GIFTS Intuitive, Liberal, Spontaneous NUMBER 3
CHALLENGES Unworldly, Pipe-dreamer, Detouring (1+9) + (2) = 12 = (1+2) = 3

Dawn is a reminder of nature’s capacity to forgive humanity


You were born on a very special day—the first day of the sign of Pisces, a sign that has reinvented itself. You are probably aware of your symbol, which is two fish swimming in different directions. And those fish actually saved the goddess Aphrodite when she was born in the sea and brought her up into the air.

But also your sign has reinvented itself because in 1846, it acquired a new ruling planet, Neptune, which, of course, is appropriate for your sign. It could also be said to inspire you to be the Piscean you are today, whereas before, Pisces seemed to live a life that depended on circumstances. With Neptune, you have stepped out as someone who is very interested in having a positive impact on those around you, from those closest to the world itself. And that impact has to do with helping people be the best selves they can be.

This is a wonderful mission, but at times can lead to confusion in relationships and friendships. And that is the balance you’re seeking: to be able to inspire others yet encourage them to be independent. It’s as if you’re watching an infant learn to walk—first, you let them take their first few steps while holding your hand, then you back off and leave it to them. This is one of the best gifts you can give others—your support. And there is nothing like the support from a Pisces.

You and others

A lingering friendship between an individual and a Pisces is a great treasure. You’re an inspiration, and your presence in the life of another can help them turn a good idea into something wonderful, something which inspires others, and on occasion, could even benefit the world as well.

Health and well-being

As you’re aware, as a Pisces, you can get so involved in what you’re doing, you simply forget to eat or even sleep. Finding that balance—between being an inspiration to others and for them, in turn, to inspire people themselves—can be challenging. However, when you manage to do it, you will increase what you’re able to give to the world.

Goals and challenges

Having the ability to care for others is a gift, but being able to care for yourself and deal with what you need to do at the same time can be a challenge. However, it is a challenge that, in some ways, you almost designed for yourself as a Pisces. While it won’t always be an easy one, it is one you are equal to, and will profit from.


It’s not that you’ve been trying to escape certain burdens and responsibilities, but rather you didn’t know which to tackle first, so did nothing. However, now events have kick-started a cycle of action, each day will bring something new, exciting, and wonderful to focus on and to deal with.


GIFTS Redemptive, Extrasensory, Flowing NUMBER 4
CHALLENGES Unreachable, Naive, Vague (2+0) + (2) = 4

Even a seemingly minor gesture, done at the right moment, touches a Pisces heart


While you’re sympathetic by nature, when the moment calls for it, you can be very firm, if not actually tough—with others and with yourself. What’s more, you also benefit from a powerful practical streak. In fact, when it comes to big matters, it is amazing how clear you can be.

However, the sympathetic streak that is also a part of your nature surfaces from time to time, and can distract you. That means, when you’re doing something, however modest, the real challenge isn’t figuring out what to do. You can rely on your instincts for that. It is balancing that vision with the portion of your nature that gets so obsessed with tiny details or which can, at times, be so hurt by someone else’s unthinking behavior, you’re distracted from your objective.

As a water sign, while you’re idealistic, you can take things personally—from others’ unwitting comments to the peculiar attitude of certain individuals. Most Pisceans learn to spot this and, before you take things to heart, either speak up or, if that isn’t possible, make a decision to ignore them.

This is a skill—but then all of life is a skill. And the better you get at dealing with such distractions, whatever their nature, the better you’ll be able to use your extraordinary ability to touch others—and to transform the world around you that comes with being a Pisces.

You and others

While dramas around you can be distracting, once you learn to spot these, you’ll learn to ask the question, “When is enough?” It’s as if you were enjoying the warmth of the sun, but then realize if you stay out too long, you’re likely to get burned. Dealing with those who could undermine your confidence is the same. The trick? Ignore them.

Health and well-being

As a water sign, while you take care of yourself, you sometimes forget about the toll being around those who have a tendency to undermine you can take. This not only causes concern, it can also lead to worry about other things. The trick is to discuss the matter clearly and firmly and in a way that you, as a Pisces, wouldn’t usually do.

Goals and challenges

Every once in a while, you pause and organize yourself, your thinking and your life, so you know what is working and what isn’t. And that will last for a while. However, one individual will then draw your attention and pull your balance away. The trick is to go back, as swiftly as you can, to that balance—because that balance is one of the most precious elements of your life.


Understandably you are in no mood to argue with somebody who, on the best of days, is difficult to deal with. But if you don’t tackle the issue in question now, it will be assumed you’re happy with things as they are, when that is by no means the case. Speak up now. You won’t regret it.


GIFTS Optimistic, Mystical, Reflective NUMBER 5
CHALLENGES Utopian, Impractical, Self-absorbed (2+1) + (2) = 5

A spring leaf, an infant, a new love, all remind us of life’s promise


You take great joy in being able to make the world better, whether it is one person at a time, one situation at a time, or even bigger projects. For you as a Pisces, it isn’t easy to maintain this as your main activity.

With the world around you changing—
and with what might be those who’re involved shifting—there are bound to be many twists and turns, and of many varieties. Even those whose main profession is doing exactly this variety of humanitarian work know they need to balance that with other activities in their own life and, equally, with family or hobbies.

So it is important for you to be aware of the need for that balance. These individuals and activities are an essential part of your life. They are, in fact, like a variety of emotional vitamin—just as you’d take actual vitamins, in this case, those activities and those individuals help you keep your perspective, and when necessary, realign your thinking and remind you what is actually in your best interests.

They help you rediscover your core, your center. Not only do these individuals benefit you, they give you the strength you need to go on to the next day, the next week, and the next month, and to make the world better in the way that you like to, but to do so without having to pay a price yourself.

You and others

You’re probably aware you are sentimental, but you don’t notice how much the attitude of others matters to you. And if they’re uncaring, it can be hurtful. It is important to be aware of this and steer clear of those who are thoughtless. Instead, ensure those closest support you in the way they, and you, know is vital.

Health and well-being

While some Pisces are naturals at working out, most aren’t. And if you are one of the latter, then finding ways to move that aren’t really exercise is vital. And it can be fun. Seek out something that is magical and, ideally, musical. Do that, and you will appreciate the next time you can get out there and shake with those vibes, exercising your body at the same time.

Goals and challenges

Setting goals is one thing. Pursuing them is another matter. However, list those goals, ideally on paper, and you know what you expect to do. But actually, combining these with your own personal desires can be an even bigger challenge. The solution? Ask someone to stand beside you when you need that support. It is worthwhile.


While you’d have every right to be annoyed with certain thoughtless individuals, the fact is they are unaware of the impact of their words or actions. Raise this gently, but frankly, and invest time in the process. The resulting discussions will be astonishingly informative for everybody concerned.


GIFTS Visionary, Empathic, Otherworldly NUMBER 6
CHALLENGES Obscure, Smothering, Irrational (2+2) + (2) = 6

Discern between those in need and complainers, who are louder and more persistent


You are, of course, living by your own set of ideals. This is something that you, as a Pisces, will have figured out probably from your earliest days. And as you’ve lived over the years, these ideals have become clearer.

You have also tended to assume that others have ideals, too. But gradually, you’ve come to realize that not only do others not have ideals, many don’t even care. This is disillusioning, but this also explains quite a lot about certain people in your life and why, when you’re talking about something you hope to do because it is an ideal, they look at you blankly.

Once you understand that, then you will understand why certain individuals are easier to live with, work with, and do things with. Others may require more time and effort—until you reach the point of simply telling them what you expect them to do and not explaining why it’s good for them, or the world.

This variety of insight—this variety of being able to deal with others—is one of the greatest skills for you as a Pisces. It means you will stop trying to get those who have no capacity for empathy toward others to be that way. And equally, you will recognize who has earned your attention, your friendship, and in some cases, your love.

You and others

You’re beginning to understand that certain individuals hear what you say in different ways. Some totally get your vision, and what you’re describing is steps toward that. But others just see life as a long list of things to do. Once you realize that, then simply tell them, and don’t expect them to share that vision, because it is unlikely they will.

Health and well-being

The idea of stopping to take care of yourself is difficult for Pisces, partly because, as a water sign, you don’t really notice if you’re hungry or tired until you are almost falling over. But also, taking care of yourself in terms of activities may seem strange. Yet if you begin to question how you feel about it, then it may be quite different. Fall in love with some kind of activity and eating well. The rest will be easy.

Goals and challenges

As a Piscean, you’re a visionary. And for that reason, you may have had a sense of exactly what you wanted to be when you grew up. But even if you didn’t, you will still have been drawn toward certain activities. Stick with them. Even if you have to redefine them every couple of years, they will still become key to your sense of achievement and of who you are.


Usually, rethinking plans at the last minute is no problem. In fact, you rather enjoy the challenge. But reorganizing arrangements when they’re advanced—as is the case now—is complicated, disruptive, and time-consuming. Once you’ve begun, you will realize how necessary these changes are.


GIFTS Fluid, Self-sacrificing, Charitable NUMBER 7
CHALLENGES Cryptic, Martyr-like, Profligate (2+3) + (2) = 7

Nobody is better at spotting those who need help and knowing exactly what to do


If you’re into astrology, then you’ll know that as a Pisces, you are one of the three water signs, along with Cancer and Scorpio. And that, as a water sign, you have the power to understand the feelings of others often better than they do, and to recognize that your own feelings and emotions can be very powerful.

Not only that, you’re idealistic. And you feel—and hope—that if you can work out a way to make your own life and the lives of others better, you can also have a greater impact on those around you, or maybe even the world.

While this is irrational and emotional, it is also visionary. And, very often, vision can override obstacles simply because you leap over the practicality that so many others live with, and begin to work away at turning that vision into a reality.

If there are those who question your capacity to achieve that, thank them for telling you. But go on doing what you believe in, because, as a Pisces, some would say you were born as that sign to benefit from that vision in whatever form it takes.

And it is true. That form may shift over time, but that doesn’t matter. As you grow, it will change as well. But most of all, the important thing is never, ever to give up believing that miracles are possible. If anyone can make them happen, it’s a Pisces.

You and others

All Pisces have an intuitive side and a belief in others. The funny the thing is, often you will have more belief in those around you than they do in themselves. Avoid arguing with them about what you see, but simply be there as they begin to recognize the characteristics that you long ago spotted. This is something you will do regularly and throughout your life. And many will thank you for it.

Health and well-being

One of your greatest gifts is your capacity to commit to a person, a cause, or a plan. And you do it so much, you forget about your own energy and even your body. The trick is to catch it before you go too far. Hurl yourself into something with passion—but at the same time, know when to stop.

Goals and challenges

Most Pisces have a list of goals you want to achieve. If there is a problem, it’s a tendency to line up new ones too soon. While on one level, that makes sense—because you want to be preparing for the next—it can also mean that goals seem relentless. The secret? Celebrate each one as it is achieved.


There have been all sorts of excuses for the increasing distance between you and somebody who was once an important part of your life. While it’s true you’ve been busy and so have they, the fact is, you simply haven’t made time for them. Do it now. Once you’re together again, you’ll be glad you did.


GIFTS Generous, Idealistic, Spiritual NUMBER 8
CHALLENGES Reckless, Inefficient, Unworldly (2+4) + (2) = 8

Often, simple gestures say more about feelings than grand gifts


In most areas of life, you have an ideal, a vision for yourself, for others, or possibly for an organization. It may be simple or ambitious. But in every case, there will be a phrase that is involved with them, which is, “One day when ....”

This may have to do with work, or relationships, or something that you care deeply about. However, if you are waiting until that one day when things are a certain way, then you aren’t able to enjoy it in the here and now. And the odds are good that when you get there, wherever there is with that plan or project, you will already be thinking about something else new.

For many Pisceans, this is tricky. And for many Pisceans, being in the here and now—and enjoying what you’re doing with the people that you’re with—is a real challenge.

Yet, if you can manage to do this—that is, manage to enjoy the incomplete plans and the not-quite-done goals that you are working on—and if you can manage to enjoy the presence of the people you’re with, again the relationship may not be perfect, but you will still enjoying them. That is a victory, and it, too, will add to what might be called your joy vitamins. Goals move along, but if you ensure you have your joy vitamins every day, then you will be fine.

You and others

Pisceans tend to gather others for support when necessary. While mostly that’s good, it is about who is reliable or trustworthy. The challenge? Recognize that, while certain individuals are supportive, they don’t do much. Others may not be good company, but are reliable. Once that’s dealt with, you’ll have exactly the kind of support you need.

Health and well-being

It’s easy to meet someone and grab a cup of coffee or a drink. But that’s not really spending time with them. Yet with life ever more complicated, when is there time? The secret? Make a “grown-up” playdate to set aside quality time with others. This isn’t just pleasant, it gives you a very special variety of emotional vitamin.

Goals and challenges

Pisceans are the dreamers of the entire zodiac, but that doesn’t mean you should completely ignore reality, even though that is something you often hope is the case. The trick is to recognize that one day, reality will hit—and you need to welcome it, because the insights it gives you will enable you to ensure that your dream does become reality.


It would be easy to assume the silence of others means they disagree with you, dislike your plans, or perhaps are angry and unwilling to communicate at all. Or equally, it could be a simple misunderstanding. But you won’t know if you don’t ask. Do exactly that—ask. And the sooner, the better.


GIFTS Enchanting, Transcendental, Sensitive NUMBER 9
CHALLENGES Manipulative, Inexact, Isolationist (2+5) + (2) = 9

Pisces understanding is infinite, unless faced with cruelty. That’s a game-changer


You don’t think of yourself as an idealist until you talk to others and realize they don’t care nearly as much as you do about the world, or about people, well-being, or individuals being happy. While you’ve assumed others also cared about such matters, the fact is, they live in very different worlds, and their feelings aren’t the same as yours.

Once you get over being disillusioned, the trick is to learn to speak their language. If you want their support in some way, you need to be very clear, because they won’t be swept up in the way you are by your passion for those situations. Yet, if you tell them exactly what you need, they will probably be not only be happy to help, but may even give you advice.

Ironically, this will also help you broaden your own contacts and interests, because when people don’t respond to your Piscean enthusiasm for what matters to you, you assume they’re not interested. Yet when you take another approach, then you will learn a lot about that. This isn’t just about those activities you’re passionate about. It is about almost any kind of relationship with others.

Those in the world around you speak a very different language from the language of Piscean idealism. And once you realize that, then you’ll understand them far better—and they will understand you far better as well.

You and others

Most of us are born surrounded by family or friends who remain part of life but don’t necessarily understand us. It is about longevity, being part of our lives. That also clarifies why they may not share your views. Ironically, they may be most informative when they disagree. Talk about why and you’ll learn a great deal about the viewpoint of others.

Health and well-being

Everybody has ideas about eating well and the right kind of exercise and ways to achieve physical perfection. But there is something exciting you can do that will suit you whatever the season, and wherever you are—simply walk. Take a short walk, take a long walk, walk on your own, or walk with a friend. But doing that will remind you just how magnificent the world itself can be.

Goals and challenges

Achieving the goals you want at the level you want isn’t going to be easy, and others have no idea what you are thinking of. Their view of something done well is only about 75 percent of what you have in mind. Once you understand that, instead of being shocked by them, you will simply realize that they are just being themselves.


You haven’t exactly been patient, but you have been forced to recognize that no matter how unfair circumstances have been, there is no single solution. While sudden events will eliminate obstacles, these matters still can’t be rushed. Continuing to be patient won’t be easy, but it will pay off—and big time.


GIFTS Free-flowing, Instinctual, Supportive NUMBER 1
CHALLENGES Wasteful, Unrealistic, Distant (2+6) + (2) = 10 = (1+0) = 1

Sometimes the kindest thing you can do for another is accept their generosity


Life as a Pisces can be complex. In fact, it is an ironic part of your nature that if things are going too well, you begin to feel guilty. And if you’re having too much fun, you may even unconsciously undermine certain things you’re doing so you have to work harder. In fact, that means you have to rethink your timing and do more for duty and relax less.

Of course, this side of your nature keeps changing, so it is hard to spot it. Yet, if you recognize those moments when what was going smoothly gets undermined, then think about whether there was something that you committed to suddenly, or someone you’ve gotten close to who takes a lot of time, then you recognize the part of you that can undermine progress. You will also learn how to organize things in a very different way, and possibly even sideline that side of your nature and those individuals.

As a Piscean, you have a unique vision, one that is often beneficial to the world in many ways. Apply that vision to your own everyday life, excluding those individuals, those activities, or those obsessions that could undermine things and prevent them happening.

Not only will you be able to contribute to the world in the wonderful ways that you do as a Pisces, but you’ll be able to do so without drama and with ease.

You and others

Defining “joy” may be challenging. But it is simply knowing you’re happy with what you did yesterday, you are pleased with today, and you’re pretty excited about tomorrow. The trick? Not to allow anything to disrupt that joy. It isn’t easy, but it’s up to you alone to determine this. It may sound complicated,
but, actually, it’s very simple.

Health and well-being

Currently, there is an obsession about getting things done. But for you as an intuitive Piscean, it is clear what you need. Despite that, you sometimes get so involved in what you’re doing, you forget about eating or sleeping. It’s easy to get back on track. Just sit quietly, reflect, and remember who you are and what’s in your best interests.

Goals and challenges

Every Pisces has the notion, deep in their mind, that they can achieve amazing goals—what others would call fantasies. However, some say you must sacrifice something. That is an old story. But, actually, as a Piscean, you were born to have that vision. All you need to do to achieve it is ignore those who either try to undermine it or laugh at it.


There is a fine line between discussing the best option and having an exchange of ideas that descends into a battle about who’s right and who’s wrong. Neither you nor anybody else is likely to give in. The solution? Allow the evaluation process to unfold as it must—then wait and watch.


GIFTS Sympathetic, Hypnotic, Transformative NUMBER 2
CHALLENGES Sentimental, Evasive, Diverted (2+7) + (2) = 11 = (1+1) = 2

Usually, trust must be built slowly. Except when it bursts on the scene like fireworks


Every sign of the zodiac is said to have a ruler, a heavenly body that is linked with it, mythically and astrologically. This practice goes back thousands of years. Yet over the past couple hundred years, three signs have acquired new ruling planets, including yours.

Until 1846, Pisces was considered to be ruled by Jupiter. Yet that year the appropriately named Neptune was discovered, and it became your ruler. This is especially appropriately because your symbol is two fish, swimming in opposite directions. And that is one of your big lessons as a Piscean. Neptune is not only about vision but also intuition; it’s helping you align those two fish, one of which is going in a practical direction, and the other of which is going in an intuitive direction.

Learn to balance the two: that is, the practical side that needs to align with your intuition, and the side that is more about feelings. As a Pisces, you have rare access to both. You can create a beautiful life in the physical world, but also reach to the heavens, and sometimes deep into humanity’s core.

Certain individuals have a role to play in others’ lives, whatever the setting. It may be among family—or in the wider world. And it may change at times. Whatever it is you are doing, you will bring a special touch, which is your Piscean capacity for caring.

You and others

Urgent as remedying others’ problems seems, the fact is, they probably aren’t yours to deal with at all. Some people are born knowing what they want to do, while others develop that vision over life. Many have family and friends guiding them, and sometimes telling them what to do. Be cautious of others becoming too dependent on you.

Health and well-being

As a Piscean, you are easily touched by others, and if there is tension—if they have tension in their own lives, or if there’s tension between you that you can feel deeply—the trick is not to try to solve it. Instead, you need to realize that if there isn’t anything you can do at the moment, so back off and let things be as they are.

Goals and challenges

Setting goals can be difficult. Yet, being true to yourself is essential. And as you understand yourself better, those goals are likely to change. Don’t feel you have to stick with the same ones when you’ve shifted; those goals should shift then as well.


Few things annoy you more than trying to organize plans with somebody who refuses to focus on the big picture, but instead thinks only about details. Actually, this is ideal. You dread fine-tuning matters of this nature, but are superb at dealing with the overview—and now, you can split your duties.


GIFTS Calming, Insightful, Compassionate NUMBER 3
CHALLENGES Escapist, Assumptive, Unreadable (2+8) + (2) = 12 = (1+2) = 3

Quiet joys go deepest and are the longest-lasting


As a water sign, you are influenced by your feelings, of course. However, you are also influenced by the world around you, by the people you’re talking to, and by circumstances.

And all of those can mean that you rethink what once were very clear plans, a vision for what you want to do and achieve. But even more than that, if you talk to others too much about your own goals, it’s very easy to allow them to influence you, simply because they want to understand your vision.

But then of course, they aren’t you. Even if they are Pisceans, your own vision is very much an extension of yourself. It may seem antisocial when others talk about things to say, “Well, I totally disagree with you.” However, it is worth noting that many Pisceans are actual artists—they are actors or performers—and they use that intuitive side to create roles.

In your case, if you find others are always trying to tell you what to do, it may be that it’s important for you to dig deeper into your own nature and discover what your role is in life.

Equally, it is important to recognize that what is the right role at one point can evolve over time. Because, of course, we all grow over time. When you recognize that, then, instead of worrying about getting it right, you will enjoy the process as it unfolds.

You and others

Discussions can sometimes be difficult because others don’t seem to understand that your views are completely different from theirs. However, if you run into one of those rare individuals who not only celebrates the unique character of your views, but encourages you to nurture them, then keep that person close to you. They’re the one you want nearby as you’re exploring your options.

Health and well-being

There are those who feel that if you have your health well in hand, then life will run smoothly. But as a Pisces and a water sign, for you ups and downs are natural. There will be times when you eat enthusiastically and sleep well and others when you’re restless or not hungry. That’s all about being a Pisces, experiencing the ebb and flow of being a water sign.

Goals and challenges

Basically, there are two ways to achieve what you want. One is to set a goal and go after it. But there’s another that is far more Piscean, and that is to wake up and sense what you should do next. Gradually, you’ll learn how powerful intuition can be, and how following it can shorten the path to achieving those goals.


Life would be a lot easier if you could sidestep certain obligations that are as tricky as they are tedious. However, as tempting as it is to put these off, they won’t just vanish. In fact, they could become more complicated. The sooner you tackle them the better—and the easier that will be.


GIFTS Telepathic, Imaginative, Positive NUMBER 11
CHALLENGES Evasive, Suffocating, Careless (2+9) = 11

This rare and special date accents unique gifts and charms


This is a very special birthday—not only because it occurs only every four years, but also because in numerology, your number February 29th, two and nine add up to 11, which is considered to be one of the master numbers. This indicates that you showed up for a special reason.

And as you live through life, all sorts of intriguing opportunities will arise. It may also be that you have your own particular vision—many Pisceans do, but you may be drawn to a certain activity. You may have a certain talent, a gift or a characteristic that adds not only to your life but to the lives of those around you—and possibly even to the lives of those on the planet.

In many cases, you may sense this when you’re young. In others, it will come about and in some cases it will morph, it will reshape itself as you live out the days of your life. But what is most important for you to realize is that, while each of us comes into this life with a gift, as someone who is a February 29th Piscean, you have a very special gift—one that is important to share with the world, but also one that is even more important to embrace and enjoy as the individual that you are.

Simply being you will add to the environment you’re in—every day and in more ways than you can imagine possible.

You and others

Feeling you have something special to offer may seem bizarre, or even arrogant, but the fact is, you do. You don’t need to define it or say it, but talking to certain individuals will leave them changed—and you as well. Every time you do it, you’ll be contributing to the well-being of others and of the planet—and you’ll bring greater joy to your own life as well.

Health and well-being

Finding ways to take care of yourself can be difficult because often you are sensitive or perhaps have unusual energies, so it’s different from everybody else. All you need to do is check in with yourself on any particular day and sense what you need. It may be you need to rest. It may be you need food. It might even be you need a large ice-cream cone. Whatever the case, give yourself that gift on that day and listen in the same way every day.

Goals and challenges

Many in the world want to make things better. The practical earth signs have one set of ideas and the air signs have another. But as a special Pisces, you have what might be described as a golden touch. And when you make a suggestion, it might work out to be nothing short of miraculous.


You are in no mood to take care of tasks or obligations as boring as they are rewarding. However, these aren’t just your responsibility. Once you’re involved, you’ll realize how much you have to learn from them. That alone will justify the time and effort required, but also you’ll soon begin to enjoy them.


GIFTS Inspiring, Giving, Soothing NUMBER 4
CHALLENGES Confused, Extravagant, Wishful (0+1) + (3) = 4

Most arguments are mere differences, but a few are a way of showing love


Part of your nature as a Pisces is that of the searcher. You’re searching for all sorts of things. You’re searching for that vision that is yours, but you will also be searching in other ways, in practical ways and personal ways, that have to do with friendships—that special gift for somebody, something that will make their life easier, or even an introduction that you can make, the right person meeting the other right person at the right time.

And that element of perfection is also core to your life. There is a tendency to feel that if you can just line up the energies, then things will fall into place. And that would be true if you were in a world where everyone else had that intention. But as you have seen, some people almost have an instinct for turning what are relatively smooth arrangements upside down, and they do it all on their own.

If you take responsibility for that, then you’ll be distracted from who you are, which is someone who’s there to align events and the thoughts of others and to make things happen.

The trick is to continue to search, but to forget about it being perfect. Then, you’ll draw to you those individuals who somehow always manage to turn things upside down, and instead you will make the best of every day and every hour and every moment that you do, simply because that is your intention.

You and others

Every once in a while, you’ll come across somebody who’s quite special. In fact, those individuals might become what you might call co-searchers: they, too, have a sense that there’s something to be discovered, not through struggle but through a quiet intention to encounter something wonderful. You might spend a day with them, or a lifetime. But you will change each other’s lives.

Health and well-being

There is one characteristic of the true searcher and that is someone who has a vision. Your energy extends into the world, looking for what you can do and how you can share those experiences with others. There’s no formula for it, but there is a formula for enjoying it: realize that each morning when you wake up, you will be experiencing something new.

Goals and challenges

Many people have no understanding about you. It’s as if you speak a different language. The fact is, you do. They don’t understand about vision or about search. They only understand about today and tomorrow, and life’s practicalities. Acknowledge that simple fact and the rest will be easy.


Obviously, you’d rather not stand your ground with somebody who’s difficult in the best of circumstances, but not only is it wise, the individual in question knows they’re in the wrong, yet is too proud to admit it. Gently, but firmly, challenge them and they’ll not only respond positively, they will thank you.


GIFTS Glamorous, Instinctive, Creative NUMBER 5
CHALLENGES Distracting, Presumptuous, Ambiguous (0+2) + (3) = 5

If somebody is being demanding, do nothing until you observe how they treat others


The word “idealism” is so often used when talking about Pisceans. Of course, certain individuals insist they are idealists, but they’re probably a little bit different from your brand, simply because their idea of things going well has more to do with politics and economics than it does with yours. It is the sense that there is a vision, a way of living life, where, instead of things being a struggle, they can work out and, in some cases, fall into place.

And that is entirely possible, except that it’s mostly only Pisceans, or those for whom the sign is very strong in their astrological chart, who can deal with that. It’s also important for you to recognize the difference between those who share your vision and those whose version of idealism might be more, shall we say, practical or even academic.

When you understand that, then you’ll also understand there are actually two languages you must use: the one you use with the fellow true idealists, and the one used with those who are trying to live up to their version of that.

And when you understand that there are two brands of idealism, then also, you’ll be more relaxed about it. The fact is, with those who are following their “not quite Piscean” brand of idealism, their hearts are good,
as are their intentions. Embrace that—and
the rest will be easy.

You and others

Finding a way to talk things over with those whose view is very different can be tricky, until you realize it’s as if you’re speaking different languages. When that’s clear, you’ll realize that their values, ethics, and objectives are very different. Then you’ll be able to talk about things the way they understand them, and may even be able to add a few intriguing thoughts to their approach to life.

Health and well-being

As a Piscean, the possibility of catching something from someone isn’t just about a cold; you can catch someone’s bad mood. However, it’s easy to shake off, because if you remember what is the best of your vision for the world, you will quickly reshape your mood.

Goals and challenges

Explaining to somebody else what you’d like to achieve can be difficult. As a Piscean, even if you are in the same business, you still have your own unique values and viewpoints. Understand that, and then, when you’re talking with others, you will realize that occasionally you need to say things in a different way if they are to understand the vision you have in mind.


You are facing a range of decisions. Some are minor and easy to deal with. Others are so complex, you have no idea where to begin. Urgent as things seem, there’s no rush to deal with these. Invest time in asking questions. What you learn will clarify matters more swiftly than you’d imagined possible.


GIFTS Sensual, Liberating, Spontaneous NUMBER 6
CHALLENGES Irresponsible, Aloof, Unstable (0+3) + (3) = 6

Nobody understands the power of love better than a Pisces


What does it take for you to say life is good? You’d think you know that. Many want a home, love, jobs, friends—and those are important. But for you, as a Pisces, in particular, while of course those matter a great deal, there is also a part of you that wants those around you, or possibly the entire world, to be free from pain and struggles. That is your Piscean idealism.

And if you can’t remedy them, then you might have a tendency to say you can’t be happy until the world is free of whatever
it is that is worrying you.

It is worth thinking about that, because it means that you won’t be able to add your personal happiness to the world until certain issues are dealt with..

If you had infinite powers, then that would be understandable. But the odds are that you haven’t. Therefore, the trick here is to recognize that there are things going on in the world that you are definitely not happy about, but their existence doesn’t need to, and shouldn’t, undermine your own contentment.

It’s a tricky thing to remember when you say you won’t be happy until X problem or Y situation is solved, but it will also bring powerful insights about the way certain parts of your mind can undermine your own joy.

You and others

We all have a gift to give to the world. In some cases it has to do with family, loved ones, or friends. It may be raising children. It may be being a valuable friend to others. But in every case, it’s essential to think about what you can do and give each day. It may seem so ordinary to you that you don’t realize how actually, truly extraordinary it is.

Health and well-being

There are lots of ways we are advised to maintain our health: vitamins, the right food, and exercise. But there is another way that is important for you as a Piscean, and that is to have a good time. When you’re having fun, when you’re relaxed, when you’re happy, you are calling on the best and the most healing elements of your nature. They will comfort you and scare away any shadowy thoughts fast. Try it and you’ll see how well it works.

Goals and challenges

Certain individuals dismiss you as not being very practical—because they are realists. However, some would say that each of us has created our own world with our own vision, at least in terms of how we see things. That as an entirely different view, but it’s one that, for you as a Pisces, is well worth reflecting on.


Last-minute changes are one thing, but having to abandon plans you’ve explored in depth and discussed with others, isn’t just annoying—it has been a waste of your time. Your irritation is understandable. Still, when new options arise, those facts and insights will prove to be hugely valuable.


GIFTS Romantic, Diverting, Reflective NUMBER 7
CHALLENGES Gullible, Sidestepping, Wishful (0+4) + (3) = 7

Love, at its purest, is life-changing. The trick? Recognizing that purity


Many Pisceans believe in miracles—or what might be termed “amazing possibilities” if you’re not into religion or words like that. Whatever the case, you’ll have had experiences, small and large, where what seemed to be impossible situations were dealt with magically. That’s another word you can use.

It is the capacity for there to be a leap of events, something completely unexpected that shows up and seems to follow you around. Actually it is possible for everybody. Yet as a Pisces and someone who is intuitive, with a gift for drawing this kind of, shall we say, magical event into your life, it seems to occur more often for you.

As you’re aware, there are those around you who think it is wonderful and are delighted to hear you talk about it. Yet there are others whose reaction could only be defined as a “harrumph” and who simply won’t discuss it, if you insist on being illogical.

The fact is, you are who you are. And you have that vision. You also have a knack for picking up a situation with that Piscean energy, and transforming it in some magical or miraculous way. If there are those who don’t believe in it, that is up to them. For you, the capacity is something that you not only have every right to enjoy, you also have every right to exercise as frequently as you like.

You and others

You like to talk about what goes on in your life, and there are those around you who sometimes hear about what some would call abnormal occurrences—those very special miraculous events. Talk about them all you want, simply because the more you talk about them, the more normal they become—and quite possibly, the more frequently they will occur. That is what being a Pisces is all about.

Health and well-being

There are all sorts of ways to feel great. There are fitness and eating the right thing, both of which are very important. However, as a Piscean and a water sign, you’ll know the way to feel the best is to be in a sunny mood. Even if the day isn’t sunny, if your mood is, you will find that you have a bounce in your step.

Goals and challenges

There are those who regard themselves as real intellectuals, who live a life based on facts. It is hard to tell when they fall in love, because that is difficult to prove with facts. But when you talk about your own view of the world, which can range from scientific facts to the more intuitive side of your nature, their vocabulary is stretched. You need to consider just how long you want to chat with these doubters.


Few things are more disappointing than being let down by someone you’ve trusted. In the past, you’ve accepted an apology without discussion. It is now time for this to change. Ask what’s behind these sudden developments. What you learn and ultimately talk over will be amazingly informative.


GIFTS Mysterious, Graceful, Saintly NUMBER 8
CHALLENGES Aloof, Reclusive, Impractical (0+5) + (3) = 8

Ignore those who question your vision. Trust your instincts over others’ doubts


The word “promise” means different things to different people and signs. For instance, to a Gemini or Sagittarius, “I promise” means “Maybe” or “I hope so.” But for you as a Pisces, when you promise to do something, you mean it absolutely and you will do all you can to make that happen. It comes from the heart as much as from the mind.

However, this perspective, more of a belief than an idea, reflects your own unique way of looking at life. While many regard facts as unchangeable, as a Piscean, you believe deeply that your intention—your vision of what is possible—accompanied by hard work or effort is what makes life happen.

While this isn’t just different from most signs, it is unique to your nature as a Pisces. What is more, your perspective often clashes with the reality others live with, which leads to ongoing confusion between you as a Piscean and the rest of the world—it’s as if you are speaking two different languages.

And in fact, it’s true. Of course, every once in a while, you will come across those born under other signs but whose personal chart is strongly influenced by Pisces, and this is how they think, too. Recognizing this special vision of life and of what is possible is important, because it isn’t just your way of looking at life—it embraces the magic of being a Pisces.

You and others

While your idealism is core to your way of thinking and living, it is vital that you recognize the rest of the world doesn’t think this way. So if things aren’t falling into place, acknowledge that you will need to take an approach that allows you to make plans without the drama.

Health and well-being

Being disappointed by others is inconvenient. Equally, when you are unable to live up to commitments, you suffer from knowing others have to reschedule. But everybody has a different attitude toward such commitments, and often you care more than most. Of course, you can’t change the world right away, but you can learn to understand others better.

Goals and challenges

Whatever you’re doing, you always aim high. You don’t even think about it, it comes so naturally. But you aren’t always prepared for twists and turns and surprises, the result of unexpected events, or even the fact that those who say they will absolutely be there for you and then aren’t. The problem? Their idea of loyalty is simply very different from yours.


Certain individuals don’t really care about facts, even when getting things wrong would inconvenience others. While ordinarily this doesn’t matter, current arrangements involve the two of you and perhaps others as well. Explain that it will be easier if you deal with the details, then do exactly that.


GIFTS Sparkling, Inventive, Supportive NUMBER 9
CHALLENGES Distant, Harebrained, Avoidant (0+6) + (3) = 9

While giving love is easier than accepting it, receiving it changes everybody’s life


It’s a question you ask yourself again and again—who comes first? Many signs simply act in their own best interest and don’t even think about it. But as a Pisces, that is another matter, one connected to your symbol of two fish, swimming in different directions.

You’re always conscious of the circumstances of others and how you can help them or support them, but what do you need to do for yourself? And that leads to confusion. Often, there s your loyalty to others. Whether it’s family, offspring, or close friends, it is fierce. What’s more, you are proud of those values. It could be said that, as you swim through the waters of life, your focus is intense. You are looking after your own interests and, just as much, focusing on those of others.

However, every once in a while, you need to pause and question who and what you’re putting first, and especially, whether those activities and those goals are as important or meaningful as they once were. As a Piscean, you can commit deeply to goals; yet life changes, times change, and so do you. Sometimes your focus on certain goals needs to change, if not come to an end. If there is anything that is become an obstruction or isn’t falling into place for you, it’s worth examining the situation. Try it. What comes to light could begin an exciting new cycle.

You and others

Very often you’re the one rescuing others when they’re facing difficulties, and when they need support, you’re there. But there are times when you need others to rescue you—not in the sense of the same kind of drama, but in the sense of helping. This is something that you face from time to time. And when you do, it’s important to recognize that their support isn’t just valuable, it is essential.

Health and well-being

As a Pisces, you’ll be aware that life can involve emotional ups and downs that can be draining, which means if you’ve been through a period like that, you may not be as clear as you could be. This is when the support of others is so important: not necessarily to resolve the problems, but simply to help you find that center, the core of your being again.

Goals and challenges

Putting yourself first sounds simple, and many signs are good at it. However, for you as a Pisces, it can be difficult, because you can often feel guilty when you tell others they will have to wait because you have something you need to think about in your own life. Yet there are also times when there is nothing more important than that. Still, do it.


Few things are more boring than dealing with practicalities, but as you know, ultimately you’d regret leaving these in the hands of somebody else. Once you’re involved, you’ll realize how exciting this is and how creative you can be, both with existing arrangements and plans for the future.


GIFTS Extrasensory, Empathic, Dazzling NUMBER 1
CHALLENGES Diverting, Lost, Irresponsible (0+7) + (3) = 10 = (1+0) = 1

Little is better than making a life-changing suggestion and everything working out


As a Piscean, you’re a natural organizer. Many people don’t recognize this, because you’re very discreet in your approach. While certain signs are heavy-handed, you have a way of making others feel important and, in fact, you’ll get them to shoulder responsibilities in a way that will boost their confidence.

What’s more, you are also superb at fitting in, so even if there’s chaos, you will inspire others. Suddenly they’ll realize they can help get things organized or even contribute to imposing order on chaos.

And that is your gift as a Piscean. It is not just your capacity to connect with and inspire others to stand up for themselves. Better yet, you encourage them to discover, and offer, the best of who they are.

This has to do with life, with what is being organized, but also it has to do with all sorts of relationships, with family, with loved ones, with friends, and with the wider world.

And this gift you have is something that is meant to be used. Even though you may not think of it as that much of a gift, it enables you to encourage or guide others to be the best they can be.

But even more than that, encouraging them to grow allows you to grow, too, and in satisfying ways. In modern terms, it could be said to be a “win-win” for everybody.

You and others

There are certain individuals who will decide that you are responsible for what they do. They’ll play a game with you, they’ll ask your advice, and then they’ll ask even more advice, and before you know it, you will be in charge. Watch out for that. Of course, you’ll know what to do—which is, quite simply, back off.

Health and well-being

As you know, from time to time, you can get so involved in doing something, partly because it’s fun, that you don’t realize you’re overdoing things and ignoring your energy levels and effort. This is particularly important when you’re doing something where you recognize that others are benefiting. It seems obvious, but it doesn’t always occur to you.

Goals and challenges

The ability to exit from an arrangement is a rare skill. There are certain individuals who will pick a fight to make it happen, while others will just fade away. For you, however, because you have the gift of being able to turn what are often rather unworkable situations into something remarkable, it is also vital that you acquire that skill of saying a gracious but firm farewell at the right moment.


While you don’t particularly enjoy changes in long-standing arrangements, you have accepted that they are sometimes unavoidable. Changes in close alliances with family and loved ones are another matter, but here, too, things are moving on. Embrace even unwelcome changes—they are vital.


GIFTS Comforting, Intuitive, Thoughtful NUMBER 2
CHALLENGES Unrealistic, Confused, Self-absorbed (0+8) + (3) = 11 = (1+1) = 2

Hoping for magical events is one thing, but a surprise appearance is something else


As you’re aware, your symbol—the fish swimming in two directions—can indicate confusion. It’s true that, at times, as a Pisces, you can be indecisive. Yet at the same time, you have an amazing ability to deal with a range of situations, some practical, others sentimental and dramatic. This capacity to juggle tricky circumstances is one of your Piscean skills.

Yet others can become dependent on you for dealing with such matters. This is where it gets problematic, because while this skill is rare, you can impart this ability to others, and gradually hand the responsibility over to them.

True, they may not be quite as good at it as you are, but that doesn’t matter. They will be adept enough that they can deal with tricky situations wisely and creatively. This capacity to create happy situations and opportunities for growth aren’t just important. You will be giving yourself a way out of arrangements where others have been dependent on you.

While they will have been rewarding, each must change as circumstances move on. If the sense of intimacy you’ve developed makes everyone feel like they want to hang out longer, that can be easily done. The skill? Learn when, and how, to walk away with a fond farewell and you’ll have learned a skill that will benefit you for a very long time.

You and others

The fact is, you have a magic touch, and when you remember to use it, it is very powerful. The trick is to use it with intention, then stop. Otherwise, certain individuals will assume that you will continue to organize their life in a way that is just as magical as what you’ve done recently. Make it very clear that this isn’t a service that can be rented, whatever the cost.

Health and well-being

As a water sign, you are somebody who concentrates more on their feelings than their body. It is vital that you take care of yourself, even though it doesn’t come naturally. Enough sleep, the right kind of food, and getting away from people who drain you all seem simple, but when you’re in the midst of something that is exciting, you tend to forget it. The trick is to say farewell at the right moment.

Goals and challenges

There is a difference between knowing what you want to do and setting goals. As a Piscean, sometimes you are able to “magic up” the situation you need. However, if you put a little thought into defining what you’d like to do—that goal, and how you would like it to happen—then that magic can occur all the more swiftly.


You are by no means a control freak, yet you dislike allowing others to make decisions that really should be yours to decide. For now, leave things to them. What they opt for may be very different from what you would have chosen. But you can reorganize everything later.


GIFTS Kind, Meditative, Rescuing NUMBER 3
CHALLENGES Neglectful, Detouring, Interfering (0+9) + (3) = 12 = (1+2) = 3

Anonymous generosity is typically Piscean—but it causes both confusion and joy


From time to time, you’re faced with a range of dilemmas, each of which is chaotic in some way. While intuitively, you sense you can put them in order, it is bound to be complicated.

Yet, with your trademark intuition and with the two Piscean fish being able to view the situation from two directions, you’ll soon spot where there are yeses and noes to be dealt with. Equally, you recognize where issues are the fault of certain individuals while others will simply be the result of circumstances.

But in every case, it seems that where others are unable to examine the facts or make a grounded analysis, you will be able to. This is one of your greatest gifts as a Pisces.

However, your challenge is to get involved, talk about the facts, examine matters in detail, but at the same time make it clear you’re involved only to a certain extent. You will also ensure others are aware you are not going to monitor the circumstances forever, nor will you babysit any tricky individuals involved.

This may disappoint those who see you as being the great rescuer, but the fact is you are there to help the individuals in question deal with, and learn from, these and any other tricky matters, and that’s that.

And, just as much, you will be there to help them be clear in their own minds about what they must, and need, to do.

You and others

There is a part of your nature, and a part of the nature of others, which doesn’t just thrive on a variety of chaos, it enjoys it. There is an intellectual challenge and there is an emotional challenge. Most of all, it requires a kind of vision you rarely get to employ in life. Use it, and use it wisely, and encourage others to use theirs so when you’ve got everything sorted out, you can walk away with a clear mind.

Health and well-being

It may seem strange to say you need sleep, but when you are involved in something, you almost forget. But the fact is you’re still living in a human body and you still will allow those worries to make your mind work overtime. So even if you’re in bed, your mind will keep on dancing around. Being able to stop is always important, and when you’re in the midst of something overwhelming, it is essential.

Goals and challenges

As an idealist, you’re only really interested in something if it offers inspiration to the people involved. Yet, sometimes the challenge is so appealing you can’t resist getting involved. While you may be able to do wonders, it could mean it’s more about ego than the kind of vision that is your Piscean trademark.


Every once in a while, you need to stand up to somebody. While you did this before, it was about a particular matter. Now the issue has to do with the arrogant and often dismissive manner of certain individuals. The point is to register a complaint and that’s all. Within days, you’ll see why.


GIFTS Free, Natural, Friendly NUMBER 4
CHALLENGES Vague, Chameleonlike, Cool (1+0) + (3) = 4

Even the most eloquent Pisces will struggle to explain generosity to somebody unkind


You say you are longing for an ordered life, to have things going the way you expect, to have balance. Yet at the same time, there’s a part of you, that part which is the two fish swimming in different directions, that gets a bit bored if what you’re doing or those you’re dealing with are too predictable. For you, as a Piscean, the disruption, the feelings that come with it, and the process of finding the solutions for the resulting disarray are part of the drama of our life. Fixing things, finding the potential for perfection in disarray—whether it’s in your work, day-to-day life, or close relationships—
is all hugely rewarding to you.

However, the trick is to have something else that’s a little bit dramatic, whether it’s rescuing a situation or perhaps supporting somebody who needs to learn and to deal with everyday life. Why? Because this prevents you from being drawn into the unconscious dramas that are familiar to those who know you: the sudden dramas that are the Pisces signature.

They occur frequently, especially when you’re bored. Take that approach, and you will keep the two Piscean fish well occupied, because they will both have to paddle madly to keep up. Meanwhile, you can deal with the dramas that are necessary to keep your watery, rather emotional, rather dramatic, Piscean nature happy.

You and others

If you’re trying to figure out what makes you tick and learn about the elements of your character that are very much part of what’s going on, the fact is you won’t necessarily be ready to analyze things. Yet at the same time, it is all about looking at who you’re drawn to, the kind of person who is giving you the kind of fun you love, which, if it is serious drama, means you’re kind of enjoying it.

Health and well-being

The art of taking care of yourself in the midst of upheaval is a skill, and it is one that, as a Piscean, you sometimes ignore. For you, living out the ups and downs is exciting, especially in a world that seems to try so hard to walk on a level playing field and to live a life that is unimaginative. As a Piscean, you are not just a visionary, you have a strong, dramatic streak. Think carefully about how you use it. There are many arts to negotiating life

Goals and challenges

Deciding what to say to certain individuals you know are going to be difficult is seriously challenging . Ordinarily as a Pisces, you would already be calculating ways to work around them. However, there’s another approach, and that is to say an uncompromising “No.”


Usually there is no point in debating issues you have strong views about, as do others. Yet judging by the planetary activity ahead, which accents discussion, and even more, expansive thinking, you could achieve a shared perspective on even serious differences.


GIFTS Innocent, Imaginative, Sympathetic NUMBER 5
CHALLENGES Naive, Impractical, Sidestepping (1+1) + (3) = 5

In so many settings, simply saying “Yes” is life-changing. A “No” shatters joy in seconds


As a Piscean, you’re designed for multitasking. As one of the mutable water signs—the signs born at the end of each season, who have a talent for juggling a range of interests and tasks, but also as a water sign and somebody who is able to tune into others in a rare way—you’re able to use your skills in a range of settings. What’s more, you are adaptable, so can deal with even rather difficult people, although you may not want to do it full-time.

However, you’re also easily bored, and for this reason, you often move from one task or setting to another. Even if you’re in business, you will begin doing one thing, then another, and often the next after that. All of this is fine, except certain situations and individuals place great value on sticking with things.

As a clever and tactful Pisces, you are usually able to find a way around such dilemmas. This is, in fact, one of your greatest gifts—and in every area of your life.

You have a knack for rethinking elements of your life, yet making others feel important. That way, you’re always doing something new, but it makes life itself much more fun.

The trick to all of this, therefore, is to ignore those who give solid business advice and tell you to stick to one thing. Instead, use your imaginative Pisces vision. It is one of the best allies you’ll ever have.

You and others

There are many kinds of friendships and love, and as a Pisces, you know many people who have experienced a range of feelings about you. Some of them will declare their feelings, some of them will simply hang around a lot, but this kind of devotion, appealing as it is, may not be in your best interests, especially because you can get drawn into drama. Finding somebody who cares about you—and finding friends and family members who have that quality—isn’t just wise, it is essential.

Health and well-being

If there is a single phrase that is part of your approach to life, it is “overdoing it.” When you have a passion about an individual or a project, you’ll hurl yourself into it. That is your nature as a Pisces. However, the trick is to also be aware when enough is enough.

Goals and challenges

While you may stick with the same way of living, even the same job, for a long time, it is important that your goals shift, because you thrive on finding new ways to do things, and the trick is to be flexible. That means you’re able to tackle new activities, meet new people, and go to new places, all of which feed that inquisitive side of your nature.


Thinking back, it was only a while ago that you felt you had no choice but to stand your ground against ideas, events, or changes that would create nothing but disruption. These happened anyway, and you’ve realized how thrilling they are now, and will be in the future.


GIFTS Psychic, Peaceful, Hypnotic NUMBER 6
CHALLENGES Invasive, Dreamy, Easily Distracted (1+2) + (3) = 6

While Piscean kindness is infinite, receiving is another, far less comfortable, matter


As a Pisces, your enthusiasm is a trademark. It emerges from your inquisitive nature and it is in your approach to everything—from the circumstances you’re dealing with to the individuals you meet or the ideas that excite you. You respond to these naturally and deeply.

Sometimes those feelings are emotional, but they will also be creative or even intellectual. They constitute a variety of vitamins, in that they make you feel better and stronger, and that life’s more exciting, more worth living. Of course, the trick to dealing with this, whatever the setting, is to bring it your idealism.

As a Piscean and a water sign, you go with the flow. Imposing order on a situation or others doesn’t come naturally. Yet in certain matters, you have no choice, especially when practical obligations, money, or commitments are involved. These aren’t fun, but ignoring them only leads to complications. So if you deal with that practical side of things early on, and organize them in a way that seems very dull indeed, you’ll be glad you did.

You will, in fact, discover that you’re free to be all the more creative and encourage others to be as well. This is one of the great paradoxes of being a Piscean. While some of your greatest gifts have to do with being highly intuitive, if not a little crazy, one of the greatest safeguards for you is quite strong organization.

You and others

Pure Pisces energy is about inspiration. Where you take that and how you use it is up to you, and that has to do with figuring things out in practical terms. If you don’t, you will continue to bounce ideas off others, which has its own particular kind of high, but often doesn’t compensate you in terms of time or money.

Health and well-being

Pisces tend to overdo, and this can occur in lots of ways. You can get too enthusiastic, not enough sleep, give too many ideas, spend too much time with somebody. Only later do you realize you’re exhausted and quite possibly haven’t been compensated for your efforts. Figure out the practicalities first—that is a message from the heavens.

Goals and challenges

Aiming impossibly high is very much part of your Piscean nature. But so that you can enjoy the ride—and as you do, are able to look down on what you’re doing from the point of view of being on a high—you will realize that certain things need to change and improve. And that’s the best approach—turning something that’s already exciting into something absolutely amazing.


Not only is planning ahead wise, organizing your schedule lets you relax and focus on what you’re doing in the here and now. Still, however carefully you’ve planned, the current twists and turns make you rethink things, often at the last minute. Ironically, what’s least expected could be the most exciting.


GIFTS Self-effacing, Spontaneous, Flexible NUMBER 7
CHALLENGES Escapist, Irresponsible, Irrational (1+3) + (3) = 7

Discreet gestures, backed by deep love, can bring life-transforming change


As a restless Piscean, someone who is intuitive by nature, and someone who enjoys drama, it is possible for you to get involved in situations where all of those are happening at the same time. You may even lend a hand to others who are struggling. It’s not just about people; you even nurse struggling plants back to health. In each case, that drama is appealing.

Still, it is essential that you balance it with situations that allow you to use your remarkable creative energy, your kindness, and your generosity without the price that comes with those dramas. Initially it may seem rather dull, until you begin to recognize that without the drama, it is far easier to concentrate on what you are doing.

While people often think of this in terms of the arts, many Pisceans are fantastic at business, too, and will excel—as long as they’re not distracted by those dramas. The trick? Being able to spot difficulties before you get involved. That has to do not only with the circumstances, but also the people involved. Certain individuals seem perfectly rational until you get involved, then their dramas become yours to deal with, and sometimes you have to take care of them, too. The trick? Using that Piscean intuition as best you can. You will not only benefit from it, you’ll avoid yet more unnecessary drama.

You and others

Spotting those who can give to you—friends who can support you and help you block out those who are realistic or demanding—is difficult. But it’s a skill that is worth developing, because as you become ever more creative and ever more the marvelous Pisces you are, those who depend on you will be drawn to you. And saying “No” can be rather difficult.

Health and well-being

It’s easy to say you’ll rest later. It is something you have done as life becomes more fulfilling, more demanding and more exciting. But it requires time and organization. You can’t save up sleep like you can money in a bank account. The trick is to learn how to balance it, even if it’s having someone close to you tell you when it’s time to go to bed.

Goals and challenges

It doesn’t have to be a big business—it could be something small, like a local theater—but when there is a lot going on, when those around you are very creative, they can take over and use your own creative abilities. This is where it gets tricky, because it means setting your own goals that may not make you popular in the short term. However, it is essential for you in the long run.


Unsettling as sudden changes may be, they are often clearing the way for something better. This applies to links with those individuals who have been part of your life for a long time, but who recently have been more of a burden than a joy. Saying farewell won’t be easy, but it may be for the best.


GIFTS Easygoing, Gentle, Idealistic NUMBER 8
CHALLENGES Changeable, Spineless, Starry-eyed (1+4) + (3) = 8

Being generous once is noble. Frequent generosity with the same person is worrying


Some people are argumentative and enjoy battling because it’s fun. It’s like breathing. But as a Piscean, when you fight for something or somebody it is usually because you believe in it, so you take it more personally than others. In fact, you are intuitive and it is quite difficult for you to have the kind of argument that many do when they’re sitting around, don’t have much to talk about, and perhaps have a drink in their hands.

In your case, you’ll battle for something or somebody you’re passionate about. And if you get caught in those situations, you can end up in a war, simply because the other individual doesn’t care about the matter in question—they’re just making noise and enjoying the action. Backing out of such situations is, however, surprisingly difficult for you.

And that is one of your major lessons. It is to differentiate between what you really care about and other less important matters. Yet what you learn will also lead you to other activities and people who light up your day, your life, and even your soul, in the sense that once you are involved with them, you’ll realize their passion doesn’t come from enjoying an argument. If they differ from you, it’s only because they care just as much as you do about whatever it is you’re working on. And that alone will light up your life.

You and others

Dealing with drama is your choice. But even more than that, your choice enables you to learn more about joy. In some cases, those dramas aren’t joyous at all, but you realize that behind that, there is the promise of something deeper and more rewarding. And that is what will make the difference.

Health and well-being

When you’re in the midst of exciting things, exciting discussions, exciting dramas, or doing something you care passionately about, stopping seems a waste of time. Except in your case, as a Piscean and somebody who is more vulnerable than you like to admit, stopping won’t just be important. It will allow you to make the best of what you’re dealing with over the weeks, months, and even years ahead.

Goals and challenges

Other people rate achievements in terms of how much they will impress others. Except the only real achievement that is important is something that matters to you as a Pisces
and an idealist. It may not have to do with anything artistic or imaginative. It may have to do with pure business. But if it is something that lights up your life and touches your soul, then that’s exactly what you should be doing.


Theoretically, facts are reliable. However, certain things you believe to be true for a long time are being challenged by recent discoveries, or certain individuals are embracing new ideas. Tempting as it is to dismiss these, ask what they’re about. What you learn will be interesting, if not life-changing.


GIFTS Softhearted, Comforting, Empathic NUMBER 9
CHALLENGES Fainthearted, Assumptive, Fragile (1+5) + (3) = 9

Those who question your faith in others should look in the mirror


The question you need to answer as a Pisces is, why do you struggle to please others, those who want you to make a single plan, when, in fact, your symbol is two fish swimming in different directions.

There’s another sign that is similar to yours: Gemini, which is the twins. Both signs have the same rare capacity to look at any situation from at least two different angles.

While that is a gift, it isn’t necessarily recognized by the other individuals who are in your world. They simply want you to make a plan and then stick with it. That may be easy for the Capricorns and Virgos of this world, but your nature is always to see both sides of something.

And it is a great gift. If others are unhappy with it, very politely tell them that you will inform them when and how you can commit, but you can’t transform yourself.

And this is very much part of the realization of your own gift, as well. Then you realize that those who don’t appreciate your vision are actually at a loss—and it’s too bad for them.

While you can’t, and shouldn’t, explain what they can’t see, you can and will help them as best you can. And then, having done that, you can quietly back off, spend time with those who appreciate you, and enjoy being yourself. That is the greatest gift of all.

You and others

The simple fact of recognizing that others can’t see as much as you can—and even more than that, don’t care that they can’t see—is difficult. Yet at the same time, there are few things that will free you as much as a simple realization that your vision of the world is far broader and far more inspiring than many of those who think they know more than you do.

Health and well-being

Dealing with periods when you are overwhelmed is tricky. The exhaustion is one thing, but then there are the demands of others who refuse to acknowledge you need to take a break. Do what you can, but no more. Then put yourself in a setting that is free of demands of that nature. This is all about rest and recovery.

Goals and challenges

Choosing your own goals and deciding what you want to do seems easy. But if you happen to be in a world of those whose view of life is based on a struggle and a perspective that is alien to yours, then it will be tricky. What is most important, however, is that in choosing a goal, you are absolutely sure it is yours and yours alone.


You are in an uncomfortable position of having to confront somebody about their facts being wrong. In this case, the individual in question tends to speak without thinking. And the matter in question involves you. Address this firmly, and as out of character as it may be, don’t apologize.


GIFTS Liberating, Hopeful, Otherworldly NUMBER 1
CHALLENGES Impractical, Delaying, Confused (1+6) + (3) = 10 = (1+0) = 1

Pisces often help out those who’re struggling, but prior investigation is worthwhile


To say that happiness is fluid may sound very strange to other signs, but as a water sign, you understand that very well. You understand that on one hand, circumstances shift—some work, some don’t—but your own mood has its ups and downs as well. So what seemed great one day doesn’t seem so great the next, and is the last thing you want the day after that.

However, those around you don’t understand, because these less imaginative individuals have the same definition of happiness day in, day out and year in, year out. And from your point of view, that is absolutely fine.

At the same time, however, you’re dealing with others, and your relationships also have their ups and downs. It’s not so much negativity, but with a world in flux and with the ups and downs of modern life, it is natural that there are moments when things flow and others when they don’t.

And this is something that is obvious to you as a Pisces, who also has as your symbol the two fish swimming in opposite directions. Yet every once in a while, you have to explain it. Using the fish as an example might not work, but you will have enough examples in the world that it will be very clear to others that the kind of stability they are demanding simply is unlikely to happen in today’s world.

You and others

What you understand that others don’t seem to is that, in a world of change, when life is redefining itself, relationships themselves shift. This doesn’t mean you care any more or less. It just means the way you communicate with others, the way you see them and the time you spend with them, changes. And in many cases, the world’s shifting only deepens those relationships.

Health and well-being

As a Piscean, a water sign, and somebody who has a fascination for drama, a regular regimen can be dull, but it doesn’t have to be the case. It’s simply that with so much happening, with the changes swirling around you, it is vital that you rest enough, that you eat well, and that you do things that let your body thrive.

Goals and challenges

Life used to be a lot simpler; goals could be clearly defined and ways could be figured out around challenges. But with every passing year, that version of what is a challenge and what is an opportunity is itself changing. The fact is, what are challenges to others may actually be gifts to you. Recognize that and, when others talk about difficult circumstances, they may well be the ones you’re thriving on.


It’s not that you’ve been secretive, despite what certain individuals suggest. But between changes in circumstance and your own equally changeable feelings, you simply didn’t know what to say. Fortunately, now that things have reached a turning point, you have a clear sense of those feelings.


GIFTS Elevating, Compassionate, Spiritual NUMBER 2
CHALLENGES Infatuated, Quixotic, Ungrounded (1+7) + (3) = 11 = (1+1) = 2

The concept of “quiet joy” is Pisces at its purest and most inspiring


It is easy to get drawn into discussions and visions about the goals of others as well as your own. And it’s something you quite enjoy as a Pisces and someone who is a bit of a visionary. You also enjoy comparing notes.

However, when it comes to getting things organized, that is completely different. In fact, it’s two different processes. Once others simply made a plan and stuck to it, but when the foundation on which their plans are based is itself shifting, that is ideal for you.

As a Pisces, with your two fish swimming in different directions, you have a broader view of what is possible than others do. And those who insist on making a complete and detailed plan of whatever is going to be done can often be distracting. But, of course, the trick is to avoid those conversations and instead, just recognize that each step will need to be taken as you take it, and then the next one after that. And with each step, you will learn a lot.

And if others learn something, that’s great. But if others are determined to travel with you, it is essential you make it clear to them that it will be on your terms. That may sound pushy, but many individuals who are accustomed to achieving may well insist on doing things their way. That could be the old way. And it may be a way that will hold you back. As a Pisces, be loyal to one thing—and that is to your vision.

You and others

Are you facing a cynic? Somebody who laughs at others, especially those who care deeply and have vision? You don’t have to deal with them, but if you do deal with them, you don’t have to like them. You need to set goals that are as clear as theirs. And be as tough. Ironically, that encounter may transform your perspective.

Health and well-being

There is one single four-letter word for you: it’s “stop.” That’s difficult, because when you have a lot to do, it is always just one more thing—an experience, discussion, or task. And that’s not stopping. It is taking on more when you need simply to say “Enough.” If there is one motto you will want to live by as you go through life’s twists and turns, it is “Keep it simple.”

Goals and challenges

Every once in a while, it is important to question for whom you’re achieving your goals. It may be that you’re involved with an organization or a business, or even a family, and you’ve set goals that are in accordance with theirs. If so, pause and think a little more about those goals. Are they truly yours—
in your heart and your soul as well? If so, continue. If not, it’s time to rethink them.


When sudden changes arose they seemed unsettling but also relatively uncomplicated. Since then, you realize this involved far more than you anticipated, and that they’re taking you into new and exciting territory. Yet you almost rejected them. Make a mental note of this, so you can recall it in the future.


GIFTS Sensitive, Mystical, Self-sacrificing NUMBER 3
CHALLENGES Jumpy, Idealistic, Timid (1+8) + (3) = 12 = (1+2) = 3

Every Pisces knows they have healing power, and they will use it without a word


Pisces often live a life of extremes, not so much that others would see, but more gentle extremes of joy and disappointment, of recognizing what you could do—and what others could do. And while at times there is excitement, there are also dramatic changes. The trick here is to know when to make those changes and what demands to make.

There will be those around you who will think they can remedy your difficulties by making them more like theirs. But unless they are a Pisces, they probably won’t understand why you’ve chosen to organize elements of your life in the way you have. You needn’t explain it to them. All you need to do is sidestep those individuals who are quite sure they know far better how to be you than you do. This is a particularly important challenge for you as a Pisces, simply because those around you do have good intentions, but they don’t realize that everybody is an individual, and that in being true to yourself, you’re able to be the best you can be.

As a Pisces, you are instinctively aware of that. You will have had to argue that point a lot, yet you’ll also have learned more about the importance of that personal truth. Make that your goal—far beyond achieving the kind of goals that others go for—and you will always make the right decision.

You and others

Those who have in mind some other project are thinking in terms of their own goals, not yours. Don’t argue; just do something that you as a Pisces are so good at, and that is withdraw quietly to another setting. Perhaps you won’t pick up the phone for a while—whatever it takes to be true to yourself—but if ever there were a time to do it, it’s when others are trying to tell you how to live your life.

Health and well-being

There are many ways of being fit and perhaps the most important one, during periods when you are experiencing growth and change, is to do what feels best to you. There are those who will offer various regimens—walking, dieting, certain foods or supplements—but none will give you the strength in the core of your soul that doing what you feel is best will achieve.

Goals and challenges

If anyone can achieve astronomically high goals, you can. But if you don’t feel like doing what those around you are encouraging you to do, then avoid the subject. The fact is, your vision is extraordinary. And what seems not particularly exciting one day will turn into something remarkable, because as a Piscean, you have an instinct for that sort of thing.


Joy comes in many forms. It can be organized and scheduled. However, what is coming your way is likely to be as surprising as it will be delightful. Because they’re unexpected, you might not recognize events for what they are when they first appear. The secret to spotting them is whatever lifts your spirits.


GIFTS Visionary, Telepathic, Charitable NUMBER 4
CHALLENGES Inattentive, Noncommittal, Wasteful (1+9) + (3) = 13 = (1+3) = 4

The biggest challenge? Believing in yourself. The biggest reward? Also believing in yourself


Your birthday is a celebration of balance, between going from the subtle nature of the water sign Pisces to the fiery Aries. In the northern hemisphere, it’s about waking from winter’s chill and darkness and going into spring, while the southern hemisphere also calls attention to the power of nature’s cycles.

The move by the Sun from Pisces to Aries is about a shift in your viewpoint as well. As a Piscean, you’re a visionary. But throw in a little of the fire of Aries and you change the game entirely. You have a rare gift of being able to turn the subtlety of the Piscean vision into something that moves swiftly and brings powerful insights.

The trick is to believe entirely in yourself. If those around you want to reassure you, that’s fine. However, you will be increasingly aware that you know better than anybody else what you should be doing with your time, your energy, your passions, your love, and your creativity. There are many who are born around your time of year who have done remarkable things.

And whether what you achieve is visible to the world or not, you will be one of them. Believe in yourself in this extraordinary way, because to be born on this date gives you a rare gift: a gift that you will use in many ways, and in many settings throughout your life.

You and others

While it’s important to discuss your ideas, be careful not to share too much with others. It is not so much that they will steal them as the clarity you get that is essential. While others may make suggestions, that doesn’t mean they will be helpful. If anything, you can use them for contrast and gain greater confidence about the ideas you’ve come up with.

Health and well-being

If you’re going to be in good health, there is a single word that will make all the difference, and that word is joy. It is the joy that comes from doing what you want, recognizing you’re being the person you’re meant to be, and not allowing anything or anyone to draw you from that truth. It may sound pretty dramatic. But for you as an individual, being able to live out that truth isn’t just vital, it will be thrilling.

Goals and challenges

Goals are important because they allow you to define what you want to do. Yet, in fact, you may not even define them to yourself until you look back later and realize certain decisions you made weren’t just important, they were life-changing. What is significant, however, is that as you live out each minute of your life, you are true to yourself.


Having had to defend yourself from blame for others’ badly made decisions, you’re increasingly cautious. You have also been comparing notes with those involved. This isn’t so much for their advice as to ensure that everybody is aware of your objectives and long-term plans and are happy with them.

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