

Act, 104

American Society of Heating,

Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)

Standard 62, 91

anaerobic digesters, 113, 132,


analytic tools. See measures/metrics


Anderson, Ray, 50

ANSI. See under standards

archology, 9596

Arcosanti, 96

Argonne National Laboratories, 75

ASHRAE (American Society of

Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers) Standard

62, 91


actions based on results, 3940

Aveda’s, 5860, 147148

certification, 34

compliance, 35

creating the protocol for, 3334

eco–audits, 9192

employee questionnaires/surveys, 3032

energy, 114122, 127128

environmental, 143, 147148

impacts of, 4041

investigations of audit findings, 5960

keys to effective, 3437

preparing the report, 3839

protocol for, 205208

social, 143

to standards, 37

third–party, 3738

Audubon International, 99101

Australis, 161

Aveda, 5, 17, 21, 24, 5860, 65,


Baker, Brent, 2425

BALLE (Business Alliance of Local

Living Economies), 150

Bamboo Sun, 87

Bank of Mexico, 97

Bauer, Seth, 146

Bavaria, Joan, 49

Benander, Lynn, 110

Ben & Jerry’s, 45, 13, 14, 63, 138,


Better World Books, 14, 78

Beyer Block, 181182

biological oxygen demand (BOD), 59

biomass/biofuel, 110113

biomimicry, 81

Bion Environmental Technologies,


bioremediation, 134, 164

Body Shop, 13

Bon Appétit Management Company,


Borders, 150

boundary conditions, 6365

Bourke Builders, 114

brand value, 13

Branson, Richard, 7475

Braungart, Michael, 176

break–even analysis, 6871, 72

Breitenbush Spa, 113

brownfield sites, 99

building/workplace designs, 6

according to sustainability standards, 7980

carpeting, 183

construction materials, 8587, 97, 119120, 177, 181182

copying other, 8082

cost–effective, 8283

elements/principles of green, 82, 98101

energy efficiency, 8789

examining current processes for, 7577

funding for green designs, 1112, 7475, 108

heating systems, 92, 100, 114, 120121, 128, 168

indoor environmental quality, 9095

meeting the purpose, 7779

product durability, 169170

results of proactive, 73

retrofits, 106

reviewing your LCA for, 7375

site development, 99

sustainable, 9598

using waste materials, 178, 181

water conservation, 8990

Burkhart, Karl, 146

Business Alliance for Local Living

Economies (BALLE), 150

Butterfield, David, 96

Canadian Standards Association, 145

Candle Cafe, 95

Candle 79, 95

“cap and trade” legislation, 104

Capers Food, 113

Carbon Concierge, 131

carbon credits, 134, 164

carbon dioxide emissions, 129, 130,


carbon footprint, 129134, 136,


carbon sequestration, 86, 133, 134,

136, 178

cellulosic materials, 172

Cengage Learning, 78

CERES (Coalition of Environmentally

Responsible Economies), 6, 4850

certifications, 4, 34, 95, 104

CFLs (compact fluorescent lights),

7577, 123

Chappell, Tom and Kate, 13

Chicago Climate Exchange, 134

China, 142, 143

Chrysler, 46

Circular A–119,11

Clean Air Act, 165

cleaning products, 79, 82, 9495, 155

cleanliness standards, 159160

Clean Water Act, 165

Climate Change, 135

Climate Counts, 131

Climate Leaders, 132

clothing durability, 169170

Coalition of Environmentally

Responsible Economies (CERES),

6, 4850

Coase, Ronald, 11

Coca–Cola, 13

cogeneration systems, 120, 132

Cohen, Ben, 68. See also Ben &


Cole, Paulette Mae, 19, 54, 9495,

144146. See also ABC Home

Colgate, 13

collaborations/partnerships, 1415 ,


Community Involved in Sustainable

Agriculture, 150

community supported agriculture

groups (CSAs), 150151

commuting energy, 115116

compact fluorescent lights (CFLs),

7577, 123

composting, 161162, 171172

Congressional Research Service, 106

cooling systems, 122

Co–op Power, 110

corn, 111, 179

cost of goods, 89

cost/profit analysis, 6871

“cradle to cradle” products, 62

“cradle to grave” products, 176

credits. See incentives/credits

CSAs (community supported

agriculture groups), 150151, 5, 22, 171

customers/consumers, 9, 11, 1314,


dairy farming. See under farming


Database of State Incentives for

Renewables and Efficiency

(DSIRE), 105

Dean, Norman, 49

Deja Shoe, 178

Deming, W. Edwards, 45

denitrification, 161

desalination of seawater, 97

designs. See building/workplace


dewatering of organic material, 161

162, 179

diagnostic tools. See measures/metrics


diaper service analysis, 63

disharmony, 9394

Domini Index, 13

DSIRE (Database of State Incentives

for Renewables and Efficiency), 105

Earth Day, 3

eco–industrial parks,96

Ecology of Commerce, The

(Hawken), 51

EcoMart, 81

Ecover, 155

EDTA (ethylene diaminetetraacetic

acid), 64

80/20 Rule, 3

Eileen Fisher, 169170

electricity production/generation,

103, 104114, 122123

electromagnetic radiation (EMR)

levels, 79, 93

Emergency Planning and Community

Right–to–Know Act (EPCRA), 166,


emissions, 112, 129, 130131, 135

136, 155, 156172


attracting/retaining talented, 910

calculating commuting energy, 115–116

empowering for performance

measures, 127

involvement in rip–offs,60

as most valuable assets, 32

motivating, 2528

purchasing agents, 140141

questionnaires/surveys, 3032

sample questionnaire/survey, 201203

EMSs (environmental management

systems), 6, 37, 4748

energy efficiency designs, 8789

energy rebates, 108

energy source calculator, 219

Energy Star ratings, 121

energy use, calculating, 115118

EnviroMedia Social Marketing, 9

environmental management systems

(EMSs), 6, 37 ,4748

Environmental Protection Agency

(EPA), 4, 35, 68, 132, 162, 166

Environmental Research Laboratory,


Environment Program (UN), 67

EPCRA (Emergency Planning and

Community Right–to–Know Act),

166, 167

EPR (extended product responsibility)

laws, 80

equipment energy use, 118

Estee Laudér,60, 147148

ethanol, 110, 111, 179180

ethical high ground,138

ethylene diaminetetraacetic acid

(EDTA), 64

Evo Store algorithm, 146

expenditures. See sustainable


extended product responsibility (EPR)

laws, 80

Exxon Valdez oil spill, 48

farming operations, 58, 132

cotton, 146147

dairy farming/milk products, 6364, 137138, 151, 157, 212

fish farming, 161

organic farming,6364

soybeans, 110

wind farms,106

worm farming, 170

Federal Energy Regulatory

Commission licensure,105

federal regulations, 11

Federal Trade Commission (FTC),

35 , 153

fertilizer, 158159, 178

fiber optics, 124

financial accounting controls, 68

flexible fuel vehicles, 111, 125126

fluorescent lighting, 124125

Food and Drug Administration, 149

food contamination, 159160

Ford, Henry,176

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC),

86, 145

Forever Redwood,87

formaldehyde, 91, 168

Fort Howard Paper Company, 182

freight/shipping energy use, 116117,


Friend, Gil, 50

FTC (Federal Trade Commission),

35, 153

FTSE KLD 400 Social Index,13

fuel conservation, 165166, 172, 180


gas conversion, 136

Gasoline Alley Foundation, 5,21 ,


geothermal energy, 113114


Gifford, Kathie Lee, 141

Gips, Terry, 21,49

glass recycling,177

global manufacturing standards,


Global Reporting Initiative (GRI),50

global warming, 135136, 150

GM, 46

Goldman, Josh, 161

goodwood standard, 54, 144146

Gorden, Wendy, 146

Gravitz, Alisa, 153

gray water, 90, 164,173,207

Green America, 153

green designs. See building/workplace


Green Dot program (Germany), 80

Greener Cow program, 64

Green Festival, 153, 156

Green Fuels Fund,7475

greenhouse gases, 129130, 135136

green product standards, 144151

Green Restaurant Association, 95

Green Seal, 4, 9,53 ,79

GRI (Global Reporting Initiative), 50

Groupe Danone, 13

G3 Sustainability Reporting


“Guides for the Use of Environmental

Marketing Claims” (EPA and

FTC), 35

Hamler, Denise, 153

Hammel, Laury, 38,89, 120, 121,


Hammond, Doug, 20. See also Relief


harmony, 9394

Harvard Business School,10

Hawken, Paul,49

Hawthorne Effect,36

Hayes, Denis, 4950, 53

heating equipment, 119, 120121

heating/hot water, 118122

heat island effect,99

heat sources, 108110, 113114 heavy metals, 64

Heisenberg’s indeterminacy principle,


Henderson, Hazel, 21

Henrikson, Robert, 87

HEPA filters,168

herbicides, 34, 66,149

Hirshberg, Gary, 17, 21,2324,44 ,

50, 6364, 113,131,138,140

141, 157, 161. See also Stonyfield


holistic management systems, 54

Hollender, Jeffrey, 9, 7677, 82

Horton, Tom, 96, 122

hostile takeovers, 13

human rights laws, 141,143

HVAC systems,92,100,114,128,


hybrid cars, 126

hydropower, 105106

Iceland, 113

IceStone, 177

ice storage, 123

ideals, 1920. See also vision

incandescent light bulbs, 123

incentives/credits, 27, 108,110

carbon, 134,164

Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency (DSIRE), 105

nitrogen, 163



Renewable Energy Credits (RECs), 104

for renewable energy technologies, 105

tax, 114, 181

indeterminacy principle, 3536

Institute for Building Biology,


intended products, 8

intended/unintended products, 8

Interface, Inc., 78,183

Internal Revenue Service, 12

International Green Purchasing

Network, 152153

International Life Cycle Partnership,


Internet impact, 10

investments in socially responsible

companies, 1112

Investors’ Circle, 12

IOMBA (input/output mass balance

analysis), 5762, 72, 211212

ISO. See under standards

Kaizen, 45

Kingsford, 176

Kopali Organics, 112113

Kyoto Protocol, 129130

Lamstein, Aaron, 181

landscape designs, 89

Lanza, 179

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 135

LCA (life cycle analysis), 4 ,6268,

72,7375,213, 215217

Leadership in Energy and

Environmental Design (LEED),

9899, 100101

LEDs (light–emitting diodes), 124

LEED (Leadership in Energy and

Environmental Design), 9899,


legal issues/legislation. See also


American Clean Energy and

Security Act, 104

“cap and trade” legislation, 104 Clean Air Act, 165

Clean Water Act, 165

Emergency Planning and

Community Right–to–Know Act

(EPCRA), 166,167

emissions releases, 166

extended product responsibility

(EPR) laws,80

human rights laws, 143

regulation noncompliance, 40

Sherman AntiTrust Law, 153

Leschine, Sue, 74

Leue, Tom,112

Lewis, Julie, 178

life cycle analysis (LCA), 4, 6268,

72, 7375, 213, 215217

Life Cycle Initiative, 67

Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability


light–emitting diodes (LEDs), 124

lights/lighting, 36, 7577, 93,


livestock waste,132, 179

local products, 149150

LOHAS (Lifestyles of Health and


Longfellow Clubs, 89, 120,121,


Loreto Bay, 97, 122

Lovins, Hunter, 146

low–hanging fruit concept, 27

Lubber, Mindy, 49

Maathai, Wangari, 145

Mackey, John, 149

Mal Warwick Associates, 93

management systems. See

sustainability management

MAP (Mission Action Program), 44,


Marty’s Soda Mix, 61

Masada Range Fuels, 179

Mascoma, 179

Maslow’s Motivational Hierarchy,


Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs),


McDonough, William, 62, 8182,


Meadowbrook Lane Capital, 45, 13

measures/metrics analysis. See also

audits; life cycle analysis (LCA)

benchmarks, 158159

break–even analysis, 72

carbon dioxide emissions, 130131

conservation measures, 3334

cost/profit analysis,6871

input/output mass balance analysis

(IOMBA), 5762, 72, 211212

management and, 44

measures of performance (MOPs),


publishing results of, 157

results comparisons, 66

for setting performance

benchmarks, 158159

uses of, 7172

Metal Wood Common Good, 177

methane, 64, 113, 129, 132133

Mexico, 9697

microbes,7475, 110, 111, 179180

Mid–Course Correction (Anderson),


milk products. See dairy farming

under farming operations

Milorganite, 178

Mission Action Program (MAP), 44,

140141, 157

mission/vision. See vision

Morris, James, 163

Motherwear, 6566, 185

motivational hierarchy, 2526

MSDSs (Material Safety Data Sheets),


NAICS (North American Industry

Classification System), 166

National Green Pages, 153

National Renewable Energy

Laboratory product categories, 68

Natural Step Framework, 6 , 5052

needs, 2526, 49, 168169

New Jersey Department of

Environmental Quality, 66

New York Times, 14

nitrogen, 158159, 163

nitrous oxide,129

North American Industry

Classification System (NAICS),


obsolescence, planned, 7879

occupancy sensors, 125

Odwalla, 13,21,25

office equipment, 118, 172, 183

Office of Management and Budget,


Old Growth Again (now Forever

Redwood), 87

Omnivore’s Dilemma, The (Pollan),


Oneida Nation, 147148

Opinion Research, 9

organic farming, 6364

organic food, 148150, 151

organic waste, 113, 163,180

Pacific Rim of Fire, 113

packaging, 64, 66,80,141,157, 169,


paper trails, 34

partnerships/collaborations, 1415,


passive solar construction, 8788

Patagonia, 146147

patient investments,12

Pauli, Gunter, 155

peace of mind, 15

Pepsi–Cola Company, 13

performance measures,27,33,127,

158159. See also audits

Permanent Forum on Indigenous

Issues, 148

pesticides, 34,142,147, 149

petrochemicals, 164

PFRP (Process to Further Reduce

Pathogens), 162

phosphorus credits, 163

photovoltaics, 107108

Pioneer Valley Sustainability

Network, 171

“Plan, Do, Measure, and Review,”


planned communities,96

planned obsolescence, 7879

plastic recycling, 22, 177, 181182,


policies, 1011,46

Pollan, Michael, 150

pollution, 9092,112, 156, 160163,


Precautionary Principle, 64

Problem Solving Groups (PSGs),44

Process to Further Reduce Pathogens

(PFRP), 162

products. See also specific products by

name, e.g., cleaning products

impacts of, 65

purpose of, 7779

renting versus selling, 78

reuse of, 169170,176

salvaging, 182183

screening/comparisons, 146

sustainability of, 9,144151

waste (see waste management/use)

profit and loss (P&L) statements,68

protocols, 3334,144151,146147

PSGs (Problem Solving Groups), 44

purchasing. See sustainable


purpose of products, 7779

PVC recycling, 178

pyrolytic processes, 180

Q microbe, 7475, 179180

Quabbin Reservoir,74

qualification/quantification measures,

3334, 35,79

Quality Circle system, 45

quality control,46,159160

radioactive waste,160

rainwater collection,90,97

Real Goods,21,87, 108,122

rebates, energy, 108, 110

Rechelbacher, Horst,17,1819, 21,

36,49,50, 58,60,65.See also


recording industry, 173

Recycline, 177

recycling, 22,80,157,164,170173,

176184,184185.See also waste


Red Barn Trading Company, 163


compliance audits, 35,165

evaluating compliance with, 33

FTC’s, 153

metering rules (electricity), 105

noncompliance issues, 40

preventing arbitrary, 1011

Relief Resources, 20

renewable energy, 103,104105

Renewable Energy Credits (RECs),


renovation of structures, 87

renting versus selling products, 78

reporting structures, 21, 50

reports, 3840, 6062

repurposing products, 177

resin recycling, 177

resort standards, 99100

responsibility, 2021

ReStore, 14

returns on investments (ROIs), 68

reuse of products, 169170, 176

reverse osmosis (RO), 160162,


rewarding employees, 27

Rhino Records, 173

RO (reverse osmosis), 160162, 164

Robert, Karl–Henrik,50

Rule of Tens, 73

Rysavy, Jirka, 21

safety, 26

Safety–Kleen, 183184

sales, improving, 9

salvaging products, 182183

sanitation issues, 159160

Savano, 96

Schaeffer, John, 21, 87

SCR (selective catalytic reduction),


screening products for sustainability,


Securities and Exchange Commission

(SEC), 130

selective catalytic reduction (SCR),


self–actualization, 26

selling versus renting products,


semiconductor chips, 159

services, 65, 7779

Seventh Generation, 9, 7677

Sharp, Jef, 74

Sherman AntiTrust Law, 153

shipping/freight energy use, 116117,


shoemaking materials, 178

shrink–wrap, 177

Shulsky, Rena, 53

Shuman, Michael H., 150

sick buildings, 92

Siegel, Daniel, 146

Silverman, Tom, 9192

Small–Mart Revolution, The

(Shuman), 150

SMART (specific, measurable,

attainable, relevant, and timely)

standards, 52

Smith and Hawken, 49

Social Accountability International

SA 8000 standard, 169170

Social Enterprise Club (Harvard

Business School), 10

Social Investment Forum, 11

Social(k), 142

socially responsible investments

(SRIs), 1213

social media tools, 10

Social Venture Network (SVN),3 ,

38, 52

Society of Environmental Toxicology

and Chemistry, 67

SolarBuzz, 107, 108

solar energy,107110, 120, 122,


Solar Living Center, 122

Solar Living Institute, 87, 108

solar thermal collectors,108110

solid waste, 157, 168169

solvents, 164

sound, effects of, 9394

Springfield Materials Recycling


St. Albans Cooperative Creamery,



alignment of team with, 25

ANSI (American National Standards Institute), 4, 47, 54 ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air–Conditioning Engineers) Standard 62, 91

audits to, 37

Audubon International’s building,


designing to sustainability,7980

differences among, 5054

goodwood, 54, 144146

green building, 98100

green product, 144151

internal benchmarks for

performance, 158159

international, 7980

ISO (International Standards Organization),4 ,6 , 37, 40, 46, 4748,54 , 159, 209210


Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), 9899

making your own, 80 open source, 54

SMART (specific, measurable,

attainable, relevant, and timely), 52

Standard for Organic Certification (USDA), 53

SVN Standards of Corporate Social Responsibility, 38

total environmental quality

measurement, 46

voluntary, 11 ,7980

Steltenpohl, Greg, 22, 25. See also

Odwalla Stephenson, Charlotte, 146

Stone, Don, 5860

Stonyfield Farm, 5, 13, 17, 1819, 27,

4344, 50, 6364, 90, 138,140

141,151 , 157,161 , 177

Students for Social Responsibility, 10

sulfur oxide, 165166

Suntech, 108

suppliers, 32, 138139, 142144,


Sustainability Index (Walmart), 67

sustainability management

actions to take for, 28

audits ( see audits)

CERES (Coalition of Environmentally Responsible Economies), 6, 4850

designs for ( see building/workplace designs)

history of modern,1

holistic, 54

Natural Step Framework, 5052

profits linked to, 6061

standards for ( see standards)

top ten reasons for, 815

Valdez Principles, 4849

Sustainable Forestry Initiative, 145

sustainable purchasing

aggregation purchasing, 152153

buying local products, 149150

cooperative purchasing, 151153

customer as king/queen, 138139

decision–making rules for, 153154

empowering purchasing agents, 140141

green purchasing specifications, 139140

knowing your suppliers, 141144

procurement protocols, 146147

purchasing alliances, 151153

responsibility for, 137138

standards, screens, and protocols for, 144151

SWOTR (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and recommendations), 39

Tankersley, Jason, 180, 181182

Tasch, Woody, 12

tax credits, 114, 181

teams, Stonyfield Farm’s,4344

Tellus Institute, 66

TerraCycle, 170

textiles, 176

thermal collectors,108110, 114

thermal mass, 88, 90

Tice, Keith, 141

Tommy Boy Entertainment, 9092

Tom’s of Maine, 13, 163

Total Quality Management (TQM),


toxic material recycling, 183184

Toxic Release Inventory (TRI), 166

transportation fuel, 75, 111, 125126

travel energy use, 116,125126

tree planting/management, 8687,

112, 132,133134, 135136,


TRI (Toxic Release Inventory), 166

TriState Biodiesel, 2425, 184

Truth About Green Business, The

(Friend), 50

Turnbull, Sara Little, 81

21st Century Corporation:

The CERES Roadmap for

Sustainability, The (CERES),



unethical practices, 138

Unilever, 13

unintended products, 8

United Nations (UN), 1213 , 67,

129130, 143, 148

Universal Remediation, 164

University of Michigan, Center for

Sustainable Systems, 64

unsustainable practices, 14

USDA (U.S. Department of

Agriculture), 53, 149

U.S. Green Building Council, 98,


Valdez Principles, 4849

valuation, increasing, 1213

VAR (Vector Attraction Reduction), 162

Vector Attraction Reduction (VAR),


vehicle fuel use, 111, 125126

vendors/suppliers, 32, 138139, 142

144, 223226

Verité, 143

commitment to, 2225

conversion to action of, 54

creation of, 17, 1820

ensuring success of, 43

implementation of, 5455

living your, 2122

policy creation from, 46

responsibility for realization of, 2021

writing vision on your literature, 139140

vision statements, 28

volatile organic compounds (VOCs),

46, 5859, 162

volcanic activity, 114, 135

voluntary standards, 11, 79

Wall Street Journal, 4

Walmart,67 , 8182, 144, 150

waste management/use. See also



biomass production,175176

business opportunities from using, 184185

cogeneration units,120

cooking oils, 112

effluent treatment, 160163, 164

as feedstock,170

green designs and, 181

hazardous, 160

heat waste conversion technologies, 98,120 , 152

human waste, 178

as input material, 181

livestock waste, 132, 179

making money from, 185186

methane,64 , 113,129 ,132133

organic waste, 113, 163, 180

postconsumer, 182

radioactive waste, 160

reduction methods, 168169

sewage treatment, 180

solid waste, 120, 157, 168169

steam for turbines using, 181

worm farming, 170

yogurt, 161

your business’s own, 183

zero waste initiatives, 173174

waste product emissions, 165168

Waste Technology Transfer, 180

waste–to–energy facilities,180181

wastewater treatment, 160163,


water conservation/management,

8990, 97

Clean Water Act, 165

desalination of seawater, 97

emission releases to, 157

gray water, 90, 164,173, 207

heating, 118122

pollution, 160163

rainwater collection, 90, 97

recycling of, 161, 164

as thermal mass, 88

usage measures, 157

Weiss, Eric, 171

Western Electric,36

Western States Contracting Alliance

(WSCA), 152

White, Heather, 143

White Dog Cafe,13 , 151152

Wicks, Judy, 151152

wind farms, 106

window design, 88

wind power, 106107

windrow composting, 162

wood construction/products,54 ,


workplace designs. See building/

workplace designs

Worldwise, Inc., 181

worm castings, 170

Wright, Jody, 6566, 185

WSCA (Western States Contracting

Alliance), 152

xeriscaping, 89

Yellow Biodiesel, 112

yellow grease, 111

Zaidman, Zak, 112113

Zero Emissions Research and

Initiatives, 155

Zerofootprint seal, 170

zero waste initiatives, 173174. See

also waste management/use

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