

Part One: The Conference Business

1    The evolution and extent of the conference business

1.1  Introduction

1.2  History of the conference business

1.3  The social and economic significance

1.4  Extent and scope of the conference business

2    The conference business and its market demand

2.1  Introduction

2.2  What is a conference and why is it needed?

2.3  The identification of markets and demand generators

2.4  The corporate market

2.5  The association market

2.6  Types of conference

3    Provision and supply of venues

3.1  Introduction

3.2  The range of conference venues and their ownership and management

3.3  Geographic spread of venues

3.4  Regional variations in provision

4    Related services

4.1  Introduction

4.2  Conference production companies

4.3  Exhibition contractors

4.4  Event management companies

4.5  Other external services

Part Two: Facilities and Services

5    Conference and meeting areas

5.1  Introduction

5.2  The objectives of conference areas

5.3  Design aspects of conference areas

5.4  Design aspects of networking areas

5.5  Servicing, safety and security

6    The provision of food and drink

6.1  Introduction

6.2  Food and drink organization

6.3  Basic issues in the provision of food and drink

6.4  Food and drink services

7    Technical facilities

7.1  Introduction

7.2  Basic presentation

7.3  Technical presentation facilities

7.4  Backdrops and staging

7.5  Lighting

7.6  Sound

8    Registration and support activities

8.1  Introduction

8.2  Correspondence checks and pre-con meetings

8.3  The organizer’s office

8.4  Setting up and security

8.5  Rehearsal

8.6  Meeting-room checks

8.7  Welcome delegates

8.8  During the conference

8.9  Close down

Part Three: Management Issues

9    The organization and staffing of conference venues

9.1  Introduction

9.2  Organization

9.3  Staffing as a component of the conference product

9.4  Determinants of staffing levels

9.5  Training and education of staff

10    Some issues in the marketing of conference venues

10.1  Introduction

10.2  The organizational buying process

10.3  Determinants of the buying process

10.4  Marketing for new business

10.5  Marketing for repeat business

10.6  Marketing of the conference destination

10.7  Priorities in venue marketing budgets

10.8  The role of conference placement agencies

10.9  Asset management

11    Conference planning

11.1  Introduction

11.2  Enquiries and provisional bookings

11.3  Confirmed bookings and preparation

12    Trends

12.1  Introduction

12.2  Social change

12.3  Design and technology issues

12.4  Change in the business environment


Appendix 1  Growth of the UK conference market

Appendix 2  Organizations in the conference business


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