
0... octal constant 37, 193

0x... hexadecimal constant 37, 193

+ addition operator 41, 205

& address operator 93, 203

= assignment operator 17, 42, 208

+= assignment operator 50

\ backslash character 8, 38

& bitwise AND operator 48, 207

^ bitwise exclusive OR operator 48, 207

¦ bitwise inclusive OR operator 48, 207

, comma operator 62, 209

?: conditional expression 51, 208

... declaration 155, 202

-- decrement operator 18, 46, 106, 203

/ division operator 10, 41, 205

== equality operator 19, 41, 207

>= greater or equal operator 41, 206

> greater than operator 41, 206

++ increment operator 18, 46, 106, 203

* indirection operator 94, 203

!= inequality operator 16, 41, 207

<< left shift operator 49, 206

<= less or equal operator 41, 206

< less than operator 41, 206

&& logical AND operator 21, 41, 49, 207

! logical negation operator 42, 203204

¦¦ logical OR operator 21, 41, 49, 208

% modulus operator 41, 205

* multiplication operator 41, 205

~ one’s complement operator 49, 203204

# preprocessor operator 90, 230

## preprocessor operator 90, 230

quote character 19, 3738, 193

" quote character 8, 20, 38, 194

>> right shift operator 49, 206

. structure member operator 128, 201

–> structure pointer operator 131, 201

subtraction operator 41, 205

unary minus operator 203204

+ unary plus operator 203204

_ underscore character 35, 192, 241

null character 30, 38, 193

a alert character 38, 193

abort library function 252

abs library function 253

abstract declarator 220

access mode, file 160, 178, 242

acos library function 251

actual argument see argument

addition operator, + 41, 205

additive operators 205

addpoint function 130

address arithmetic see pointer arithmetic

address of register 210

address of variable 28, 94, 203

address operator, & 93, 203

addtree function 141

afree function 102

alert character, a 38, 193

alignment, bit–field 150, 213

alignment by union 186

alignment restriction 138, 142, 148, 167, 185, 199

alloc function 101

allocator, storage 142, 185189

ambiguity, if-else 56, 223, 234

American National Standards Institute (ANSI) ix, 2, 191

a.out 6, 70

argc argument count 114

argument, definition of 25, 201

argument, function 25, 202

argument list, variable length 155, 174, 202, 218, 225, 254

argument list, void 33, 73, 218, 225

argument, pointer 100

argument promotion 45, 202

argument, subarray 100

arguments, command-line 114118

argv argument vector 114, 163

arithmetic conversions, usual 42, 198

arithmetic operators 41

arithmetic, pointer 94, 98, 100103, 117, 138, 205

arithmetic types 196

array, character 20, 28, 104

array declaration 22, 111, 216

array declarator 216

array initialization 86, 113, 219

array, initialization of two-dimensional 112, 220

array, multi-dimensional 110, 217

array name argument 28, 100, 112

array name, conversion of 99, 200

array of pointers 107

array reference 201

array size, default 86, 113, 133

array, storage order of 112, 217

array subscripting 22, 97, 201, 217

array, two-dimensional 110, 112, 220

array vs. pointer 97, 99100, 104, 113

arrays of structures 132

ASCII character set 19, 37, 43, 229, 249

asctime library function 256

asin library function 251

asm keyword 192

<assert.h> header 253

assignment, conversion by 44, 208

assignment expression 17, 21, 51, 208

assignment, multiple 21

assignment operator, = 17, 42, 208

assignment operator, += 50

assignment operators 42, 50, 208

assignment statement, nested 17, 21, 51

assignment suppression, scanf 157, 245

associativity of operators 52, 200

atan, atan2 library functions 251

atexit library function 253

atof function 71

atof library function 251

atoi function 43, 61, 73

atoi library function 251

atol library function 251

auto storage class specifier 210

automatic storage class 31, 195

automatic variable 31, 74, 195

automatics, initialization of 31, 40, 85, 219

automatics, scope of 80, 228

avoiding goto 66

 backspace character 8, 38, 193

backslash character, \ 8, 38

bell character see alert character

binary stream 160, 241242

binary tree 139

binsearch function 58, 134, 137

bit manipulation idioms 49, 149

bitcount function 50

bit-field alignment 150, 213

bit-field declaration 150, 212

bitwise AND operator, & 48, 207

bitwise exclusive OR operator, ^ 48, 207

bitwise inclusive OR operator, ¦ 48, 207

bitwise operators 48, 207

block see compound statement

block, initialization in 84, 223

block structure 55, 84, 223

boundary condition 19, 65

braces 7, 10, 55, 84

braces, position of 10

break statement 59, 64, 224

bsearch library function 253

buffered getchar 172

buffered input 170

buffering see setbuf, setvbuf


calculator program 72, 74, 76, 158

call by reference 27

call by value 27, 95, 202

calloc library function 167, 252

canonrect function 131

carriage return character, r 38, 193

case label 58, 222

cast, conversion by 45, 198199, 205

cast operator 45, 142, 167, 198, 205, 220

cat program 160, 162163

cc command 6, 70

ceil library function 251

char type 10, 36, 195, 211

character array 20, 28, 104

character constant 19, 37, 193

character constant, octal 37

character constant, wide 193

character count program 18

character input/output 15, 151

character set 229

character set, ASCII 19, 37, 43, 229, 249

character set, EBCDIC 43

character set, ISO 229

character, signed 44, 195

character string see string constant

character testing functions 166, 248

character, unsigned 44, 195

character-integer conversion 23, 42, 197

characters, white space 157, 166, 245, 249

clearerr library function 248


clock library function 255

clock_t type name 255

close system call 174

closedir function 184

coercion see cast

comma operator, , 62, 209

command-line arguments 114118

comment 9, 191192, 229

comparison, pointer 102, 138, 187, 207

compilation, separate 67, 80, 227

compiling a C program 6, 25

compiling multiple files 70

compound statement 55, 84, 222, 225226

concatenation, string 38, 90, 194

concatenation, token 90, 230

conditional compilation 91, 231

conditional expression, ? : 51, 208

const qualifier 40, 196, 211

constant expression 38, 58, 91, 209

constant, manifest 230

constant suffix 37, 193

constant, type of 37, 193

constants 37, 192

continue statement 65, 224

control character 249

control line 88, 229233

conversion 197199

conversion by assignment 44, 208

conversion by cast 45, 198199, 205

conversion by return 73, 225

conversion, character-integer 23, 42, 197

conversion, double-float 45, 198

conversion, float-double 44, 198

conversion, floating-integer 45, 197

conversion, integer-character 45

conversion, integer-floating 12, 197

conversion, integer-pointer 199, 205

conversion of array name 99, 200

conversion of function 200

conversion operator, explicit see cast

conversion, pointer 142, 198, 205

conversion, pointer-integer 198199, 205

conversions, usual arithmetic 42, 198

copy function 29, 33

cos library function 251

cosh library function 251

creat system call 172

CRLF 151, 241

ctime library function 256

<ctype.h> header 43, 248

date conversion 111

day_of_year function 111

dcl function 123

dcl program 125

declaration 9, 40, 210218

declaration, array 22, 111, 216

declaration, bit-field 150, 212

declaration, external 225226

declaration of external variable 31, 225

declaration of function 217218

declaration of function, implicit 27, 72, 201

declaration of pointer 94, 100, 216

declaration, storage class 210

declaration, structure 128, 212

declaration, type 216

declaration, typedef 146, 210, 221

declaration, union 147, 212

declaration vs. definition 33, 80, 210

declarator 215218

declarator, abstract 220

declarator, array 216

declarator, function 217

decrement operator, -- 18, 46, 106, 203

default array size 86, 113, 133

default function type 30, 201

default initialization 86, 219

default label 58, 222

defensive programming 57, 59

#define 14, 89, 229

#define, multi-line 89

#define vs. enum 39, 149

#define with arguments 89

defined preprocessor operator 91, 232

definition, function 25, 69, 225

definition, macro 229

definition of argument 25, 201

definition of external variable 33, 227

definition of parameter 25, 201

definition of storage 210

definition, removal of see #undef

definition, tentative 227

dereference see indirection

derived types 1, 10, 196

descriptor, file 170

designator, function 201

difftime library function 256

DIR structure 180

dirdcl function 124

directory list program 179

Dirent structure 180

dir.h include file 183

dirwalk function 182

div library function 253

division, integer 10, 41

division operator, / 10, 41, 205

div_t, ldiv_t type names 253

do statement 63, 224

do-nothing function 70

double constant 37, 194

double type 10, 18, 36, 196, 211

double-float conversion 45, 198

E notation 37, 194

EBCDIC character set 43

echo program 115116

EDOM 250

efficiency 51, 83, 88, 142, 187

else see if-else statement

#else, #elif 91, 232

else-if 23, 57

empty function 70

empty statement see null statement

empty string 38

end of file see EOF

#endif 91

enum specifier 39, 215

enum vs. #define 39, 149

enumeration constant 39, 91, 193194, 215

enumeration tag 215

enumeration type 196

enumerator 194, 215

EOF 16, 151, 242

equality operator, == 19, 41, 207

equality operators 41, 207

equivalence, type 221


errno 248, 250

<errno.h> header 248

#error 233

error function 174

errors, input/output 164, 248

escape sequence 8, 19, 3738, 193, 229

escape sequence, x hexadecimal 37, 193

escape sequences, table of 38, 193

evaluation, order of 21, 49, 53, 63, 77, 90, 95, 200

exceptions 200, 255

exit library function 163, 252


exp library function 251

expansion, macro 230

explicit conversion operator see cast

exponentiation 24, 251

expression 200209

expression, assignment 17, 21, 51, 208

expression, constant 38, 58, 91, 209

expression order of evaluation 52, 200

expression, parenthesized 201

expression, primary 200

expression statement 55, 57, 222

extern storage class specifier 31, 33, 80, 210

external declaration 225226

external linkage 73, 192, 195, 211, 228

external names, length of 35, 192

external static variables 83

external variable 31, 73, 195

external variable, declaration of 31, 225

external variable, definition of 33, 227

externals, initialization of 40, 81, 85, 219

externals, scope of 80, 228

f formfeed character 38, 193

fabs library function 251

fclose library function 162, 242

fcntl.h include file 172

feof library function 164, 248

feof macro 176

ferror library function 164, 248

ferror macro 176

fflush library function 242

fgetc library function 246

fgetpos library function 248

fgets function 165

fgets library function 164, 247

field see bit-field

file access 160, 169, 178, 242

file access mode 160, 178, 242

file appending 160, 175, 242

file concatenation program 160

file copy program 1617, 171, 173

file creation 161, 169

file descriptor 170

file inclusion 88, 231

file opening 160, 169, 172

file permissions 173

file pointer 160, 175, 242

__FILE__ preprocessor name 254

FILE type name 160

filecopy function 162

filename suffix, .h 33


_fillbuf function 178

float constant 37, 194

float type 9, 36, 196, 211

float-double conversion 44, 198

<float.h> header 36, 257

floating constant 12, 37, 194

floating point, truncation of 45, 197

floating types 196

floating-integer conversion 45, 197

floor library function 251

fmod library function 251

fopen function 177

fopen library function 160, 242


for(;;) infinite loop 60, 89

for statement 13, 18, 60, 224

for vs. while 14, 60

formal parameter see parameter

formatted input see scanf

formatted output see printf

formfeed character, f 38, 193

fortran keyword 192

fpos_t type name 248

fprintf library function 161, 243

fputc library function 247

fputs function 165

fputs library function 164, 247

fread library function 247

free function 188

free library function 167, 252

freopen library function 162, 242

frexp library function 251

fscanf library function 161, 245

fseek library function 248

fsetpos library function 248

fsize function 182

fsize program 181

fstat system call 183

ftell library function 248

function argument 25, 202

function argument conversion see argument promotion

function call semantics 201

function call syntax 201

function, conversion of 200

function, declaration of 217218

function declaration, static 83

function declarator 217

function definition 25, 69, 225

function designator 201

function, implicit declaration of 27, 72, 201

function names, length of 35, 192

function, new-style 202

function, old-style 26, 33, 72, 202

function, pointer to 118, 147, 201

function prototype 26, 30, 45, 72, 120, 202

function type, default 30, 201

functions, character testing 166, 248

fundamental types 9, 36, 195

fwrite library function 247

generic pointer see void * pointer

getbits function 49

getc library function 161, 247

getc macro 176

getch function 79

getchar, buffered 172

getchar library function 15, 151, 161, 247

getchar, unbuffered 171

getenv library function 253

getint function 97

getline function 29, 32, 69, 165

getop function 78

gets library function 164, 247

gettoken function 125

getword function 136

gmtime library function 256

goto statement 65, 224

greater or equal operator, >= 41, 206

greater than operator, > 41, 206

.h filename suffix 33

hash function 144

hash table 144

header file 33, 82

headers, table of standard 241

hexadecimal constant, 0x... 37, 193

hexadecimal escape sequence, x 37, 193

Hoare, C. A. R. 87


identifier 192

#if 91, 135, 231

#ifdef 91, 232

if-else ambiguity 56, 223, 234

if-else statement 19, 21, 55, 223

#ifndef 91, 232

illegal pointer arithmetic 102103, 138, 205

implicit declaration of function 27, 72, 201

#include 33, 88, 152, 231

incomplete type 212

inconsistent type declaration 72

increment operator, ++ 18, 46, 106, 203

indentation 10, 19, 23, 56

indirection operator, * 94, 203

inequality operator, != 16, 41, 207

infinite loop, for(;;) 60, 89

information hiding 6768, 75, 77

initialization 40, 85, 218

initialization, array 86, 113, 219

initialization by string constant 86, 219

initialization, default 86, 219

initialization in block 84, 223

initialization of automatics 31, 40, 85, 219

initialization of externals 40, 81, 85, 219

initialization of statics 40, 85, 219

initialization of structure arrays 133

initialization of two-dimensional array 112, 220

initialization, pointer 102, 138

initialization, structure 128, 219

initialization, union 219

initializer 227

initializer, form of 85, 209

inode 179

input, buffered 170

input, formatted see scanf

input, keyboard 15, 151, 170

input pushback 78

input, unbuffered 170

input/output, character 15, 151

input/output errors 164, 248

input/output redirection 152, 161, 170

install function 145

int type 9, 36, 211

integer constant 12, 37, 193

integer-character conversion 45

integer-floating conversion 12, 197

integer-pointer conversion 199, 205

integral promotion 44, 197

integral types 196

internal linkage 195, 228

internal names, length of 35, 192

internal static variables 83


isalnum library function 136, 249

isalpha library function 136, 166, 249

iscntrl library function 249

isdigit library function 166, 249

isgraph library function 249

islower library function 166, 249

ISO character set 229

isprint library function 249

ispunct library function 249

isspace library function 136, 166, 249

isupper library function 166, 249

isxdigit library function 249

iteration statements 224

itoa function 64

jump statements 224

keyboard input 15, 151, 170

keyword count program 133

keywords, list of 192

label 65, 222

label, case 58, 222

label, default 58, 222

label, scope of 66, 222, 228

labeled statement 65, 222

labs library function 253

%ld conversion 18

ldexp library function 251

ldiv library function 253

leap year computation 41, 111

left shift operator, << 49, 206

length of names 35, 192

length of string 30, 38, 104

length of variable names 192

less or equal operator, <= 41, 206

less than operator, < 41, 206

lexical conventions 191

lexical scope 227

lexicographic sorting 118

library function 7, 67, 80

<limits.h> header 36, 257

#line 233

line count program 19

__LINE__ preprocessor name 254

line splicing 229

linkage 195, 227228

linkage, external 73, 192, 195, 211, 228

linkage, internal 195, 228

list directory program 179

list of keywords 192

locale issues 241

<locale.h> header 241

localtime library function 256

log, log10 library functions 251

logical AND operator, && 21, 41, 49, 207

logical expression, numeric value of 44

logical negation operator, ! 42, 203204

logical OR operator, ¦ ¦ 21, 41, 49, 208

long constant 37, 193

long double constant 37, 194

long double type 36, 196

long type 10, 18, 36, 196, 211

longest-line program 29, 32

longjmp library function 254


lookup function 145

loop see while, for, do

lower case conversion program 153

lower function 43

ls command 179

lseek system call 174

lvalue 197

macro preprocessor 88, 228233

macros with arguments 89

magic numbers 14

main function 6

main, return from 26, 164

makepoint function 130

malloc function 187

malloc library function 143, 167, 252

manifest constant 230

<math.h> header 44, 250

member name, structure 128, 213

memchr library function 250

memcmp library function 250

memcpy library function 250

memmove library function 250

memset library function 250

missing storage class specifier 211

missing type specifier 211

mktime library function 256

modf library function 251

modularization 24, 28, 34, 67, 7475, 108

modulus operator, % 41, 205

month_day function 111

month_name function 113

morecore function 188

multi-dimensional array 110, 217

multiple assignment 21

multiple files, compiling 70

multiplication operator, * 41, 205

multiplicative operators 205

multi-way decision 23, 57

mutually recursive structures 140, 213

n newline character 7, 15, 20, 3738, 193, 241

name 192

name hiding 84

name space 227

names, length of 35, 192

negative subscripts 100

nested assignment statement 17, 21, 51

nested structure 129

newline 191, 229

newline character, n 7, 15, 20, 3738, 193, 241

new-style function 202

NULL 102

null character, 0 30, 38, 193

null pointer 102, 198

null statement 18, 222

null string 38

numbers, size of 9, 18, 36, 257

numcmp function 121

numeric sorting 118

numeric value of logical expression 44

numeric value of relational expression 42, 44

object 195, 197

octal character constant 37

octal constant, 0... 37, 193

old-style function 26, 33, 72, 202

one’s complement operator, – 49, 203204

open system call 172

opendir function 183

operations on unions 148

operations permitted on pointers 103

operators, additive 205

operators, arithmetic 41

operators, assignment 42, 50, 208

operators, associativity of 52, 200

operators, bitwise 48, 207

operators, equality 41, 207

operators, multiplicative 205

operators, precedence of 17, 52, 95, 131132, 200

operators, relational 16, 41, 206

operators, shift 48, 206

operators, table of 53

order of evaluation 21, 49, 53, 63, 77, 90, 95, 200

order of translation 228


output, formatted see printf

output redirection 152

output, screen 15, 152, 163, 170

overflow 41, 200, 250, 255

parameter 84, 99, 202

parameter, definition of 25, 201

parenthesized expression 201

parse tree 123

parser, recursive-descent 123

pattern finding program 67, 69, 116117

permissions, file 173

perror library function 248

phases, translation 191, 228

pipe 152, 170

pointer argument 100

pointer arithmetic 94, 98, 100103, 117, 138, 205

pointer arithmetic, illegal 102103, 138, 205

pointer arithmetic, scaling in 103, 198

pointer comparison 102, 138, 187, 207

pointer conversion 142, 198, 205

pointer, declaration of 94, 100, 216

pointer, file 160, 175, 242

pointer generation 200

pointer initialization 102, 138

pointer, null 102, 198

pointer subtraction 103, 138, 198

pointer to function 118, 147, 201

pointer to structure 136

pointer, void * 93, 103, 120, 199

pointer vs. array 97, 99100, 104, 113

pointer-integer conversion 198199, 205

pointers and subscripts 97, 99, 217

pointers, array of 107

pointers, operations permitted on 103

Polish notation 74

pop function 77

portability 3, 37, 43, 49, 147, 151, 153, 185

position of braces 10

postfix ++ and -- 46, 105

pow library function 24, 251

power function 25, 27

#pragma 233

precedence of operators 17, 52, 95, 131132, 200

prefix ++ and -- 46, 106

preprocessor, macro 88, 228233

preprocessor name, __FILE__ 254

preprocessor name, __LINE__ 254

preprocessor names, predefined 233

preprocessor operator, # 90, 230

preprocessor operator, ## 90, 230

preprocessor operator, defined 91, 232

primary expression 200

printd function 87

printf conversions, table of 154, 244

printf examples, table of 13, 154

printf library function 7, 11, 18, 153, 244

printing character 249

program arguments see command-line arguments

program, calculator 72, 74, 76, 158

program, cat 160, 162163

program, character count 18

program, dcl 125

program, echo 115116

program, file concatenation 160

program, file copy 1617, 171, 173

program format 10, 19, 23, 40, 138, 191

program, fsize 181

program, keyword count 133

program, line count 19

program, list directory 179

program, longest-line 29, 32

program, lower case conversion 153

program, pattern finding 67, 69, 116117

program readability 10, 51, 64, 86, 147

program, sorting 108, 119

program, table lookup 143

program, temperature conversion 89, 1213, 15

program, undcl 126

program, white space count 22, 59

program, word count 20, 139

promotion, argument 45, 202

promotion, integral 44, 197

prototype, function 26, 30, 45, 72, 120, 202

ptinrect function 130

ptrdiff_t type name 103, 147, 206

push function 77

pushback, input 78

putc library function 161, 247

putc macro 176

putchar library function 15, 152, 161, 247

puts library function 164, 247

qsort function 87, 110, 120

qsort library function 253

qualifier, type 208, 211

quicksort 87, 110

quote character, 19, 3738, 193

quote character, " 8, 20, 38, 194

r carriage return character 38, 193

raise library function 255

rand function 46

rand library function 252


read system call 170

readdir function 184

readlines function 109

realloc library function 252

recursion 86, 139, 141, 182, 202, 269

recursive-descent parser 123

redirection see input/output redirection

register, address of 210

register storage class specifier 83, 210

relational expression, numeric value of 42, 44

relational operators 16, 41, 206

removal of definition see #undef

remove library function 242

rename library function 242

reservation of storage 210

reserved words 36, 192

return from main 26, 164

return statement 25, 30, 70, 73, 225

return, type conversion by 73, 225

reverse function 62

reverse Polish notation 74

rewind library function 248

Richards, M. 1

right shift operator, >> 49, 206

Ritchie, D. M. xi

sbrk system call 187

scaling in pointer arithmetic 103, 198

scanf assignment suppression 157, 245

scanf conversions, table of 158, 246

scanf library function 96, 157, 246

scientific notation 37, 73

scope 195, 227228

scope, lexical 227

scope of automatics 80, 228

scope of externals 80, 228

scope of label 66, 222, 228

scope rules 80, 227

screen output 15, 152, 163, 170


selection statement 223

self-referential structure 140, 213

semicolon 10, 15, 18, 55, 57

separate compilation 67, 80, 227

sequencing of statements 222

setbuf library function 243

setjmp library function 254

<setjmp.h> header 254

setvbuf library function 243

Shell, D. L. 61

shellsort function 62

shift operators 48, 206

short type 10, 36, 196, 211

side effects 53, 90, 200, 202


sign extension 4445, 177, 193

signal library function 255

<signal.h> header 255

signed character 44, 195

signed type 36, 211

sin library function 251

sinh library function 251

size of numbers 9, 18, 36, 257

size of structure 138, 204

sizeof operator 91, 103, 135, 203204, 247

size_t type name 103, 135, 147, 204, 242

sorting, lexicographic 118

sorting, numeric 118

sorting program 108, 119

sorting text lines 107, 119

specifier, auto storage class 210

specifier, enum 39, 215

specifier, extern storage class 31, 33, 80, 210

specifier, missing storage class 211

specifier, register storage class 83, 210

specifier, static storage class 83, 210

specifier, storage class 210

specifier, struct 212

specifier, type 211

specifier, union 212

splicing, line 229

sprintf library function 155, 245

sqrt library function 251

squeeze function 47

srand function 46

srand library function 252

sscanf library function 246

standard error 161, 170

standard headers, table of 241

standard input 151, 161, 170

standard output 152, 161, 170

stat structure 180

stat system call 180

statement terminator 10, 55

statements 222225

statements, sequencing of 222

stat.h include file 180181

static function declaration 83

static storage class 31, 83, 195

static storage class specifier 83, 210

static variables, external 83

static variables, internal 83

statics, initialization of 40, 85, 219

<stdarg.h> header 155, 174, 254

<stddef.h> header 103, 135, 241

stderr 161, 163, 242

stdin 161, 242

<stdio.h> contents 176

<stdio.h> header 6, 16, 8990, 102, 151152, 241

<stdlib.h> header 71, 142, 251

stdout 161, 242

storage allocator 142, 185189

storage class 195

storage class, automatic 31, 195

storage class declaration 210

storage class specifier 210

storage class specifier, auto 210

storage class specifier, extern 31, 33, 80, 210

storage class specifier, missing 211

storage class specifier, register 83, 210

storage class specifier, static 83, 210

storage class, static 31, 83, 195

storage, definition of 210

storage order of array 112, 217

storage, reservation of 210

strcat function 48

strcat library function 249

strchr library function 249

strcmp function 106

strcmp library function 249

strcpy function 105106

strcpy library function 249

strcspn library function 250

stream, binary 160, 241242

stream, text 15, 151, 241

strerror library function 250

strftime library function 256

strindex function 69

string concatenation 38, 90, 194

string constant 7, 20, 30, 38, 99, 104, 194

string constant, initialization by 86, 219

string constant, wide 194

string, length of 30, 38, 104

string literal see string constant

string, type of 200

<string.h> header 39, 106, 249

strlen function 39, 99, 103

strlen library function 250

strncat library function 249

strncmp library function 249

strncpy library function 249

strpbrk library function 250

strrchr library function 249

strspn library function 250

strstr library function 250

strtod library function 251

strtok library function 250

strtol, strtoul library functions 252

struct specifier 212

structure arrays, initialization of 133

structure declaration 128, 212

structure initialization 128, 219

structure member name 128, 213

structure member operator, . 128, 201

structure, nested 129

structure pointer operator, –> 131, 201

structure, pointer to 136

structure reference semantics 202

structure reference syntax 202

structure, self-referential 140, 213

structure, size of 138, 204

structure tag 128, 212

structures, arrays of 132

structures, mutually recursive 140, 213

subarray argument 100

subscripting, array 22, 97, 201, 217

subscripts and pointers 97, 99, 217

subscripts, negative 100

subtraction operator, – 41, 205

subtraction, pointer 103, 138, 198

suffix, constant 193

swap function 88, 96, 110, 121

switch statement 58, 75, 223

symbolic constants, length of 35

syntax notation 194

syntax of variable names 35, 192

syscalls.h include file 171

system calls 169

system library function 167, 253

t tab character 8, 11, 38, 193

table lookup program 143

table of escape sequences 38, 193

table of operators 53

table of printf conversions 154, 244

table of printf examples 13, 154

table of scanf conversions 158, 246

table of standard headers 241

tag, enumeration 215

tag, structure 128, 212

tag, union 212

talloc function 142

tan library function 251

tanh library function 251

temperature conversion program 89, 1213, 15

tentative definition 227

terminal input and output 15

termination, program 162, 164

text lines, sorting 107, 119

text stream 15, 151, 241

Thompson, K. L. 1

time library function 256

<time.h> header 255

time_t type name 255

tmpfile library function 243


tmpnam library function 243

token 191, 229

token concatenation 90, 230

token replacement 229

tolower library function 153, 166, 249

toupper library function 166, 249

translation, order of 228

translation phases 191, 228

translation unit 191, 225, 227

tree, binary 139

tree, parse 123

treeprint function 142

trigraph sequence 229

trim function 65

truncation by division 10, 41, 205

truncation of floating point 45, 197

two-dimensional array 110, 112, 220

two-dimensional array, initialization of 112, 220

type conversion by return 73, 225

type conversion operator see cast

type conversion rules 42, 44, 198

type declaration 216

type declaration, inconsistent 72

type equivalence 221

type, incomplete 212

type names 220

type of constant 37, 193

type of string 200

type qualifier 208, 211

type specifier 211

type specifier, missing 211

typedef declaration 146, 210, 221

types, arithmetic 196

types, derived 1, 10, 196

types, floating 196

types, fundamental 9, 36, 195

types, integral 196

types.h include file 181, 183


unary minus operator, – 203204

unary plus operator, + 203204

unbuffered getchar 171

unbuffered input 170

undcl program 126

#undef 90, 172, 230

underflow 41, 250, 255

underscore character, _ 35, 192, 241

ungetc library function 166, 247

ungetch function 79

union, alignment by 186

union declaration 147, 212

union initialization 219

union specifier 212

union tag 212

unions, operations on 148

UNIX file system 169, 179

unlink system call 174

unsigned char type 36, 171

unsigned character 44, 195

unsigned constant 37, 193

unsigned long constant 37, 193

unsigned type 36, 50, 196, 211

usual arithmetic conversions 42, 198

v vertical tab character 38, 193

va_list, va_start, va_arg, va_end 155, 174, 245, 254

variable 195

variable, address of 28, 94, 203

variable, automatic 31, 74, 195

variable, external 31, 73, 195

variable length argument list 155, 174, 202, 218, 225, 254

variable names, length of 192

variable names, syntax of 35, 192

vertical tab character, v 38, 193

void * pointer 93, 103, 120, 199

void argument list 33, 73, 218, 225

void type 30, 196, 199, 211

volatile qualifier 196, 211

vprintf, vfprintf, vsprintf library functions 174, 245

wchar_t type name 193

while statement 10, 60, 224

while vs. for 14, 60

white space 191

white space characters 157, 166, 245, 249

white space count program 22, 59

wide character constant 193

wide string constant 194

word count program 20, 139

write system call 170

writelines function 109

x hexadecimal escape sequence 37, 193

zero, omitted test against 56, 105

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