Chapter 5. Demystifying initializers

This chapter covers

  • Demystifying Swift’s initializer rules
  • Understanding quirks of struct initializers
  • Understanding complex initializer rules when subclassing
  • How to keep the number of initializers low when subclassing
  • When and how to work with required initializers

As a Swift developer, initializing your classes and structs are one of the core fundamentals that you have been using.

But initializers in Swift are not intuitive. Swift offers memberwise initializers, custom initializers, designated initializers, convenience initializers, required initializers, and I didn’t even mention the optional initializers, failable initializers, and throwing initializers. Frankly, it can get bewildering sometimes.

This chapter sheds some light on the situation so that instead of having a boxing match with the compiler, you can make the most out of initializing structs, classes, and subclasses.

In this chapter, we model a boardgame hierarchy that you’ll compose out of structs and classes. While building this hierarchy, you’ll experience the joy of Swift’s strange initializer rules and how you can deal with them. Since creating game mechanics is a topic for a book itself, we only focus on the initializer fundamentals in this chapter.

First, you’ll tinker with struct initializers and learn about the quirks that come with them. After that, you’ll move on to class initializers and the subclassing rules that accompany them; this is usually where the complexity kicks in with Swift. Then you’ll see how you can reduce the number of initializers while you’re subclassing, to keep the number of initializers to a minimum. Finally, you’ll see the role that required initializers play, and when and how to use them.

The goal of this chapter is for you to be able to write initializers in one go, versus doing an awkward dance of trial and error to please the compiler gods.

5.1. Struct initializer rules

Structs can be initialized in a relatively straightforward way because you can’t subclass them. Nevertheless, there are still some special rules that apply to structs, which we explore in this section. In the next section, we model a board game, but first we model the players that can play the board game. You’ll create a Player struct containing the name and type of each player’s pawn. You’re choosing to model a Player as a struct because structs are well suited for small data models (amongst other things). Also, a struct can’t be subclassed, which is fine for modeling Player.

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The Player that you’ll model resembles a pawn on a board game. You can instantiate a Player by passing it a name and a type of pawn, such as a car, shoe, or hat.

Listing 5.1. Creating a player
let player = Player(name: "SuperJeff", pawn: .shoe)

You see that a Player has two properties: name and pawn. Notice how the struct has no initializer defined. Under the hood, you get a so-called memberwise initializer, which is a free initializer the compiler generates for you, as shown here.

Listing 5.2. Introducing the Player struct
enum Pawn {
    case dog, car, ketchupBottle, iron, shoe, hat

struct Player {
  let name: String
  let pawn: Pawn

let player = Player(name: "SuperJeff", pawn: .shoe)      
  • Swift offers a free memberwise initializer.

5.1.1. Custom initializers

Swift is very strict about wanting all properties populated in structs and classes, which is no secret. If you’re coming from languages where this wasn’t the case (such as Ruby and Objective-C), fighting the Swift compiler can be quite frustrating at first.

To illustrate, you can’t initialize a Player with only a name, omitting a pawn. The following won’t compile.

Listing 5.3. Omitting a property
let player = Player(name: "SuperJeff")

error: missing argument for parameter 'pawn' in call
let player = Player(name: "SuperJeff")
                                     , pawn: Pawn

To make initialization easier, you can omit pawn from the initializer parameters. The struct needs all properties propagated with a value. If the struct initializes its properties, you don’t have to pass values. In listing 5.4 you’re going to add a custom initializer where you can only pass a name of the Player. The pawn can then randomly be picked for players, making your struct easier to initialize. The custom initializer accepts a name and randomly selects the pawn.

First, you make sure that the Pawn enum conforms to the CaseIterable protocol; doing so allows you to obtain an array of all cases via the allCases property. Then in the initializer of Player, you can use the randomElement() method on allCases to pick a random element.


CaseIterable works only on enums without associated values, because with associated values an enum could theoretically have an infinite number of variations.

Listing 5.4. Creating your initializer
enum Pawn: CaseIterable {                                  
     case dog, car, ketchupBottle, iron, shoe, hat

struct Player {
    let name: String
    let pawn: Pawn

    init(name: String) {                                   = name
        self.pawn = Pawn.allCases.randomElement()!        

// The custom initializer in action.
let player = Player(name: "SuperJeff")
print(player.pawn) // shoe
  • Make Pawn conform to CaseIterable, which gives you an allCases property on Pawn, returning an array of all cases.
  • Manually create an initializer, accepting a name String.
  • Randomize a pawn using the randomElement() method on Pawn.allCases.


The randomElement() method returns an optional that you need to unwrap. You force unwrap it via a !. Usually, a force unwrap is considered bad practice. But in this case, you know at compile-time that it’s safe to unwrap.

Now indecisive players can have a pawn picked for them.

5.1.2. Struct initializer quirk

Here is an interesting quirk. You can’t use the memberwise (free) initializer from earlier; it won’t work.

Listing 5.5. Initializing a player with a custom initializer
let secondPlayer = Player(name: "Carl", pawn: .dog)
error: extra argument 'pawn' in call

The reason that the memberwise initializer doesn’t work any more is to make sure that developers can’t circumvent the logic in the custom initializer. It’s a useful protection mechanism! In your case, offering both the custom and memberwise initializers would be favorable. You can offer both initializers by extending the struct and putting your custom initializer there.

First, you restore the Player struct, so it won’t contain any custom initializers, giving you the memberwise initializer back. Then you extend the Player struct and put your custom initializer in there.

Listing 5.6. Restoring the Player struct
struct Player {
    let name: String
    let pawn: Pawn

extension Player {             
     init(name: String) {      = name
        self.pawn = Pawn.allCases.randomElement()!
  • Extend Player, opening it up for more functionality.
  • Add your custom initializer in the extension.

You can confirm this worked because you now can initialize a Player via both initializers.

Listing 5.7. Initializing a player with both initializers
// Both initializers work now.
let player = Player(name: "SuperJeff")
let anotherPlayer = Player(name: "Mary", pawn: .dog)

By using an extension, you can keep the best of both worlds. You can offer the free memberwise and a custom initializer with specific logic.

5.1.3. Exercises


Given the following struct

struct Pancakes {

    enum SyrupType {
        case corn
        case molasses
        case maple

    let syrupType: SyrupType
    let stackSize: Int

    init(syrupType: SyrupType) {
        self.stackSize = 10
        self.syrupType = syrupType

will the following initializers work?

let pancakes = Pancakes(syrupType: .corn, stackSize: 8)
let morePancakes = Pancakes(syrupType: .maple)


If these initializers didn’t work, can you make them work without adding another initializer?

5.2. Initializers and subclassing

Subclassing is a way to achieve polymorphism. With polymorphism, you can offer a single interface, such as a function, that works on multiple types.

But subclassing isn’t too popular in the Swift community, especially because Swift often is marketed as a protocol-oriented language, which is one subclassing alternative.

You saw in chapter 2 how subclasses tend to be a rigid data structure. You also saw how enums are a flexible alternative to subclassing, and you’ll see more flexible approaches when you start working with protocols and generics.

Nevertheless, subclassing is still a valid tool that Swift offers. You can consider overriding or extending behavior from classes; this includes code from frameworks you don’t even own. Apple’s UIKit is a recurring example of this, where you can subclass UIView to create new elements for the screen.

This section will help you understand how initializers work in regard to classes and subclassing—also known as inheritance—so that when you’re not jumping on the protocol-oriented programming bandwagon, you can offer clean subclassing constructions.

5.2.1. Creating a board game superclass

The Player model is all set up; now it’s time to start modeling the board game hierarchy.

First, you’re going to create a class called BoardGame that serves as a superclass. Then you’ll subclass BoardGame to create your own board game called Mutability Land: an exciting game that teaches Swift developers to write immutable code.

After the hierarchy is set up, you’ll discover Swift’s quirks that come with subclassing and approaches on how to deal with them.

5.2.2. The initializers of BoardGame

The BoardGame superclass has three initializers: one designated initializer and two convenience initializers to make initialization easier (see figure 5.1).

Figure 5.1. BoardGame initializers

Before continuing, get acquainted with the two types of initializers for classes.

First is the designated initializer, which is the run-of-the-mill variety. Designated initializers are there to make sure all properties get initialized. Classes tend to have very few designated initializers, usually just one, but more are possible. Designated initializers point to a superclass if there is one.

Second is the convenience initializer, which can help make initialization easier by supplying default values or create a simpler initialization syntax. Convenience initializers can call other convenience initializers, but they ultimately call a designated initializer from the same class.

If you look inside BoardGame, you can confirm the use of one designated initializer and two convenience initializers, as shown here.

Listing 5.8. The BoardGame superclass
class BoardGame {
    let players: [Player]
    let numberOfTiles: Int

    init(players: [Player], numberOfTiles: Int) {         
        self.players = players
        self.numberOfTiles = numberOfTiles

    convenience init(players: [Player]) {                 
        self.init(players: players, numberOfTiles: 32)

    convenience init(names: [String]) {                   
        var players = [Player]()
        for name in names {
            players.append(Player(name: name))
        self.init(players: players, numberOfTiles: 32)
  • The designated initializer
  • A convenience initializer accepting players
  • A convenience initializer converting strings to players


Alternatively, you could also add a default numberOfTiles value to the designated initializer, such as init(players: [Player], numberOfTiles: Int = 32). By doing so, you can get rid of one convenience initializer. For example purposes, you continue with two separate convenience initializers.

The BoardGame contains two properties: a players array containing all players in the board game, and a numberOfTiles integer indicating the size of the board game.

Here are the different ways you can initialize the BoardGame superclass.

Listing 5.9. Initializing BoardGame
//Convenience initializer
let boardGame = BoardGame(names: ["Melissa", "SuperJeff", "Dave"])

let players = [
    Player(name: "Melissa"),
    Player(name: "SuperJeff"),
    Player(name: "Dave")

//Convenience initializer
let boardGame = BoardGame(players: players)

//Designated initializer
let boardGame = BoardGame(players: players, numberOfTiles: 32)

The convenience initializers accept only an array of players or an array of names, which BoardGame turns into players. These convenience initializers point at the designated initializer.

Lack of memberwise initializers

Unfortunately, classes don’t get free memberwise initializers like structs do. With classes you’ll have to manually type them out. So much for being lazy!

5.2.3. Creating a subclass

Now that you created BoardGame, you can start subclassing it to build board games. In this chapter, you’re creating only one game, which doesn’t exactly warrant a superclass setup. Theoretically, you can create lots of board games that subclass BoardGame.

The subclass is called MutabilityLand, which subclasses BoardGame (see figure 5.2). MutabilityLand inherits all the initializers from BoardGame.

Figure 5.2. Subclassing BoardGame

As shown in listing 5.10, you can initialize MutabilityLand the same way as BoardGame because it inherits all the initializers that BoardGame has to offer.

Listing 5.10. MutabilityLand inherits all the BoardGame initializers
// Convenience initializer
let mutabilityLand = MutabilityLand(names: ["Melissa", "SuperJeff", "Dave"])
// Convenience initializer
let mutabilityLand = MutabilityLand(players: players)
// Designated initializer
let mutabilityLand = MutabilityLand(players: players, numberOfTiles: 32)

Looking inside MutabilityLand, you see that it has two properties of its own, scoreBoard and winner. The scoreboard keeps track of each player’s name and their score. The winner property remembers the latest winner of the game.

Listing 5.11. The MutabilityLand class
class MutabilityLand: BoardGame {
    // ScoreBoard is initialized with an empty dictionary
    var scoreBoard = [String: Int]()
    var winner: Player?

Perhaps surprisingly these properties don’t need an initializer; this is because scoreBoard is already initialized outside of an initializer, and winner is an optional, which is allowed to be nil.

5.2.4. Losing convenience initializers

Here is where the process gets tricky: once a subclass adds unpopulated properties, consumers of the subclass lose ALL the superclass’s initializers.

Let’s see how this works. First, you’ll add an instructions property to MutabilityLand, which tells players the rules of the game.

Figure 5.3 shows your current hierarchy with your new setup. Notice how the inherited initializers are gone now that you’ve added a new property (instructions) to MutabilityLand.

Figure 5.3. Disappearing initializers

To populate the new instructions property, you’ll create the designated initializer to populate it.

Let’s see how this looks in code.

Listing 5.12. Creating a designated initializer for MutabilityLand
class MutabilityLand: BoardGame {
    var scoreBoard = [String: Int]()
    var winner: Player?

    let instructions: String                                             

    init(players: [Player], instructions: String, numberOfTiles: Int) {  
        self.instructions = instructions
        super.init(players: players, numberOfTiles: numberOfTiles)       
  • The new instructions property
  • A new designated initializer to instantiate instructions
  • The designated initializer calls the boardgame’s initializer.

At this stage, MutabilityLand has lost the three inherited initializers from its superclass Boardgame.

You can’t initialize MutabilityLand anymore with the inherited initializers.

Listing 5.13. Inherited initializers don’t work any more
// These don't work any more.
let mutabilityLand = MutabilityLand(names: ["Melissa", "SuperJeff", "Dave"])
let mutabilityLand = MutabilityLand(players: players)
let mutabilityLand = MutabilityLand(players: players, numberOfTiles: 32)

To prove that you’ve lost the inherited initializers, try to create a MutabilityLand instance with an initializer from BoardGame—only this time, you get an error.

Listing 5.14. Losing superclass initializers
error: missing argument for parameter 'instructions' in call
let mutabilityLand = MutabilityLand(names: ["Melissa", "SuperJeff", "Dave"])

Losing inherited initializers may seem strange, but there is a legitimate reason why MutabilityLand loses them. The inherited initializers are gone because BoardGame can’t populate the new instructions property of its subclass. Moreover, since Swift wants all properties populated, it can now only rely on the newly designated initializer on MutabilityLand.

5.2.5. Getting the superclass initializers back

There is a way to get all the superclass’ initializers back so that MutabilityLand can enjoy the free initializers from BoardGame.

By overriding the designated initializer from a superclass, a subclass gets the superclass’s initializers back. In other words, MutabilityLand overrides the designated initializer from BoardGame to get the convenience initializers back. The designated initializer from MutabilityLand still points to the designated initializer from BoardGame (see figure 5.4).

Figure 5.4. MutabilityLand regains the free initializers from BoardGame.

By overriding the superclass’ designated initializer, MutabilityLand gets all the convenience initializers back from BoardGame. Overriding an initializer is achieved by adding the override keyword on a designated initializer in MutabilityLand. The code can be found in listing 5.15.

Designated initializer funnels

You can see how designated initializers are like funnels. In a class hierarchy, convenience initializers go horizontal, and designated initializers go vertical.

Listing 5.15. MutabilityLand overrides the designated initializer
class MutabilityLand: BoardGame {
     // ... snip
    override init(players: [Player], numberOfTiles: Int) {
        self.instructions = "Read the manual"                         
        super.init(players: players, numberOfTiles: numberOfTiles)
  • You need to initialize the properties of MutabilityLand before you call super.init. Notice how you give instructions a default value here.

Since you override the superclass initializer, MutabilityLand needs to come up with its instructions there. Now that the designated initializer from BoardGame is overridden, you have a lot to choose from when initializing MutabilityLand.

Listing 5.16. All available initializers for MutabilityLand
// MutabilityLand's initializer
let mutabilityLand = MutabilityLand(players: players, instructions: "Just
 read the manual", numberOfTiles: 40)

// BoardGame initializers all work again.
let mutabilityLand = MutabilityLand(names: ["Melissa", "SuperJeff", "Dave"])
let mutabilityLand = MutabilityLand(players: players)
let mutabilityLand = MutabilityLand(players: players, numberOfTiles: 32)

Thanks to a single override, you get all initializers back that the superclass has to offer.

5.2.6. Exercise


The following superclass, called Device, registers devices in an office and keeps track of the rooms where these devices can be found. Its subclass Television is one of such devices that subclasses Device.

The challenge is to initialize the Television subclass with a Device initializer. In other words, make the following line of code work by adding a single initializer somewhere:

let firstTelevision = Television(room: "Lobby")
let secondTelevision = Television(serialNumber: "abc")

The classes are as follows:

class Device {

    var serialNumber: String
    var room: String

    init(serialNumber: String, room: String) {
        self.serialNumber = serialNumber = room

    convenience init() {
        self.init(serialNumber: "Unknown", room: "Unknown")

    convenience init(serialNumber: String) {
        self.init(serialNumber: serialNumber, room: "Unknown")

    convenience init(room: String) {
        self.init(serialNumber: "Unknown", room: room)


class Television: Device {
    enum ScreenType {
        case led
        case oled
        case lcd
        case unknown

    enum Resolution {
        case ultraHd
        case fullHd
        case hd
        case sd
        case unknown

    let resolution: Resolution
    let screenType: ScreenType

    init(resolution: Resolution, screenType: ScreenType, serialNumber:
  String, room: String) {
        self.resolution = resolution
        self.screenType = screenType
        super.init(serialNumber: serialNumber, room: room)


5.3. Minimizing class initializers

You saw that BoardGame has one designated initializer; its subclass MutabilityLand has two designated initializers. If you were to subclass MutabilityLand again and add a stored property, that subclass would have three initializers, and so on. At this rate, you’d have to override more initializers the more you subclass, making your hierarchy complicated. Luckily there is a solution to keep the number of designated initializers low so that each subclass holds only a single designated initializer.

5.3.1. Convenience overrides

In the previous section, MutabilityLand was overriding the designated initializer from the BoardGame class. But a neat trick is to make the overridden initializer in MutabilityLand into a convenience override initializer (see figure 5.5).

Figure 5.5. MutabilityLand performs a convenience override on a designated initializer.

Now the overriding initializer in MutabilityLand is a convenience override initializer that points sideways to the designated initializer inside MutabilityLand. This designated initializer from MutabilityLand still points upwards to the designated initializer inside BoardGame.

In your class you make this happen using the convenience override keywords.

Listing 5.17. A convenience override
class MutabilityLand: BoardGame {
    var scoreBoard = [String: Int]()
    var winner: Player?

    let instructions: String

    convenience override init(players: [Player], numberOfTiles: Int) {   
        self.init(players: players, instructions: "Read the manual",
     numberOfTiles: numberOfTiles)                                       

    init(players: [Player], instructions: String, numberOfTiles: Int) {  
        self.instructions = instructions
        super.init(players: players, numberOfTiles: numberOfTiles)

  • The overriding initializer is now an overriding convenience initializer.
  • The initializer now points sideways (self.init) versus upwards (super.init).
  • Leave the designated initializer as is.

Since the overriding initializer is now a convenience initializer, it points horizontally to the designated initializer in the same class. This way, MutabilityLand goes from having two designated initializers to one convenience initializer and a single designated initializer. Any subclass now only has to override a single designated initializer to get all initializers from the superclass.

The downside is that this approach is not as flexible. For example, the convenience initializer now has to figure out how to fill the instructions property. But if a convenience override works in your code, it reduces the number of designated initializers.

5.3.2. Subclassing a subclass

To prove that you can keep the number of designated initializers low, you’ll introduce a subclass from MutabilityLand called MutabilityLandJunior, for kids. This game is a bit easier and has the option to play sounds, indicated by a new soundsEnabled property.

Because of your convenience override trick, this new subclass only has to override a single designated initializer. The hierarchy is shown in figure 5.6.

Figure 5.6. MutabilityLandJunior only needs to override one initializer.

You can see how this sub-subclass only needs to override a single initializer to inherit all initializers. Out of good habit, this initializer is a convenience override as well, in case MutabilityLandJunior gets subclassed again, as shown in the following listing.

Listing 5.18. MutabilityLandJunior
class MutabilityLandJunior: MutabilityLand {
    let soundsEnabled: Bool

    init(soundsEnabled: Bool, players: [Player], instructions: String,
     numberOfTiles: Int) {                                               
         self.soundsEnabled = soundsEnabled
         super.init(players: players, instructions: instructions,
         numberOfTiles: numberOfTiles)

    convenience override init(players: [Player], instructions: String,
     numberOfTiles: Int) {                                               
         self.init(soundsEnabled: false, players: players, instructions:
 instructions, numberOfTiles: numberOfTiles)
  • MutabilityLandJunior gets its own designated initializer.
  • A single overriding init is added.

You can now initialize this game in five ways.

Listing 5.19. Initializing MutabilityLandJunior with all initializers
let mutabilityLandJr =
 MutabilityLandJunior(players: players, instructions: "Kids don't read
 manuals", numberOfTiles: 8)

let mutabilityLandJr = MutabilityLandJunior(soundsEnabled: true, players:
 players, instructions: "Kids don't read manuals", numberOfTiles: 8)

let mutabilityLandJr = MutabilityLandJunior(names: ["Philippe", "Alex"])

let mutabilityLandJr = MutabilityLandJunior(players: players)

let mutabilityLandJr = MutabilityLandJunior(players: players, numberOfTiles: 8)

Thanks to convenience overrides, this subclass gets many initializers for free.

Also, no matter how many subclasses you have (hopefully not too many), subclasses only have to override a single initializer!

5.3.3. Exercise


Given the following class, which subclasses Television from the previous exercise

class HandHeldTelevision: Television {
    let weight: Int

    init(weight: Int, resolution: Resolution, screenType: ScreenType,
 serialNumber: String, room: String) {
        self.weight = weight
        super.init(resolution: resolution, screenType: screenType,
 serialNumber: serialNumber, room: room)


add two convenience override initializers in the subclassing hierarchy to make this initializer work from the top-most superclass:

let handheldTelevision = HandHeldTelevision(serialNumber: "293nr30znNdjW")

5.4. Required initializers

You may have seen required initializers pop up in the wild sometimes, such as when working with UIKit’s UIViewController. Required initializers play a crucial role when subclassing classes. You can decorate initializers with a required keyword. Adding the required keyword assures that subclasses implement the required initializer. You need the required keyword for two reasons—factory methods and protocols—which you’ll explore in this section.

5.4.1. Factory methods

Factory methods are the first reason why you need the required keyword. Factory methods are a typical design pattern that facilitates creating instances of a class. You can call these methods on a type, such as a class or a struct (as opposed to an instance), for easy instantiating of preconfigured instances. Here’s an example where you create a BoardGame instance or MutabilityLand instance via the makeGame factory method.

Listing 5.20. Factory methods in action
let boardGame = BoardGame.makeGame(players: players)
let mutabilityLand = MutabilityLand.makeGame(players: players)

Now return to the BoardGame superclass where you add the makeGame class function.

The makeGame method accepts only players and returns an instance of Self. Self refers to the current type that makeGame is called on; this could be BoardGame or one of its subclasses.

In a real-world scenario, the board game could be set up with all kinds of settings, such as a time limit and locale, as shown in the following example, adding more benefits to creating a factory method.

Listing 5.21. Introducing the makeGame factory method
class BoardGame {
      // ... snip

    class func makeGame(players: [Player]) -> Self {
        let boardGame = self.init(players: players, numberOfTiles: 32)
        // Configuration goes here.
        // E.g.
        // boardGame.locale = Locale.current
        // boardGame.timeLimit = 900
        return boardGame

The reason that makeGame returns Self is that Self is different for each subclass. If the method were to return a BoardGame instance, makeGame wouldn’t be able to return an instance of MutabilityLand for example. But you’re not there yet; this gives the following error.

Listing 5.22. required error
constructing an object of class type 'Self' with a metatype value must use a
     'required' initializer
return self.init(players: players, numberOfTiles: 32)
               ~~~~ ^

The initializer throws an error because makeGame can return BoardGame or any subclass instance. Because makeGame refers to self.init, it needs a guarantee that subclasses implement this method. Adding a required keyword to the designated initializer enforces subclasses to implement the initializer, which satisfies this requirement.

First, you add the required keyword to the initializer referred to in makeGame.

Listing 5.23. Adding the required keyword to initializers
class BoardGame {
      // ... snip

    required init(players: [Player], numberOfTiles: Int) {
        self.players = players
        self.numberOfTiles = numberOfTiles

Subclasses can now replace override with required in the related initializer.

Listing 5.24. Subclass required
class MutabilityLand: BoardGame {

      // ... snip

    convenience required init(players: [Player], numberOfTiles: Int) {
        self.init(players: players, instructions: "Read the manual",
     numberOfTiles: numberOfTiles)

Now the compiler is happy, and you can reap the benefits of factory methods on superclasses and subclasses.

5.4.2. Protocols

Protocols are the second reason the required keyword exists.


We’ll handle protocols in depth in chapters 7, 8, 12, and 13.

When a protocol has an initializer, a class adopting that protocol must decorate that initializer with the required keyword. Let’s see why and how this works.

First, you introduce a protocol called BoardGameType, which contains an initializer.

Listing 5.25. Introducing the BoardGameType protocol
protocol BoardGameType {
    init(players: [Player], numberOfTiles: Int)

Then you’ll implement this protocol on the BoardGame class so that BoardGame implements the init method from the protocol.

Listing 5.26. Implementing the BoardGameType protocol
class BoardGame: BoardGameType {
// ... snip

At this point, the compiler still isn’t happy. Because BoardGame conforms to the BoardGameType protocol, its subclasses also have to conform to this protocol and implement init(players: [Player], numberOfTiles: Int).

You can again use required to force your subclasses to implement this initializer, in precisely the same way as in the previous example.

5.4.3. When classes are final

One way to avoid needing the required keyword is by adding the final keyword to a class. Making a class final indicates that you can’t subclass it. Making classes final until you explicitly need subclassing behavior can be a good start because adding a final keyword helps performance.[1]


“Increasing Performance by Reducing Dynamic Dispatch”

If a class is final, you can drop any required keywords from the initializers. For example, let’s say nobody likes playing the games that are subclassed, except for the BoardGame itself. Now you can make BoardGame final and delete any subclasses. Note that you’re omitting the required keyword from the designated initializer.

Listing 5.27. BoardGame is now a final class
protocol BoardGameType {
    init(players: [Player], numberOfTiles: Int)

final class BoardGame: BoardGameType {                   
    let players: [Player]
    let numberOfTiles: Int

    // No need to make this required
    init(players: [Player], numberOfTiles: Int) {        
        self.players = players
        self.numberOfTiles = numberOfTiles

    class func makeGame(players: [Player]) -> Self {
        return self.init(players: players, numberOfTiles: 32)

    // ... snip
  • The class is now a final class.
  • The designated initializer isn’t required any more.

Despite implementing the BoardGameType protocol and having a makeGame factory method, BoardGame won’t need any required initializers because it’s a final class.

5.4.4. Exercises


Would required initializers make sense on structs? Why or why not?


Can you name two use cases for needing required initializers?

5.5. Closing thoughts

You witnessed how Swift has many types of initializers, each one paired with its own rules and oddities. You noticed how initializers are even more complicated when you’re subclassing. Subclassing may not be popular, yet it can be a viable alternative depending on your background, coding style, and the code that you may inherit when joining an exciting company.

After this chapter, I hope that you feel confident enough to write your initializers without problems and that you’ll be able to offer clean interfaces to get your types initialized.


  • Structs and classes want all their non-optional properties initialized.
  • Structs generate “free” memberwise initializers.
  • Structs lose memberwise initializers if you add a custom initializer.
  • If you extend structs with your custom initializers, you can have both memberwise and custom initializers.
  • Classes must have one or more designated initializers.
  • Convenience initializers point to designated initializers.
  • If a subclass has its own stored properties, it won’t directly inherit its superclass initializers.
  • If a subclass overrides designated initializers, it gets the convenience initializers from the superclass.
  • When overriding a superclass initializer with a convenience initializer, a subclass keeps the number of designated initializers down.
  • The required keyword makes sure that subclasses implement an initializer and that factory methods work on subclasses.
  • Once a protocol has an initializer, the required keyword makes sure that subclasses conform to the protocol.
  • By making a class final, initializers can drop the required keyword.



Will the following initializers work?

let pancakes = Pancakes(syrupType: .corn, stackSize: 8)
let morePancakes = Pancakes(syrupType: .maple)

No. When you use a custom initializer, a memberwise initializer won’t be available.


If these initializers didn’t work, can you make them work without adding another initializer?

struct Pancakes {

    enum SyrupType {
        case corn
        case molasses
        case maple

    let syrupType: SyrupType
    let stackSize: Int


extension Pancakes {                  

    init(syrupType: SyrupType) {      
        self.stackSize = 10
        self.syrupType = syrupType


let pancakes = Pancakes(syrupType: .corn, stackSize: 8)
let morePancakes = Pancakes(syrupType: .maple)
  • Extend Pancakes.
  • Put the custom initializer inside the extension.


The following superclass called Device registers devices in an office and keeps track of the rooms where these devices can be found. Television is one such device that subclasses Device.

The challenge is to initialize the Television subclass with a Device initializer. In other words, make the following line of code work by adding a single initializer somewhere:

class Television: Device {

    override init(serialNumber: String, room: String) {        
        self.resolution = .unknown
        self.screenType = .unknown
        super.init(serialNumber: serialNumber, room: room)

    // ... snip
  • Override a designated initializer from Device.


Given the following class, which subclasses Television from the previous exercise, add two convenience override initializers in the subclassing hierarchy to make this initializer work from the top-most superclass:

class Television {

    convenience override init(serialNumber: String, room: String) {  
         self.init(resolution: .unknown, screenType: .unknown,
  serialNumber: serialNumber, room: room)

    // ... snip


class HandHeldTelevision: Television {

    convenience override init(resolution: Resolution, screenType:
 ScreenType, serialNumber: String, room: String) {                 
         self.init(weight: 0, resolution: resolution, screenType:
 screenType, serialNumber: "Unknown", room: "UnKnown")

    // ... snip

  • Add a convenience initializer to Television which overrides a designated initializer from Device.
  • Add a convenience initializer to HandHeldTelevision which overrides a designated initializer from Television.


Would required initializers make sense on structs? Why or why not?

No, required initializers enforce initializers on subclasses, and structs can’t be subclassed.


Can you name two use cases for required initializers?

To enforce factory methods on subclasses and to conform to a protocol defining an initializer.

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