Chapter 12
It All Begins with a Patent Search
In This Chapter
◆ You get the Mother of All Ideas—what to do next?
◆ Three ways to search (patents)
◆ Steps to the manual search (patents)
◆ How to search trademarks for free
◆ How to make money as a bounty hunter
There you sit, eating dinner, when, without warning, the Mother of
All Ideas flashes through your mind at the speed of light. You leap
up and write it down. Visions follow. A larger home. A sports car—
perhaps two. Vacations. Private jet travel. Expensive watches. Jewelry.
American Express Platinum. Fashion. Then, just as you reapproach
Alpha Level, you ask yourself the sobering question that always follows
the Mother of All Ideas: has someone else already done this?
—Richard C. Levy
You’re not alone. Every inventor, gadgeteer, tinkerer, and daydreamer asks him- or herself this very same question after feeling the kind of exhilaration that only the Mother of All Ideas can cause.
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