Adams, Ansel, 403

Advanced Elliott Wave Analysis, 246

Aerodynamic Trading, 83

Alberti, Leon Battista, 406

Allman, Dave, 288

Alpha, 5

Alvin-West Germany, 16

Angles for trend line, 90, 90f

Appel, Gerald, 77, 370

Arms, Richard W., Jr., 370

Asian indexes, 390

Astronomy, 223

Bear market

divergence pattern and RSI, 14

divergences present in DMK/$ chart, 186, 186f, 187

Gann analysis, 56

price objectives derived from reversals, 186, 186f, 187

resistance line and RSI, 18

RSI ranges, 8

Benner, Samuel, 28, 40, 44, 48

diminishing confidence in currency, 50

Benner’s Nine-Year Cycle in Pig-Iron Prices, 28–29

dominant trading cycles, 28f

Benner’s Prophecies (Benner), 40

Benner’s Prophecies of Future Ups and Downs in Prices (Benner), 44–47

Berra, Yogi, 116

Bethlehem Steel, 23

Bigger picture, 29, 49, 166, 327, 350

short-horizon building blocks, 284

Bollinger, John, 370

Bollinger Bands, 360

volatility bands on oscillators, 365, 366f

Bond chart

using oscillators with Elliott wave principle, 352, 357f

Bond market, 349

Breakthrough in Technical Analysis: New Thinking from World’s Top Minds (Keller), 55, 163, 212, 226, 377

Brown, Connie

list of authored books, 435–436

Brown’s Composite Index in MetaStock, 432

Brown’s Composite Index in TradeStation, 432

Brown’s Derivative Oscillator, 431

Bull market

diagonal triangle pattern, 341, 342f

divergences present in DMK/$ chart, 186, 186f, 187

Hang Seng Equity Index, 10

indicating correction, 129

price objectives derived from reversals in RSI, 186, 186f, 187

RSI ranges, 8

RSI shift, 7

RSI signal, 124

using oscillators with Elliott wave principle, 341, 342f

Candlesticks, 61

Capitulation bottom, 39

Capitulation spike, 11

Charting principles of depth perspective 403–428

China, 390

Shanghai composite with time analysis study, 58f

Circles, 16

Coiling pattern, 339

using oscillators with Elliott wave principle, 247–248, 249, 249f

Composite Index, 357, 369–401, 376

Cash S&P 500 in monthly and weekly time horizons, 377–379, 378f

Cash S&P 500 in weekly and daily chart, 387–390, 389f

charts for six Funds, all Corporate Debt BBB, 393, 394f

daily USDCHF chart, 396, 397f

detrended oscillator, 201

detrended simple moving average, 387–390, 389f

divergence, 130

divergence signal, 380

diverging with price, 378f, 379, 380, 381f

Fibonacci projection adjustments for higher probability targets, 146, 146f

forms negative reversal, 272

horizontal trend line, 310f, 311

monthly, daily and 240-minute time horizons, 387, 388f

monthly, weekly and 88-minute chart of German DAX Index, 383, 384f

monthly, weekly and 240-minute December 2–11, 383, 385f

resistance zone, 380

and RSI divergence between, 299

Shanghai Composite, 392f, 393

Templeton Dragon Fund, Fidelity China Region and Templeton China World, 390, 391f

trend lines, 131

using oscillators with Elliott wave principle, 316, 316f

US Treasury Bond, 387, 388f

Zigzag, 311

Confluence targets

Gann, 57

zones, 143, 157, 159

Connie Brown’s Composite Index

MetaStock plot, 432

TradeStation plot, 432

Connie Brown’s Derivative Oscillator, 431

Contracting triangle, 338

short-horizon DMK/$ chart, 336

using oscillators with Elliott wave principle, 330, 331f

Converging lines, 407

triangle pattern, 341

upward, 405

vanishing point, 409


Flat patterns, 292, 292f, 294, 294f, 296

three-wave decline, 297

using oscillators with Elliott wave principle, 287–346, 291, 291f, 292, 293, 294f, 294, 296

waves 2 and 4, 280

Zigzag, 316, 326

Currency, 394

diminishing confidence, 50

Curve-fitting technical indicators, 66


analysis, 212

definition, 211

expansion and contraction, 29

fixed periods, 54

low, 317

meaning, 28

rhythmic fluctuations, 28

rhythmic undulations, 29

tools, 28

Daily charts

Cash S&P 500 with Composite Index, 387–390, 389f

corn futures, 100, 101f, 104, 104f, 228, 229f

DJIA market action for August 1998, 313, 313f, 314, 323, 325f, 336

dominant trend lines, 100, 101f, 104, 104f

Fibonacci projections for higher probability targets, 157, 158f, 167, 167f

Gann analysis calculating price and time objectives, 228, 229f

gold futures, 157, 158f

London’s Gilt Bond futures market, 127, 127f, 128

Nasdaq February 27, 2007, 165, 165f

price objectives derived from reversals in RSI, 204f, 205f, 206f, 207, 208f

short-horizon, 311, 314

signals from moving averages, 127, 127f, 128

S&P 500 futures, 86, 87, 87f, 342, 343, 343f

time horizon oscillations, 10, 10f

timing signal, 89

tracking patterns, 342, 344

US Bond futures and trend lines, 90f, 91

USDCHF chart and Composite Index, 396, 401f

using oscillators with Elliott wave principle, 312, 312f, 313, 323, 325f, 335, 342, 342, 343

US Treasury 30-Year Yields, 21, 22f

Deep second wave down, 12

Depth perception cue, 405, 416

Depth perspective applied to two-dimensional charting, 403–428

Derivative Oscillator, 371

Detrended oscillator, 201

Detrending method, 41

Dewey, Edward R., 40. 43

combine with Gann cycle, 43

fixed cycle, 215

fixed period cycle, 41

Index of International Battles, 51

9-year cycle in new Presbyterian church members, 52

Diagonal triangle, 341, 344


Composite Index, 130

patterns, 371

price and Composite Index, 380, 381f

signal, 380

warning and RSI, 4

Dominant trading cycles are not time symmetrical, 27–58

Benner 9 year in pig-rion prices 1834–1900cyc, 28f

China Shanghai composite with time analysis study, 58f

European Wheat Prices 1500–1869, 51f

growth of Presbyterian Church in America 1826–1948, 52f

index of international battles from 550–1957, 48f

major real estate activity USA 1795–1939, 42f

Nikkei 225 Index, 30f, 31f, 35f, 37f, 38f, 39f

pig-iron market panics 1800–1991, 42f

Dominant trend lines not always from extreme price highs or lows, 79–105

angle for trend line, 90, 90f

daily chart for US Bond futures, 90f, 91

daily chart of S&P 500 futures market show trend lines, 86, 87, 87f

daily charts of Corn futures market, 100, 101f

demonstrates new parallel line, 101, 101f

demonstration using daily Corn futures, 104, 104f

German DAX Index trend lines, 96, 96f

intersection of two trend lines, 88, 89, 89f

20-minute bar chart for September US Bond market, 97, 98, 98f, 100

80-minute bar chart of Japanese Yen per US Dollars, 93, 93f

120-minute chart of Dow Jones, 82, 82f, 84f, 86f

new third line set, 102, 103f

puzzle displays nine squares, 80, 80f, 81f

trend line marks reason prices have stalled at current levels, 99, 99f, 100

Double bottom RSI formed, 364, 365f

Double three chart, 341

RSI indicator, 345–346

using oscillators with Elliott wave principle, 345–346, 346f

Double Zigzag, 318

internals, 303

Double Zigzags

using oscillators with Elliott wave principle, 303, 303f

Dow Jones Industrial Averages (DJIA)

Fibonacci retracement, 299

programs triggered, 5

real-time scenario, 261, 272

using oscillators with Elliott wave principle, 294, 295f, 348f

Eastman Kodak, 403

Economic downturn and real estate market, 43

80-minute bar chart of Japanese Yen per US Dollars, 93, 93f

88-minute bar chart, 72

comparison to 60-minute, 70, 71f

Fibonacci projections for higher probability targets, 148, 148f, 149

German DAX Index and Composite Index, 383, 382f

11-period RSI, 72

S&P 500, 70, 71f, 72, 148, 148f, 149

89-period cycle, 31

11-period RSI calculated from S&P 500 futures market

choosing and adjusting period setup for oscillators, 72, 72f

88-minute chart, 72

Elliott Wave Principle (EWP), 61, 68, 113, 120, 129, 147, 246. See also Using oscillators with Elliott Wave Principle

advanced, 246

arguments against, 250–260

basic building blocks, 250

corrective flat pattern, 288, 397

developed into Gann price and time target, 281

five-wave pattern, 263

five-wave pattern labeled, 273

graphic puzzles, 288

guideline to anticipate alternating corrective patterns, 326

interpretation, 146

mastering, 246

rules and guidelines, 273

13 patterns listed, 344

wave count, 157

Elliott Wave Principle: Key to Market Behavior, 274

European Wheat Prices 1500–1869, 51f

Excel and price projections, 175–180

Expanded Flat pattern, 292, 296, 301, 307

develop, 314

extending five-wave decline, 300

Expansion and contraction properties between cycles, 213–216

Extending five-wave decline

Expanded Flat pattern, 300

using oscillators with Elliott wave principle, 300, 300f

Extending pattern real time, 310

Extend trend lines forward, 85

Extreme displacement, 203

Extreme oscillator low, 180

Failure, 341, 344

Fibonacci, Leonardo, 33

Fibonacci Analysis, 103, 135, 136, 137, 144, 156, 201

two charts of Cash S&P500 in monthly and weekly time horizons, 377–379

Fibonacci clusters, 142, 300

support, 261

Fibonacci confluence target, 103

Fibonacci confluence zone, 156, 161, 382

accurately identified historic support level, 154

Fibonacci cycle, 35

projections, 32

Fibonacci grids

start of large third wave, 333

Stochastics pop correctly warned market weakness, 334

Fibonacci projection adjustments for higher probability targets, 135–168

bought oil base on RSI signal, 164, 165f

chart of weekly Crude Oil futures, 139, 140f

daily Nasdaq February 27, 2007, 167, 167f

displays Composite Index and RSI, 146, 146f

88-minute bar chart of September S&P 500 futures contract 1998, 148, 148f, 149

exact price objective drawn, 149, 150f, 151

Fibonacci retracements, 139, 140f

geometric targets, 204

monthly and daily Gold charts, 158, 158f

monthly and weekly Gold futures market, 155, 155f, 157

oil market captured on March 19, 2008, 164–165, 166f

price projections, 150, 151f

September S&P 500 contract, 152, 152f, 153

240-minute intraday view of Gold futures, 143, 143f, 145, 146f, 148

weekly chart of T-Bond futures market, 138–139, 138f

Fibonacci ratios, 142, 217

calculate, 16

Fibonacci relationship 1.618 relative to first wave, 277

Fibonacci retracements, 15, 321

DJIA produced minor advance, 299

higher probability targets, 139, 140f

levels, 272

price spike calculating, 333

Fibonacci swing

calculate, 148, 309

projections, 148

Fibonacci time cycle, 34, 35

Fidelity China Region, 390, 391f

Financial markets

Bethlehem Steel covers period of 15 years, 23

daily chart for US Treasury 30-Year Yields, 21

range rules, 21

weekly chart for stock Novell, 21

Five-wave advance, 270

labels, 274

weekly NASDAQ chart, 267

Five-wave pattern, 270

decline projecting Fibonacci swings, 307

Elliott wave pattern, 105

Elliott Wave Principle, 263, 273

failure, 12

subdivided using oscillators with Elliott wave principle, 271, 273

tracking patterns, 342

using oscillators with Elliott wave principle, 266, 266f, 269, 269f, 271–275, 295, 337, 338, 338f

weekly Gold chart and 60-minute data, 304

Five-wave rally

using oscillators with Elliott wave principle, 285, 285f

Fixed period cycles, 29, 40, 41, 54, 55, 215

Flat corrective pattern, 297

Flat forming letter N, 296

Flat pattern, 292

Fourth wave

triangle interpretation, 334

using oscillators with Elliott wave principle, 334, 334f

Freefall, 164

Gann, William Delbert, 41, 53, 57, 58

Gann analysis, 100, 375

calculating price and time objectives, 211–246, 238–242

confluence targets, 57

create Gann wheel in Excel, 238–242

daily chart of corn futures, 224, 224f

diagonal axis fan lines and Gann squares, 230–238

diagonal axis planetary lines, 228–230

Fibonacci confluence target zone overlapped, 178

harmonic ratios, 216–219

horizontal axis and Gann wheel, 238–242

identifying exiting or entering market, 212

monthly Nikkei data displayed with four Gann Squares, 233, 234f, 235

NASA image time cycle explanation, 226, 226f

next bear market, 56

Square of Nine, 239, 239f, 240

time cycles examples of Gann’s analysis on vertical axis, 219–227

two gray areas helping eye stay within white Gann Fan area, 237, 238f

two-week chart of corn prices, 225, 225f

Wheat charts, 213, 213f, 214f, 220f, 215, 224f

x and y axes affecting how box looks, 231f, 232

Gann boxes, 236

Gann charting program, 221

Gann confluence target zone, 102, 178, 261

Gann contracts, 164

Gann cycle, 43

Gann Fan lines, 222, 233, 235

relationship between, 232

Gann objective, 302

US market in serious trouble, 303, 304

Gann Square, 236

Gann time targets, 312

confirmation, 305

and five-wave pattern, 269

and price, 286

real-time scenario, 269

Gann Wheel, 235, 237

create in Excel, 242–246

Lambert-Gann Publishing Company, 242

Georgia State University, 217

German DAX Index

programs triggered, 5

trend lines, 96, 96f

Global financial complex, 125

Global indexes, 3

Golden Section, 16

Grand SuperCycle fifth wave, 350

Graphic puzzles

Elliott wave corrective wave patterns, 289

using oscillators with Elliott wave principle, 288, 289f

Great American Depression, 48

Great Cycle, 55

Growth and decay cycle, 29, 32

Half cycle length, 70

Hang Seng Equity Index, 10

Harmonic ratios, 216–219

Hidden signal, 186

High-Low-Close (HLC) bar cart, 260

High-probability pivot, 36

Histograms, 113

vertical lines, 411

Historic momentum extreme low, 205

Horizontal cross-sections, 236

Horizontal level, 199

Horizontal price axis, 103

Horizontal trend lines, 113, 406

oscillators, 92, 95

using oscillators with Elliott wave principle, 315, 316f

Zigzag, 315

How to Make Profits Trading in Commodities (Dewey), 52, 54

Impulsive waves

using oscillators with Elliott wave principle, 260–287

waves 1, 3 and 5, 265

Independent cycles, 30


inherent weakness, 256

pattern develops, 277

pop, 277

response to market movement, 116

RSI, 6

set periodicity (stochastics), 75

Stochastics, 59, 421

use closing price to calculate, 112

Intersection of two trend lines, 88, 89, 89f

Irregular Flat, 301

John Gann’s methods, 41

Jones, Paul Tudor, 374

Keller, David, 55, 163, 212, 377

Kodak area of research, 404

Lane, George, 63, 68, 161, 273, 370

Lavoie, Alphee, 219

Liber Abaci, 33

Linear perspective of two-dimensional charting, 405–412

Longer time horizon, 284

Long-period moving average, 129

Long-term analysis, 346–358

Long-term pattern, 259

Long-time horizon charts, 125

MACD, 75, 77

choosing and adjusting period setup for oscillators, 76, 76f

need studies as illustrated, 76

Stochastics, 109

Manning Stoller Bands to Plot on RSI in TradeStation, 433

Manning Stoller’s STARC Volatility Bands for TradeStation, 433


coiling and third wave position, 277

and compressed x axis, 265, 266

failure and key reversal, 89

forecasts and accuracy, 258

overbought or oversold, 359

trend and timing, 86

Market Technicians Association, 40

Market Trader Gold, 219

Mathematical Formula for Market Predictions: Master Mathematical Price, Time, and Trend Calculator (Gann), 55

Median plane, 405

MENSA International, 288

Microsoft Excel, 168–171

Modified Stochastics Club, 70

Monthly charts

Cash S&P 500 time horizons, 377–379, 378f

Composite Index, 383, 384f, 385f

Fibonacci projections for higher probability targets, 155, 155f, 157, 158f

German DAX Index, 383, 384f

Gold futures market, 155, 155f, 157, 158f, 199, 199f, 200–201

Nikkei data displayed with four Gann Squares, 233, 234f, 235

price objectives derived from reversals in RSI, 198, 198f, 202f, 203

S&P 500 Index, 198, 198f

S&P sector beverages, 20, 20f

Moving averages

crossing over one another, 119

dynamic in real-time conditions, 117

frequently absent in real-time charts, 107–131

oscillator pattern, 276

oscillators, 117, 123

signals from, 107–131

Stochastics, 119, 121, 431–434

M pattern, 119, 364

oscillator, 126

RSI, 15

Multiple Fibonacci cycles, 36

Multiple retracement levels, 155

Multi-year contracting triangle, 244

Murphy, John, 370

NASA image time cycle explanation, 226, 226f

Negative reversal

calculating estimated market decline, 190

Composite Index, 276

price objectives derived, 190–191, 191f

signal, 277

signals and price targets, 191, 192f

New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems (Wilder), 360

Nikkei chart, 232, 237

Nikkei 225 Index, 30f, 31f, 35f, 37f, 38f, 39f

Nine squares, 80, 80f, 81f

9-year cycle in new Presbyterian church members, 52

Numerous symmetrical cycle bottoms, 39

NYSE crash, 48

October crash of 1987, 204

Oil market captured on March 19, 2008, 164–165, 165f

Omega TradeStation, 117

software optimize period, 66, 66f

One harmonic, 228

One point perspective, 406

principles of depth perspective, 406, 407f

120-minute chart of Dow Jones, 82, 82f, 84f, 86f

Orthogonal line of convergence, 412

Oscillating sine waves, 218

Oscillations do not travel between 0 and 100, 3–26

Bethlehem Steels covers 15 years, 23f

charts Hang Seng Equity Index, 10, 10f

daily chart for US Treasury 30-Year Yields, 21, 22f

monthly bar chart creation, 20–21, 21f

monthly chart for S&P sector beverages, 20, 20f

RSI with daily bar chart of Yen futures, 6, 7f

weekly chart for Caterpillar, 19, 19f

weekly chart for stock Novell, 21, 22f

weekly DMK/$ chart covers five-year time interval, 13, 13f

weekly Dow Jones Industrial Average chart, 9, 9f

weekly Du Pont stock, 24, 25f

Yen futures market but over weekly time horizon, 7, 8f

Oscillator. See also Using oscillators with Elliott Wave Principle

advances or declines, 94

bull market, 10

characteristic swing action, 69

creates new high or low, 278

extreme, 181

extreme low, 17

high under resistance zone, 17

horizontal trend line, 95

horizontal trend lines, 92

low, 95

lows, 120

monthly bar chart created for Electric Companies, 20

monthly chart for S&P sector Beverages, 20

M pattern, 126

pattern for moving averages, 272

peak, 18, 112

pivot levels, 14

pivot low, 126

price data, 90

relative to moving average, 123

RSI, 6

Stochastics, 120

support zone, 17

three lows and RSI indicator, 345

trapped, 15

warning, 19

weekly chart for Caterpillar, 19

Oscillators choosing and adjusting setup period, 59–78

add Stochastics study to chart, 65, 65f

comparison between 88-minute and 60-minute bar chart, 70, 71f

December 2011 T-Bond futures, 69, 69f

11-period RSI calculated from September S&P 500 futures market, 72, 72f

need two MACD studies as illustrated, 76, 76f

Omega TradeStation software optimize period, 66, 66f

RSI plotted with multiple periods, 78, 78f

Stochastics study using 36 period for %D, 67, 67f

two-minute chart of September S&P on June 12, 1998, 60, 60f

weekly DMK/$ chart, 63, 64f

Yen/$ applying, 73–74, 74f


finding right to use, 63

weekly Du Pont stock, 24

Pich, Peter, 221

Pig-iron market panics 1800–1991, 42f

Pivot levels, 269

oscillator, 14

Pivot low, 126

Pivot points, 137

Planetary lines (Gann), 230

Point-and-Figure charts, 61, 264, 325

Positive and negative reversals, 187

estimate price projections, 187

RSI patterns, 196

Prechter, Robert, 254, 274, 304, 370

Precision ratio compass (PRC), 16

Presbyterian Church in America 1826–1948 growth, 52f

Previous fourth wave, 268

Price and Oscillator windows, 100

Price data and three-wave interpretation, 322

Price meltdown, 382

Price objectives

conventions of bullish and bearish divergences, 186, 186f, 187

daily market report, 205f, 206f, 207f, 208f

derived from positive and negative reversals in RSI, 185–208

method of calculating, 143

monthly chart of S&P 500 Index, 198, 198f

monthly Gold chart captured on August 2, 2011, 201, 202f, 203–204

negative reversal, 190, 191, 191f

negative reversal signals, 191, 192

oscillator pivots, 188, 188f

positive reversal signal, 189, 190f, 200, 201f

segment of weekly S&P market developed, 200, 201f

weekly chart of S&P 500 futures market, 197, 197f

Price pivots, 319

Price projections

displays data and RSI in Excel chart, 178, 178f

displays window that opens after last step, 173, 173f, 174

Excel, 175–180

Excel Step 1 of 3, 175, 175f

extreme environments, 183

Fibonacci projections for higher probability targets, 150, 151f

method, 12, 113

positive and negative reversals, 187

reverse-engineer indicator to project market move, 179, 180, 180f

reverse-engineering indicators, 167

saving file immediately as Excel file, 176, 177f

Stochastics, 331

TradeStation chart of daily Yen/$ with RSI, 171–174, 171f

weekly Yen/$ chart displayed, 181, 181f

Price spike calculating, 333

Price swing proportions, 137

Price target zones, 57

Principles of depth perspective applied to two-dimensional charting, 403–428

Project Fibonacci expansions, 164

Projecting Fibonacci swings, 307

Projection for 2012 year ahead forecast, 243, 244f

Proportional divider, 16

Proportional ratios, 216

Quadrivium, 216

Quote vendors, 193

Range spread of 364, 230

Real estate activity

economic downturn, 43

USA 1795–1939, 42f

Real-time charts

conditions and moving averages on oscillators, 117

DJIA, 261

DJIA in 15-minute chart, 297, 298f, 299

extending pattern, 315

Gann time projections and five-wave pattern, 268

scenario, 260

signals from moving averages, 107–131

using oscillators with Elliott wave principle, 297, 297f, 298

Relative Strength Index (RSI)

above bear market resistance line, 18

adjusting traditional Fibonacci projections for higher probability targets, 145, 145f

amplitude, 311

bearish divergence pattern, 14

bull and bear market, 8

bullish signal, 124

bull market, 7

and Composite Index divergence between, 294

daily bar chart of Yen futures, 6, 7f

Derivative Oscillator, 371

divergence warning, 4

Double Threes and Triple Threes, 345–346

estimate price projections, 187

Excel chart, 178, 178f

form M pattern, 15

14-period, 3, 122, 128

frame, 371

identifying trends, 146

indicating correction in bull market, 129

indicator, 6, 345–346

indicator pattern, 196

interpreting, 94

near extreme high or low, 361

negative reversal signal, 310

oscillations do not travel between 0 and 100, 6, 7f

oscillator, 6

oscillator character, 68

oscillator decline, 12

pivot, 14, 191

pivot lows, 199

range rules, 9, 147

scale used, 91

signals, 164, 165f, 185, 421

standard default period, 6

and Stochastics, 68

target, 191

three oscillator lows, 345

Trend, 318, 420, 421

trend line extends, 315

Trend oscillator coincides with wave 2 up, 320

two Moving Averages in TradeStation, 432

upper band, 362

Resistance zone and Composite Index, 380

Retinal disparity, 417

Retrograde motion, 226, 227

Reversal signals, 187, 195, 278


indicator to project market move, 179, 180, 180f

methods, 330

Rhythmic fluctuations cycle, 28

Rhythmic undulations cycle, 29

Rising diagonal triangle pattern, 338

Rising wedge (Diagonal triangle), 336

Risk management, 103

Risk-to-reward ratio, 258

Second wave down, 12

Sell signals when Composite Index and RSI diverge, 256, 256f, 268

Services, 437

Shanghai Composite

Commodity Systems Inc. (CSI), 393

Composite Index, 392f, 393

Templeton Dragon Fund, Fidelity China Region, and Templeton China World, 390

with time analysis study, 58f


building blocks for bigger picture, 284

choppy wave b, 311

global financial complex, 125

shows DJIA on August 5, 1998, 313, 314

time, 259

Short intraday charts, 390

Signals from moving averages are frequently absent in real-time charts, 107–131

daily chart for London’s Gilt Bond futures market, 127, 127f, 128

signals discussed for RSI, 122–123, 122f

trend lines, 127–128, 128f

weekly German Deutsche Mark per US Dollar charted, 117, 118f, 119

Simple moving averages, 112

Size constancy, 417

Slater, Tim, 370

Small triangle, 336

S&P 500 Index, 70, 71f, 72, 263, 263f

contract, 151, 151f, 152

formulas, 245–246

futures, 86, 87, 87f, 337, 338, 338f

futures market, 261

88-minute bar chart, 70–72, 148, 148f, 149

monthly and weekly time horizons, 377–379, 378f

three-minute bar chart, 109, 109f, 110f, 111–113

weekly and daily chart, 387–390, 389f

Springboard diver analogy (Expanded Flat), 296

S&P Sectors (19) contribute underlying weighted value, 347, 348f

Square of Nine

Gann analysis, 239, 239f, 240

Gann Wheel, 240, 242

Squaring price, 226

Standard default period, 6

STARC Bands, 359

weekly chart for German Government Bond futures, 360, 361

Stochastics, 330

above both moving averages, 121

add two moving averages, 431–434

applied to two-dimensional charting, 407, 408, 408f, 419, 423f

averages plotted under price data, 419, 423f

choosing and adjusting period setup for oscillators, 65, 65f

Fibonacci grids, 333

histogram, 421, 425f

indicator, 59, 421

MACD, 109

moving averages crossing over one another, 119

oscillator, 68

oscillator lows, 120

pop correctly warned market weakness, 333, 334f

price projection, 331

principles of depth perspective, 407, 408, 408f, 419, 419f, 421, 421f

signal, 331–332, 407, 408, 408f

within trending market, 330

trending market in time horizon, 331

using oscillators with Elliott wave principle, 333, 334f

Stochastics Default Club, 61, 62, 324

Stock pivot, 241

Stoller, Manning, 358, 360, 370, 371, 376

Stoller True Average Range Convergence Bands, 359–361

Support trending line, 85

Symmetrical fixed-period cycle, 34

Tarassov, Sergey, 219

Target zone, 286

Templeton China World, 390, 391f

Templeton Dragon Fund, 390, 391f

Termination pattern (Diagonal Triangle), 345

Theory of bigger picture, 53. See also Bigger picture

Third-of-third wave, 274

Third vanishing point, 409

Third wave position

market coiling, 277

Three-point perspective, 406, 410, 411f


advance Zigzag pattern, 314

corrective move, 62

decline using oscillators with Elliott wave principle, 305, 306f, 307–308, 336

interpretation price data, 322

swing, 340

Zigzag pattern, 305, 307–308, 331

Thrust out of triangle, 338

Thumbnail method and Bond chart, 356

Tick charts, 61, 264

Ticker and Investment Digest, 212

Time cycles, 224

examples of Gann’s analysis, 219–227

Time horizon, 270

Time-sequenced event, 260

Timing signal

daily chart, 89

market trend, 86

Tracking patterns

daily S&P 500 futures, 343, 344

five-wave pattern, 343


actual market move, 178, 179f

chart of daily Yen/$ with RSI, 171–174, 171f

formula used on prices, 359

indicator requires two functions to create formula, 377

projections by reverse-engineering indicators, 171–174, 171f, 178, 179f

useful formulas, 431–434

Trading cycles. See also Dominant trading cycles are not time symmetrical

ahead of market’s structure, 321

signal, 40, 193

Treasury Bond

futures, 69, 69f

monthly, daily and 240-minute time horizons, 387, 388f

Treasury Note 10 year market band formula applied, 366–367, 367f

Trending market

Stochastics, 331

time horizon, 332

Trend lines, 82. See also Dominant trend lines not always from extreme price highs or lows

change, 11

Composite Index, 131

identifying and using RSI range rules, 147

intersection of two, 88, 89, 89f

length of longest bar, 379

marks reason prices have stalled at current levels, 99, 99f, 100

RSI negative reversal signal, 315

signals from moving averages are frequently absent in real-time charts, 127–128, 128f

tested by market, 87

Trend reversals, 36, 369

using RSI indicator, 13

weekly DMK/$ chart covers five-year interval, 13

Triangle pattern, 286, 339

converging trend lines, 339

five swings develop within, 338

interpretation fourth wave, 340

wave x position, 324

Truncated, 344

Truth of Stock Tape (Gann), 57

Tullis, Eli, 374

Tunnel Through the Air (Gann), 58

Two-point perspective, 406

Two-week chart of corn prices, 225, 225f

240-minute December 2–11 Composite Index, 383, 385f

240-minute intraday view of Gold futures, 143, 143f, 145, 145f, 149

Using oscillators with Elliott Wave Principle, 247–253, 305f

actual bullish diagonal triangle pattern, 341, 342

add oscillator to corrective Flat patterns, 293, 294f, 294, 296

Aerodynamic Investments Inc., 249f

Bond chart, 353f, 352

Composite Index challenged horizontal trend line, 316, 316f

contracting triangle in short-horizon DMK/$ chart, 336, 336f

corrective waves, 287–346

daily S&P 500 futures, 343, 343f, 344

decline from high, rotated segment of data 180 degrees, 278, 279, 279f, 299

decline relative to completed five-wave rally, 285, 285f

DJIA market action for August 7, 1998, 323, 325f, 336

DJIA produced minor advance, 299, 300f

DJIA quarterly, 358f

Double Threes, 345–346, 346f

extending five-wave decline, 299, 300f

family of corrective patterns Flats, 292, 292f, 293, 294

five-wave pattern, 270, 271f, 342–344, 343f

five-wave pattern labeled, 273f, 274, 275–280, 299–300

five-wave pattern subdivided, 271f, 272–273

five-wave rally fits into bigger picture, 283f, 284

four graphic puzzles, 288, 289f

fourth wave, 339, 340

impulsive waves, 260–287

indicated coiling pattern, 243–244, 245, 245f

long-term analysis, 346–354

markets with compressed x axis, 266, 266f

240-minute chart for September S&P futures, 328, 329f

objections and misunderstandings, 247–250

projection for 2012 year ahead forecast, 243, 244f

real-time tracking of DIJA in 15-minute chart, 297, 298, 298f

sell signals when Composite Index and RSI diverge, 256, 256f, 268

shows DIJA on August 5, 1998, 313, 313f, 314

19 S&P Sectors contribute underlying weighted value, 347, 348f

Stochastics pop correctly warned market weakness, 334, 334f

three-wave decline, 306, 306f, 307–308, 337

Triple Threes, 345–346, 346f

US market in serious trouble, 308–309, 310f

wave interpretations, 349, 350f–351f

weekly Gold chart and 60-minute data, 304, 305f

weekly NASDAQ chart, 267, 267f, 269, 294

Zigzag and Double Zigzags, 303, 303f

Vanishing point, 406, 407

converging line, 409

Vertical cross-sections, 240

Vertical lines and histograms, 411

Vertical timeline, 34

Vibrating strings, 218

Visual angle, 416–423

Visual problem fix, 421–422, 426f

Volatility band formulas, 362

Volatility bands on oscillators, 357–367

Bollinger Bands, 365, 366f

formula creates band displacement, 362f, 363

lower band, 363, 363f

strong signal double bottom RSI formed, 364, 365f

upper band tweaked, 363f, 364

weekly chart for German Government Bond futures, 360–364, 361f

10-Year Treasury Note market band formula applied, 366–367, 367f

Volatility bands with indicators, 359

Volatility changes, 3

Wars, 53

financial collapse, 50

political instability, 50

Wave 1, 3 and 5

impulsive waves, 265

Wave 2, 264, 270, 280

up coincides with RSI Trend oscillator, 320

Wave 3, 264, 270, 276

buy signal, 276

down, 281

Wave 4, 265, 268, 270, 277, 281

up, 280

Wave 5, 275

price projection purposes, 280

Wave a

Expanded Flat, 297

Waves a-b-c-d-e, 337

Wave 2 and 4

corrective phases of five-wave cycle, 265

Wave b

choppy price pattern, 303

producing buy signals, 297

short-horizon, 311

Wave deaf, 250

Wave handicapped, 252

Wave interpretations

construct, 255

using oscillators with Elliott wave principle, 349, 350–351f, 351–352f

Wave Principle. See also Elliott Wave Principle (EWP)

technical indicators one uses, 255

three rules, 264

Wave structure

subdivide, 274

within wave 3 down, 281

Wave v of 5, 280

Wave x, 304, 318

triangle, 324

W bottom, 62

Weekly chart

Cash S&P 500 time horizons, 377–379, 378f

Cash S&P 500 with Composite Index, 387–390, 389f

Caterpillar, 19, 19f

Composite Index, 383, 385f

Crude Oil futures, 139, 140f

DMK/$, 63, 64f

DMK/$ chart covers five-year time interval, 13

Dow Jones Industrial Average, 9, 9f

Du Pont stock, 24, 25f

Fibonacci projections for higher probability targets, 137–138, 138f, 139, 141f, 163, 162f

five-wave advance, 262

five-wave pattern, 299

German DAX Index, 383, 384f

German Deutsche Mark per US Dollar charted, 117, 118f, 119

German Government Bond futures, 360–364, 361f

Gold futures market, 155, 155f, 157, 299, 300f

Nasdaq, 267, 267f, 269, 295

oscillations do not travel between 0 and 100, 13f

price objectives derived from reversals in RSI, 197, 197f

RSI, 9

S&P 500 futures market, 197, 197f

S&P market developed positive reversal signal, 200, 201f

STARC Bands, 360, 361

stock Novell financial markets, 21, 22f

T-Bond futures market, 138, 138f

volatility bands on oscillators, 360–364, 361f

Yen/$ chart displayed, 181, 181f

Wheat charts, 213, 213f, 214f, 220f, 215, 224f

Wilder, J. Welles, 195, 370

Wilder, Welles, Jr., 360

Wilder 14-period RSI, 201

W pattern, 364

Wyckoff, Richard D., 212

X wave, 304, 318, 324

XYZ Trend, 422

Yen/$ applying oscillators, 73–74, 74f

Yen futures market but over weekly time horizon

bull market, 7

oscillations do not travel between 0 and 100, 7, 8f

Zigzag pattern, 301, 304

Composite Index challenged horizontal trend, 316

correction, 326

corrective pattern, 316

DIJA market action for August 7, 1998, 323

internals, 303

rally, 337

three-wave advance, 314

three-wave decline, 305, 307–308

using oscillators with Elliott wave principle, 303, 303f

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