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Welcome to Take Control of iWeb: iLife ’06 Edition, version 1.0.

This ebook puts you in control of creating and publishing professional-looking Web sites using iWeb, Web design software from Apple Computer. This ebook was written by Steve Sande, edited by Tonya Engst, and published by TidBITS Electronic Publishing.

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Onscreen Reading Tips

We carefully designed the Take Control ebooks to be read onscreen, and although most of what you need to know is obvious, note the following for the best possible onscreen reading experience:

  • Blue text indicates links. You can click any item in the Table of Contents to jump to that section. Cross-references are also links, as are URLs and email addresses.

  • Work with the Bookmarks tab or drawer showing so that you can always jump to any main topic by clicking its bookmark.

  • In Adobe Acrobat Pro version 6 or 7, set your preferences to view Web URLs in a Web browser: choose Acrobat > Preferences, switch to the Web Capture pane, and choose In Web Browser from the Open Web Links pop-up menu.

  • Find more tips in the Take Control FAQ on the Web.

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  • Use the Check for Updates button on the cover to make sure you have the latest version of the ebook and to verify that we don’t plan to release a new version shortly. If you want to commit this ebook to paper, it makes sense to print the latest possible version.

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  • When printing on a color inkjet printer, to avoid using a lot of color ink (primarily on the yellow boxes we use for tips and figures), look for an option to print entirely in black-and-white.

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In reading this ebook, you may get stuck if you don’t know certain basic facts about iWeb or if you don’t understand Take Control syntax for things like working with menus or finding items in the Finder. Please note the following:

  • Path syntax: This ebook occasionally uses a path to show the location of a file or folder in your file system. Path text is formatted in bold type. For example, iLife ’06 installs its component applications, such as iWeb, in the Applications folder. The path to iWeb is: /Applications/iWeb.

    The slash at the start of the path tells you to start from the root level of the disk. You will also encounter paths that begin with ~ (tilde), which is a shortcut for any user’s home directory. For example, if a person with the user name joe wants to install fonts that only he can access, he would install the fonts in his ~/Library/Fonts folder, which is another way of writing /Users/joe/Library/Fonts.

  • Menus: When I describe choosing a command from a menu in the menu bar, I use an abbreviated description. For example, the abbreviated description for the menu command that saves a file from iWeb is “File > Save.”

  • Toolbar: I refer to the iWeb toolbar (Figure 1) throughout this ebook. You can find it at the bottom of the iWeb window, or—if you prefer to use menus or keyboard shortcuts, check out Table 1, which maps the toolbar buttons to menu commands and keyboard shortcuts.

The iWeb toolbar provides instant access to a number of important tools for designing your Web site. You can find it at the bottom of your iWeb window.

Figure 1. 

Table 1. Menu and Keyboard Equivalents for the Toolbar

Toolbar Icon

Menu Equivalent

Keyboard Equivalent

Menu and Keyboard Equivalents for the Toolbar

Insert > Text


Menu and Keyboard Equivalents for the Toolbar

Insert > Shape


Menu and Keyboard Equivalents for the Toolbar

Arrange > Bring Forward


Menu and Keyboard Equivalents for the Toolbar

Arrange > Send Backward


Menu and Keyboard Equivalents for the Toolbar

Format > Unmask


Menu and Keyboard Equivalents for the Toolbar

View > Show / Hide Media Browser


Menu and Keyboard Equivalents for the Toolbar

View > Show / Hide Adjust Image


Menu and Keyboard Equivalents for the Toolbar

View > Show / Hide Inspector


Menu and Keyboard Equivalents for the Toolbar

View > Show / Hide Colors


Menu and Keyboard Equivalents for the Toolbar

Format > Font > Show / Hide Fonts


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