Protecting Your Secrets

The best advice for keeping your trade secret a secret is to not reveal anything of its nature until and unless you have appropriate documentation agreed to and signed off on by an officer of the reviewing entity. Your nondisclosure document should be drafted by an attorney who specializes in trade secrets. Don’t just assume that a patent counsel can handle it.
Fast Facts
On August 1, 2000, the Patent Office issued U.S. Patent No. 6,097,812 on a cryptographic system. The patent application was filed on July 25, 1933, and assigned to the United States of America as represented by the National Security Agency, Washington, D.C. The system was used to crack enemy codes during World War II. The government kept the lid on it all these years. Of course, today it has been overtaken by modern technology.

The Least You Need to Know

◆ Trade secrets are not filed with the government.
◆ Loose lips sink ships, so keep your secrets secret.
◆ There is no statute of limitations on trade secrets.
◆ If you have to reveal a trade secret to make the sale, think twice about it. Then if you still want to do it, be sure everyone to whom it is shown signs on the dotted line.
◆ Get competent legal advice when it comes to protecting your trade secrets.
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