List of abbreviations

A&R - Abandonment and recovery

AA - Anti agglomerate

AACE - Advancement of cost engineering

AAV - Annulus access valve

ACFM - Alternating current field measurement

AHC - Active heave compensation

AHV - Anchor handling vessel

AMV - Annulus master valve

APDU - Asphaltene precipitation detection unit

APV - Air pressure vessel

ASD - Allowable stress design

ASV - Annulus swab valve

AUV - Autonomous underwater vehicle

AWV - Annulus wing valve

B&C - Burial and coating

BM - Bending moment

BOPD - Barrels of oil per day

BR - Bend restrictor

C/WO - Completion and workover

CAPEX - Capital expenditures

CAPEX - Capital expenditures

CAT - Connector actuation tool

CCD - Charge-coupled device

CCO - Component change-out tool

CDTM - Control depth towing method

CFP – Cold flow pipeline

CG - Center of gravity

CI - Corrosion inhibitor

CII - Colloidal instability index

CIU - Chemical injection unit

CMC - Crown-mounted compensator

CoB - Cost of blowout

CoG - Center of gravity

CP - Cathodic protection

CPT - Compliant piled tower

CPT - Cone penetration test

CRA - Corrosion-resistant alloy

CV - Coefficient value

CVC - Pipeline end connector

CVI - Close visual inspection

DA - Diver assist

DCU - Dry completion unit

DDF - Deepdraft semi-submersible

DEG - Diethylene glycol

DFT - Dry film thickness

DGPS - Differential global positioning system

DH - Direct hydraulic

DHSV - Downhole safety valve

DOP - Dilution of position

DP - Dynamic positioning

DSS - Direct simple shear

DSV - Diving support vessel

EC - External corrosion

EDM - Electrical distribution module

EDP - Emergency disconnect package

EDU - Electrical distribution unit

EFAT - Extended factory acceptance test

EFL - Electric flying lead

EGL - Energy grade line

EH - Electrical heating

EI - External impact

EOS - Equation of state

EPCI - Engineering, procurement, construction and installation

EPU - Electrical power unit

EQD - Emergency quick disconnect

ESD - Emergency shutdown

ESP - Electrical submersible pump

FAR - Flexural anchor reaction

FAT - Factory acceptance test

FBE - Fusion bonded epoxy

FDM - Finite difference method

FE - Finite element

FEA - Finite element analysis

FEED - Front-end engineering design

FEM - Finite element Method

FMECA - Failure mode, effects, and criticality analysis

FOS - Factor of safety

FPDU -Floating production and drilling unit

FPS - Floating production system

FPSO - Floating production, storage and offloading

FPU - Floating production unit

FSHR - Free standing hybrid riser

FSO - Floating storage and offloading

FSV - Field support vessel

FTA - Fault tree analysis

GL - Guideline

GLL - Guideline-less

GoM - Gulf of Mexico

GOR - Gas/oil ratio

GPS - Global positioning system

GSPU - Polyurethane-glass syntactic

GVI - General visual inspection

HAZID - Hazard identification

HCLS - Heave compensated landing system

HCM - HIPPS control module

HCR - High collapse resistance

HDM -Hydraulic distribution module

HDPE - High density polyethylene

HFL - Hydraulic flying lead

HGL - Hydraulic grade line

HIPPS - High integrity pressure protection system

HISC - Hydrogen-induced stress cracking

HLV - Heavy lift vessel

HMI- Human machine interface

HP/HT - High pressure high temperature

HPU - Hydraulic power unit

HR - Hybrid riser

HSE - Health, safety, and environmental

HSP - Hydraulic submersible pump

HT - Horizontal tree

HTGC - High temperature gas chromatography

HXT - Horizontal tree

HXU - Heat exchanger unit

IA - Inhibitor availability

IBWM - International bureau of weights and measures

IC - Internal corrosion

ICCP - Impressed current cathodic protection

IE - Internal erosion

IMR - Inspection, maintenance, and repair

IPU - Integrated production umbilical

IRP - Inspection reference plan

IRR - Internal rate of return

ISA - Instrument society of America

ISO - International Organization for Standards

IWOCS – Installation and workover control system

JIC - Joint industry conference

JT - Joule Thompson

KI - Kinetic inhibitor

L/D - Length/diameter

LARS - Launch and recovery system

LBL - Long baseline

LC - Life cycle cost

LCWR - Lost capacity while waiting on rig

LDHI - Low dosage hydrate inhibitor

LFJ - Lower flexjoint

LOT - Linear override tool

LP - Low pressure

LPMV - Lower production master valve

LRP - Lower riser package

LWRP - Lower workover riser package

MAOP - Maximum allowable operating pressure

MASP - Maximum allowable surge pressure

MBR - Minimum bend radius

MCS - Master control station

MEG - Mono ethylene glycol

MF - Medium frequency

MIC - Microbiological induced corrosion

MMBOE - Million barrels of oil equivalent

MOPU - Mobile offshore drilling unit

MPI - Magnetic particle inspection

MPP - Multiphase pump

MQC - Multiple quick connector

MRP - Maintenance reference plan

MTO - Material take-off

NAS - National aerospace standard

NDE - None destructive examination

NDT - Nondestructive testing

NGS - nitrogen generating system

NPV - Net present value

NS - North sea

NTNU - The Norwegian university of science and technology

O&M - Operations and maintenance

OCR - Over consolidation ratio

OCS - Operational Control System

OHTC - Overall heat transfer coefficient

OPEX - Operation expenditures

OREDA - Offshore reliability data

OSI - Oil States Industries

OTC - Offshore Technology conference

PAN - Programmable acoustic navigator

PCP - Piezocone penetration

PGB - Production guide base

PHC - Passive heave compensator

PhS - Phenolic syntactic

PIP - Pipe in pipe

PLC - Programmable logic controller

PLEM - Pipeline end manifold

PLET - Pipeline end termination

PLL - Potential loss of life

PMV - Production master valve

PMV - Production master valve

PoB - Probability of blowout

POD - Point of disconnect

PP - Polypropylene

PPF - Polypropylene foam

PSCM - Procurement and supply chain management

PSV - Production swab valve

PT - Pressure transmitter

PTT - Pressure/Temperature Transducer

PU - Polyurethane

PWV - Production wing valve

QC - Quality control

QE - Quality engineer

QP - Quality program

QRA - Quantitative risk assessment

RAO -Response amplitude operator

RBD - Reliability block diagram

RBI - Risk-based inspection

RCDA - Reliability-centered design analysis

RCMM - Reliability capability maturity model

REB - Reverse end bearing

ROT - Remote operated tool

ROV - Remote operated vehicle

RPPF - Polypropylene-reinforced foam combination

RSV - ROV support vessel

SAM - Subsea accumulator module

SAMMB - Subsea accumulator module mating block

SBP - Sub-bottom profiler

SCF - Stress concentration factor

SCM - Subsea control module

SCMMB - Subsea control module mounting base

SCR - Steel catenary riser

SCSSV - Surface controlled subsurface safety valve

SDA - Subsea distribution assembly

SDS - Subsea distribution system

SDU - Subsea distribution unit

SEM - Subsea electronics module

SEP - Epoxy syntactic

SEPLA - Suction embedded plate anchor

SIS - Safety instrumented system

SIT - Silicon intensified target

SIT - System integration test

SLEM - Simple linear elastic model

SPCS - Subsea production control system

SPCU - Subsea production communication unit

SPS - Subsea production system

SPU - Polyurethane-syntactic

SSC - Sulfide stress cracking

SSCC - Stress corrosion cracking

SSP - Subsea processing

SSS - Side-scan sonar

SSTT - Subsea test tree

SU - Separator unit

SUTA - Subsea umbilical termination assembly

SV - Satellite vehicle

TDP - Touchdown point

TDS - Total dissolved solid

TDU - Tool deployment unit

TDZ - Touchdown zone

TEG - Triethylene glycol

TFL - Through-flowline

TGB - Temporary guide base

THI - Thermodynamic inhibitor

TLP - Tension leg platform

TMGB - Template-mounted guide base

TMS - Tether management system

TPPL - Total plant peak load

TPRL - Total plant running load

TRT - Tree running tool

TT - Temperature transmitter

TTF - Time to failure

TTR - Top tensioned riser

TUFFP - Tulsa university fluid flow project

TUTA - Topside umbilical termination assembly

TVD - True vertical depth

TWI - Thermodynamic wax inhibitor

UFJ - Upper flexjoint

UHF - Ultra high frequency

UPC - Pull out capacity

UPMV - Upper production master valve

UPS - Uninterruptible power supply

USBL - Ultra short baseline

USV - Underwater safety valve

UTA - Umbilical termination assembly

UTH - Umbilical termination head

UU - Unconsolidated, undrained

VG - Vetco Gray

VIM - Vortex Induced Motion

VIT - Vacuum insulated tubing

VIV - Vortex induced vibration

VRU - Vertical reference unit

VT - Vertical tree

VXT - Vertical Xmas tree

WA - West africa

WAT - Wax appearance temperature

WBS - Work breakdown structure

WD - Water depth

WHI - Wellhead growth index

WHP - Wellhead platform

WHU - Wellhead unit

WS - Winter storm

WSD - Working stress design

XLPE - Cross linked polyethylene

XOV- Crossover valve

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