
accountability question, 3031, 3536


architect archetype way and, 166

artist archetype way and, 162163

defenses against, 4150

economist archetype way and, 157159

engineer archetype way and, 153154

engineer-economist-artist integration and, 164165, 168169

four archetypes and insight into, 169

role of social architect in, 171, 182183

what matters question and, 4, 7, 810

See also changing behavior; How?; motivation

activism, 8990

Alexander, Christopher, 99, 167169, 186

All That Is Solid Melts into Air (Berman), 99, 145


benefits of giving up, 123124

choosing safety over, 121

imprisoned by work culture and, 122123

motivation and, 124125

second-order, 125


architect, 166169

artist, 161164

described, 149

economist, 155160

engineer, 150155

Faust as moral struggle, 145146

insight into action by four, 169

of instrumentality and desires, 149150

unifying engineer-economist-artist, 164165, 168169

architect archetype

Christopher Alexander embodiment of, 167169

overview of, 166

See also social architect

artist archetype

for achieving change, 162163

as management, 163164

overview of, 161162

athletic desires, 9596

Bakke, Dennis, 180

balanced life, 141


as basis for motivation, 158

commitment and, 5658

dependency bargain cost of, 61

freedom for sale through, 5961

impact on personal relationships by, 6162

workplace commitment without, 128129

behavior. See action; changing behavior

benchmarking, 24

Berman, Marshall, 99, 145

Berry, Wendell, 99

betrayal, 115117

blaming, 114115


betrayal, disobedience and, 115117

blaming, 114115

change and, 113114

coming to terms with, 117118

employee’s fear of, 107109

as no motivator, 124125

professional development and, 111

realistic expectations of, 118119

the real story about, 112113

reconsidering four beliefs about, 109110

social architect role of, 172, 180182

three reasons why future not provided by, 110111

work culture and, 112

See also employees; management

boss is cause defense, 4142

callings, 58

Candide, 119

capitalism, 143145

The Careless Society (McKnight), 100

Carter, Jimmy, 118

Cezanne, Paul, 161

changing behavior

artist’s archetype way for, 162163

cost of, 1819, 35

economist archetype way for, 157159

engineer archetype way and, 153154

how do you achieve, 1517

how do you get people to try, 1921, 3536

how much time for, 1718, 3435

measuring, 2123

successful attempts at, 23, 3637

value of another’s experience in, 2425

See also action; organizational change

“Choosing Freedom, Service, and Adventure” (Stewardship), 1


characteristics of, 8790

defining ourselves as, 8387, 9091


home schooling ourselves as full, 93

social architecture role by each, 173174


claiming full, 8387

cost of, 8283

defining, 135

freedom and, 8889

maintaining idealism as part of, 8790

meaning of true, 9091


artist’s suspicion of, 162163

capitalism, 143145

economist archetype view of, 155156


broken promise of workplace, 127128

calling and, 58

choosing to make, 29, 3435

self-interest vs. choosing real, 5556

undeterred by failure, 181

virtue as reward for, 5859

willing to barter, 5658

without barter, 128129

common goals, 8

competition, 157158

The Conflict Workshop, 193

confusion mask, 4748


as defense against acting, 45

of emotional side of work, 154

How? as expression of need for, 68

intimacy at expense of, 66

participating in creating without, 135

convening function

aiming at capacities and strengths as, 176

care for physical space of room as, 175176

described, 174175

designing airspace for all voices as, 176

focus on who is in the room as, 175

including high-interaction activities as, 176

cooking class experience, 9798


of barter belief system, 61

of changing behavior, 1819, 35

of citizenship, 8485

of economist archetype, 160

See also price willing to pay

Cox, David, 102

creation question, 32

creativity, 162

crossroad question, 3132, 36


defining, 139

engineer/economist over artist struggle in, 164

freedom to question/confront, 123

instrumentality and power of default, 141143

resisting default, 146147

tragedy of development and, 145146

transforming organization of, 125

See also work culture/workplace

customer intimacy, 68

Dannemiller, Kathie, 33

default culture

instrumentality and power of, 141143

resisting the, 146147

defenses against acting

boss is cause as, 4142

challenge of overcoming, 4950

confusion as, 4748

How? questions as, 4344

investing in safety and control as, 4546

loss of faith as, 4647

real risks as, 4445

summarizing suggestions regarding, 49

will to analyze/seek data as, 4243

wish for quick action/love of tools as, 4849

See also How?

De Pree, Max, 180


inner space and, 7576

need for, 51, 7980

speed and lower experience quality and, 77

time shortage as artificial scarcity of, 7879

value of philosophical, 75

value of speed and, 7677

Descartes, René, 21

Designed Learning

about, 192

Flawless Consulting Workshops of, 192193

other workshops available at, 193

website and contact information for, 193


archetypes of instrumentality and, 149150

capitalism and fear of, 144

course 101: Following Your Heart’s Desires, 9598

holding onto voice of our, 87

idealistic pursuit of our, 56

See also emotions

digital activism, 72

Disabling Professions or Medical Nemesis (Illich), 100


disconnection pull, 6567

disobedience, 115117

distance learning, 7172

Eaton, David, 169

economic model of individual, 5658

economist archetype

behavior strategies used by, 157159

cost of, 160

cultural struggle of artist and, 164

management as, 159160

overview of, 155157

electronic reality, 7072

See also virtual world


engineer-as-management on, 154

of hope, 118119

nurtured by artists, 162

See also desires


considered as assets, 154

social architect role of, 172

valuing the, 181

See also bosses

The Empowered Manager Workshop, 3

empowerment, 8

engineer archetype

for achieving change, 153154

cultural struggle of artist and, 164

in each of us, 151152

limitations of, 154155

management as, 152153

overview of, 150151

engineer-economist-artist integration, 164165, 168169

evil, 186

existential guilt, 116

Exxon, 127128

Facing the World with Soul (Sardello), 100, 143144

faith loss, 4647

false certainty, 186187

Faust (Berman’s character), 145146

Faust (Goethe), 145

feedback mechanisms, 153154

Flawless Consulting I: Contracting, 192

Flawless Consulting II: Discovery, 192193

Flawless Consulting III:

Implementation, 193

Following Your Heart’s Desires (course 101), 9598


bartering, 5961

citizenship and, 8889

defense from acting as escape from, 4546

personal development and, 165

problem of, 185186

to question/confront culture, 123

Yes question and answer giving, 3233

Freire, Paolo, 85, 99

Gallwey, Tim, 96

Garden of Eden, 185

guilt, 115116

Harley Davidson, 180

Herman Miller, 180

Hillman, James, 163

home school

citizenship learning through, 93

humanities, 9394

the point of, 104105

home school courses

101: Following Your Heart’s Desires, 9598

103: Mentoring Yourself, 101103

104: Making Peers are the Point, 103

105: Treating the Workplace as Classroom, 103104

102: Learning About Ideas Outside Your Field, 98101

home school curriculum

objective/goals of, 94

required courses for, 95104

required reading listed, 99100


producer vs. consumer of, 119

realistic search for, 118119


asking worth of doing question prior to, 23

as expression of control/predictability needs, 68

as expression of lack of trust in ourselves, 47

number of answers needed for, 56

paradox of, 3739

as statement, 45

symbolism and significance of, 12

of what matters, 4

See also defenses against acting

How? questions

used as defense against acting, 4344

how do we measure it?, 2123, 36

how do you do it?, 1517

how do you get those people to change?, 1921

how have other people done it successfully?, 23, 3637

how long will it take?, 1718

how much does it cost?, 1819

Yes alternatives to, 27, 33

See also uniting questions

humanities home school, 9394

human values, 9, 10


bartering freedom vs., 5961

bartering vs., 5658

of calling and commitment, 58

capitalism and fear of, 144, 145

defining, 53

making real commitment as, 5556

need for, 51

as part of citizenship, 8790

pressure for realism vs., 5354

recapturing youth, 53

self-interest behavior vs., 5455

value system sustained through, 6263, 181182

virtue as own reward for, 5859

Illich, Ivan, 100


ambition of, 121125

economic model of, 5658

progress by, 158159

reconciling institutional purpose with, 133134

speed and quality of experience by, 77

speed valued by, 7677

taking self-responsibility, 114115

See also relationships

information systems, 8

The Inner Game of Tennis (Gallwey), 96


broken promise of work, 127128

commitment without barter in work, 128129

identifying “this place” of work, 129130

See also organizational change; whole

institutional purpose

reconciling individual and, 133134

values and, 130134


archetypes of desires and, 149150

balanced life as symptom of, 141

imperative of, 139

meaning and implications of, 140

modernity/modernism and, 143145

moral struggles and, 145147

philosophic stance of, 139140

power of default culture and, 141143

instrumental values, 147


citizenship and reestablishing, 89

disappearance of place as element of, 6970

electronic reality and, 7072

as marketing strategy, 6869

need for, 51

pull of disconnection vs., 6567

summarizing importance of, 7273

sustaining touch of, 65

virtual experience and, 6768

intuition, 8788

Jung, Carl, 115, 149

Koestenbaum, Peter, 65, 100

Leadership: The Inner Side of Greatness (Koestenbaum), 100

leadership models, 9

leaders. See bosses


course 101: Following Your Heart’s Desires, 9598

course 102: Learning About Ideas Outside Your Field, 98101

course 103: Mentoring Yourself, 101103

course 104: Making Peers are the Point, 103

course 105: Treating the Workplace as Classroom, 103104

home schooling for continued, 93

technology and distance, 7172

Learning About Ideas Outside Your Field (course 102), 98101

learning organizations, 9

Life is a Miracle (Berry), 99

long-distance learning, 7172

loss of faith, 4647

Machiavelli, N., 107

McKnight, John, 100

Making Peers are the Point (course 104), 103


as artist, 163164

as economist, 159160

as engineer, 152153

myth of change, 187188

See also bosses; organizational change

measurement question, 2123, 36

Mentoring Yourself (course 103), 101103

modernity/modernism, 143145

moral struggles, 145147


ambition and, 124125

barter as basis for, 158

for changing behavior, 1921, 3536

economist view of human, 156

self-interest as explanation for, 132133

mystery of life

false certainty and, 186187

human organization and acknowledging, 187

myth of change management and, 187188

organizational change and, 185

problem of freedom and, 185186

serenading the moon and, 190191

value of the question and, 188190

myth of change management, 187188

neurotic guilt, 115

organizational change

artist’s archetype way for, 162163

economist archetype way for, 157159

engineer archetype way and, 153154

engineer/economist/artist union and, 164165

mystery of life and, 185

role of social architect in, 171183

See also changing behavior; institution; management

organization models

examples of effective, 810

outline of discussion on, 1112

Pangloss, Dr. (Candide character), 119

participation, 8

pattern language, 167, 168

A Pattern Language (Alexander), 169

Pedagogy of the Oppressed (Freire), 85, 99100

personal skills, 9

positive thinking, 8788

price willing to pay

ambition as, 121

question on, 2930, 35

See also cost

problem-solving skills, 8

progress, 158159

purpose, 10

“quality without a name,” 167, 168

the questions

How?, 1523, 3637, 4344

importance of getting the right, 13

as social architect naming the, 176177

uniting How? and Yes, 3437

value of, 188190

Yes, 2836

Ralph (Boeing Company), 107108

refusal question, 29, 34


impact of barter belief system on, 6162

instrumental framing of, 139140

See also individual

retirement parties, 122123


defense against acting and pursuit of, 4546

giving up ambition for, 121

How? as expression of need for, 68

questioning comfort of, 122123

Sardello, Robert, 100, 143, 144

“saving images,” 169

second-order ambition, 125


as explanation for motivation, 132133

idealism vs., 5455

real commitment choice vs., 5556

reward system and, 157

self-motivating behavior, 9

self-responsibility, 114115

serenading the moon, 190191

“Shakespeare in Love” (film), 191

shopping behavior, 47

social architect

bosses’ acting in role of, 172, 180182

capacities required for, 174179

role of, 171, 182183

social space designed by, 171173

three design criteria used by, 172

See also architect archetype

social architect capacities

convening function as, 174175

designing strategies supporting local choice as, 178179

initiating new conversations for learning as, 177178

naming the question as, 176177

sticking with engagement/consent strategies as, 178

social architecture

described, 171172

designing our own, 179182

role of each citizen in, 173174

social space

designed by social architect, 171173

making space for what matters in, 173174

three design criteria for, 172

social system construction

elements of our own design for, 179180

example of, 180182


cultural value of, 7677

quality of experience and, 77

See also time

spiritual values, 9

Springsteen, Bruce, 45

Staff Groups in the New Economy, 193

Stewardship (Block), 1

The Stewardship Workshop, 193

“Strength of Materials” (engineering course), 151


digital activism and, 72

electronic reality using, 7071

leveraged learning using, 7172

See also virtual world

“this place,” 129130

Tierlink, Rich, 180



artificial scarcity of, 7879

required for changing behavior, 1718, 3435

See also speed

A Timeless Way of Building (Alexander), 99, 167

Treating the Workplace as Classroom (course 105), 103104


How? as expression of lack of, 47

maintaining trust in ourselves, 8788

in what we know and believe, 104

uniting questions

change and contribution to problem, 3536

cost becomes price willing to pay, 35

creating successful change, 3637

how becomes postponing refusal, 34

measuring change and life/work crossroad, 36

time becomes commitment, 3435

See also How? questions; Yes


value of the question, 188190


bartering our, 5658

benefits of instrumental, 147

citizenship as embodiment of our, 90

giving up ambition and acting on, 124

human and spiritual, 9, 10

institutional purpose and set of, 131134

intimacy at expense of instrumental, 66

social architect use of, 173174

sustained through idealism, 6263, 181182

value of speed, 7677

virtual world

intimacy and experience of, 6768

intimacy in material world vs., 6970

significance of electronic reality of, 7072

virtue as own reward, 5859

vision, 10

vulnerability, 181

Walker, Jim, 23

We’ve Had a Hundred Years of Psychotherapy— and the World’s Getting Worse (Hillman), 163

what commitment am I willing to make?, 29, 3435

what do we want to create?, 32

what is my contribution to the problem I am concerned with?, 3031, 3536

what is the price I am willing to pay?, 2930, 35

what matters question

asking “how” to answer, 4

choosing to act on, 7

models for answering, 810

what refusal have I been postponing?, 28, 34

Wheatley, Meg, 77


broken promise of workplace, 127128

caring for the, 127, 181

defining/protecting “this place” as, 129130

See also institution

will to analyze/seek data defense, 4243

work culture/workplace

bosses and creation of, 112

broken promise of, 127128

commitment without barter in, 128129

control over emotional side of, 154

defining “this place” of, 129130

as good place to be, 134135

imprisoned by ambition and, 122123

transforming, 125

See also culture

work habits, 9

Yes questions

accepting possibility of refusal and, 28, 34

on answer that would set you free, 3233

considering contribution to problem and, 3031, 3536

as How? alternatives, 27, 33

How? question alternatives to, 33

life/work crossroad and, 3132, 36

price willing to pay and, 2930, 35

on what to create, 32

willingness to make commitment and, 29, 3435

See also uniting questions

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