• The Challenge to Be and Not to Do: How to Manage Your Career and Maximize Your Potential by Carrie Foster
  • Slow Down to Speed Up: Lead, Succeed, and Thrive in a 24/7 World by Liz Bywater
  • The Illusion of Inclusion: Global Inclusion, Unconscious Bias, and the Bottom Line by Helen Turnbull
  • On All Cylinders: The Entrepreneur’s Handbook by Ron Robinson
  • Employee LEAPS: Leveraging Engagement by Applying Positive Strategies by Kevin E. Phillips
  • Making Human Resource Technology Decisions: A Strategic Perspective by Janet H. Marler and Sandra L. Fisher
  • Feet to the Fire: How to Exemplify And Create The Accountability That CreatesGreat Companies by Lorraine A. Moore
  • HR Analytics and Innovations in Workforce Planning by Tony Miller
  • Deconstructing Management Maxims, Volume I: A Critical Examination of Conventional Business Wisdom by Kevin Wayne
  • Deconstructing Management Maxims, Volume II: A Critical Examination of Conventional Business Wisdom by Kevin Wayne
  • The Real Me: Find and Express Your Authentic Self by Mark Eyre
  • Across the Spectrum: What Color Are You? by Stephen Elkins-Jarrett
  • Life of a Lifetime: Inspiration for Creating Your Extraordinary Life by Christoph Spiessens
  • The Facilitative Leader: Managing Performance Without Controlling People by Steve Reilly
  • The Human Resource Professional’s Guide to Change Management: Practical Tools and Techniques to Enact Meaningful and Lasting Organizational Change by Melanie J. Peacock
  • Tough Calls: How to Move Beyond Indecision and Good Intentions by Linda D. Henman

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