

Acceptance, 49–50, 54–55

Accommodation, 33–34, 56

Achievement and status, 58–59, 89–90

Act without permission, 192–193

Advancement, 108

Affection, need for, 49–50

Affirming Dimension, 12, 16, 20–21, 47–52

acceptance and affection, need for, 49–50

advantages of, 20, 47

characteristics, 21t

complex analysis, avoidance of, 51–52

conflicts, aversion to, 50–51

“do-no-harm” philosophy, 48

easygoing nature, 20

empathy, 48

influences on leadership, 47

limitations of, 20, 48–49

morale building, 47

open-door policy, 20

open posture, 49

positive environment, 20

problem management, 51

relationship orientation, 48–49

supportive environment, 47

Affirming leaders, 127–138

acceptance of different viewpoints, 135–137

assumptions of good intentions, 132

benefits, 128, 133

case study, 138

choice of battles, 137

“default” expressions, monitoring, 130

discovery of employees’ needs, 134

encouragement, 127–128

engagement of team members, 134

essential lessons from, 129

focus on friendliness, 131

friendly environments, 130

initiation of lighthearted conversation, 131–132

lessons from, 127

limitations of, 130–131, 135–136

obstacles, 131, 134, 136–137

overview, 127–138

reflection, 137

results and emotional well-being of team members, 129–130

sense of community, 130

strengths of, 128

strive to understand, 137

validation of employees, 134

valuation of employees, 132–134

Aggression, 88

Analytical skills, 172–173

Analytical thinking, versus experiential, 41–42

Approval, need for, 42–43

Assumptions, testing of, 155–156

Axes, of 8 Dimensions of Leadership Model, 14–17, 205–207

competency, 15–16

fast-paced qualities, 14

north-south, 15f, 26

outspoken qualities, 14

reliability, 14

basics of, 205–206

vertical, 206

horizontal, 207

understated behaviors, 15

west-east, 15, 16f, 26



impulsive, 18

range of, required for leadership, 5

types, 11, 13

understated, 15

Belief in decisions, 192–193

“Blind spots,” psychological drivers, and motivations, 8

Biases, 7–8, 34–35

Bluntness, 24

Brainstorming, 118, 194


Cautious qualities, 14

Chances, taking, 106–107

Change, managing and leading, 106–108

Charm, 37

Circumplex, 208–209

Cole, Pamela, 209

Collaboration, 16, 19, 105

Collins, Jim, 200

Commanding, 14

Commanding Dimension, 12, 14, 15, 25–26, 85–93

achievement, 89–90

advantages of, 25, 85

aggression, 88

challenging and demanding, 25

characteristics, 26t

impatience, 92

influencing leadership factors, 86

limitations of, 25, 87, 92

need for triumph, 87–89

results oriented, 25

“soft” emotions, disgust for, 90

subjective realism, 86–87

take-charge presence, 25

tough-mindedness, 91

Commanding leaders, 187–198

act without permission, 192–193

belief in decisions, 192–193

benefits, 190–191, 193–194, 196

brainstorming, 194

case study, 198

commitments, firm and public, 190

control situations, 194

create urgency, 195–196

enlistment of others, 197

hold people accountable, 198

impatience as a virtue, 195–197

lessons from, 187–188, 189

limitations of, 192–193

monitor self-criticisms, 192

obstacles, 191, 194, 196–197

overview, 197

personal authority, 189–192

practice exercising power, 193

restrictions, unnecessary, 192–195

results, getting, 195

rewrite the rules, 194–195

show excitement over outcomes, 197

strengths, 188–189

Commitments, firm and public, 190

Community, sense of, 122, 130

Competency, 15–16

Composure, maintaining, 153–156

Confidence, 35–36

Conflicts, aversion to, 50–51

Connections, making, 119–122

Conscientiousness (C), 12, 208. See also DiSC® model

Consequences, weighing, 181–182

Control of situations, 194

Conversations, lighthearted, 131–132

Cronbach’s Alpha, 210–211t


Data sources, seek multiple, 184

Decision making, 5, 18, 21

belief in, 192–193

connect, for understanding, 184–185

handling unpopular, 182–185

Default setting, 7, 8, 10, 16–17, 130

Defensiveness, 23

Deliberate Dimension, 12, 14, 15, 23–24, 69–76

accuracy, 23

advantages of, 23, 70

characteristics, 24t

defensiveness, 23

detached and unemotional, 23, 71–72

freedom and privacy, 70–71

independent, 23

influencing leadership factors, 70

limitations of, 23, 72, 73, 74–75

objectivity, 74–75

personal space, 75–76

skepticism, 72–73

vulnerability, 73–74

Deliberate leaders, 162–174

analytical skills, embracing, 172–173

benefits, 168–169, 171

case study, 173–174

communication with others, 165–167

devotion of adequate time, 172

80/20 rule, 171

empathy, 167

establishment of a main point, 167

explanation of ideas, 170

focus on one idea, 169

information gathering, 169–170

lessons from, 165

limitations of, 165–166, 168

management tools and methods, 170–171

messages, delivering clear, 165

obstacles, 167, 169, 172

overview, 163–164, 173

pace communication, 167

processes, management of, 170–173

project research, 168–170

strengths, 164

study of processes, 172

Detachment, 23, 71–72

Development process, 8–9

discovery of primary leadership dimension, 8, 11–27

identification, 8, 9

psychological drivers, motivations, and “blind spots,” 8

reflection, 8, 9

DiSC® model, 6, 11

application of circumplex, 210f, 211–213

application to leadership, 213–218

as circumplex, 208–209

background, 205

basics of, 205–209

behavioral types, 11, 13

Conscientiousness (C), 12, 208

Cronbach’s Alpha, 210–211t

Dominance (D), 12, 207

illustration, 12f

Influence (i), 12, 208

management priorities, plotting of, 212f

measurement of, 209–211

multidimensional scaling (MDS), 214, 216f

origins of, 13

overview of, 12

sales tasks, plotting of, 212f

scales, 211t, 215t

Steadiness (S), 12, 208

styles, 18t, 207–208

variations within, 12

See also Axes, of 8 Dimensions of Leadership Model

Discussions, two-way, 147

Disgust, 81–82

Dominance (D), 12. See also DiSC® model

“Do-no-harm” philosophy, 48

Drucker, Peter, 199


Easygoing nature, 20

Effective leadership, 5, 7, 10

8 Dimensions of Leadership model, 3–10

advantages of, 9–10

Affirming Dimension, 20–21

axes of, 14–17

checklist for prioritization, 201–203

central argument for, 1

Commanding Dimension, 25–26

default setting for, 7, 8, 10, 16–17

Deliberate Dimension, 23–24

description, 6–8

development process, 8–9

Energizing Dimension, 19–20

example, 10

Humble Dimension, 22–23

illustration, 7f

implementation of, 203

Inclusive Dimension, 21–22

learning to lead, 3–5

needs assessment, 96–99

overview, 1, 26–27, 95–96, 199–200, 203

Pioneering Dimension, 18–19

placement on, 14–26

Resolute Dimension, 24–25

self-assessment options, 17

80/20 rule, 171

Emotional expression, primary types, 13


channeling of, 146

check of others’ pulse, 161

as connection to team members, 122–124

Of Normal People, 13

outlets for, 155

output, 144–146

“Soft”, disgust for, 90

unemotional, 23, 71–72

well-being of team members, 129–130

Empathy, 48

Empowerment, 156–159

Encouragement, 127–128

Energizing Dimension, 12, 14, 16, 19–20, 39–45

advantages of, 19, 40, 45

approval, need for, 42–43

characteristics of, 20t, 39

collaboration, 19

enthusiasm, 19, 39, 43–44

experiential versus analytical thinking, 41–42

forward momentum, 43

high-energy environments, 43

influences on leadership, 39–40

limitations of, 19, 41, 43–45

optimism, 40–41

selective memory, 41

sensitivity, 42

speaking, freely and fluidly, 44–45

spirited drive, 40

tension, avoidance of, 42–43

Energizing leaders, 113–125

asking about motivations, 124

benefits, 116–117, 120–121, 123

brainstorming, 118

case study, 135

collaboration, 114

making a community, 122

making connections, 119–122

emotions, as connection to team members, 122–124

engagement of people, 124

enthusiasm, building, 116, 119

essential lessons from, 115

generation of interest, 124

goals, reaching with enthusiasm, 115–119

holding meetings, 118

leaving the office for connections, 121–122

lessons from, 113–114

networking, 119

obstacles, 117, 121, 123

overview, 124–125

participation, 121

reconnection, 121

strengths of, 114

Entertainment of adventurous ideas, 110

Enthusiasm, 19, 39, 43–44, 115–119


collaborative, 127

for creativity, 102

dynamic, 102

empowerment of others, 109

friendly, 16, 130

harmony and, 106

high-energy, 14, 43

positive, 20, 116

stable, 21, 22, 107, 110

structured, 14

supportive, 47

Expediency, 34–35

Experiential thinking, versus analytical, 41–42


Facilitators, 148–149

Faith, leaps of, 109, 110–111

Familiarity, 55

Freedom and privacy, 70–71

Friendliness, focus on, 131


Geier, John, 209

Goals, reaching with enthusiasm, 115–119

Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap…and Others Don’t, 200

Group needs, priority of, 159–160


Harmony, 57–58

Hippocraties, 211

Humble Dimension, 12, 14, 22–23, 62–68

advantages of, 22, 61, 65–66

caution, 22

change, resistance to, 22

characteristics, 23t

desire for inconspicuousness, 67

fear of rocking the boat, 64–65

influences on leadership, 62

laissez-faire attitude, 66

limitations of, 22, 61, 63, 64–65

reliability, 62–63

self-restraint, 65–66

self-serving ambition, 66–67

stable environment, 22

trouble, avoidance of, 63

Humble leaders, 151–162

appreciation of different styles, 161

assumptions, testing, 155–156

balance of group needs, 161

benefits, 152, 154–155, 157

case study, 162

check of others’ emotional pulse, 161

composure, maintaining, 153–156

creation of time and space, for needed attention, 158

empowerment, 156–159

find emotional outlets, 155

group needs, priority of, 159–160

lessons from, 153

limitations of, 154, 156–157

listen, 158–159

listening to others, 156–157

needs of others, 159–162

obstacles, 155, 158, 160–161

overview, 151–152, 161–162

recruitment, of help, 156

reflections on benefits of listening, 158

strengths, 152



entertainment of adventurous, 110

explanation of, 170

focus on one, 169

openness to, 141–142

pause to evaluate, 143

trust in personal, 108

Identification, 8, 9

Impatience, as a virtue, 195–197

Importance, as a need, 36–37

Impulsive behavior, 18

Inclusive Dimension, 12, 14, 16, 21–22, 53–93

acceptance, 54–55

accommodation of others, 53, 56

achievement and status, 58–59

advantages of, 21, 54

characteristics, 22t

decision making, 21

familiarity, 55

harmony, 57–58

influences on leadership, 54

limitations of, 21, 56, 58, 59

optimism, 21

problems, internalization of, 56–57

stable environments, 21

Inclusive leaders, 139–150

acknowledgement, 143

benefits of, 140, 142, 147–148

case study, 149–150

channeling of emotions, 146

connection with people, 146

emotional output, 144–146

facilitators, 148–149

invitation to diverse groups, 148

learning from, 139–140

limitations of, 144, 145

listening, 146–150

obstacles, 143, 145–146, 148

openness to ideas, 141–142

overview, 149

pause to evaluate ideas, 143

relating to viewpoints, 146

relaxation of presence, 148

sources, attributing, 143

strengths, 140

support of others, 141–143

two-way discussions, 147

wait to speak, 149

words, power of, 144–146

Inconspicuousness, 67

Independent, 23

Industry leaders, influences of, 105

Influence (i), 12, 208. See also DiSC® model

Influencing factors

Affirming Dimension, 47

Commanding Dimension, 86

Deliberate Dimension, 70

Energizing Dimension, 39–40

Pioneering Dimension, 32

Resolute Dimension, 77–78

Information gathering, 169–170

Innovations, 14, 103–106

Intentions, assumptions of good, 132

Interest, generation of, 124


Judgments, 36. See also Biases


Laissez-faire attitude, 66

Leadership concept, 4

Leaps of faith, 109, 110–111

Learning to lead, 3–5

Level 5 Leadership, 200–201

Listening, 158–159

importance of, 156–157

Inclusive leaders and, 146–150

reflections on benefits of, 158

Little, Gary, 209


Main point, establishment of, 167

Marston, Dr. William Moulton, 13, 208

Meetings, holding, 118

Memory, selective, 41

Messages, delivering clear, 165

Morale building, 47

Motivations, psychological drivers, and “blind spots,” 8

Multidimensional leadership, 6–8

biases, 7–8

versus one-dimensional, 6

Multiple leadership dimensions, 200–201



acceptance and affection, 49–50

approval, 42–43

balance of group, 161

discovery of employees, 134

importance, 36–37

of others, 159–162

priority of, 159–160

for triumph, 87–89

Needs assessment, 96–99

analysis, 99

development process, 97–99

goal orientation, 98

instruction, 96

opportunities, 97

problems, 97

professional networks, 98

taking charge, 98

team management, 97

Networking, 119

North-south axis, 15f, 26


Objectivity, 16, 74–75

One-dimensional leadership, versus multidimensional, 6

Online assessment, 8

Open-door policy, 20

Open posture, toward life, 49

Optimism, 18, 21, 40–41

Outcomes, 177–179

“Outsource” approach limitations, 5


Patience, lack of, 24

Personal authority, 189–192

Personal power, 14

Personal space, 75–76

Persuasion, 18, 37–38

Pioneering Dimension, 12, 14, 18–19, 31–38

advantages of, 18

biases, toward actions, 34–35

characteristics of, 19t, 31

charm, 37

confidence, 35–36

decision making, 18

expediency, 34–35

importance, as a need, 36–37

impulsive behavior, 18

influences on leadership, 32

judgments of, 36

limitations of, 18, 32–33

needs, meeting in others, 34–35

optimism and persuasive style, 18

overview, 31, 38

persuasion, 37–38

spontaneity, 34

status consciousness, 33–34

Pioneering leaders, 101–112

acting on beliefs, 108

advantages of, 102, 104–105, 109–110

bold action, 108

case study, 111–112

change, managing and leading, 106–108

characteristics, 101–102, 111

collaboration with team members, 105

entertainment of adventurous ideas, 110

industry leaders, practices of, 105

innovations, 103–106

leaps of faith, 109, 110–111

lessons from, 101–102

limitations of, 104–110

obstacles, 1–5, 107–108, 110

opportunities, 103–104

overview, 111

planning, over and under, 108–111

pushing ahead, 108

reflection, 105–106

results from, 107

security and stability, 108

strengths, 102

taking chances, 106–107

time limits, 111

trust in personal ideas, 108

Planning, over and under, 108–111

Primary dimension, 8, 11–27, 29

analysis of, 179–180

discovery of, 8, 11–27

find and address, 180

internalization of, 56–57

leadership tendencies, 29–30

management, 51

overview, 11, 29

responsibility for, 180–182

self-assessment options, 17

separate from people, 182

See also DiSC® model; 8 Dimensions of Leadership model; specific dimensions

Prioritization, checklist for, 201–203

Privacy, and freedom, 70–71

Proactive stance, 184

Processes, management of, 170–173

Project research, 168–170

Psychological comfort zone, 7

Psychological drivers, motivations, and “blind spots,” 8


Range of behaviors, required for leadership, 5

Recognition, 14

Recruitment, of help, 156

Reflection, 8, 9, 14, 105–106, 137

Relationship orientation, 48–49

Reliability, 14, 62–63

Requirements for leadership, 5–6

Resolute Dimension, 12, 15, 24–25, 77–84

advantages of, 24, 77–78, 80

bluntness, 24

characteristics, 24

disgust, 81–82

high standards, 24

influencing leadership factors, 77–78

lack of patience, 24

limitations of, 25t, 79, 79–80, 81

obstacles, overcoming, 80–81

personal mastery, 79–80

“should,” reliance on, 83–84

skepticism, 78–79

weakness, disdain for, 82–83

Resolute leaders, 175–186

accountability, 177–178

analysis of problems, 179–180

ask for identification of problems, 181

benefits, 178, 180–181, 183–184

case study, 185–186

connect decisions, for understanding, 184–185

decisions, handling unpopular, 182–185

focus on outcomes, 177–179

inquiry of results, 179

lessons from, 175–176, 177

limitations of, 177, 183–184

obstacles, 178, 181, 184

overview, 185

problems, handling, 180–182

seek multiple sources of data, 184

separate problems from people, 182

set goals, specific and aggressive, 179

strengths, 176, 182–183

take proactive stance, 184

weigh consequences, 181–182

Restrictions, unnecessary, 192–195


Selective memory, 41

Self-assessment options, 17

estimation based on written descriptions, 17

online assessment, 17

personalized access code, 17

previous DiSC assessment, 17

Self-criticisms, monitoring, 192

Self-restraint, 65–66

Self-serving ambition, 66–67

“Should,” reliance on, 83–84

Skepticism, 15, 72–73, 78–79

“Soft” emotions, disgust for, 90

The Sopranos, 91

Sources, attributing, 143

Speaking, freely and fluidly, 44–45

Status, 33–34, 58–59

Steadiness (S), 12, 208. See also DiSC® model

“Strengths-based” leadership approach, 5

Status consciousness, 33–34

Styles, appreciation of different, 161

Styles, shifting, 9

Subjective realism, 86–87


Take-charge presence, 25

Tendencies, toward leadership, 29–30

Tension, avoidance of, 42–43

Time, devotion of adequate, 172

Time limitations, 111

Tough-mindedness, 91

Tried-and-true methods, 14

Triumph, need for, 87–89

Trouble, avoidance of, 63

Two-way discussions, 147


Unemotional, 23, 71–72

Urgency, creation of, 195–196


Validation, of employees, 134

Valuation, of employees, 132–134

Viewpoints, acceptance of, 135–137, 146

Vulnerability, 73–74


Weakness, disdain for, 82–83

West-east axis, 15, 16f, 26

Words, power of, 144–146

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