

  • absolute cell references, applying in Excel, 172–173
  • Access. See Microsoft Access
  • adding
    • animation effects in PowerPoint, 240–241
    • borders
      • to cells in Excel, 138–139
      • in Word, 86–87
    • captions in PowerPoint, 205
    • chart elements in Excel, 187
    • charts to slides in PowerPoint, 226–227
    • columns to tables in PowerPoint, 225
    • commands to Quick Access Toolbar, 14–15
    • comments in Word, 120
    • criteria to queries in Access, 290–291
    • effects, 35
    • fields
      • to PivotTables, 195
      • to tables in Access, 266
    • fill color in Excel, 139
    • footers in Word, 94–95
    • headers in Word, 94–95
    • notes in Outlook, 306–307
    • page number fields in Word, 95
    • picture borders, 35
    • records in Access, 276–279
    • rows
      • to tables in PowerPoint, 225
      • to tables in Word, 91
    • sections to slides in PowerPoint, 236–237
    • senders to contacts in Outlook, 318
    • shading
      • to cells in Excel, 138–139
      • to text in Word, 87
    • slide text in PowerPoint, 214–215
    • special characters in Word, 61
    • tables
      • to queries in Access, 291
      • to slides in PowerPoint, 224–225
    • text boxes to slides in PowerPoint, 223
    • Touch/Mouse mode to Quick Access Toolbar, 16
    • vertical lines between columns in Word, 89
    • video clips to slides in PowerPoint, 228–229
    • worksheets in Excel, 152
  • adjusting
    • animation direction in PowerPoint, 241
    • aspect ratio in PowerPoint, 203
    • background color in Word, 85
    • cell alignment in Excel, 132–133
    • chart data in Excel, 189
    • chart layout in Excel, 186
    • chart style in Excel, 185
    • chart type in Excel, 184
    • color
      • about, 34
      • of ink in pen/laser pointer tools, 251
      • of pages in Word, 99
      • of text in Word, 64
    • color schemes, 8–9
    • column width in Word, 101
    • default font/size in Word, 65
    • duration of effects in PowerPoint, 243
    • font
      • in Excel, 134–135
      • in PowerPoint, 216–217
      • in Word, 62
    • font size
      • in Excel, 134–135
      • in PowerPoint, 217
    • form views in Access, 272
    • number formats in Excel, 136
    • orientation of data in Excel, 133
    • page setup options in Excel, 154–155
    • slide layout in PowerPoint, 210–211
    • slide size in PowerPoint, 212–213
    • table views in Access, 264–265
    • text size in Word, 63
    • views
      • in PowerPoint, 206–207
      • in Word, 54–55
  • aligning text, 66, 222
  • Alt Text, 29
  • analyzing data, in Excel, 164–165
  • animations (PowerPoint), 240–243
  • app window, 6
  • applying
    • absolute cell reference sin Excel, 172–173
    • artistic effects, 35
    • cell styles in Excel, 140
    • conditional formatting in Excel, 142–143
    • data bars in Excel, 143
    • relative cell references in Excel, 172–173
    • Sparkline styles in Excel, 191
    • styles
      • to graphics, 35
      • to tables in Word, 92
      • in Word, 79
    • text formatting
      • in PowerPoint, 217
      • in Word, 63
    • themes
      • in Excel, 141
      • in PowerPoint, 220
      • in Word, 84
  • appointments (Outlook), 300–301, 310–311
  • apps
    • exiting, 4–5
    • online, 44–45, 46
    • starting, 4–5
    • using with a touch screen, 16–17
  • arguments (Excel), 174
  • artistic effects, applying, 35
  • aspect ratio, for PowerPoint slides, 203
  • assigning
    • range names in Excel, 148–149
    • sounds as transition effects in PowerPoint, 239
    • themes in Word, 84–85
  • AutoCorrect, customizing in Word, 108–109
  • AutoFill, using in Excel, 128–129
  • AutoSum, using in Excel, 178–179


  • backgrounds
    • changing color in Word, 85
    • inserting songs in PowerPoint, 245
    • removing from images, 35
    • troubleshooting, 9
  • Backstage view, 7
  • Bcc, 313
  • borders, adding in Word, 86–87
  • bulleted lists, creating in Word, 75
  • Business Card view (Outlook), 303
  • buttons, removing from Quick Access Toolbar, 15


  • captions, adding in PowerPoint, 205
  • Cc, 313
  • cells
    • adding
      • borders in Excel, 138–139
      • shading in Excel, 138–139
    • adjusting alignment in Excel, 132–133
    • clearing in Excel, 150–151
    • entering data in Excel, 124–125
    • indenting data in Excel, 133
    • ranges of, in Excel, 168
    • referencing in Excel, 168, 171
    • selecting
      • in Access, 27
      • in Excel, 27, 126–127
    • table, 91
    • totaling in Excel with AutoSum, 178–179
  • centering data across columns in Excel, 131
  • charts
    • adding
      • elements in Excel, 187
      • to slides in PowerPoint, 226–227
    • adjusting
      • data in Excel, 189
      • layout in Excel, 186
      • style in Excel, 185
      • type in Excel, 184
    • as an analysis choice in Excel, 165
    • creating in Excel, 180–181
    • deleting in Excel, 182
    • formatting
      • elements in Excel, 188
      • in PowerPoint, 227
    • moving in Excel, 182
    • resizing in Excel, 182
  • checking spelling and grammar in Word, 106–107
  • Clear Contents (Excel), 151
  • Clear Formats (Excel), 151
  • clearing
    • cells in Excel, 150–151
    • formatting in Word, 77
    • searches, 11
  • cloud, 36–37
  • color
    • adjusting
      • about, 34
      • color schemes, 8–9
      • for pages in Word, 99
      • for text in Word, 64
    • background, 85
    • of ink in pen/laser tools, 251
  • columns
    • adding to tables in PowerPoint, 225
    • adjusting width in Word, 101
    • centering across, in Excel, 131
    • creating in Word, 88–89
    • deleting in Excel, 151
    • freezing titles on-screen in Excel, 147
    • inserting in Excel, 145
    • labels for, in PivotTables, 193
    • resizing in Excel, 146
    • selecting in Excel, 127
  • combining reviewers' changes in Word, 118–119
  • commands, 12, 14–15
  • comments (Word), 101, 120–121
  • composing messages in Outlook, 312–313
  • compressing pictures, 29
  • conditional formatting, applying in Excel, 142–143
  • contacts, creating in Outlook, 302–303
  • copying
    • absolute references in Excel, 173
    • animation effects in PowerPoint, 241
    • cell formatting in Excel, 135
    • formatting in Word, 76
    • relative references in Excel, 172
    • slides in PowerPoint, 209
    • worksheets in Excel, 156
  • corner handles, 33
  • correcting images, 34
  • creating
    • blank databases in Access, 260–261
    • charts in Excel, 180–181
    • column breaks in Word, 89
    • columns in Word, 88–89
    • contacts in Outlook, 302–303
    • custom animations in PowerPoint, 242–243
    • custom borders in Word, 87
    • custom lists in Excel, 129
    • databases based on templates in Access, 258–259
    • files, 18–19
    • folders in OneDrive, 49
    • forms in Access, 270–271
    • formulas in Excel, 170–171
    • handouts in PowerPoint, 249
    • lists in Word, 74–75
    • message rules in Outlook, 322–323
    • photo album presentations in PowerPoint, 204–205
    • PivotCharts, 196–197
    • PivotTables in Excel, 194–195
    • presentations in PowerPoint, 202–203
    • Quick Parts in Word, 58–59
    • Quick Styles in Word, 78
    • reports in Access, 292–295
    • rules for conditional formatting in Excel, 143
    • shortcuts to apps, 5
    • speaker notes in PowerPoint, 246–247
    • tables
      • in Access, 262–263
      • in Excel, 160–161
    • tasks in Outlook, 304–305
    • templates for Word, 81
  • Creative Commons, 31
  • cropping pictures, 34
  • custom lists, creating in Excel, 129
  • customizing
    • AutoCorrect in Word, 108–109
    • Navigation bar in Outlook, 308–309
    • Quick Access Toolbar, 14–15
    • reports in Access, 295
    • styles in Word, 79


  • data
    • analyzing in Excel, 164–165
    • finding and replacing in Excel, 158–159
    • formatting with styles in Excel, 140–141
    • selecting, 26–27
    • viewing trends in Excel using Sparklines, 190–191
  • data bars, applying in Excel, 143
  • databases
    • about, 256–257
    • creating based on templates in Access, 258–259
    • creating blanks in Access, 260–261
    • opening in Access, 261
    • planning, 257
  • Datasheet view (Access), 265
  • decimals, increasing/decreasing in Excel, 137
  • decreasing decimals in Excel, 137
  • defining slide transitions in PowerPoint, 238–239
  • definitions, displaying in Word, 111
  • deleting
    • animations in PowerPoint, 243
    • backgrounds from images, 35
    • buttons from Quick Access Toolbar, 15
    • charts in Excel, 182
    • columns in Excel, 151
    • comments in Word, 121
    • conditional formatting in Excel, 143
    • fields
    • footers in Word, 95
    • forms in Access, 271
    • headers in Word, 95
    • message rules in Outlook, 323
    • messages in Outlook, 319
    • notes
      • in Excel, 167
      • in Outlook, 307
    • Quick Parts in Word, 59
    • records in Access, 282, 283
    • rows in Excel, 151
    • section markers in PowerPoint, 237
    • slides in PowerPoint, 233
    • sort order in Access, 285
    • styles in Word, 79
    • tab stops in Word, 70
    • tables
      • in Access, 263
      • in Word, 91
    • transition effects in PowerPoint, 239
    • worksheets in Excel, 157
  • Design view (Access), 264, 272
  • desktop apps, opening documents in, from OneDrive, 46–47
  • dialog boxes, launching, 13
  • Dictionary (Word), 111
  • displaying
    • calculations in tatus bar in Excel, 179
    • definitions in Word, 111
    • labels in Outlook, 309
    • Quick Access Toolbar, 14
    • sections in PowerPoint, 237
    • synonyms in Word, 111
    • Windows taskbar, 253
  • documents
    • about, 37
    • navigating in Word, 104–105
    • opening
      • about, 37, 44
      • in desktop apps from OneDrive, 46–47
    • passwords for shared, 51
    • saving in Word, 119
    • sharing
      • about, 37
      • from Microsoft 365, 40–41
      • using OneDrive, 50–51
      • via email, 50
      • via links, 51
    • tracking changes in Word, 114–115
    • translating in Word, 113
    • uploading to OneDrive, 48–49
  • drawing outlines, 35
  • drop-down lists, 279


  • editing
    • formulas in Excel, 171
    • functions in Excel, 177
    • slide text in PowerPoint, 215
    • text in Word, 57
  • Editing mode, 45
  • Editor (Word), correcting errors via, 106–107
  • effects, adding, 35
  • email, sharing documents via, 50
  • endnotes, inserting in Word, 97
  • entering cell data in Excel, 124–125
  • Excel. See Microsoft Excel
  • exclusion, filtering by, in Access, 287
  • exiting apps, 4–5


  • Field Properties area (Access), 265
  • fields (Access)
    • about, 256
    • adding to tables, 266
    • deleting
      • in forms, 274
      • from reports, 293
      • from tables, 267
    • hiding in tables, 268
    • moving
  • files
    • creating, 18–19
    • opening, 22–23
    • printing, 24–25
    • saving, 20–21
    • sending attachments in Outlook, 314
    • types, 21
  • fill color, adding in Excel, 139
  • filtering
    • PivotCharts, 197
    • PivotTable information, 193
    • records in Access, 286–287
    • tables in Excel, 162–163
  • finding and replacing
    • data in Excel, 158–159
    • text in Word, 102–103
  • flipping graphics, 34
  • Folder pane (Outlook), 311
  • folders (OneDrive), 47, 49
  • font/font size, adjusting
    • default in Word, 65
    • in Excel, 134–135
    • in PowerPoint, 216–217
    • in Word, 62
  • Font dialog box (Word), 65
  • footers, adding in Word, 94–95
  • footnotes, inserting in Word, 96–97
  • form fields, formatting in Access, 275
  • form views, adjusting in Access, 272
  • formatting
    • as an analysis choice in Excel, 165
    • chart elements in Excel, 188
    • charts in PowerPoint, 227
    • clearing in Word, 77
    • copying in Word, 76
    • data with styles in Excel, 140–141
    • form fields in Access, 275
    • with styles in Word, 78–79
  • forms (Access)
    • about, 257
    • adding records using, 278–279
    • creating, 270–271
    • deleting
      • about, 271
      • fields in, 274
      • records using, 283
    • filtering by, 287
    • moving fields in, 273
    • navigating records using, 280
    • searching for records using, 281
    • sorting using, 285
  • Formula Bar, typing data into in Excel, 125
  • formulas (Excel), 168–171
  • forwarding messages in Outlook, 317
  • freezing column/row titles on-screen in Excel, 147
  • functions (Excel), 174–177


  • galleries, choosing items from, 13
  • grammar, checking in Word, 106–107
  • grand totals, in PivotTables, 193
  • graphic objects
    • applying styles to, 35
    • flipping, 34
    • modification techniques for, 34–35
    • moving, 33
    • resizing, 32–33
    • rotating, 34
    • zooming in PowerPoint, 252


  • handouts, creating in PowerPoint, 249
  • headers, adding in Word, 94–95
  • headings, navigating documents using, 104–105
  • hiding
    • fields in tables in Access, 268
    • sections in PowerPoint, 237
    • slides in PowerPoint, 233, 251
  • highlighting text in Word, 100


  • images
    • adding borders, 35
    • compressing, 29
    • correcting, 34
    • cropping, 34
    • inserting from PCs, 28–29
    • online, 30–31
    • removing backgrounds from, 35
    • zooming in Word, 55
  • increasing decimals in Excel, 137
  • indenting
    • cell data in Excel, 133
    • text in Word, 68–69
  • Insert mode (Word), 57
  • Insert Options button (Excel), 145
  • inserting
    • background songs in PowerPoint, 245
    • columns in Excel, 145
    • comments in Word, 101
    • endnotes in Word, 97
    • footnotes in Word, 96–97
    • functions in Excel, 176–177
    • notes in Excel, 166–167
    • online pictures, 30–31
    • online videos in Word, 82–83
    • page breaks in Excel, 155
    • pictures from PCs, 28–29
    • PivotTable Slicers, 198–199
    • Quick Parts in Word, 58–59
    • rows in Excel, 144–145
    • slides in PowerPoint, 208–209
    • Sparklines in Excel, 190
    • symbols in Word, 60–61
    • table rows/columns in Word, 93
    • tables in Word, 90–91


  • junk e-mail, screening in Outlook, 320–321
  • Junk Email folder (Outlook), 321


  • keyboard shortcuts, 27, 127


  • labels, displaying in Outlook, 309
  • Layout tools (Word), setting margins using, 72
  • Layout view (Access), 272
  • layout views, switching in Word, 55
  • leader tabs (Word), 70
  • line spacing, setting, 67, 221
  • links, sharing documents via, 51
  • lists, creating in Word, 74–75
  • locking tracked changes in Word, 116–117


  • margins, setting in Word, 72–73
  • mathematical operators, in Excel, 169
  • menus, running commands from, 12
  • message rules (Outlook), 322–323
  • messages (Outlook)
    • composing, 312–313
    • deleting, 319
    • forwarding, 317
    • reading incoming, 315
    • replying to, 316–317
    • saving as drafts, 313
    • sending, 312–313
  • Microsoft 365. See also specific topics
    • app window, 6
    • Backstage view, 7
    • adjusting
      • color schemes, 8–9
      • default font and size, 65
    • cloud and, 36–37
    • searching for Ribbon commands, 10–11
    • sharing documents from, 40–41
    • signing in to, 38–39
    • signing out of, 39
    • starting apps, 4–5
    • using apps with touch screen, 16–17
  • Microsoft 365 Indicator, 6
  • Microsoft 365 Web apps, 36
  • Microsoft Access
    • adding
      • fields to tables, 266
      • records, 276–279
    • adjusting
      • form views, 272
      • table views, 264–265
    • creating
      • blank databases, 260–261
      • databases based on templates, 258–259
      • forms, 270–271
      • reports, 292–295
      • tables, 262–263
    • customizing reports, 295
    • database basics, 256–257
    • deleting
    • filtering records, 286–287
    • formatting form fields, 275
    • hiding fields in tables, 268
    • moving fields, 269, 273
    • navigating records using forms, 280
    • performing Simple Queries, 288–291
    • printing reports, 295
    • searching for records using forms, 281
    • selecting cells in, 27
    • sorting
      • records, 284–285
      • tables, 284
      • using forms, 285
  • Microsoft Excel
    • adding
      • cell borders, 138–139
      • cell shading, 138–139
      • chart elements, 187
      • fill color, 139
      • worksheets, 152
    • adjusting
      • cell alignment, 132–133
      • chart data, 189
      • chart layout, 186
      • chart style, 185
      • chart type, 184
      • font and size, 134–135
      • number formats, 136
      • orientation of data, 133
      • page setup options, 154–155
    • analyzing data, 164–165
    • applying
      • absolute cell references, 172–173
      • conditional formatting, 142–143
      • data bars, 143
      • relative cell references, 172–173
    • centering data across columns, 131
    • clearing cells, 150–151
    • copying
      • cell formatting, 135
      • worksheets, 156
    • creating
      • charts, 180–181
      • custom lists, 129
      • tables, 160–161
    • decreasing decimals, 137
    • deleting
      • rows/columns, 151
      • worksheets, 157
    • entering cell data, 124–125
    • file types for, 21
    • filtering tables, 162–163
    • finding and replacing data, 158–159
    • formatting
      • chart elements, 188
      • data with styles, 140–141
    • formulas, 168–171
    • freezing column/row titles on-screen, 147
    • functions, 174–179
    • increasing decimals, 137
    • indenting cell data, 133
    • inserting
      • columns, 145
      • notes, 166–167
      • page breaks, 155
      • rows, 144–145
    • moving
    • naming ranges, 148–149
    • PivotCharts, 196–197
    • PivotTables, 192–195, 198–199
    • printing worksheets, 155
    • renaming worksheets, 153
    • resizing
    • selecting cells in, 27, 126–127
    • sorting tables, 163
    • totaling cells with AutoSum, 178–179
    • turning on text wrapping, 130
    • using AutoFill, 128–129
    • viewing data trends using Sparklines, 190–191
    • worksheet gridlines, 139
  • Microsoft Outlook
    • adding
      • notes, 306–307
      • senders to contacts, 318
    • composing messages, 312–313
    • creating
      • contacts, 302–303
      • message rules, 322–323
      • tasks, 304–305
    • customizing Navigation bar, 308–309
    • deleting
    • forwarding messages, 317
    • navigating in, 298–299
    • reading incoming messages, 315
    • replying to messages, 316–317
    • saving messages as drafts, 313
    • scheduling appointments, 300–301
    • screening junk e-mail, 320–321
    • sending
      • file attachments, 314
      • messages, 312–313
    • viewing appointments/tasks, 310–311
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
    • adding
      • animation effects, 240–241
      • captions, 205
      • charts to slides, 226–227
      • columns to tables, 225
      • rows to tables, 225
      • slide text, 214–215
      • tables to slides, 224–225
      • text boxes to slides, 223
      • video clips to slides, 228–229
    • adjusting
      • font, 216–217
      • font size, 217
      • slide layout, 210–211
      • slide size, 212–213
      • views, 206–207
    • aligning text, 222
    • applying
      • text formatting, 217
      • themes, 220
    • creating
      • custom animations, 242–243
      • handouts, 249
      • photo album presentations, 204–205
      • presentations, 202–203
      • speaker notes, 246–247
    • defining slide transitions, 238–239
    • deleting slides, 233
    • editing slide text, 215
    • formatting charts, 227
    • hiding slides, 233, 251
    • inserting
      • background songs, 245
      • slides, 208–209
    • moving slide objects, 230
    • organizing slides into sections, 236–237
    • printing notes, 247
    • recording narration, 244
    • rehearsing slideshows, 248–249
    • reorganizing slides, 232–233
    • resizing slide objects, 231
    • reusing slides, 234–325
    • running slideshows, 250–253
    • selecting
      • data in, 26
      • text color, 218–219
    • setting line spacing, 221
    • zooming objects, 252
  • Microsoft Publisher, 26
  • Microsoft Word
    • adding
      • borders, 86–87
      • footers, 94–95
      • headers, 94–95
      • page number fields, 95
      • shading to text, 87
      • vertical lines between columns, 89
    • adjusting
      • color of text, 64
      • font, 62
      • views in, 54–55
    • aligning text, 66
    • applying
      • formatting to text, 63
      • table styles, 92
    • assigning themes, 84–85
    • checking spelling and grammar, 106–107
    • clearing formatting, 77
    • combining reviewers' changes, 118–119
    • copying formatting, 76
    • creating
      • column breaks, 89
      • columns, 88–89
      • lists, 74–75
    • customizing AutoCorrect, 108–109
    • Dictionary, 111
    • editing text, 57
    • file types for, 21
    • finding and replacing text, 102–103
    • formatting with styles, 78–79
    • highlighting text, 100
    • indenting text, 68–69
    • inserting
      • comments, 101
      • endnotes, 96–97
      • footnotes, 96–97
      • online videos, 82–83
      • Quick Parts, 58–59
      • symbols, 60–61
      • table rows/columns, 93
      • tables, 90–91
    • leader tabs, 70
    • locking tracked changes, 116–117
    • Mini toolbar, 63
    • navigating documents, 104–105
    • Quick Styles, 78
    • Read mode, 17
    • Read Mode view, 98–101
    • removing tab stops, 70
    • resizing text, 63
    • ruler, 69
    • saving documents, 119
    • selecting data in, 26
    • setting
      • default margins, 73
      • line spacing, 67
      • margins, 72–73
      • Quick Indents, 68
      • Quick Tabs, 70
      • tabs, 70–71
    • Thesaurus, 110–111
    • tracking document changes, 114–115
    • translating text, 112–113
    • troubleshooting print margins in, 73
    • typing text, 56–57
    • unlocking tracked changes, 116–117
    • using Font dialog box, 65
    • using templates, 80–81
    • working with comments, 120–121
  • Mini toolbar (Word), 63
  • modes, switching, 45
  • modification techniques, for graphic objects, 34–35
  • moving
    • charts in Excel, 182
    • fields in Access, 269, 273
    • graphic objects, 33
    • slide objects in PowerPoint, 230
    • worksheets in Excel, 156


  • naming ranges in Excel, 148–149
  • narration, recording in PowerPoint, 244
  • navigating
    • documents in Word, 104–105
    • in Outlook, 298–299
    • records using forms in Access, 280
  • Navigation bar, customizing in Outlook, 308–309
  • Navigation pane (Access), 261
  • noncontiguous data, selecting in Excel, 181
  • Normal view (PowerPoint), 206, 232
  • notes
    • adding in Outlook, 306–307
    • deleting in Outlook, 307
    • inserting in Excel, 166–167
  • Notes Page view (PowerPoint), 247
  • Notes pane (PowerPoint), 246
  • number formats, changing in Excel, 136
  • number series, AutoFill and, 129
  • numbered lists, creating in Word, 75


  • OneDrive
    • about, 36
    • creating folders in, 49
    • opening documents in desktop apps from, 46–47
    • sharing documents using, 50–51
    • signing in to/out of, 42–43
    • uploading documents to, 48–49
    • using online apps in, 44–45
  • online apps, 44–46
  • online document tools, 37
  • online pictures, inserting, 30–31
  • online videos, inserting in Word, 82–83
  • opening
    • databases in Access, 261
    • dialog boxes, 13
    • documents
      • about, 37, 44
      • in desktop apps from OneDrive, 46–47
      • to share, 50
    • files, 22–23
  • operator precedence, in Excel, 169
  • OR criteria, 287
  • orientation, adjusting in Excel, 133, 154
  • Outline view (PowerPoint), 206
  • outlines, drawing, 35
  • Outlook. See Microsoft Outlook
  • Overtype mode (Word), 57


  • page borders, adding in Word, 87
  • page breaks, inserting in Excel, 155
  • page numbers, adding in Word, 95
  • pages
    • changing setup options in Excel, 154–155
    • navigating documents using, 105
  • paragraph borders, adding in Word, 86
  • passwords, 51, 117
  • PCs, inserting pictures from, 28–29
  • personal settings, 36
  • photo album presentations, creating in PowerPoint, 204–205
  • PivotCharts, creating, 196–197
  • PivotTables (Excel), 192–199
  • Playback tab (PowerPoint), 229
  • playing inserted videos, in Word, 83
  • PowerPoint. See Microsoft PowerPoint
  • presentations, creating in PowerPoint, 202–203
  • Presenter view (PowerPoint), 253
  • preset Quick Parts, 59
  • primary key, 277
  • printing
    • files, 24–25
    • notes in PowerPoint, 247
    • reports in Access, 295
    • troubleshooting in Word, 73
    • worksheets in Excel, 155
  • Program Window controls, 6
  • public domain, 31


  • queries (Access), 257, 290–291
  • Quick Access Toolbar (QAT), 14–16, 25
  • Quick Analysis button (Excel), 165, 181
  • Quick Borders, adding in Excel, 138
  • Quick Parts, inserting in Word, 58–59


  • ranges, naming in Excel, 148–149
  • Read mode (Word), 17, 98–101
  • reading incoming messages, in Outlook, 315
  • Reading view (PowerPoint), 207
  • recording narration, in PowerPoint, 244
  • records (Access)
    • adding, 276–279
    • deleting, 282, 283
    • filtering, 286–287
    • navigating using forms, 280
    • searching for using forms, 281
    • sorting, 284–285
  • records (Access), 256
  • reference operators, in Excel, 169
  • referencing cells, in Excel, 168, 171
  • relative cell references, applying in Excel, 172–173
  • renaming
    • table fields in Access, 263
    • worksheets in Excel, 153
  • replying
    • to comments in Word, 121
    • to messages in Outlook, 316–317
  • report filter, in PivotTables, 193
  • reports (Access), 257, 292–295
  • resizing
    • charts in Excel, 182
    • columns in Excel, 146
    • graphic objects, 32–33
    • PowerPoint pane, 207
    • Ribbon, 13
    • rows in Excel, 146
    • slide objects in PowerPoint, 231
  • restoring junk e-mail to safe list, in Outlook, 321
  • reusing slides, in PowerPoint, 234–325
  • Reviewing mode, 45
  • Ribbon, 6, 10–13, 180
  • rotating graphics, 34
  • row labels, in PivotTables, 193
  • row titles, freezing on-screen in Excel, 147
  • rows
    • adding
      • to tables in PowerPoint, 225
      • to tables in Word, 91
    • deleting in Excel, 151
    • inserting in Excel, 144–145
    • resizing in Excel, 146
    • selecting in Excel, 127
  • ruler (Word), 69


  • saving
    • documents in Word, 119
    • files, 20–21
    • messages as drafts in Outlook, 313
    • work in online apps, 45
  • scheduling appointments, in Outlook, 300–301
  • screening junk e-mail, in Outlook, 320–321
  • search bar, 6
  • Search Document box (Word), 105
  • searching
    • clearing searches, 11
    • for records using forms in Access, 281
    • for Ribbon commands, 10–11
  • selecting
    • cells in Excel, 126–127
    • data, 26–27
    • items from galleries, 13
    • named ranges in Excel, 149
    • noncontiguous data in Excel, 181
    • text color in PowerPoint, 218–219
  • senders, adding to contacts in Outlook, 318
  • setting
    • horizontal alignment in Excel, 132
    • line spacing
      • in PowerPoint, 221
      • in Word, 67
    • margins in Word, 72–73
    • tabs in Word, 70–71
    • vertical alignment in Excel, 133
  • shading, adding to text in Word, 87
  • sharing documents
    • about, 37
    • from Microsoft 365, 40–41
    • using OneDrive, 50–51
    • via email, 50
    • via links, 51
  • shortcuts, creating to apps, 5
  • signing into/out of
    • the cloud, 36
    • Microsoft 365, 38–39
    • OneDrive, 42–43
  • Simple Queries, performing in Access, 288–291
  • slide objects (PowerPoint), 230, 231
  • Slide Sorter view (PowerPoint), 207, 233
  • slides
    • adding
      • charts to in PowerPoint, 226–227
      • tables to in PowerPoint, 224–225
      • text boxes to in PowerPoint, 223
      • text to in PowerPoint, 214–215
      • video clips to in PowerPoint, 228–229
    • adjusting
      • layout in PowerPoint, 210–211
      • size of in PowerPoint, 212–213
    • defining transitions in PowerPoint, 238–239
    • deleting in PowerPoint, 233
    • duplicating in PowerPoint, 209
    • editing text on in PowerPoint, 215
    • hiding in PowerPoint, 233, 251
    • inserting in PowerPoint, 208–209
    • organizing into sections in PowerPoint, 236–237
    • reorganizing in PowerPoint, 232–233
    • reusing in PowerPoint, 234–325
  • Slides from Outline command (PowerPoint), 209
  • slideshows (PowerPoint), 248–253
  • Sort by Color option (Excel), 163
  • sorting
    • records in Access, 284–285
    • tables
  • sounds, assigning as transition effects in PowerPoint, 239
  • source data, in PivotTables, 193
  • Sparklines, 165, 190–191
  • speaker notes, creating in PowerPoint, 246–247
  • special characters, adding in Word, 61
  • spelling, checking in Word, 106–107
  • starting apps, 4–5
  • Status Bar, 6, 179
  • structure, of formulas in Excel, 168
  • styles
    • applying to graphics, 35
    • formatting
      • data with, in Excel, 140–141
      • with in Word, 78–79
    • table, 92
  • subtotals, in PivotTables, 193
  • switching
    • to Datasheet view in Access, 265
    • to Design view in Access, 264, 272
    • to Layout view in Access, 272
    • layout views in Word, 55
    • modes, 45
  • symbols, inserting in Word, 60–61
  • synonyms, displaying in Word, 111


  • table cells (Word), 91
  • table rows/columns, inserting in Word, 93
  • table views, changing in Access, 264–265
  • tables
    • about, 256
    • adding
      • columns to in PowerPoint, 225
      • fields to in Access, 266
      • to queries in Access, 291
      • records to in Access, 276–277
      • rows to in PowerPoint, 225
      • to slides in PowerPoint, 224–225
    • as an analysis choice in Excel, 165
    • creating
      • in Access, 262–263
      • in Excel, 160–161
    • deleting
      • in Access, 263
      • fields from in Access, 267
      • records from in Access, 282
    • filtering in Excel, 162–163
    • formatting as in Excel, 141
    • hiding fields in, in Access, 268
    • inserting in Word, 90–91
    • moving fields in, in Access, 269
    • relationships with, 289
    • renaming fields in Access, 263
    • sorting
  • tabs, setting in Word, 70–71
  • tasks (Outlook), 304–305, 310–311
  • templates
    • creating
      • databases based on, in Access, 258–259
      • files from, 19
    • Microsoft Word, 80–81
  • text
    • adding shading to in Word, 87
    • adjusting color of in Word, 64
    • aligning
      • in PowerPoint, 222
      • in Word, 66
    • applying formatting to in Word, 63
    • choosing color of in PowerPoint, 218–219
    • editing in Word, 57
    • finding and replacing in Word, 102–103
    • highlighting in Word, 100
    • indenting in Word, 68–69
    • resizing in Word, 63
    • translating in Word, 112–113
    • typing in Word, 56–57
  • text boxes, adding to slides in PowerPoint, 223
  • text series, AutoFill and, 128
  • text wrapping, 33, 130
  • themes
    • applying in Excel, 141
    • applying in PowerPoint, 220
    • assigning in Word, 84–85
  • Thesaurus (Word), 110–111
  • thumbnails (PowerPoint), 251
  • title bar, 6
  • totals, as an analysis choice in Excel, 165
  • touch screen, using apps with, 16–17
  • Touch/Mouse mode, adding to Quick Access Toolbar, 16
  • tracking document changes, in Word, 114–115
  • translating, 99, 112–113
  • troubleshooting
    • AutoCorrect in Word, 109
    • AutoFilter in Excel, 163
    • backgrounds, 9
    • cell width in Excel, 125
    • endnotes, 97
    • footnotes, 97
    • inserting pictures, 29
    • margin settings in Word, 73
    • Outlook, 301
    • Ribbon tabs, 13
    • slide text, 215
    • track changes in Word, 117, 119
    • translation in Word, 113
  • turning on/off
    • automatic spelling and grammar checking in Word, 107
    • text wrapping in Excel, 130
    • tracking in Word, 114
    • worksheet gridlines in Excel, 139
  • typing
    • into cells in Excel, 124–125
    • text in Word, 56–57


  • unlocking tracked changes, in Word, 116–117
  • uploading documents, to OneDrive, 48–49


  • Values area, in PivotTables, 193
  • vertical lines, adding between columns in Word, 89
  • video clips, adding to slides in PowerPoint, 228–229
  • View Shortcuts feature, 6
  • viewing
    • appointments/tasks in Outlook, 310–311
    • data trends in Excel using Sparklines, 190–191
    • notes in Excel, 167
  • Viewing mode, 45
  • views, adjusting, 54–55, 206–207



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