First Office Action

You, if you applied pro se, or your attorney will be notified of the examiner’s decision through what the USPTO refers to as an “action.” An action is actually a letter that gives the reasons for any adverse response or any objection or requirement. The examiner will cite any appropriate references or information that you will find useful in making the decision to continue the prosecution of the application or to drop it.
If the invention is not considered patentable subject matter, the claims will be rejected. If the examiner finds that the invention is not new, the claims will be rejected, but the claims may also be rejected if they depict an object that is found to be obvious. It is not uncommon for some or all of the claims to be rejected on the examiner’s first action; very few applications sail through as first submitted.
The Rothschild Petersen Patent Model Museum is reportedly the largest privately owned collection of U.S. patent models in the world. Containing nearly 4,000 patent models and related documents, it spans America’s Industrial Revolution. Alan W. Rothschild is working to establish a National Patent Model Museum. In the meantime, his collection is housed in a private residence in Cazenovia, New York. Visits are by appointment only. If you’re interested in helping, call Alan at 315-655-9367 or e-mail [email protected]. To see the background on his initiative, visit
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