Setting Up Your Site

Sign Up with

With just a few simple steps, you can sign up with A few steps more and you can have a website up and running at no cost.

Sign Up with


001.eps Navigate to in your web browser.

001.eps Click Create Website.


image Type an email address where you can receive the activation link.

Note: A green check mark appears at each stage if your entry is accepted.

001.eps Type a username of lowercase letters and numbers.

001.eps Type a strong password.

001.eps Type the name you want as the address of your site.

001.eps A check mark appears if the name is available.

001.eps A dropdown offers to sell you available, similar domains as an option.

001.eps Click No thanks, I’ll use the free address. ( and continue scrolling down.


001.eps A table shows you what features are available for free and for paid upgrades.

001.eps Click Create Blog to use the free website option.

The next screen begins the process of setting up your site, which is covered in the next section, “Set Up Your New Site.”


001.eps Click the link in the email you receive to confirm your account.

If the email is opened on a different device than you are signing up with, you are asked to log in to

Note: WordPress sends you a second email informing you that the account is set up and offering a link to its tutorials.

Set Up Your New Site

Even while is sending out your confirmation email, you can start setting up your site.

Set Up Your New Site


001.eps Type a blog title.

The blog title appears in the header of all pages.

001.eps Type an optional tagline.

The tagline is a few words that further describe your site. The tagline appears below your title.

001.eps Click the Language 9781119047759-ma005.tif and choose a language for your site. The default is English.

001.eps Click Next Step.


You can scroll through several hundred possible themes.

001.eps When you find a theme you like, click it to highlight it.

001.eps Some themes require payment, but most are free.

001.eps Click Next Step.


001.eps You see a sample of the theme with a description and its features.

001.eps Click Customize It.

001.eps If you choose not to customize at this time, you can click Next Step.


A new screen with customization options appears.

001.eps You see your site as it will look with the chosen theme.

001.eps A menu appears on the right with possible customization options for your theme.

001.eps When you choose an option — in this case, Header — a new section of screen slides out. Here, you are given instructions for changing the header image.

001.eps Click Add new image and another window appears for uploading your header image. When you click Select and Crop, the window closes.

001.eps After you finish making all your theme customizations, click Save.

001.eps On the Customize screen, click Next Step.


001.eps You can click one of these buttons to open a dialog box for entering your account information for other social media sites.

001.eps Click Next Step to begin entering content for your site.

View Your New Site


001.eps Address

View your site by entering the site name you signed up with, followed by “”

001.eps Toolbar

You can quickly access your site’s administrative screens from this toolbar.

001.eps Header

In addition to your site title and tagline, this area may contain a background image or your logo, depending on your theme.

001.eps Menu

All themes include a navigation menu of your site’s pages.

001.eps Page or Post Title

The title of the current content, whether it is a page or a post.

001.eps Sidebar

The sidebar is comprised of widgets, which perform various functions, like this search function.


001.eps Page or Post Content

This is the actual content of the page or post. It can consist of text, images, video, documents, or any combination of those.

001.eps Sidebar Widgets

Widgets provide a wide variety of functions, such as displaying your latest posts or social media feeds.

001.eps Sharing Buttons

Your visitors can share your content with various social media.

001.eps Edit

This link — visible only when you are signed in — takes you to the administrative area for the current web page. Visitors cannot see this.

001.eps Comments Area

This title marks the start of the comments area, where visitors can leave a comment about this page or post.


001.eps Comments Box

The box where visitors enter their comments. Comments which you approve will appear below this box.

001.eps Footer

Every theme has a footer area at the bottom of the screen. Usually it contains widgets.

001.eps Footer Widget

Widgets are not just for sidebars.


001.eps Widget

Another example of a widget that automatically shows content when some is available. No categories have been created yet, so nothing appears. You can remove widgets that currently have no content and then put them back when there is.

001.eps Logout/Login

The Meta widget contains a link for logging in to your site, so you do not need to go to the home page to do that. When you are logged in, the link changes to enable you to log out.

001.eps Footer Credits

In the free version of, there is a link here encouraging visitors to get their own website.

My Site Looks Nothing Like This

WordPress themes vary a great deal, so do not worry if your site looks quite different from the screenshots on these two pages. What you will have is the same basic structure: header, content, sidebar, footer, and the toolbar at the top, so become familiar with those.

Where Is the Blog? used to create a sample post as well as a sample page, but that is no longer the case. Because no posts have been entered on the So Dog Crazy site, no blog area is showing at this point. That is why the sample page is being shown here.

Get to Know Your Site’s Dashboard

The Dashboard can be thought of as the home page for the administrative area of your site. It has a number of helpful sections, like statistics, which show you the current state of your site.

When you first sign up for, the Dashboard displays a comprehensive Help menu to get you started, and which you can turn off when not needed.

Access Your Site’s Dashboard


001.eps In your browser’s address bar, you can add /wp-admin to your WordPress domain name, and if you are logged in, you are taken to the Dashboard. If you are not logged in, you see the login screen. In this example, you would type

001.eps From your website, you can click Site Admin if you are already logged in.

001.eps This Log Out link would show as Log In if you were not signed in to Note: The widget that displays the login/logout links — called the Meta widget — may not be visible on your site, but you can add it to any widget area.


001.eps When you click the My Sites link — visible all the time in the toolbar — you get a screen that looks like this.

001.eps The site you are currently working on appears in this box. If you have more than one site, you can choose which one to administer. You can also add a new site from this box.

001.eps Click WP Admin to be taken to the Dashboard of your site.

Tour the Dashboard


001.eps Left Admin Menu

Every admin screen is accessible from this menu, located on the left side of the screen. When you mouse over a menu item, submenu items appear, and when you are in a menu section, the submenu items are visible. Note: You can collapse the menu to a set of icons by clicking the Collapse Menu link at the very bottom.

001.eps At a Glance

In this box, you find a summary of how many pages, posts, drafts, and comments you have. In addition, it tells you what theme you are using and how much space your media files (images, documents, and so on) are taking up.

001.eps Activity

Shows your latest posts and visitor comments on the website for this Dashboard.

001.eps Your Stuff

Shows your recent activity on any website, whether you are commenting on someone else’s site or publishing a post to one of your other sites. Note: Just below Your Stuff, and not visible on this screenshot, is another box, What’s Hot, that displays news from the team, as well as recent posts and comments from top sites on

001.eps Screen Options

Hide any of the boxes on the Dashboard and then restore them in the future.

001.eps Quick Draft

Had a sudden idea for a post? Enter some notes here and get a draft started right away.

001.eps Stats provides statistics for your website, so you know how many visitors you are getting, what posts they are reading the most, and much more.

Understand the Toolbar

When you are logged in at, the toolbar at the top of all screens provides a wealth of options. With just a click, you can start a new blog post, visit other blogs, and do a whole lot more. Some toolbar offerings vary depending on where you are on your own site or other sites.


001.eps My Sites

Mouse over this menu item to view a comprehensive set of administrative links, covered in detail below.

001.eps Reader

The Reader is your guide to all the other sites on the platform. Mouse over this menu item to view links to various functions of the Reader, covered in detail below.

001.eps Statistics Graph

Known as the Sparkline, this graph represents the last 48 hours of visitors viewing pages on your site. Darker lines represent nighttime page views, and if you mouse over the graph, the number you see is the highest amount of views per hour.

001.eps Go Premium

Click this link to see your options for upgrading to a different plan.

001.eps Add New Post

Click this icon to go to the Add New Post screen.

001.eps My Account

Mouse over this menu icon to view links relating to your account, covered in detail below.

001.eps Notifications

Click to view a list of notifications about your activity on

001.eps Search

Click to reveal a search box.


My Sites Submenu

001.eps Current Site

Shows the site you are administering and a Switch Site menu if you have others on

001.eps View Site

Click to view the front end of your site, as the public sees it.

001.eps WP Admin

Click to go to the Dashboard of the current site.

001.eps Stats

Click to view your detailed site statistics.

001.eps Comments

Click to go to your comments management screen.

001.eps Content Links

You can view a list of your Blog Posts, Pages, or Media files. From those lists you can manage individual content items.

001.eps Look and Feel Links

You can view available Themes, Customize your current theme, or manage your Menus.

001.eps Configuration Links

You can manage your Sharing settings, your Users, the site’s Settings, or your Upgrades.


Reader Submenu

001.eps Blogs I Follow

Check what is new on sites you have chosen to follow, and not just from

001.eps Freshly Pressed

See what posts the staff have picked as noteworthy from the hundreds of thousands of sites on

001.eps Recommended Blogs

Browse a list of staff-recommended sites by topic.

001.eps Find Friends

See which of your social media friends are on

001.eps My Comments

See your most recent comments on sites.

001.eps My Likes

Access any posts you have liked on


My Account Submenu

001.eps Your Gravatar Image

If you uploaded an image to, it appears here.

001.eps Sign Out

Log out of your site and There is also a link to your account (which was automatically created when you signed up with

001.eps Profile Links

Click Account Settings to access your account information, such as Profile, password, security settings, and more. Click Trophy Case to view your achievements on (writing your first post earns you your first trophy). Click Billing to see a complete history of any billing transactions.

001.eps Extras Links

Click Help to access the extensive support system for Click Find Friends to see which of your social media friends is on

Select Your General Settings

The General Settings screen enables you to control basic elements of your site identity and operation. And if you do not like your choices, you can always change them later.

Select Your General Settings


001.eps On the left admin menu under Settings, click General.

001.eps Change the title of your site, which you entered during setup, from here.

001.eps Change the tagline of your site, also entered during setup, from here. You can leave the tagline blank if you want.

001.eps You can have an image or an icon associated with your site across

001.eps Click Choose File to select an image from your device.

001.eps Click Upload Image.


001.eps The image you uploaded appears with a white crop box on a new screen.

001.eps Resize the box by using the drag handles around the edges.

001.eps When you have selected the area of the image you want to use, click Crop Image.

Note: A confirmation screen opens to show your cropped image. Click Back to Blog Options to return to General Settings.


001.eps The cropped image now appears at the top right of General Settings.

001.eps You can choose and upload a new image any time, or you can simply remove the current image.

001.eps Click the Timezone 9781119047759-ma005.tif and select a city in your time zone from the dropdown or your time relative to UTC (coordinated universal time).

Note: Scroll up in the pop-up list to find cities. If you choose a UTC setting, you must manually reset the zone for daylight savings time.

001.eps Click a date format (9781119047759-ma001.tif changes to 9781119047759-ma002.tif).

001.eps Click a time format (9781119047759-ma001.tif changes to 9781119047759-ma001.tif).


001.eps Click the Week Starts On 9781119047759-ma005.tif and change the day that WordPress uses as the start of a new week.

001.eps If you plan to write in a language other than English, click the Language 9781119047759-ma005.tif and choose it.

001.eps Click Save Changes when you finish.

Choose Your Personal Settings

The Personal Settings screen enables you to personalize elements of the administration area.

Choose Your Personal Settings


001.eps On the left admin menu under Users, click Personal Settings.

001.eps If you were looking for My Public Profile, click here.

001.eps Click here to get an Akismet key.

001.eps Click a color scheme for your administration area (9781119047759-ma001.tif changes to 9781119047759-ma002.tif).

001.eps Click Keyboard Shortcuts (9781119047759-ma003.tif changes to 9781119047759-ma004.tif ) to enable keyboard shortcuts for comment moderation.


001.eps Use this section to post your Twitter updates directly to your site.

001.eps To use a secure browser connection (HTTPS) when working in the administration area, click this option (9781119047759-ma003.tif changes to 9781119047759-ma004.tif).

001.eps Click the Interface Language 9781119047759-ma005.tif and choose which language to use for the administrative area.

001.eps If you have more than one site, click 9781119047759-ma005.tif and select which is primary (which appears by default under My Sites).


001.eps Click these options to have automatically proofread your content when you publish or update (9781119047759-ma003.tif changes to 9781119047759-ma004.tif).

001.eps Click proofreading options for English, such as checking for Clichés or Jargon (9781119047759-ma003.tif changes to 9781119047759-ma004.tif).

001.eps If you will be writing in different languages, click this option to have automatically detect the language (9781119047759-ma003.tif changes to 9781119047759-ma004.tif).


001.eps Click here to change your username. It is possible to change this, but you are warned of the consequences.

001.eps Update your administrative email here.

001.eps Update the website to which your comments are linked here.

001.eps Update your password here.

001.eps Click this button to automatically generate a strong password.

001.eps This is an example of a generated password.

001.eps Click Save Changes when you are done.

Create Your Public Profile

Your public profile allows you to tell the world who you are through words, pictures, and links. This information is shown to visitors and displayed at, so do not include any information you want to keep private.

Create Your Public Profile


001.eps On the left admin menu under Users, click My Profile.

001.eps This area explains that the information entered here is public and where it will appear.

001.eps If you were looking for Personal Settings rather than My Public Profile, click here.

001.eps Type your first name.

001.eps Type your last name.

001.eps Type your full name.

001.eps Choose which version of your name you want displayed publicly.

001.eps Click Change your Gravatar.


A new tab opens in your browser, displaying your account at The account was automatically created when you signed up with

001.eps You have a number of options for uploading your image, including linking to an existing image online or using your webcam.

You can crop the image you choose and then approve the final result. When you are done, close the tab.


001.eps You should see your new Gravatar in the toolbar as well as at the top of the My Public Profile screen.

001.eps Enter as much location information as you want the public to see.

001.eps Enter a bit about yourself (the bit you want to be public).

001.eps Under Contacts, you can enter as many or as few methods for the public to get in touch: email, social media, and phone numbers.


001.eps Click Update Profile when you are done.

001.eps You can add more than one profile image at Those additional images appear here, and you can delete any of them from here as well.

001.eps You can have additional links appear on your public profile. Enter a title and the URL here and click Add Link.

001.eps You can verify your accounts at various other services, such as Twitter, Vimeo, Goodreads, and others. This helps confirm you are who you say you are. Choose a service and click Verify Through

Consider Premium Features

Whereas a basic site at is free, there are a number of paid features available, either individually or bundled with several plans. These features allow you to do more with your site, such as use your own domain name, customize your theme, and even sell products or services.

You can view or order paid features using the Store link on the left admin menu or by entering in your browser’s address bar. Paid plans bundle a number of paid features into a single, yearly fee. Most business websites are likely going to need one or the other paid plans. You can upgrade from one plan to another at any time, and offers a free trial of any upgrade. Note: Prices are shown based on the country you are in.

You can also upgrade your account anytime with individual features, which are bought for a 1-year term. But if you are considering even a couple of features, it is probably worth looking at one of the bundled plans. Plans


001.eps Basic

This is the plan which all people get when they sign up for It is free for life.

001.eps Premium

The key features in addition to the Basic plan are:

• You get your own domain name.

• You can customize fonts, colors, and even your CSS.

• You get 10GB of additional storage, including access to VideoPress, which enables you to store video files.

• Your site will never have ads on it.

• You get email support from, not just access to the support forums.

001.eps Business

The key features in addition to the Premium plan are:

• You get unlimited storage, including unlimited video file space.

• You can sell products on your site.

• You have access to all Premium themes (50+).

• You get live chat support.

Individual Features

Custom Design

In addition to triggering user-friendly interfaces for changing fonts and colors, purchasing this feature enables you or your designer to change the stylesheet for your theme.


No Ads

On free websites, may occasionally show advertisements. Purchasing this feature ensures that your site will be ad-free.


Unlimited Themes

Whereas anyone can purchase a paid theme, this feature allows you to use any paid theme and switch them as often as you want.



This service enables you to play your videos without any ads or popovers, and to let others share and embed them anywhere on the web (based on your privacy settings). You upload videos up to 1GB in size, and you get unlimited bandwidth.


Custom Domain

Instead of a URL ending in, your site can have its own unique domain.


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