Ad Subtract (Pop-Up Stopper)

Nothing quite spoils the fun of the Web like pop-ups—those annoying miniature advertising windows that sprout in front of the Web page you’re trying to read.

Safari, OS X’s Web browser, has a built-in command for blocking pop-ups: Safari→Preferences→Privacy→Block Pop-Up Windows. Nowadays, so does just about every other Web browser made for the Mac—Firefox, Netscape, Chrome, and so on. In other words, you don’t even need Ad Subtract.

If you’re interested in some of Ad Subtract’s other features, like blocking animated ads or zapping all ads on Web pages, consider SafariBlock (for Safari) or Adblock (for Firefox). Or, for Safari, the awesome ClickToFlash, which simply neutralizes all of those annoying blinking ads. All three are free and available for download from this book’s “Missing CD” at

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