Glossary of Succession Planning Concepts


360-Degree Interviews. A tool that gives employees feedback on their performance from different levels of the organization, including supervisors, peers, direct reports, co-workers, and customers.

Acting (Interim) Assignment. When a position is vacant and its duties are vital to the operation of the organization, a permanent employee may be temporarily assigned to perform those duties.

Career Path or Career Map. A predefined set of jobs or positions through which an employee might progress to achieve a desired level in the organization.

Competency. The knowledge, skills, abilities, and behaviors that contribute to successful performance in a particular position or occupational level.

Competency Assessment. The process of developing a set of competencies that are aligned with an organization’s mission, vision, and strategic goals based on a standard set by top performers.

Cross-Training. Instructing employees on the skills and responsibilities of another position in the organization to increase their effectiveness.

Demand Analysis. The future workforce profile of staffing levels and competencies needed to meet those future requirements.

Experiential Training. The development method of learning through experience, either in a real situation, such as a workplace, or in role play.

Explicit Knowledge. Knowledge of company procedures and processes that can be tracked in manuals, directories, and other references.

Full-Time Equivalent (FTE). A measurement equal to one staff person working a full-time work schedule for one year.

Gap Analysis. In succession planning, a gap analysis uses a supply analysis and a demand analysis to identify the situations where current workforce and future needs are not well-matched.

Individual Development Plan (IDP). A document that includes an assessment of an employee’s current skills and an outline of how the employee will develop the knowledge, skills, and abilities to meet the changing needs of the organization and to achieve future career goals.

Job Description. A written document that describes the duties, responsibilities, required qualifications, and reporting relationships of a particular job or position.

Job Shadowing. The practice of observing the daily activities of a person performing their job.

Job Sharing. A structure in which two part-time employees share the functions and responsibilities of a single position, so that together they complete a full-time job.

Key Position. An employee who provides a service that is critical to the organization’s mission and performance.

Knowledge Management. The range of practices used by organizations to identify, create, represent, and distribute knowledge for use across the organization.

Knowledge Transfer. Methods of sharing knowledge accumulated by current personnel. These methods may include strategies such as mentoring, training programs, internships, cross-training, on-the-job training, and documentation.

Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSA). Knowledge, skills, and abilities required to perform a job. Knowledge refers to an understanding of the facts and principles relating to a subject area; skill is the application of that knowledge; and ability is the capacity to perform that action. Sometimes the term is used interchangeably with similar terms, such as competencies and quality ranking factors.

Learning Organization. A business or association that continually seeks new information and uses that information in its development and growth.

Mentor. A person of high standing in an organization who takes on the role of guiding and providing an example to an employee.

Mission Statement. A description of the precise reason that the organization is in business.

On-the-Job Training (OJT). A structured program that allows an employee to learn the skills for a position.

Organizational Culture. The shared set of values and practices that characterizes an organization and is expected to be reflected in its employees’ behavior.

Recruitment. The process of identifying potential employees and encouraging them to apply for job openings.

Retention. Strategies to meet employees’ needs in the workplace to encourage employees to remain with an organization, reducing turnover rate.

Skill Set. A group of knowledge, skills, and abilities that are necessary for the proficient performance of a particular function.

Stakeholders. The end-users or clients who will influence the design and, ultimately, reap the benefits of your completed project.

Strategic Plan. A document that sets organizational direction and measurable program objectives.

Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat (SWOT) Analysis. A review of the organization, usually performed by senior leadership, that outlines the strengths and weaknesses of the organization as well as opportunities that exist with current changes in factors, such as the marketplace and technology, and external threats that could challenge the success of the business.

Subject Matter Expert (SME). An individual who is an authority on a specific subject area.

Succession Planning. A process designed to ensure that individuals are recruited and developed to fill key roles in the organization.

Supply Analysis. The current and future composition of the workforce and workload, which takes into consideration the organization’s workforce, workload, and competencies as integrated elements.

Tacit Knowledge. This form of knowledge is estimated to make up 80 to 85 percent of an organization’s knowledge assets. Tacit knowledge is composed of people’s insight, judgment, and know-how, which requires more interpersonal training methods, such as coaching and mentoring.

Transfer of Training. This refers to the application of skills and information learned in training to actual job performance.

Values. These traits or qualities represent an individual’s or an organization’s highest priorities.

Vision. This is a statement of what the organization wants to become.

Workforce Planning. The process of analyzing the current workforce, identifying future workforce needs, and developing solutions to address the gaps that exist between those two.

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