

achievement tests

about 117

multiple-choice (MC) items 118–121

American Educational Research Association 2

American Psychological Association 2

analysis, classical item

combining item statistics in single tables 66–72

combining mean score with frequency counts 61–63

computing proportion correct by quartile 63–66

displaying mean score 55–60

interpreting item statistics 72–73

point-biserial correlation coefficient 51–53

producing attractive reports 53–54

restructuring data set 54–55

on 30-item physics test 112

analyzing tests with multiple versions 80–86

answer frequencies

about 31

developing automated programs to score tests and produce item frequencies 34–36

displaying in graphical form 36–40

displaying in tabular form 31–32

modifying programs to display answers in frequency tables 33–34

answer keys, reading from separate files 16–17

ARRAY statements 12, 33, 81

assessing test reliability

See test reliability


bar charts, producing 39–40

Birnbaum, Allan 98

BY statement 25


Cartesian products, creating 46


detecting on multiple-choice tests 123–140

programs to detect 163–170

programs to search for possible 170–173

classical item analysis

combining item statistics in single tables 66–72

combining mean score with frequency counts 61–63

computing proportion correct by quartile 63–66

displaying mean score 55–60

interpreting item statistics 72–73

point-biserial correlation coefficient 51–53

producing attractive reports 53–54

restructuring data set 54–55

on 30-item physics test 112

classical test theory (CTT), compared with Item Response Theory (IRT) 99–100

Cody, Ron

Learning SAS By Example: A Programmer's Guide 3

COLUMNS statement 27


item statistics in single tables 66–72

mean score with frequency counts 61–63

comma-delimited data (CSV file), reading 12–13


correlations between odd/even scores 90

Cronbach's Alpha 93

Kuder-Richardson Formula 20 (KR-20) 92–93, 161–162

mean score 57–58, 134

proportion correct by quartile 63–66

Spearman-Brown Adjusted Split-Half Correlation 90–91

split-half reliability 88–91

standard deviation 134

constructed response 119

CORR procedure

computing biserial correlations 71

computing correlations between odd/even scores 90

computing Cronbach's Alpha 93

computing Spearman-Brown Adjusted Split-Half Correlation 91

point-biserial correlation coefficient 51–53

producing attractive reports 53



Cartesian products 46

rosters using REPORT procedure 27

Cronbach's Alpha, computing 93

CSV (comma-delimited) file, reading 12–13

CTT (classical test theory), compared with Item Response Theory (IRT) 99–100



comma-delimited 12–13

reading directly from Excel workbooks 14–16

reading from text files 6–10

space-delimited 10–12

data checking program 150–151

data sets

preparing for IRT procedure 102–103

restructuring 54–55

DBMS= option 28

DEFINE statement 27

deleting items from scoring programs 78–80

Delwiche, Laura

The Little SAS Book: A Primer, Fifth Edition 3


effect of item discrimination on test reliability 94–95

effect of test length on test reliability 95


cheating on multiple-choice tests 123–140

invalid IDs and answer choices 42–43

developing automated programs to score tests and produce item frequencies 34–36


answer frequencies in graphical form 36–40

answer frequencies in tabular form 31–32

histograms of test scores 20–24

mean score 55–60

DO loop 9, 79

duplicate records, checking for and eliminating 47–48


eliminating duplicate records 47–48

error checking

detecting invalid IDs and answer choices 42–43

duplicate records 47–48

for ID errors 43–45

identifying invalid IDs with "fuzzy" matching 45–47

test data 41–49

Excel files

analyzing tests with multiple versions 82–86

exporting student rosters to 28

reading data directly from workbooks 14–16

scoring multiple test versions from 157–161

scoring tests from 146–148

EXPORT procedure 28

exporting student rosters to Excel 28


FILE PRINT statement 43


Excel 14–16, 82–86, 146–148, 157–161

reading answer keys from separate 16–17

text 6–10, 144–145, 155–157

FINDC function 77

FREQ procedure

determining answer frequencies 56–57

displaying answer frequencies 31–32

inspecting variable score 104–105

modifying programs to display answers in frequency tables 34

frequency counts, combining with mean score 61–63

frequency tables, modifying programs to display answers in 33–34


See specific functions

"fuzzy" matching 45–47


graphical form, displaying answer frequencies in 36–40

GROUPS= option 64


HBAR statement 36, 40

HISTOGRAM statement 20, 24


displaying of test scores 20–24

plotting 134

producing 128


ICC (item characteristic curve) 100


error checking 43–45

identifying invalid with "fuzzy" matching 45–47

matching student names with 24–26

indirect addressing 82

INFILE statement 9, 12, 17, 24, 44, 77, 82

INPUT statement 12, 77

interpreting item statistics 72–73

IRT procedure, running 104–110

See also Item Response Theory (IRT)

item analysis

about 1–2

program for 151–153

item baggage 120

item characteristic curve (ICC) 100

item discrimination, demonstrating effect of on test reliability 94–95

item frequencies, producing 34–36

Item Response Theory (IRT)

about 97–99

advanced 102

basics of 99–100

classical item analysis on 30-item physics test 112

compared with classical test theory (CTT) 99–100

preparing data sets for IRT procedure 102–103

results 100–101

running IRT procedure 104–110

running other models 111

item statistics

combining in single tables 66–72

interpreting 72–73


joint-wrongs 123, 131


Kane, M.T.

"Validation" 2

KEEP statement 89

Kuder-Richardson Formula 20 (KR-20), computing 92–93, 161–162

kurtosis statistic 21


LABEL statement 10

latent trait theory

See Item Response Theory (IRT)

Learning SAS By Example: A Programmer's Guide (Cody) 3

LENGTH statement 12, 25

%LET statement 68, 79

LIBNAME statement 15, 86

libref 15

list input 11

The Little SAS Book: A Primer, Fifth Edition (Delwiche and Slaughter) 3

Lord, Frederick 98


matching student names with student IDs 24–26

mean score

combining with frequency counts 61–63

computing 134

displaying 55–60

MEANS procedure

computing Kuder-Richardson Formula 20 (KR-20) 92–93

computing mean score 57–58, 134

computing proportion correct by quartile 65

computing standard deviation 134

MERGE statement 26

MISSOVER option 12

MODEL statement 111

modern test theory

See Item Response Theory (IRT)


programs to display answers in frequency tables 33–34

programs to score tests of arbitrary numbers of items 17–19

scoring program to accept alternate correct answers 76–78

multiple-choice (MC) items, writing

about 115, 118–120

achievement tests 117–121

getting organized 116–117

taxonomy of objectives and items 116–117

test blueprints 116

multiple-choice tests

detecting cheating on 123–140

searching for matches 136–140


named literal 15

National Council on Measurement in Education 2

NOCUM option 32

NOPRINT option 53

NOTDIGIT function 43


one-parameter model (1PL) 98


See specific options

OUTFILE= option 28


PLOTS= procedure 105

plotting histograms 134

point-biserial correlation coefficient 51–53

preparing data sets for IRT procedure 102–103

PRINT procedure 10, 19

printing rosters 148–149


See specific procedures


attractive reports 53–54

bar charts 39–40

histograms 128

item frequencies 34–36


See also scoring program

data checking 150–151

to delete items 154–155

to detect cheating 163–170

developing to score tests and produce item frequencies 34–36

item analysis 151–153

modifying to display answers in frequency tables 33–34

modifying to score tests of arbitrary numbers of items 17–19

to rescore tests 154–155

to search for possible cheating 170–173

PUT statement 43, 86, 91


quartile, computing proportion correct by 63–66


RANK procedure 63–64, 68

Rasch, George 98

Rasch model 98


answer keys from separate files 16–17

comma-delimited data (CSV file) 12–13

data directly from Excel workbooks 14–16

data from text files 6–10

space-delimited data 10–12

recognition format 117


See test reliability

REPLACE option 28

REPORT procedure 27

reports, producing attractive 53–54

%RESCORE macro 94

rescoring tests 78–80, 154–155

RESFUNC= option 111

restructuring data sets 54–55

RETAIN statement 9

Review of Research in Education (Shepard) 2


creating using REPORT procedure 27

exporting to Excel 28

printing 148–149

RUN statement 10


IRT procedure 104–110

other models 111


SAS 2–3

See also specific topics

SAS 9.4 Language Reference: Concepts 3

SAS 9.4 Macro Language Reference 3

SCAN function 24

%SCORE macro 20


analyzing tests with multiple versions 82–84

multiple test versions from Excel files 157–161

multiple test versions from text files 155–157

tests 6–10, 34–36, 144–148

tests from Excel files 146–148

tests from text files 144–145

scoring program

about 75

analyzing tests with multiple versions 80–82, 84–86

deleting items 78–80

modifying to accept alternate correct answers 76–78

rescoring test 78–80

scree plot approach 108

searching for matches in multiple-choice tests 136–140

SET statement 15

SGPLOT procedure

displaying answer frequencies in graphical form 36

plotting histograms 134

producing bar charts 39–40

producing histograms 128

SHEET= option 28

Shepard, L.A.

Review of Research in Education 2

skewness 21

Slaughter, Susan

The Little SAS Book: A Primer, Fifth Edition 3

SORT procedure 10, 25, 38, 47–48

space-delimited data, reading 10–12

Spearman-Brown Adjusted Split-Half Correlation, computing 90–91

Spearman-Brown formula 88

SPEDIS function 46–47

split-half reliability, computing 88–91

SQL procedure 46

standard deviation, computing 134

Standards for educational and psychological testing 2


See specific statements

student names, matching with student IDs 24–26

SUBSTR function 33–34

swap-and-drop operation 86


tables, combining item statistics in single 66–72

TABLES statement 32, 61

tabular form, displaying answer frequencies in 31–32

TABULATE procedure

combining mean score with frequency counts 61

computing mean value 72

taxonomy, of objectives and items 116–117

test reliability

about 1–2, 87

computing Cronbach's Alpha 93

computing Kuder-Richardson Formula 20 (KR-20) 92–93

computing split-half reliability 88–91

demonstrating effect of item discrimination on 94–95

demonstrating effect of test length on 95

test-retest reliability 87


achievement 117–121

analyzing with multiple versions 80–86

blueprints for 116

demonstrating effect of length of on test reliability 95

displaying histograms of scores 20–24

error checking data 41–49

multiple-choice (MC) 115–120, 123–140

rescoring 78–80, 154–155

scoring 6–10, 34–36, 144–148

scoring from Excel files 146–148

scoring from text files 144–145

text files

analyzing tests with multiple versions 80–82

reading data from 6–10

scoring multiple test versions from 155–157

scoring tests from 144–145

three-parameter model (3PL) 98

See also Item Response Theory (IRT)

TRANSPOSE procedure 54–55

two-parameter model (2PL) 98–99

See also Item Response Theory (IRT)


unidimensionality 98

UNIVARIATE procedure 23


"Validation" (Kane) 2

VAR statement 20, 52, 61

VBAR statement 36


WITH statement 52

workbooks (Excel), reading data directly from 14–16

Wright, Benjamin 98

writing multiple-choice (MC) items

See multiple-choice (MC) items, writing

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