— Introduction —

Supervisors have many difficult responsibilities that they must face every day on the job. One of the most difficult responsibilities is when it becomes necessary to terminate an employee. Terminating an employee is something that no one ever really wants to do, but unfortunately does sometimes become necessary.

What we are talking about are involuntary terminations when an employee is told that he or she no longer has a job with the company or organization. This type of termination is different than when someone decides to leave on his or her own or even when there is a need to reduce jobs due to economic conditions. Involuntary terminations occur because the employee has done something that makes this severe employment action necessary. It is the harshest form of discipline that can be issued to an employee; termination is the capital punishment of employment disciplinary actions.

Sometimes terminating an employee leads to feelings of guilt on the part of the person(s) making and carrying out the termination decision. It is important to keep in mind in these circumstances that it was the employee who caused this situation. You are simply carrying out your responsibility as a supervisor or manager by dealing with the issue. To do otherwise would not be fair to other employees who have obeyed the rules or meet the performance requirements of the organization.

It is important that you understand your organization’s policies and procedures concerning the termination of employees. As much as possible, you need to plan ahead before you implement a termination, getting as much guidance and advice as possible. The better you prepare, the more effectively you will be able to meet this most difficult challenge you will face as a supervisor and reduce the risks associated with terminations for the organization. This book will help you achieve these important goals when faced with having to terminate an employee.

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