Models Not Generally Required

Now that you know what is required for your utility patent application, let’s go over what’s not required: models. Models were once required in all cases admitting a model, as part of the application, and these models became part of the record of the patent. Such models are no longer generally required (the description of the invention in the specification, and the drawings, must be sufficiently full and complete and capable of being understood to disclose the invention without the aid of a model), and will not be accepted unless specifically called for by the examiner.
If the invention relates to a composition of matter, you may be asked to furnish specimens of the composition or of its ingredients or intermediates, for the purpose of inspection or experiment.
But if you want to license your invention, you’d better have a looks-like/works-like prototype to show. Companies don’t license ideas; they need to see prototypes—or, at the very least, an operational breadboard.
Here are some patent blogs you may enjoy perusing: anticipatethis.word-press. com,, php?cat=TOP&sub=IPL,, and
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