Maintaining Exempt Status

Once an organization’s tax‐exempt status is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), applicable states, and other authorities, the task is to maintain such status. This chapter contains checklists that outline compliance requirements and areas of primary concern. The checklists are designed to remind an exempt organization that it is a taxpayer and to allow its managers and professionals to assist the organization in areas of concern deserving annual review. The objective is to ensure an organization’s ongoing qualification for exemption.

The sheer number of items on the lists is evidence of the complexity and scope of issues involved in maintaining exempt status. As you first read the opening checklist, do not expect to understand all the terms if you are not a nonprofit organization specialist. Many of the issues are considered in depth in other chapters, and they should become clear as you study the materials.

19.1 Checklists

These checklists can be used yearly to test compliance with a variety of requirements, including the organizational test, the operational test, identification of unrelated business income, payroll tax compliance, public support tests, private foundation sanctions, filing requirements, excise and estimated tax requirements, property contributions, fund‐raising event disclosures, public inspection requirements, and group exemption filing requirements.

Exhibits 19.9 through 19.12 address special compliance issues that a tax‐exempt organization might face. The sections referred to in brackets after the checklist questions are sections in this book where the text pertaining to the issue can be found.

Readers who have used the prior editions of this book will recognize a difference in the Annual Tax Compliance Checklist for §501(c)(3)s. It now comprises two checklists: one designed for completion by the organization/client (Exhibit 19.1) and one to be used by the tax return preparer (Exhibit 19.2). The author hopes this experiment is helpful to users; reader feedback and comments will be welcome. This chapter includes the following checklists:

  • Exhibit 19.1, Annual Tax Compliance Checklist for §501(c)(3) Public Charity
  • Exhibit 19.2, 2010 §501(c)(3) Public Charity Tax Preparer Checklist
  • Exhibit 19.3, Annual Tax Compliance for Tax‐Exempt Organizations—Short Form
  • Exhibit 19.4, Annual Tax Compliance Checklist for Non‐§501(c)(3) Organizations
  • Exhibit 19.5, Annual Tax Compliance Checklist for Private Foundations (PFs)
  • Exhibit 19.6, Annual Tax Compliance Checklist for Private Foundation—Short Form
  • Exhibit 19.7, Annual Tax Compliance Checklist for §527 Political Organizations
  • Exhibit 19.8, Annual Tax Compliance Checklist—Unrelated Business Income
  • Exhibit 19.9, Intermediate Sanction Checklist
  • Exhibit 19.10, Checklist for Website Exemption Issues
  • Exhibit 19.11, Checklist for Alternative Investments of Tax‐Exempt Organizations, Including Private Foundations
  • Exhibit 19.12, Checklist for Tax and Accounting Issues for Grants and Contributions Received

EXHIBIT 19.1 Annual Tax Compliance Checklist for §501(c)(3) Public Charity

Organization ____________________________________________________________________
Prepared by ________________ Reviewed with ________________ Date __________________
1. New organization: Has Form 1023 been filed within 27 months after date of formation? __________
2. Donative public charities: Is cumulative public support percentage 50% or more? If not, is organization monitoring its % closely to ensure above 33⅓% for two years? __________
3. All organizations: Review Form 1023, IRS correspondence, and determination letter for exempt purposes originally represented to IRS to verify category of exemption. See if current activities match original purposes. If not, changes should be reported on Form 990 filed for year of change. __________
4. Has IRS examined the organization? If so, review report for compliance with recommendations or required changes. __________
1. Must the organization file returns in states other than the state in which it is operating? __________
2. Verify state tax exemption(s) are in place or prepare application(s) for exemption. __________
3. Does organization claim exemption from state taxes (such as sales tax) which it is entitled to? __________
4. Must the exempt organization (EO) collect sales tax on goods or services sold? Are timely returns filed? Is tax deposited on time? __________
5. Does the organization pay real or personal property tax? __________
a. Would use of property qualify it for exemption?
b. For property classed as exempt, is it devoted to exempt use or has it been converted to commercial use?
6. Go to (or applicable state website) to verify corporate status is in good standing and that registered agent name and address are correct. __________
1. Were there any changes to the charter or bylaws this year? If so, obtain copy for attachment to Form 990 (if name change); otherwise, obtain description of changes to be reported in Form 990. __________
2. Were there substantial changes in exempt activities or mission to report? If so, get description and consider impact on exempt status. __________
3. Review the minutes of director’s meetings to see if they reflect exempt purpose of the EO’s activities. __________
1. Does the EO make any payments or provide benefits to persons (and/or their relatives) who control, manage, or fund it? If so, get detailed information. __________
2. Is compensation paid to personnel (both employees and independent contractors) reasonable? __________
If total comp of >$110,000 per individual is paid, complete Intermediate Sanction Checklist.
3. Did loans or other financial transactions occur between organization and its officers or directors? If so, gather details and consider reasonableness and self‐dealing. __________
4. Does the EO have a conflict‐of‐interest policy that is regularly monitored? __________
5. Do employees submit adequate expense reports for reimbursement requests? __________
6. Does the organization benefit a broad charitable, or exempt, class rather than a limited number of persons? __________
1. Do activities further the purposes for which the EO was determined to be exempt? Review Form 1023 and prior Form 990 Part III disclosures. __________
2. Are files maintained to document or provide an archive of the nature of activities and related expenditures? __________
3. Does the EO have a record retention and destruction policy? __________
4. Does the organization lobby? If so, should the §501(h) election be made by filing Form 5768? Verify compliance on Form 990 Schedule C. __________
5. Has organization participated in prohibited electioneering? Review newsletters for mention of candidates/issues. __________
6. Does the EO have unrelated business income? If so, verify correct reporting in Form 990 Part VIII and complete Form 990‐T and UBI Checklist (Exhibit 19.8). __________
7. Does the EO make payments for personal services? If so, complete the checklist in Exhibit 25.2 (Employee versus Independent Contractor IRS Checklist) for individuals to verify worker classification. __________
8. Does the EO have a written policy for distinguishing between employees and contractors? Are W‐9s on file? Are Forms 1099 filed? __________
9. Are federal payroll tax reports filed and taxes deposited in a timely fashion? __________
10. Must state unemployment reports be filed and tax paid? (For Texas, an EO with 4 or more employees is subject.) Note that federal Form 940 is not required.
11. Must Forms 5500 be filed for employee benefit plans? Are limitations on maximum employee contributions adhered to? __________
12. Does your organization have a website? If so, complete the website checklist in Exhibit 19.10. __________
1. Form 990‐N: (c)(3)s with gross receipts normally less than $50,000 that do not voluntarily file Form 990‐EZ. __________
2. Form 990‐EZ: (c)(3)s with gross receipts between $50,000 and $200,000 and assets $500,000 or less; includes applicable schedules. __________
3. Form 990: (c)(3)s with gross receipts $200,000 or more with assets $500,000 or more file long form and applicable schedules. __________
4. Form 990‐PF filed by all private foundations. [See separate checklists in Exhibits 19.5 and 19.6.] __________
5. All §509(a)(3) supporting organizations must file either Form 990‐EZ or 990 with regard to revenue level; cannot file Form 990‐N. __________
6. Was an extension of time requested? [Form 8868] __________
7. If the return is being filed late, can penalty abatement be requested for reasonable causes? [§18.2] __________
8. Does the EO wish to change its fiscal year or its accounting method for tax purposes? An automatic change may be available. [§18.3] __________
9. Group exemption: If the EO is covered by a group exemption, verify that separate Form 990 should be filed. __________
10. Does the EO have alternative investments requiring other returns? [Exhibit19.11] __________
1. Must return be filed electronically? Watch for changing rules on this matter. __________
1. Has the EO received gifts of property (other than listed securities) for which Form 8283 is required? Remember that the EO is not responsible for valuation! __________
2. Must sales of $5,000+ donated property made within three years from date of gift be reported on Form 8282? __________
1. Has a compilation, review, or audit checklist been completed to ensure proper financial reporting and adherence to accounting principles? Verify if states or donors require audited financials. __________
2. Should an amended return be filed to reflect restatement or correction of prior year(s)? __________
1. Verify public charity classification on, IRS Business Master File, or Foundation Source Grant Safe. __________
2. Can the EO meet its public support tests under §509(a)(1) or §509(a)(2)? (Obtain list of >2% donors). [Chapter 11] __________
3. Does the EO maintain records of donations by name of donor? __________
4. Update cumulative database of substantial contributors. __________
5. Consider whether member dues and government grants are donations. [§11.5] See Checklist for Tax and Accounting Issues for Grants [Exhibit 19.12]. __________
6. For organizations classified as supporting organizations, verify type. For Type III, consider its “functional integration” with supported EO(s). [§11.6] __________
7. Is fund‐raising conducted in a state that requires reports? Consider Internet gifts and state charitable solicitation rules and impact on required state filings. __________
8. Do fund‐raising solicitations reflect fair market value (FMV) of benefits offered to donors in return for gifts? For +$75 payments, is disclosure of value of benefit and cash or description of property given complete? [§24.2(c)] __________
9. Do donor thank‐you letters contain proper disclosures for $250 or more donors? [§24.2(b)] __________
10. Is the method for calculation of FMV of benefits provided to donors reasonable and documented? [§24.3] Does value of benefit compared to ticket price create reportable loss?
11. Has the EO furnished copies of Forms 990 and 1023 to members of public requesting to see or buy them? [§18.2]
12. Does the EO have excess lobbying expense [§23.5], political expenditures [§23.2(c)], or intermediate sanctions [§20.9] subject to excise tax? Form 4720 filed?
13. Reconsider the need to elect §501(h) for lobbying activities, in view of §4912 tax. [§23.4(b)]
14. Are expense allocations and shared expenses with related §501(c)(4), (c)(5), or (c)(6) or other tax‐exempt organizations and related parties documented? [§22.2]

EXHIBIT 19.2 2010 §501(c)(3) Public Charity Tax Preparer Checklist

Client Name
Prepared by
Date Reviewed by Date
Review Part III descriptions with client to see that mission and accomplishments are described with a view to public disclosure.
Review prior‐year returns, memos, workpapers, carryforward notes and correspondence, planning suggestions, and audit results.
Has the IRS examined the organization? If so, review report for compliance with recommendations or required changes.
Verify that client’s franchise tax account status is in good standing and notify client if address may need to be updated.
Evaluate public‐support percentage with a view to (1) meeting the test in the future and (2) proximity of the end of the advance ruling period. If current year <33⅓%, alert client about private foundation (PF) conversion issue.
For organizations classified as supporting organizations, verify reporting information provided by client.
Scrutinize sponsor acknowledgments for quantitative and qualitative information and value of benefits provided to sponsor.
Review sample donor disclosure for +$75 quid pro quo solicitation and $250 donors
Does the organization provide disclosable member benefits of value that reduce contribution portion of dues payments?
Consider types of revenue to determine if any can be considered UBI.
See if quantifiable and qualitative info for sponsor makes revenue advertising and produces reportable UBI. Consider fragmentation of contribution portion of sponsorship payment if material.
Calculate percentage of program service cost to total expense and consider discussing with organization if less than 75%.
Consider whether membership dues and government grants are donations versus fee‐for‐service revenue.
Analyze organization’s investments to determine if additional filings are necessary (such as 990‐T, 8621, 8865, and FBAR).
Ask if client has an employee vs. independent contractor policy.
If the EO conducts lobbying activities, ask how they monitor permissible level of expense. If §501(h) does not apply, consult with the EO about electing.
Prepare list of tax‐planning ideas needed for recordkeeping, internal controls, improved functional accounting, description of activities, valuation of donor benefits, etc.

EXHIBIT 19.3 Annual Tax Compliance for Tax‐Exempt Organizations—Short Form

Prepared by ________________ Reviewed with ________________ Date
  • Have all exemptions been applied for in a timely manner? [Ch. 18]
  • Federal final determination received? [§18.1]
  • Are state franchise, income, sales, property tax, or other exemptions in place?
  • Were there changes in charter, bylaws, or purposes? [§18.3]
  • Were there transactions with board members, officers, or other insiders? If so, did private inurement occur? [Chs. 20 and 22]
  • Any new activities? Are new programs in furtherance of exempt purposes? [Chs. 3–5]
  • Do new activities need to be reported to IRS? [§18.3]
  • Are files maintained to document nature of activities?
  • If the EO lobbies, should Form 5768 be filed? [Ch. 23]
  • Any prohibited political activity? [Ch. 23]
  • Is there unrelated business revenue? [Ch. 21]
  • Are employees vs. contractors properly documented and reported? Is payroll tax withholding required? [Ch. 25]
  • Are exempt disbursements sufficient for commensurate test? [Ch. 2]
  • Are fund balances excessive? [Ch. 2]
  • If the EO is a (c)(7), complete social club revenue tests. [Ch. 9]
  • Is Form 990 required? If so, can and should EZ be filed? Is electronic filing required? [§18.2]
  • Is Form 990‐T required? (Complete Exhibit 19.8) [Ch. 21]
  • Should extension of time to file be requested?
  • Has change of accounting method occurred? [§18.3]
  • Should tax filing year be changed? [§18.3]
  • Is Form 4720 required for excise taxes?
  • Is either Form 8283 or 8282 due for property gifts received?
  • Do fund solicitations reveal fair market value or nondeductibility of benefits to donors? [Ch. 24]
  • For non‐(c)(3), is nondeductibility conspicuously disclosed? [Ch. 6]
  • Are Forms 990 and 1023 made available for public inspection? [Ch. 18]
  • If the EO is part of a group, should group exemption be obtained? [Ch. 18]
  • Has there been an IRS examination? If changes were recommended, have they been implemented? [§18.3]

EXHIBIT 19.4 Annual Tax Compliance Checklist for Non‐§501(c)(3) Organizations

Prepared by ________________ Reviewed with ________________ Date
New organization: Has Form 8976, Notice of Intent to Operate under §501(c)(4), been filed within 60 days of formation? Form 1024 is no longer required. [§18.1] __________
All organizations: Review Form 8976 or 1024, IRS correspondence, and determination letter for exempt purposes originally represented to IRS to verify category of exemption. Are activities in keeping with expressed purposes? __________
  • Does the EO have any state or local filing requirements?
  • Is the EO entitled to any state tax exemptions?
  • Obtain a copy of any state tax exemption(s) certificates or prepare application for exemption(s).
  • Does the EO use the proper form to claim exemptions it is entitled to?
  • Must the EO collect sales tax on goods or services sold?
  • Are timely returns filed? Is tax deposited on time?
  • Does the EO pay real or personal property tax?
  • Would use of property qualify it for exemption?
  • For property classed as exempt, is it devoted to exempt use, or has it been converted to commercial use?
  • Were there any changes to the charter or bylaws this year?
  • If so, obtain copy for attachment to Form 990.
  • Were there any substantial changes in structure or purpose that require reporting to the IRS?
  • Change reported on Form 990? [§18.3]
  • New 8976 or 1024 required?
  • Review the minutes of director’s meetings. Do they reflect the exempt purpose of the EO’s activities?
  • Does the EO provide benefits to persons who control, manage, or fund it? [§20.1]
  • Have excess benefits been paid to a disqualified person? [§20.10]
  • Is the compensation paid to directors, officers, and others reasonable? [§20.2]
  • Are loans made to officers or directors? [§20.5]
  • Does the organization benefit an identifiable class of exempt constituents? [Chs. 6–10]
  • Does the organization sell services or goods that don’t advance the mission? [§21.5]
  • Does the EO provide impermissible member services? [§8.4(b)]
  • Has a compilation, review, or audit checklist been completed to ensure proper financial reporting and adherence to accounting principles?
  • Do activities further the purposes for which the EO was determined to be exempt (as described in Form 8976,1024, or subsequently reported to the IRS)?
  • Are files maintained to document and provide an archive of the nature of activities? For example: copy of program notices, peer review boards, member services, etc.?
  • Does the EO lobby? If so, is it germane to purposes?
  • Has the organization participated in any political campaigns? Does campaigning further the exempt purpose? Do expenses of electioneering exceed 50% of annual expenses? [§23.1]
  • Should Form 1120POL, 8871, or 8872 be filed? [§23.3]
  • Are expense allocations and expenses shared with related §501(c)(3), (4), (5), or (6)s accurately calculated? [§22.1]
  • If a social club, can it meet the gross revenue tests? [§9.4]
  • Does the EO have unrelated business income? [§21.5] If so, complete Form 990‐T and UBI checklist [Exhibit 19.8].
  • Does the EO make payments for personal services? If so, complete Employee vs. Independent Contractor Checklist [Exhibit 25.1].
  • Does the EO have a policy for distinguishing between employees and contractors? Are Forms W‐9 obtained for all contractors?
  • Does the EO comply with federal/payroll requirements? [Exhibit 25.3]
  • Are payroll taxes deposited in a timely fashion?
  • Are Forms 5500 due to be filed for employee benefit plans?
  • Has the IRS ever examined the organization? Review reports for compliance with any changes.
  • Should an amended return be filed to reflect restatement of prior year(s)? [§18.3]
  • Obtain the organization’s website address.
  • Form 990‐N: EO with gross receipts <$50,000
  • Form 990EZ: EOs with gross receipts >50,000 and <$200,000 and assets <$500,000.
  • Form 990: EOs with gross receipts >$200,000 or assets >$500,000 file long form.
  • If the EO is exempt from filing, consider filing. [§18.1] Address is kept current and statutory time starts.
  • Is the EO a chapter or affiliate of a central organization holding a group exemption? If so,
  • Must the chapter file its own 990?
  • Will the central EO file a group 990?
  • Have changes in address been reported to central?
  • Was an extension of time requested? [Form 8868]
  • If the return is being filed late, has penalty abatement been requested?
  • Does the EO need to change its fiscal year or its accounting method for tax purposes? [§18.3]
  • Fund‐raising solicitations must “conspicuously” say that payments do not qualify for charitable deduction. [§6.4]
  • For (c)(4), (5), and (6) organizations that lobby, has the portion of member dues attributable to lobbying been calculated? If so, have members been informed of nondeductible amount? [§6.4]
  • Has the EO chosen to pay proxy tax for lobbying expenses? If so, has Form 990‐T been filed to pay tax?
  • Do accounting records identify lobbying expense?
  • Has the EO furnished Forms 990 and 1024 to persons asking to inspect them? [§18.2]

EXHIBIT 19.5 Annual Tax Compliance Checklist for Private Foundations (PFs)

Private Foundation
Prepared by ________________ Reviewed with ________________ Date
  • Review Form 1023 and determination letter for exempt status and purposes originally represented to the IRS.
  • Were there any substantial change(s) in the PF’s exempt purpose(s) that require disclosing on Form 990‐PF or reporting to the IRS Cincinnati office? [§18.3]
Review the minutes of director’s meetings. __________
  • Was there a change in the charter or bylaws to be attached?
Is a new 1023 required? __________
Has there been a substantial contraction or termination? __________
  • Should PF consider conversion to a public charity? [§12.4]
  • Could PF qualify as a private operating foundation? [§15.5]
  • Ask for copies of any IRS notices and reports of IRS exam. Review reports for compliance with any changes.
  • Obtain a copy of state tax exemption(s) letter or prepare application for exemption(s).
  • Does the organization use the proper form to claim exemption on purchases?
  • Must the PF collect sales tax on goods or services sold? If so, are timely returns filed? Is tax deposited on time?
  • Does the organization pay real or personal property tax?
  • Would use of property qualify it for exemption?
  • For property classed as exempt, is it devoted to exempt use or has it been converted to investment property?
  • Instruct client to send copy of 990‐PF to state attorney(s) general and determine other state return filing requirements.
  • Secure list of officers/directors; update disqualified persons (DPs) and substantial contributor record. [Ch. 12]
  • Did a sale, exchange, or other transactions involving property of any sort occur between the PF and its DPs? [§14.2]
  • If so, did the financial transactions involve one of the exceptions?
  • Was the payment for reasonable compensation? [§14.4]
  • If so, complete Compensation of Disqualified Person Checklist [Exhibit 14.1]
  • Did the PF reimburse exempt function expenses? [§§14.4(d) and 14.7]
  • Was interest‐free loan being repaid? [§14.3]
  • If the PF shares people or space, does PF have an expenditure‐documentation policy? [Exhibit 14.2]
  • Did the <$5,000 transaction occur during “normal course” of retail business? [§14.2(c)]
  • Were benefit tickets accepted for PF grant? [§14.5(c)]
  • Does the PF pay for memberships? [§14.5(c)]
  • Does the PF indirectly do business with a DP? [§14.8]
  • For property bequeathed to the PF, should distributions from estate be delayed until property sold or divided? [§14.9]
  • Review the following issues to determine if the PF has spent a sufficient amount on its charitable programs.
  • Evaluate calculation of minimum investment return. [§15.1]
  • Are methods of valuation consistently applied? [§15.2]
  • Are non‐readily marketable asset valuations updated?
  • Are exempt function assets excluded?
  • Is dual‐use property reasonably allocated?
  • Can >1½% cash reserves be justified?
  • Can discount be applied for nonmarketable assets?
  • Has real estate declined in value since last appraisal?
  • Do all grants reported in Part XV count as qualifying distributions? [§15.4]
  • Any grants to organization controlled by the PF?
  • Any grants to non‐functionally integrated Type III SO PF?
  • Any grants to private foundation?
  • Any redistributions to be offset against corpus?
  • Must portion of program expenses be reported in column (c) to offset revenues from exempt activities?
  • Is Part I, column (d) prepared on a cash basis?
  • Should PF seek approval for set‐aside of funds for program better accomplished with several years of income?
  • Complete Part XII to determine whether minimum distribution requirements are satisfied. [§15.6]
  • Determine if adjustments to “qualifying distributions” are needed for the following: [§15.3]
  • Sale of exempt assets previously classified as distribution?
  • Amounts not redistributed in a timely manner by another private foundation or controlled organization?
  • Set‐asides not used for an approved purpose?
  • If operating foundation, verify data to complete Part XIV: [§15.5]
  • Amount spent for active conduct of programs.
  • Value of assets devoted to active programs.
  • Evaluate character of grants to other organizations to distinguish active program activity.
  • Determine if individual grant program qualifies as an active exempt function activity.
  • Does PF conduct active programs to report in Part IX‐A?
  • If the PF owns more than 2% of a corporation, partnership, or other business holding, ascertain whether disqualified persons’ holdings must be aggregated. [§16.1]
  • Calculate permitted stock holdings to identify whether excess business holdings exist.
  • If the PF has permitted excess business holdings acquired through gift or bequest, evaluate status of planning for timely disposition of excess.
  • Review PF’s investment listings to evaluate presence of a jeopardizing investment. [§16.2]
  • Is the fair market value of assets more than cost basis?
  • Does the foundation hold properties that produce no income?
  • If net capital loss reported, review past years of investment returns for trend indicating jeopardizing investments.
  • Does PF have “alternative investments”? If so, complete Checklist for Alternative Investments [Exhibit 19.11]
  • Obtain a list of grants paid during year and determine if PF spent money for any of following: [Answers should be NO]
  • Organizations listed as §509(a)(3) Type III—Other*
  • Organizations classified as private foundations*
  • Organizations classified as other than a permitted public charity*
  • *unless expenditure responsibility exercised.
  • Lobbying or a grant to finance lobbying [§17.1]
  • Political campaign [§17.1]
  • Unapproved individual grant [§17.3]
  • Support of noncharitable program [§17.7]
  • Are files (IRS approves electronic) maintained to evidence charitable nature of the PF’s activities? For example: files for grantees, copies of exhibitions, class schedules, articles published.
  • Was Certification of SO Type [Exhibit 17.3] completed for supporting organization grants?
  • Did the PF make an expenditure responsibility grant to another PF or a non‐(c)(3) entity? [§17.6] If so:
  • Does the list of grantees for Part XV reflect the purpose of each grant, and is it summarized to reflect the PF’s mission? (Does this part paint a clear picture of type of organizations the PF wants to support?)
  • Did a violation of §§4941–4945 rules occur?
  • Verify correct answers given in Part VII‐B. A “Yes” indicates Form 4720 may have to be filed.
  • Coordinate answer to question 5(c) of Part VII‐B with attachment of Expenditure Responsibility Report.
  • Should a Form 4720 be prepared?
  • Has violation been corrected? [§15.6 or §17.8]
  • Can the penalty (not including self‐dealing) be abated for reasonable cause? [Exhibits 15.2 and 17.11]
  • Does the PF maintain records to support allocation to identify disbursements directly related to its investments, grant‐making and program activity, and management and general expenses? [§13.4]
  • Are expense allocations consistent with prior years?
  • Is the tax basis of assets (donee’s basis for gifts received) maintained separately from the book basis? [§13.2]
  • Does the PF have substantially appreciated property it could distribute (rather than cash) to grantees to reduce excise tax on capital gain from sale of the property? [§13.5]
  • Might estate income distributions be considered taxable because termination of estate is unreasonably delayed?
  • Does the PF have any nontaxable investment income? [§13.1]
  • Does the PF have unrelated business income? [Ch. 21] If so:
  • Complete UBI checklist [Exhibit 19.8] and prepare Form 990‐T.
  • Is the unrelated income excluded from Part I, column (b)?
  • Was excise tax paid in a timely fashion? [§13.6]
  • Should Form 2220 be attached to Form 990‐PF?
  • Must large corporation method for estimating be used?
  • Is tax properly paid electronically?
  • Has the PF followed the public disclosure rules for its past three years of 990‐PFs and Form 1023? [§18.2(a)]
  • All PFs and PFs converting to public status must file Form 990‐PF regardless of support levels. [§12.4]
  • Was an extension(s) of time requested on Form 8868?
  • If the return is being filed late, has penalty abatement been requested?
  • If the PF wants to change its fiscal year, set up due date for automatic change for next year.
  • Does the PF need to file Form 3115 to adopt change in tax accounting method?
  • Does Part XVI‐A, Analysis of Income Producing Activity, indicate that the PF has unrelated business income?
  • Has Form 990‐T been filed? Investigate application of exceptions and modifications that make unrelated income not taxable. [§21.11]
  • Does the PF make payments for personal services? If so,
  • Determine whether the PF has a policy to distinguish between employees and independent contractors.
  • Does the PF comply with federal and state payroll withholding and reporting requirements?
  • Are payroll taxes deposited in a timely fashion?
  • Are Forms 941, 5500, W‐2, and other tax reports timely filed?
  • Has substantial contributor list been updated?
  • Has the PF received gifts of property (other than listed securities) for which Form 8283 is required?
  • Must sales of $5,000+ donated property made within two years from date of gift be reported on Form 8282?
  • Has the PF furnished its funders §170 donation acknowledgments indicating no benefits provided?
(Provision of benefits would indicate self‐dealing.) __________

EXHIBIT 19.6 Annual Tax Compliance Checklist for Private Foundation (PF)—Short Form

Prepared by ________________ Reviewed with ________________ Date
If the answer to any of these questions is yes, complete long‐form checklist.
§4941 SELF‐DEALING [CH. 14]
  • Did the PF have financial transactions with disqualified persons?
  • Did the PF reimburse exempt function expenses?
  • For property bequeathed to the PF, should distributions from estate be delayed until property is sold or divided, to avoid self‐dealing?
  • Do Parts XIII or XIV indicate that the PF failed to spend a sufficient amount on its charitable programs?
  • There are returned grants to be added back.
  • Does the PF own more than 2% of a corporation, partnership, or other business?
  • Does the PF’s investment list reflect significant declines in value?
  • Did the PF spend money on:
  • Organizations not listed as public charities (PC) in Pub 78 or classified as §509(a)(3)
  • Lobbying or a grant to finance lobbying
  • Political campaign
  • Unapproved individual grant
  • Noncharitable programs
  • The PF does not maintain grant files with Grants Checklist.
  • The PF does not have documentation for expense allocations.
  • Estimated tax payments not made in timely fashion.
  • Can the PF time capital gains to offset capital losses?
  • The PF failed to comply with public disclosure requests for past three years of 990‐PFs and Form 1023. [§18.2]
  • Part XVI‐A, Analysis of Income Producing Activity, indicates that the PF has unrelated business income. [Ch. 21]
  • The PF makes payments for personal services. [Ch. 25]
  • Has the PF failed to furnish its funders §170 donation acknowledgments indicating no benefits provided? [Ch. 24] (Provision of benefits would indicate self‐dealing.)
  • There are change(s) to report to the IRS. [§18.3]
  • The PF does not have local and state exemptions in place.

EXHIBIT 19.7 Annual Tax Compliance Checklist for §527 Political Organizations (POs)

Prepared by ________________ Reviewed with ________________ Date
HAS FORM 8871 BEEN FILED? __________
  • If not, is the PO required to report as a political committee to the Federal Election Commission?
  • If not, are annual receipts expected to always be less than $25,000?
  • Does the PO have any state or local filing requirements?
  • Is the PO a state or local candidate committee or a local committee of a political party?
  • Must the PO collect sales tax on goods or services sold? Are timely returns filed? Is tax deposited on time?
  • If so, obtain copy for attachment to Form 990.
  • Do activities further the purposes for which the PO was determined to be exempt?
  • Are files maintained to document or provide an archive of the nature of activities?
  • Does the PO make payments for personal services? If so, complete Employees vs. Independent Contractor Checklist in §25.1 [Exhibits 25.1 and 25.2]
  • Does the PO have a policy for distinguishing between employees and contractors? Are Forms W‐9 obtained for all contractors?
  • Does the PO comply with federal/payroll requirements? Timely deposits?
  • Has the IRS ever examined the organization? Review reports for compliance with any changes.
  • Obtain the organization’s website address.
  • Qualifying state and local PACs with gross receipts <$100,000 need not file this form. POs do not file Form 990‐N.
  • Form 990‐EZ is due for all other POs with gross receipts >$50,000, but less than $200,000 with assets of <$500,000
  • Form 990 filed by POs with gross receipts >$200,000 or assets >$500,000.
  • Form 1120POL: The PO must file if taxable income (doesn’t include exempt function revenue) is >$100.
  • The PO is required to report under the FEC Act as a political committee.
  • The PO anticipates that annual receipts will always be less than $25,000.
  • The PO is a political committee of a state or local candidate.
  • The PO is a state or local committee of a political party.
  • Fund‐raising solicitations must “conspicuously” say payments don’t qualify for charitable deduction.
  • Has the PO furnished Forms 990, 8871, and 8872 to persons asking to inspect them?

EXHIBIT 19.8 Annual Tax Compliance Checklist—Unrelated Business Income

Prepared by ______________ Reviewed with ______________ Date
1. Does the EO sell goods or services in an activity that does not relate to or further its exempt purposes? [§§21.4 and 21.5] __________
2. Does the “related business” have a commercial taint? If so, complete Commerciality Test Checklist. [Exhibit 21.1 in §21.5] __________
3. Are revenues and codes correctly reported on Form 990, Part VIII? __________
4. Is the business activity substantial (as measured by gross revenue or staff time devoted to it) in relation to the organization’s exempt activity? [§21.3] __________
5. Does the organization do any of the following? __________
  • Sell advertisements in its publications? [§21.8(d) and Exhibit 21.4 for calculation of taxable portion]
  1. Provide substantial benefits to corporate sponsorships? [§21.8(e)]
  1. Rent personal or real property? [§21.10(c)]
  1. Earn any income from indebted property, margin accounts, or loans? [§21.12]
  1. Receive revenues from Subchapter S corporation or partnership? [§21.10(g)]
  1. Receive interest, dividends, rents, or royalties from >50% subsidiary?
  1. Sell its mailing list? [§21.9(h)]
  1. Operate a bookstore, restaurant, or parking lot for member convenience? If so, are any sales made to unrelated parties causing the fragmentation rule to apply? [§21.4(c)]
  1. Furnish or sell services? [§21.8(b)]
  1. Carry out any of the above activities through a separate, but controlled, business corporation or partnership? [§22.4]
6. For unrelated revenues, does an exception or modification apply? __________
  1. The activity is not regularly carried on. [§21.6]
  1. Substantially all (85%) work in carrying out the trade or business is performed by volunteers. [§21.9(a)]
  1. The facility is operated for the convenience of persons participating in the organization’s activities. [§21.9(c)]
  1. Items sold are either donated, educational, or directly related to the exempt function. [§21.9(b)]
  1. Items are “low‐cost” premiums sold for significantly more than their value. [§21.9(g)]
  1. The income is of a passive nature (e.g., dividends, interests, rents, or royalties). [§21.10]
1. Do accounting records reflect allocation for expenses? [§21.11] __________
  1. Time records for staff.
  1. Square footage of spaces used.
  1. Allocation of membership dues to publications.
2. Has Form 990‐T been filed in prior years? __________
3. Is IRS alerted 990‐T is required because Form 990, page 9, Part VIII, column B contains a number? __________
4. Does the gross income exceed $1,000? If loss realized, 990T required and useful to establish net operating loss carryover or carryback and start statute of limitation time period. __________
5. Should estimated tax payments be made for 990‐T tax? __________
6. Are federal tax deposit coupons (Forms 8109) available? __________
7. If 990‐T is required, complete Checklist for Preparation of Form 990‐T. __________

EXHIBIT 19.9 Intermediate Sanction Checklist

This two‐part checklist evaluates the possibility that the intermediate sanctions could apply to penalize the recipient of “excess benefits” and managers of the organization who approved the making of payments. “Yes” answers in the first part indicate that the second part should be completed.
Organization _________________________________________________________________
Prepared by ______________ Reviewed with ______________ Date
Excess benefit occurs when economic benefit provided directly or indirectly to a disqualified person (DP) exceeds the value of benefits provided by the DP.
Manager is an officer, director, trustee, or one with similar responsibilities.
Disqualified Person is one with substantial influence over the organization’s affairs and their family members and 35%+ controlled entities.
  • Was “significant compensation in relation to services performed” paid to an employee or independent contractor who is a disqualified person?
  • Was more or less than the fair market value paid for purchase or sale of goods, services, or other property between the EO and a disqualified person?
  • Is there a revenue‐sharing (incentive pay) agreement?
  • Comparable data gathered (independent surveys, offers, appraisals, availability of others for job, Forms 990 of other nonprofits or other evidence of value).
  • Are total terms of agreement documented (all fringes and allowances) and fully reported on employment tax returns and 990?
  • Records of meeting when arrangements approved are kept, with who voted yes, no, abstained (conflict), and when.
  • Complete rebuttable presumption checklist, if any doubt about excess benefits.
Prepared by ___________ With (client representative) _________ Date ___________________

EXHIBIT 19.10 Checklist for Website Exemption Issues

Organization ___________________________________________________
Web Address _______________ With (client representative) _______________________
Prepared by ______________ Reviewed with ______________ Date _________
1. Study home page and other representative pages from the EO’s site to review scope of information presented on site. __________
2. Does the site reflect the EO’s mission as described in Part III of Form 990 or Part XV of Form 990‐PF? [§2.2(j)] __________
3. Are goods and services offered for sale on the site? __________
  • Do products or services sold relate to accomplishing exempt purposes?
  1. Does site link to a commercial site for sale of its goods or services?
  1. Is revenue produced from “hits” on the linked site or some other site?
4. Does the organization solicit contributions and/or memberships on its site? __________
  • If so, is state registration required?
  1. Are disclosures for quid pro quo transactions provided? [§24.2]
  1. Are sponsors recognized with banners on the site? If so, does the information on the site qualify as an acknowledgment? [§21.8(e)]
5. Can the accounting system capture costs related to the site? __________
6. Can revenues be fragmented by related and unrelated sources? [§21.4(c)] __________
7. Does the site contain discussion of public affairs? __________
  • If so, is there a “call to action” urging viewers to contact legislators that constitutes grassroots lobbying? [§23.4]
  1. Does the information presented regarding issues of public policy (gun control, abortion, etc.) present a biased viewpoint? [§5.1]
8. Is the site linked to other sites? If so, follow the link to determine whether: __________
  • Links provide information/resources pertaining to mission.
  1. There are links to the organization’s sponsors or contributors.
  • If so, does the link represent advertising for the sponsor? [§21.8(e)]
  1. Is there a link to a political party or another site that contains candidate endorsements? [§23.2]
9. Review organization’s information reported on and IRS Publication 78. __________

EXHIBIT 19.11 Checklist for Alternative Investments of Tax‐Exempt Organizations, Including Private Foundations

This checklist is designed to make tax‐exempt organizations aware of the tax issues posed by investments in ventures not taxed as normal corporations. Investors must report the income and corresponding deductions from such entities on Forms 990 and 990‐PF and possibly Form 990‐T, according to information reported on Form K‐1.
Prepared by ______________ Reviewed with ______________ Date
  • Is the investment entity a partnership or LLC taxed as a partnership (income passes through with same character, i.e., ordinary, dividends, interest, capital gain)?
  • Is the investment entity a Subchapter S corporation (all income taxed as UBI)?
  • Is investment entity a corporation taxed itself on the income generated (no UBI)?
  • Is the entity an offshore company that reports no U.S. taxable income?
  • Is the organization’s share of distributable income comprised of passive interest, dividends, rents, and royalties? [IRC §§512(b) and 4940]
  • If ordinary taxable income is distributed, are there any deductible (allocable) expenses, such as the investment management fees and legal and accounting fees?
  • Is current income or gains from options, futures, derivatives, currency transactions, and types of alternative investment income taxable?
  • Does the venture have indebtedness or operate an active business (creates UBI)?
  • Does the partnership agreement provide UBI protection for exempt partners?
  • Does the venture operate outside the United States (special rules apply)?
  • Does the organization engage independent investment advisors?
  • Were the investments purchased under a plan to diversify the organization’s investments following the Prudent Investor Rules? [IRC §4943]
  • What portion of the organization’s overall investment assets do the alternative investments comprise?
  • If purchased by a private foundation, was an opinion of independent counsel that the investments would not be jeopardizing sought? [IRC §4944]
  • Is the investment readily marketable? “No” answer means more risk. Does lock‐in (cannot withdraw money from venture) mean valuation should be discounted?
  • Does the capital account reported on Form K‐1 reflect the organization’s actual tax basis? Is a system in place to record annual changes in tax basis?
  • Does the venture book increases and decreases in value into the capital accounts?
  • Do special allocations of deductions apply?
  • Does the investment entity have assets purchased with indebtedness? [IRC §514]
  • Will gain on sale be taxable due to acquisition indebtedness?
  • Does manager provide periodic valuation information for calculation of average values for minimum investment return purposes? [IRC §4942]
  • Is the investment marketable? Do the terms of the investment limit sale or withdrawal so that a discount in value is indicated?
  • For PF purposes, must the investment be valued monthly or annually?
  • Does the organization own more than 20% of the venture? What percentage do the organization’s insiders own? [IRC §4943]
  • Is more than 95% of the income produced by the investment passive?
FORM 990‐T
  • Must the income be reported and taxed on Form 990‐T?
  • Does K‐1 report information regarding unrelated business character of distributions?
  • Must the organization make deposits of estimated income tax?
Completed by ___________ Discussed with client _________ Date

EXHIBIT 19.12 Checklist for Tax and Accounting Issues for Grants and Contributions Received

Organization ______________________________________________________
Title of Grant _____________________________________________________________
The federal tax rules and generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) do not always reach the same conclusion. The financial accounting standards for nongovernmental entities are contained in the FASB Accounting Standards Codification (ASC). ASC Topic 958‐605 provides guidance on distinguishing contributions from exchange or other types of revenue for financial reporting purposes.
This checklist asks a series of questions to identify whether a grant is classified as a donation or as exempt function income. The next questions seek to identify those revenues taxable as unrelated income. Last are questions intended to identify whose money is whose, or when the EO does not recognize revenue because it is serving as agent to receive and pass through the funding to another organization.
DONATION: “Yes” answers to the following questions indicate a donation for tax reporting:
  • Does the grant allow the exempt organization (EO) to carry on programs or activities that further its exempt purposes? [Reg. §1.509(a)‐3(g)]
  • Do programs supported by the grant give a direct benefit primarily to the general public rather than an economic/physical benefit to the grantor?
  • Is the activity subsidized or the services performed not generally recognized as the responsibility of government or another grantor?
  • Does the EO express its goal and develop methodology for the program funded?
  • Government or other grantor does not normally contract with commercial concerns for the same services.
  • Are payment terms structured to subsidize efforts of the EO?
  • No return of funding or penalty for failure to perform specific activities.
  • Timing and methodology of conducting activities are under control of the EO.
FEE FOR SERVICES: “Yes” answers indicate fees for service revenue for tax reporting:
  • Services of particular benefit to and/or delivered directly to grantor.
  • Recipients of services are defined and determined by funding entity.
  • Granting organization determines the “how‐to.” (For example, research conducted under protocol furnished by sponsor.)
  • Granting entity also contracts with commercial firms for same services.
  • Penalties beyond amount of grant can be imposed for failure to perform.
  • Specific delivery required within specific timeframe?
UBI QUESTIONS: If answers are “No,” complete unrelated business checklist.
  • Are services to grantor related to the EO’s exempt purposes, such as health care, child care, education services, housing homeless, and the like?
  • Is research performed for a governmental unit, not a for‐profit company?
  • Is research performed for a commercial sponsor? Will results will be made available to the general public?
  • Is income payable as a royalty, or other income excludable from UBI?
  • Must the income be reported and taxed on Form 990‐T?
  • Do accounting records contain sufficient information to allocate costs to activities conducted with grant funding?
AGENCY TRANSACTION: A recipient EO that accepts assets from a donor and agrees to use those assets on behalf of, or transfer assets to, another entity may be acting as an agent or intermediary rather than a donee. If answer below is “Yes,” the EO has no income for tax reporting:
  • The EO is acting as an agent or intermediary possessing an obligation to pay the funds over to another organization.
  • The EO seeks funding on behalf of other named organization(s) and has no dominion and control over the disposition of funding.
  • Conditions imposed by the transferor make the transfer revocable, repayable, or otherwise subject to restrictions on its use.
  • Resource provider (term used when transferor is not a donor) is related to recipient in a way, such as common control, that causes the transfer to be reciprocal.
Prepared by ___________ With (client representative) __________ Dat
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