Organizing and Managing Your Site Content


A good-looking blog is all well and good, but in the end the content is king. You can improve your content’s appeal with careful editing and attention to typography and organization.

Understand Categories and Tags

Add New Categories

Manage Categories

Add New Tags

Manage Tags

Convert Categories and Tags

Find Posts and Pages

Quick Edit Posts and Pages

Bulk Edit Posts and Pages

Understand Categories and Tags

Well-thought-out categories and tags provide a convenient way for readers to navigate your content. Think of them as another way for visitors to search your site. Although you can add categories and tags as you go along, doing a little planning will make them more useful.

Categories versus Tags


If you think of your site as a book, categories are the chapters and tags are the index terms. In other words, categories work best for bigger concepts, such as flowers, shrubs, and trees, whereas tags are very specific, like the name of a particular flower and so on. Also, every post must be assigned to at least one category, but tags are optional.

Categories and Subcategories


You have the option of creating subcategories, or child categories, for any category. For example, you may have a category Flowers with subcategories such as Mixed Bouquets and Seasonal Bouquets. Subcategories, in turn, can have their own subcategories. This is referred to as a hierarchical structure. Tags, on the other hand, are not hierarchical.

Why Use Tags?


Although tags are optional, they are useful because they provide another means to help and encourage readers to find content on your site. At the same time, they provide another means for search engines to index and rank your web pages. Imagine not having an index for a nonfiction book.

Default Category


If you do not specify a category when you create a post, WordPress assigns it to the default category, which initially is Uncategorized. One of your first tasks in setting up a site should be to rename this category to something useful; Google “uncategorized” to see how many WordPress users have not.

Custom Taxonomies


A taxonomy is the technical term in WordPress for a classification structure. Categories and tags are the default taxonomies for posts in WordPress, but themes, plugins, or your developer can create custom taxonomies. An e-commerce plugin, for example, could have a custom taxonomy called Product Categories.

Best Practices


There are no hard-and-fast rules for creating categories and tags. Flowers may be a category on one site, but a tag on another; it all depends on the content and the focus of the site. One helpful rule of thumb is to keep categories to a minimum (a clear overview) and have as many tags as you can think of (for digging deeper).

Add New Categories

The Categories screen lets you add new categories, but you also can add them while you add or edit posts. Either way, you add them to the same set of categories that help organize your content.

Add New Categories


Add a Category from the Categories Screen

003.eps Under Posts in the left admin menu, click Categories.

003.eps Type a name.

003.eps WordPress automatically creates a category slug using the name, but you can type one here.

Note: The Slug field does not appear on sites.

003.eps Type a description.

003.eps Scroll down and click Add New Category.


001.eps The screen refreshes and the category appears on the list at the right.

Add a Subcategory

003.eps Type a subcategory name.

003.eps If you want a slug other than the name, type it here.

003.eps Click the Parent 9781119047759-ma005.tif and choose the category you want as the parent of your subcategory.

003.eps Type a description.

003.eps Scroll down and click Add New Category.

The subcategory, preceded by a dash, appears under the parent category in the list at right on the Categories screen.


Add a Category from a Post Screen

003.eps On the New Post or Edit Post screen, click Add New Category at the bottom of the Categories meta box.

001.eps A form for adding categories appears below the link.

003.eps Type the new category in the text field.

003.eps If the new category is a subcategory, click the Parent Category 9781119047759-ma005.tif and choose a category.

003.eps Click Add New Category.


001.eps The new category appears in the Categories box as checked, meaning the post is assigned to it.

Note: Normally categories appear in alphabetical order, but when you assign a category to a post, it jumps to the top of the list. This makes it easier to see what categories you have assigned without having to scroll down the list.

Manage Categories

Once you have created some categories, you can change their names, slugs, parent-child relationships, and delete them using the Categories screen. Remember that changing category slugs after your site is live breaks existing links to those categories.

If you want to add a category to multiple posts at one time, see the section “Bulk Edit Posts and Pages” later in this chapter.

Manage Categories


Quick Edit a Category Name

003.eps Under Posts in the left admin menu, click Categories.

003.eps Mouse over the category you want to edit to display a menu. The menu includes the Edit, Quick Edit, Delete, and View options.

003.eps Click Quick Edit.

003.eps In the Quick Edit area, type a new name.

003.eps Type a new slug.

003.eps Click Update Category.

The new category name appears.


Change the Hierarchy of a Category

003.eps On the Categories screen, click a category name or the Edit menu item to display the Edit Category screen.

001.eps You can edit the Name, Slug, and Description from this screen. You can also make the category a child of another category.

003.eps Click the Parent 9781119047759-ma005.tif and choose the category you want to be the parent.

003.eps Click Update.

The subcategory, preceded by a dash, appears under the parent category on the right-hand list of the Categories screen.


Delete a Category

003.eps Note the Count for the Stories category: 6. Stories is currently the default category for posts.

003.eps Mouse over the category you want to edit to display a menu.

003.eps Click Delete.

The category disappears from the list.


001.eps The category disappears from the list.

003.eps Notice that the Count on the Stories category is now 7.

When you delete a category, any posts that were assigned only to that category are automatically assigned to the default category.

Add New Tags

Like categories, new tags can be created from their own screen or from any post screen. You can also add new tags from the post’s listing, but that is covered in the section “Quick Edit Posts and Pages” later in this chapter.

Because tags are for very specific items, it is hard to know in advance what tags you will need. It is easier to enter tags while working on a post, because that is where they first come up in your content.

Add New Tags


Add a Tag from the Add New Post or Edit Post Screens

001.eps When you are adding or editing a post, look for the Tags box at the bottom right. Typically you need to scroll to see it.

003.eps Begin typing your tag into the field.

Note: Type fairly slowly to give WordPress time to search existing tags.

001.eps As you type, a box pops up revealing existing tags using the same letters.

If you see the tag you want on the list, click it to place it into the field.

If the tag you want is not on the list, continue typing in the field.

Usually you will be adding more than one tag to a post. Simply put a comma between each tag.

001.eps This link displays a list of the most used tags.

003.eps Click Add.


001.eps The tag or tags appear below the Add Tags field with 9781119047759-ma016.tif next to each. If the tag is new, it will be added to the list on the Tags screen and be available to other posts.

003.eps Click Update or Save Draft or Publish, depending on the type of screen you are on.


Delete Tags from a Post

003.eps Click Posts on the left admin menu and locate the relevant post.

003.eps Click Edit.

003.eps Mouse over 9781119047759-ma016.tif beside a tag until it turns red and then click.

The post is no longer assigned to that tag and the tag disappears from the Edit Post screen.

003.eps Click Update or Save Draft or Publish, depending on the status of the post or page.


Add New Tags from the Tags Screen

003.eps Under Posts in the left admin menu, click Tags.

003.eps Under Add New Tag on the left, type a name in the Name field.

003.eps WordPress automatically creates a tag slug using the name, but if you want a different slug, type it here.

Note: The Slug field does not appear on sites.

003.eps Type a description.

003.eps Scroll down and click Add New Tag.

The new tag is added to the listing on the right.

Manage Tags

Whether it is adding a new tag, changing the name or slug of an existing tag, or deleting tags, you can manage it all from the Tags screen. Remember that changing tag slugs after your site is live breaks existing links to those tags.

If you want to add a tag to multiple posts at one time, see the section “Bulk Edit Posts and Pages,” later in this chapter.

Manage Tags


Edit a Tag from the Tags Screen

003.eps Under Posts in the left admin menu, click Tags.

003.eps Mouse over the tag you want to edit to display a menu.

003.eps Click Quick Edit.


001.eps The Quick Edit area appears.

003.eps Type a new name in the Name field.

003.eps Type a slug name. It must be changed as well. It can just be a lowercase version of the name or slightly different.

003.eps Click Update Tag.

The new tag name appears.


Deleting Multiple Tags Using Bulk Actions

003.eps On the Tags screen, click the box beside each tag you want to delete (9781119047759-ma003.tif changes to 9781119047759-ma004.tif).

003.eps From the Bulk Actions dropdown at the top or bottom of the screen, click Delete.

003.eps Click Apply.

View All Posts Using a Particular Tag

003.eps On the Tags screen, find the Count column for the tag of interest and click the number.


The Posts screen opens.

You now see all posts, three in this example, that have been assigned the tag you selected. This example was for “dog outdoor gear.”

001.eps You can verify that all the posts share the particular tag by checking the Tags column.

Note: This same action can be taken for categories on the Categories screen.

Convert Categories and Tags

If you imported your content to WordPress from another platform, you may find that all your old tags are now categories. Or maybe a tag has taken on more importance and should now be a category. Fortunately, WordPress has a tool that lets you convert categories to tags and vice versa.

Find the conversion tool by clicking the Available Tools link under Tools on the left admin menu. On sites, you can save a step by clicking the Import link under Tools.

Convert Categories and Tags


003.eps Under Tools in the left admin menu, click Available Tools.

003.eps Click Categories and Tags Converter.

On sites, the Convert Categories to Tags screen opens.

Note: users skip to step 6.

On sites, the Import screen opens.

003.eps Click Categories and Tags Converter.


A plugin window opens.

003.eps Click Install Now.

003.eps After WordPress installs the plugin, click Activate Plugin & Run Importer.


The Convert Categories (n) to Tags screen opens, where n represents the number of categories available to convert.

003.eps Click each category that you want to convert to a tag (9781119047759-ma003.tif changes to 9781119047759-ma004.tif), or click Check All to convert all categories.

003.eps Click Convert Categories to Tags.


WordPress displays the progress and confirms the conversions.

003.eps Click Tags to Categories from the progress screen or the category conversion screen, which opens the Convert Tags (n) to Categories screen, with n as the available tags.

003.eps Click each tag that you want to convert to a category (9781119047759-ma003.tif changes to 9781119047759-ma004.tif), or click Check All to convert all tags.

003.eps Click Convert Tags to Categories.

The tag is now a category. It will need to be edited and capitalized.

Find Posts and Pages

As you add more and more content to your site — in particular, posts — finding the content you want to edit becomes a challenge. WordPress has a number of tools on its listings pages to make the task simpler.

Find Posts


001.eps Filter by Status

Click a link to show all posts or only published, draft, pending, or trashed posts. The number of posts is shown in brackets. Note: This menu displays a status only if there are posts with that status.

001.eps Filter by Date

Drop down the menu to choose a month and then click Filter.

001.eps Filter by Category

Drop down the menu to choose a category and then click Filter.

001.eps Search by Title

Type a term or terms and click Search Posts.

001.eps Sort Listings

Click on column headings Title, Comments (9781119047759-ma017.tif), or Date to sort the listings by the given parameter; toggles between ascending and descending order.

001.eps Filter by Category

Click a category name to filter by that category.

001.eps Filter by Tag

Click a tag name to filter by that tag.

001.eps Filter by Author

Click an author’s name to show only posts by that author.

Find Pages


001.eps Filter by Status

Click a link to show all pages or only published, draft, or trashed posts. The number of pages is shown in brackets. Note: This menu displays a status only if there are pages with that status.

001.eps Filter by Date

Drop down the menu to choose a month and then click Filter.

001.eps Search by Title

Type a term or terms and click Search Pages.

001.eps Sort Listings

Click column headings Title, Comments (9781119047759-ma017.tif), or Date to sort the listings by the given parameter; toggles between ascending and descending order.

001.eps Filter by Author

Click an author’s name to show only pages by that author.

Use Screen Options

To display more than the default 20 listings, use the Screen Options link at the top right of both post and page listings to control the number of results shown at one time. You can also control which columns appear. sites may have more column choices depending on what plugins are installed, and there are plugins which allow even more control over what columns are shown.

Total Counts Explained

The Filter By status menu at the top shows the number of posts or pages with that status. However, trashed items are not counted on the All link, which is why the numbers do not always add up. Also, the Trash total will vary over time as trashed items are automatically deleted after 30 days.

Quick Edit Posts and Pages

When you are on post and page listings screens, WordPress makes it easy to edit certain elements without having to open the individual post or page.

The Quick Edit function is accessed by mousing over a particular post or page and clicking the Quick Edit link.

Quick Edit Posts


001.eps Edit the Title or Slug

Edit either the title of the post or its slug. Note: Changing the slug after publishing a post breaks existing links to that post.

001.eps Edit the Date

Edit the publication day, month, year, or time. If the post is already published, this affects the default order in which WordPress displays it. If the post is scheduled to publish, this changes that scheduled date.

001.eps Password Protect

Type a password here if you want the post to be visible only to those who know the password.

001.eps Assign Categories

Assign or unassign the post to available categories. You cannot add new categories from here.

001.eps Assign Tags

Assign or unassign the post to available tags. You can also add new tags here.

001.eps Allow Comments

Allow or disallow comments for this post.

001.eps Allow Pings

Allow or disallow pings for this post.

001.eps Change Status

Choose Published, Draft, or Pending Review from the drop-down menu.

001.eps Make the Post Sticky

Checking this box makes the post remain at the top of any post listings.

001.eps Update

Always remember to click Update when finished.

Quick Edit Pages


001.eps Edit the Title or Slug

Edit either the title of the page or its slug. Note: Changing the slug after publishing a page breaks existing links to that page.

001.eps Edit the Date

Edit the publication day, month, year, or time. If the page is scheduled to publish, this changes that scheduled date.

001.eps Password Protect

Type a password here if you want the page to be visible only to those who know the password.

001.eps Assign a Parent

If you want the page to be the child or subpage of another, choose it from the dropdown.

001.eps Order

Override WordPress’s default alphabetical ordering of pages.

001.eps Assign a Template

If your theme has page templates, you can choose from them using this drop-down menu.

001.eps Allow Comments

Allow or disallow comments for this page.

001.eps Change Status

Choose Published, Draft, or Pending Review from the drop-down menu.

001.eps Update

Always remember to click Update when finished.

Bulk Edit Posts and Pages

Sometimes you need to make the same change to multiple posts or pages at a time, such as adding posts to a category or changing pages to a new page template. The Bulk Edit function makes tasks like this a snap.

Bulk Edit Posts


001.eps Check Posts You Want to Edit

Check the box next to each post you want to edit, or if you want to select all posts, click the box in the column heading next to Title.

001.eps Choose Edit

From the Bulk Actions dropdown, choose Edit then click Apply.

001.eps Edit the List of Posts

All the posts you selected are shown with 9781119047759-ma016.tif beside each. Remove posts from the editing process by clicking 9781119047759-ma016.tif.

001.eps Assign Categories

Assign the posts to available categories. You cannot remove posts from a category nor can you add new categories.

001.eps Assign Tags

Assign the posts to available tags. You can also add new tags here.

001.eps Change Author

Drop-down menu of all authors on the site.

001.eps Allow Comments

Allow or disallow comments.

001.eps Allow Pings

Allow or disallow pings.

001.eps Change Status

Choose Published, Draft, or Pending Review from the drop-down menu.

001.eps Make Posts Sticky

Choose whether posts remain at the top of post listings.

001.eps Change Format

Choose from available post formats.

001.eps Update

Click Update when finished.

Bulk Edit Pages


001.eps Check Pages You Want to Edit

Check the box next to each page you want to edit, or if you want to select all pages, click the box in the column heading next to Title.

001.eps Choose Edit

From the Bulk Actions dropdown, choose Edit and then click Apply.

001.eps Edit the List of Pages

All the pages you selected are shown with 9781119047759-ma016.tif beside each. Remove pages from the editing process by clicking 9781119047759-ma016.tif.

001.eps Change Author

Drop-down menu of all authors on the site.

001.eps Assign a Parent

If you want the pages to be children or subpages of another, choose it from the dropdown.

001.eps Assign a Template

If your theme has page templates, you can choose from them using this drop-down menu.

001.eps Allow Comments

Allow or disallow comments.

001.eps Change Status

Choose Published, Draft, or Pending Review from the drop-down menu.

001.eps Update

Always remember to click Update when finished.

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