Turning to Trademarks

Breeders are starting to use trademark protection more to protect their patents after their patents expire. Let’s look at an example.
There’s a very popular apple from Australia called the Pink Lady Apple, or Kripps Pink, if you want the technical name. The patent is more than halfway through its term of 20 years. The patent owner (assignee) is working hard now to establish the trademark Pink Lady so that when the patent “turns into a pumpkin,” he will be able to fend off the competition through brand equity. Perhaps people will want the Pink Lady Apple brand, just as label-conscience consumers buy watches, cars, clothing, and so on.
Fast Facts
Within families of plants, you’ll find tons of species. For example, the composite family has about 20,000 species. The orchid family, more than 20,000 species. The pea family, about 17,000. The lily family, about 4,000. The mustard family, about 3,000. The morning-glory family, 1,800 species.
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