

When I teamed up with ATD to write the first edition of Succession Planning Basics in 2007, the challenges were different from those of today’s succession planning efforts.

In 2007, most interested parties thought succession planning was a way of handing down their family farms. The companies I interviewed about succession planning thought it was a good concept, but usually followed up by saying that it wasn’t something they were working on at the time.

Fast forward a dozen years. Everyone knows what succession planning is now. Everyone agrees that it’s important. And still a large number of organizations say it’s not something they have time to work on.

However, more organizations are discovering that succession planning has even more importance than they realized in the past. While companies fight to attract and retain talent, succession planning—with its concept that the job one is being hired for is a starting point, not a permanent position—has become a vital tool to attract the best hires.

In this updated second edition of Succession Planning Basics, we’ll walk through the steps of succession planning, study recent developments, share best practices, and help you develop a plan for making succession planning a part of your organization’s benefits to attract new employees and retain and develop current team members.

Who Should Read This Book?

This book addresses the basic concepts and steps to create a succession plan for an organization. It will serve several audiences:

• management team members who are considering succession planning for their organizations

• organization development professionals at the beginning of their careers

• human resources professionals who want to move away from the practice of replacement hiring

• trainers who need a basic understanding of succession planning for employee development plans.

Succession Planning Basics offers theory, processes, best practices, and other considerations that organizations need to understand before embarking on a succession planning project.

How This Book Is Organized

This book will guide you through the process of succession planning for your organization, beginning with the core components of an effective plan. It progresses through the assessment of the organization, guidelines for each stage of the process, maintenance, possible challenges, and ongoing evaluation and improvement of the plan. The chapters will cover:

What Is Succession Planning? This introductory chapter includes definitions, basic steps, models, and core concepts of the process. Additionally, it outlines the opportunities and needs met by effective succession planning and offers a template for communicating the basics of succession planning to the leadership of your organization.

Preparing for Succession Planning. In this chapter you’ll find methods to set your plan up for success by creating a strong project team that understands the goals and outcomes expected. You’ll also learn methods to involve different levels of the organization in order to create a positive environment for this plan to develop.

Establishing and Communicating Goals. This chapter focuses on preparing team members with background information, sample materials, and recommendations for communication standards and timelines. This communication helps maintain an open, transparent process, helping build confidence in the work of the team.

Assessing Your Organization. Before you can determine where you’re headed, you’ll need to determine where you are. In this chapter, you’ll study the strengths and weaknesses of your organization, organizational documents, core competencies, and key positions to be addressed. This will allow you to keep the scope of your plan manageable.

Developing Your Workplace Profile. The information you gathered in the previous chapter’s activities will be used at this point to assess the skills that exist in the workplace, compare them to skills that are needed, and create your skills-gap analysis. From this you’ll be able to create an objective picture of your organization’s internal depth, or potential successors for key positions.

Designing Your Succession Plan. In this chapter, you’ll address specifics of the succession plan, including creating job profiles, competency listings for key positions, and potential candidates and the development needed to prepare them for leadership roles. The 9-Box Grid will allow you to create an overview of the potential future leaders of your organization.

Using Succession Planning Development Practices. This chapter brings succession planning to the individual level as it reviews methods for creating effective individual development plans. It outlines the multitude of developmental opportunities available for competency development of talent.

Assessing Succession Management Software. While software solutions for succession management are constantly evolving, there are some features necessary for success. This chapter inventories the must-have features, the options, and some of the challenges that organizations have experienced to help you be a more informed buyer.

Implementing Your Succession Plan. This chapter outlines the six main activities of maintaining an effective plan in order to keep your succession efforts on track. Additionally, it offers a list of some of the most prevalent pitfalls that others have encountered in order to help you avoid them.

Evaluating Your Plan. The plan you create will need to be evaluated and revised if it is to respond to the changes that occur inside and outside your organization. This chapter offers checklists for plan evaluation, suggestions for informal evaluation methods, and recommendations for ensuring these reviews happen on a regular basis.

Frequently Asked Questions. The questions asked are universal. Does this guarantee a promotion? What if there’s no one qualified to move up? Isn’t this a job for the human resources department? This chapter gives you standard responses to some of the most-asked questions about succession planning.

The Big Picture. The final chapter shares best practices of organizations that have had success with their plans and some of the adjustments they’ve made to suit their specific needs. Since there’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all plan, these adjustments can be starter ideas for your organization. And finally, this chapter looks at the future of succession planning with Generations Y and Z moving into higher roles in the workplace. Tips to ensure that your plan is appealing to all generations add to the value of the lessons in this chapter.

Look for These Icons

This book strives to make it easy for you to understand and apply its lessons. Icons throughout this book help you identify key points.

What’s Inside This Chapter

Each chapter opens with a summary of the topics addressed in the chapter. You can use this reference to find the areas that interest you most.

Basic Rules

These rules cut to the chase. They represent important concepts and assumptions that form the foundation of succession planning.


This icon calls out additional information.

Think About This

These are helpful tips for how to use the tools and techniques presented in the chapter.

Getting It Done

The final section of each chapter offers suggestions, additional resources, and other information to help you get your succession plan started.

What’s New in This Edition?

This book includes a closer look at tools and new developments in software that can streamline planning efforts as well as updated best practices and considerations for addressing the needs of Millennials and Generation Z when creating succession plans.


This book represents knowledge gained from decades of work with outstanding individuals, corporations, and associations, and especially from conversations and insightful questions raised during workshops I have conducted. Thank goodness for our students. They compel us to keep learning.

Christee Gabour Atwood
July 2019

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