
3D television 2527, 29, 215217

4K television 25, 2728, 29, 217

4–8K 3D television 29

8K television 25, 2829, 217


action: cameras 94, 155156; circular 160, 161; continuous action sports 153, 155; flow 148; horizontal 158159, 161; stop-and-go sports 149153; types of 148; vertical 158160, 161

all-in-one production units 5356

anchoring 188

announcers 179188; broadcast booths 183184, 185; clichés 183; interviews 184, 186187; play-by-play 179; research 180182; spotters 187; see also commentators

associate directors 910

associate producers 9

audio area, remote trucks 46, 47

audio connectors 134

audio mixers 13, 41, 4647

audio production 103122; audio levels 105; communications systems 119, 121; field kit 106; gamestime audio 117118; microphones 105118; prerecorded 121122; stereo audio 103104; surround sound 104105; terminology 119; troubleshooting 120


backup plans 7172

Baird, John Logie 218

belt packs 121, 122

boundary microphones 111

broadcast booths 183184, 185

broadcasting milestones 209218

BSkyB 216, 217

budgeting: balancing budget 39; case study 201205; crew costs 203; equipment rental 201203; operational costs 203204; remote productions 201205; rough budget 204205


Cablecam 82

cables/cabling 133134, 135, 198

camera jib/crane 79

camera-mounted microphones 114115

cameras 7395; action 94, 155156; assigning 163165; blocking notes 167169; caring for 95; composition of shots 9394; directing 163166, 175177; lens moves 9091; movements 8991; Olympia documentary 212; operators 11, 12, 165166; placement 7576, 163165; preproduction meetings 134135, 140; setup checklist 88; shading 169; shooting sports 93; shots 8889, 9394, 156; types 7684

circular action 160, 161

clichés 151, 183

clip microphones 108, 109

closed-circuit television 209210

color television 214

commentators 101, 111, 212; see also announcers

communication devices 56

communications systems 119, 121

complex all-in-one production units 5556

compounds 4950

condenser microphones 106

contact microphones 109

contacts at venue 64

continuous action sports 153, 155

coordinating producers 8

coordination meetings 6263

costs: location 65; see also budgeting

coverage: audience needs 161162; design 161162; facilities and 163; following the ball 161162; Internet 217; limited space 157158

crew, production 711, 20, 169170, 203

customized second screens 35


digital platforms 217

digital processing microphones 110

directing 171177; cameras 163166, 175177; director’s storyteller role 173175; equipment enhancement 174175; graphics 169; pumping 152153; remote productions 148150; replays 166, 170; scoring emphases 151152; show business techniques 172173; stop-and-go action 149150; storytelling 171177; style 162163; symphony analogy 175177; understanding story 172

directors: good directors 175; homework 173174; job descriptions 911; personal comments 154; slang 153; storyteller role 173175; viewer considerations 174

director’s assistant 1011

divecam 8687

dominant players 157

dust and camera care 95

dynamic microphones 105106


editors/editing 14, 191194

8K television 25, 2829, 217

electrical power 65, 196197

electronic field production (EFP) cameras 7677

electronic still store operators 12

emotional involvement 156

engineers 14, 15, 143

equipment: enhancement 174175; historical aspects 214215; rental 201203; setup 133, 140; see also cameras; microphones

executive producer 78


Farnsworth, Philo T. 218

field loggers 16

fixed cameras 76

fixed microphones 115

floor managers 10

flypack mobile production units 5253

font operators 1415

4K television 25, 2728, 29, 217

FoxTrax 127128

freelance personnel 1618


gamestime audio 117118

Global Positioning System (GPS) technology 129

graphics 123130; directing 169170; goals 124126; helpful tips 126; new technologies 130; operators 14; preparing for events 126; viewer enhancement tools 127130


handheld cameras 76, 137, 215

handheld microphones 107, 114, 118

hard cameras 76

hazardous areas 199

headset microphones 107

health and safety 195199

hearing protection 196

heights 198199

Helivision camera mount 214

high definition television (HDTV) 25, 27, 215

historical aspects 207218

holograms of events 30

horizontal action 158159, 161


illustrative graphics 124

image quality control 41

individual sports 156

intercom systems 119, 121

Internet coverage 217

Intersync accessory 214

interviews 94, 184, 186187

inventors of television 218

IT structure, remote trucks 4849


lavaliere microphones 107108

lens moves, cameras 9091

lifting weights 196

lighting 97101; commentators 101; concerns 98; night lighting 100; sport types 98; venues 97100

lip ribbon microphones 111

live coverage, first 212

live productions 189190

live streaming 216

live-to-record productions 190

live-to-tape recording 4

location costs 65

location sketches 71


maintenance engineers 15

master stations 121

Matchtrax 3637

“Matrix” style camera systems 92

microphones 105118; accessories 112114; phantom power 112; pickup patterns 105; placement 114117; sound-generating elements 105106; types 106112

milestones in broadcasting 209218; color television events 214; development of TV 215218; equipment 214215; first sports events 210214; key dates 209217; replays 214

“mini” microphones 107108

mini point-of-view (POV) camera 7980

mobile production units 4157; all-in-one units 5356; communication devices 56; flypack units 5253; remote trucks 4350; virtual production 5152

MobiTV 216

Mobycam 78, 79

multiplatform television 2224


NBC Sports 191

night lighting 100

noise-cancelling ribbon lip microphones 111


Olympia documentary 212

omnidirectional pickup patterns 105

operational costs 203204

operations producers 10

outside broadcasting 210211; see also remote


parabolic dishes 113

partnerships 3637

personnel 720; freelance 1618; organizational chart 17; production crew 169170

phantom microphones 112

pickup patterns, microphones 105

placement: cameras 7576, 163165; microphones 114117

planning 59143

play-by-play announcers 179

point-of-view (POV) cameras 7980, 84

pole cameras 82

postproduction 189194; editing guidelines 191194; NBC Sports example 191; purposes 189

preproduction 131143; cabling 133134, 135; camera meetings 134135, 140; equipment setup 133, 140; facilities check 140141; production meetings 131; rehearsals 142; schedules 141142; setup 131143; show formats 131133

prerecorded audio 121122

pressure zone microphones 111

producers, job descriptions 79

production 147170; action flow 148; audio 103122; cameras 155157, 163166; continuous action sports 153, 155; coverage design 161162; crew 711, 20, 169170, 203; directing 148153, 162166, 169170; dominant players 157; emotional involvement 156; facilities and coverage 163; goals 6162; graphics, directing 169170; horizontal/ vertical/circular action 158161; limited coverage space 157158; live/live-to-record productions 190; mobile units 4157; planning 6172; preproduction 131143; pumping 152153; replays, directing 166, 170; safety 195199; scoring, emphasis on 151152; shading cameras 169; stop-and-go sports 149153; style of directing 162163; team/individual sports 156; types of action 148; see also remote productions

production area, remote trucks 47

production assistants 1011

production coordinators 10

production managers 10, 20

production planning 6172; backup plans 7172; contacts at venue 64; coordination meetings 6263; electrical power 65; goals 6162; list of considerations 65, 67; location costs 65; location sketches 71; program transmission 6769; remote surveys 6366; significant aspects 71; venue access 65

program transmission 6769

pumping 152153


RACEf/x 129

rail cameras 77

recording area, remote trucks 4748

recording devices 41

remote productions 157; budgeting 201205; production 147150

remote surveys 6366

remote truck mobile units 4350; audio area 47; early unit 1939–1940 213; four parts of 46; future of 44; inside 4749; inventory 50; outside 49

replay assistant director 11

replay operators 14

replays 166, 170, 214

research, announcers 180182

ribbon microphones 111

Riefenstahl, Leni 64, 212

riggers 13

robotic cameras 84

runners 15


safety 195199; cables 198; electrical power 196197; hazardous areas 199; hearing protection 196; heights 198199; lifting weights 196; during production 195199; trips/slips 196; weather 198

satellite transmission 6970, 215

scoring, directing 151152

second screens 3137; case studies 3637; customization 35; features list 32, 35; good screens 3237; partnerships 3637

setup 131143; cameras 88; equipment setup 133, 140; schedules 141

shading cameras 169

shock mounts for microphones 115

shocks, camera care 95

shotgun microphones 107

shots, camera 8889, 9394, 156

shot sheets 136, 140

show business techniques 172173

simple all-in-one production units 5355

Skycam 82

Sky television 26, 216217

slo-mo operators 14

slow motion cameras 80

social media 31, 3839

speciality cameras 8587

speciality microphones 111

Spidercam 82

spotters 11, 187

stabilized cameras 82

stage managers 10

statisticians 11

Steadicams 8081, 215

stereo audio 103104

stop-and-go sports 149153

storyboards 138139

storytelling 171177

StroMotion 129130

studio production 45

Super Hi-Vision television 2829; see also 8K television

super slow motion cameras 80

surround sound 104105, 109110

surveys, remote 6366

swiveling mirrors 211


talent 16, 115

tape operators 14

team sports 156

teamwork 19

technical director 11

technical managers 15

telecom managers 15

television 2130; definition 2122; formats 2529; future aspects 2930; how it is changing 2425; multiplatform 2224; platform integration 2324; see also individual types

text graphics 123124

3D television 2527, 215217

tracking cameras 77

transmission, program 6769

transmission manager 15

transposition replay systems 129

troubleshooting audio 120


Ultra High Definition television (UHDTV) 2728, 216217; see also 4K television

unidirectional pickup patterns 105

unit managers 10

utilities 13


vehicle cameras 8283, 87

venue access 65

vertical action 158160, 161

vibration, camera care 95

video connectors 135

video control area, remote trucks 48

video disc machines 214215

video librarians 14

video operators 14

video switching 41, 42

videotape area, remote trucks 4748

viewer enhancement tools 127130

virtual ads 128129

virtual information graphics 128

virtual remote production 5152

vision operators 11, 15


water, camera care 95

weather 95, 198

weights, lifting 196

windscreens 114

wireless microphones 112113, 117

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