About the Author

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David Pogue (author, illustrator, indexer) is the founder of Yahoo Tech (yahootech.com), a job for which he was groomed by 13 years of writing the weekly tech column for The New York Times.

He’s also a monthly columnist for Scientific American, a two-time Emmy-winning correspondent for CBS News Sunday Morning, the host of NOVA miniseries on PBS, and the creator of the Missing Manual series. He’s written or co-written 70 books, including 28 in this series, six in the For Dummies line (including Macs, Magic, Opera, and Classical Music), two novels (one for middle-schoolers), and The World According to Twitter. In his other life, David is a former Broadway show conductor, a magician, and a funny public speaker. He lives in Connecticut with his wife, Nicki, and three awesome children.

Links to his columns and videos await at www.davidpogue.com. He welcomes feedback about his books by email at .

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