Who Is Your Target Audience?

Ideally, your product should be used by everyone, but this hardly ever happens in the real world. It usually turns out that there is some group or culture that makes heavy use of a product. Advertisers realize that, and often tailor their commercials or other forms of advertising to this crowd.

Think of how Wheaties uses professional athletes on its boxes. The image of an Olympic-winning competitor on the cereal box shows that the cereal is the “Breakfast of Champions.” It is definitely made for the jocks or sports enthusiasts. I’m sure that you have noticed that a lot of tech products are targeted to the “geek” crowd, as are video games and comic book–adapted movies.

In other words, there is probably a specific type of audience—whether it be scrapbookers, stamp collectors, sports nuts, or any other type of group—who would be more likely to buy your Android application than the average consumer.

This is the most important question to consider when marketing your Android application, and a great factor in determining your personal marketing plan. In addition to finding your audience, it is also important to find your culture as well. There is a lot more to culture than meets the eye, so I have devoted the entire next chapter to discussing it. It might help you answer the next important question.

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